Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 288 Spy from the Ordnance Department

When Zhang Zhipeng hosted Zhu Daidong, "there were no other outsiders present, but he did not have a special expression." He knew that Zhu Daidong's family had exceeded 15 million. It is rare for such a person to do his job well at ease. Ordinary small favors can't impress him. Zhang Zhipeng did not want to impress Zhu Daidong. He is not only an excellent agent, but also a shrewd businessman.

It is precisely because of his unique vision and strong ability to analyze and collect intelligence that he is like a fish in water in the mainland, performing the talent given to him by God. He entered the mainland in the mainland in the 90s. At that time, he was warmly received by mainland officials. No matter where he went, his identity as a Taiwanese not only did not cause trouble, but on the contrary, it was the main reason why he became a guest of honor.

In the past few years, with a little money, he has gradually changed from an agent who used a businessman as a cover to a real businessman through the way of empty gloves and white wolves. The so-called empty glove white wolf is actually very simple. He generally likes to find places that are eager to find foreign investment, such as Yuhuā County this time.

Local leaders have a strong desire to invest in foreign countries. As soon as Zhang Zhipeng came forward, it became the target of their pursuit. Land is generally provided free of charge. If Zhang Zhipeng needs to build it himself, he will ask the local government to lend him a loan from the bank. In many cases, this loan is enough to meet the construction and production of his factory. In just a few years, Zhang Zhipeng's family has soared.

If the business is done well, on the contrary, he can better cover his real identity. If the business is good, he has money in his hand, so that his funds will no longer be limited to Taiwan. Sometimes in order to impress others, he will not even blink his eyes. For example, in 1992, he managed to get to know Shao Zhengzong, a major in the General Logistics Department. Shao Zhengzong is the head of the Ordnance Department of the General Logistics Department. His joining is the most proud stroke in Zhang Zhipeng's life.

After meeting Shao Zhengzong, Zhang Zhipeng's money was like flowing water. At that time, he also made his first bucket of gold in the mainland. In addition, with Taiwan's support, Shao Zhengzong was quickly captured by money. If you tell others what you know, you can get a lot of money, which makes Shao Zhengzong unable to stop. In order to get more confidential information, he offered to Zhang Zhipeng to pull Liu Liankun, the head of the Ordnance Department, into the water.

Liu Liankun is a major general and a leader. The rich resources in his hand are unimaginable. Of course, Zhang Zhipeng was very happy. He took a large amount of money and asked Shao Zhengzong to go to the event. And Shao Zhengzong did not disappoint him. He frequently invited Liu Liankun to various high-end places in the capital to live a drunken life, making Liu Liankun unable to call himself soon.

Taiwan's "Military Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense" attaches great importance to Liu Liankun's countermeasures, code-named it "Shaokang Project". Liu Liankun was called the "treasure of Zhenshan" of the Military Intelligence Bureau by Ding Yuzhou, director of Taiwan's "National Security Bureau", and awarded Liu Liankun

From 1992 to this year, Liu Liankun and Shao Zhengzong sold a large amount of confidential and top-secret military and political intelligence to Taiwan. As a result, both of them became invisible millionaires in the capital, and Zhang Zhipeng was also promoted by Taiwan's Military Intelligence Agency of the Ministry of National Defense. His business even benefits from the promotion of his position, because the higher the level, the more information he contacts. This information includes not only military and political intelligence but also economic intelligence. Zhang Zhipeng believes that his life and career have entered the golden age.

The reason why I came to Gunan Province this time is that Tian Haiyang, the executive vice governor of Gunan Province, was introduced by Liu Liankun." Liu Liankun told Zhang Zhipeng Tian Haiyang that it is a recommended stock worth investing in. It is very likely that this person will be promoted to the head of the year after next. If a governor can serve the Military Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense, this is definitely the biggest stimulus for Zhang Zhipeng. You know, Taiwan in the mainland is only considered to be a province.

This is also the reason why Zhang Zhipeng ignored the strong invitation of Huang Ziliang, the mayor of Shachang. For the sake of Tian Haiyang, he must set up a toy factory in Yuhuā County. Even if the investment will be more, the benefits will be less." He also did not hesitate. Now Zhang Zhipeng has more than 100 million yuan. He has long been a person who cared about tens of thousands of yuan at the beginning. He is interested in the long-term interests.

This year [China] China will have a large-scale military exercise, which Zhang Zhipeng had already known before the New Year. The Ordnance Department of the General Logistics Department is a comprehensive functional department responsible for the distribution, registration, repair, maintenance, inspection, audit and professional and technical training of military equipment. No matter which army wants to conduct exercises, it can't get around the Ordnance Department.

As early as the second half of last year, Liu Liankun told him that this exercise should be serious, because the ammunition issued was live ammunition, not empty ammunition. After the news came back to Taiwan, the Taiwanese authorities even dreamed of sleeping at night. Since the first half of last year, China and the United States have been in a tense relationship because of the Taiwan issue. Now [China] is going to conduct military exercises and use live ammunition. What does this mean? The country should have the meaning of fighting.

The military strength of the People's Liberation Army has never been underestimated. Thinking that in those years, "Xiaomi added rifles, he drove Lao Jiang's eight million troops to Taiwan." Now I don't know how many times the People's Liberation Army's various equipment has been updated, and Taiwan still mainly relies on imports from the United States. The strength of both sides is no longer above the same level!

What's more, the People's Liberation Army has a record of defeating the U.S. army. It can be said that the People's Liberation Army is absolutely invincible in the world. Although [China] and Taiwan are across the strait, the navy and air force of [China] country are not what Taiwan can resist.

There are still more than ten days before the large-scale military exercise of [China], but Zhang Zhipeng is still nervously waiting for Liu Liankun's news, because until the last moment, the Central Military Commission will not say the bottom card. In recent years, Zhang Zhipeng has established enterprises in Guangdong, Beijing, Shanghai and Fujian. On the one hand, it is profitable for itself, and on the other hand, each enterprise is its own umbrella.

As early as the beginning of the year, Zhang Zhipeng found himself under surveillance. At that time, he was nervous for a long time. However, Zhengbi and Liu Liankun were successively developed by him to serve as the Military Intelligence Agency. This great sense of achievement and satisfaction made him feel more exciting.

While being monitored by intelligence personnel in the mainland, he has successively developed senior officers in the mainland, which not only gives him a sense of tension in walking tightrope, but also a sense of [exhilaration] of obtaining a large amount of top-secret intelligence. Combined with these two feelings, Zhang Zhipeng has reached a fantasy with the same realm as drug addiction.

If he wants to die, [Xing] is nervous, so that he can enjoy the current days very much.

A while ago, he felt that he was targeted again, but the other party was very cautious and did not take any measures. He did not disturb the place where he lived. He knew that this was a routine before the military exercise. Sure enough, the feeling of being monitored has disappeared since I lived in the office dormitory in Yuhuā County.

This makes Zhang Zhipeng more reassured. He has been in the mainland for more than four years. Every intelligence exchange is smooth, and there has never been a mistake. But even so, he remains highly vigilant and will change places after a period of time. This year, he put the location in Yuhuā County.

He rarely meets Liu Liankun and Shao Zhengzong now. Zhang Zhipeng is not too worried about the loyalty of Liu Liankun and Shao Zhengzong. Once he does this kind of thing for the first time, it is equivalent to handing over a "name certificate". It is impossible to look back. What's more, Zhang Zhipeng's strong economic strength supports them behind them. Once they get used to the feeling of the rich, no one wants to return to the hard years.

Liu Liankun and Shao Zhengzong think that there is only one way to think about the hard years, that is, to be in prison, and this is definitely not the life they want.

There should be news in the next two days, right? Although Zhang Zhipeng was sitting opposite Zhu Daidong, he was thinking about Liu Liankun's news. His contact information with Liu Liankun and Shao Zhengzheng is very mysterious, but in fact, it is very simple, that is, communication. Nowadays, all kinds of getting rich information and information in newspapers are flying all over the world. As long as you send a letter, "Write the address correctly, and you will receive this information after a period of time.

For enterprises, they often receive letters in this regard, "the information transmitted by Liu Liankun and Shao Zhengzong" is hidden in such letters. It seems simple, but it is smart. It is already a great achievement to be able to do intelligence work like an ordinary event.

"County Chief Zhu, I'd like to give you a toast. I hope that the toy factory can get the strong support of County Magistrate Zhu in the future. Zhang Zhipeng said with a smile that although he was anxious, he had a faint smile on his face no matter who he faced, which was the inherent expression of a typical businessman.

"The toy factory is the key supporting enterprise in the county. According to the instructions of Youtian [book], Boss Zhang can rest assured that there will be no problem on my side." Zhu Daidong drank the wine dry," he said with a smile.

Zhang Zhipeng was also very happy to see Zhu Daidong drinking frankly. He knew that Zhu Daidong was a little different from other officials. Although he also said official words and clichés, he rarely said big words, lies and empty words. He said there would be no problem, so there would be no problem.

But Zhang Zhipeng had a problem. He knew Zhu Daidong's drinking capacity. Tian Yuhao told him that Zhu Daidong's drinking capacity was bottomless, at least one catty. Although Zhang Zhipeng is an agent carefully trained by Taiwan's Military Intelligence Agency of the Ministry of National Defense, the amount of liquor is not his training program. If it's red wine, he can say an allusion, but there's nothing to say about white wine. If he doesn't drink it, he looks down on people.

A bottle of wine was drunk soon. Zhang Zhipeng knew that his quantity was almost there. If he didn't want to cheat any more, I'm afraid he would have to be carried back today...