Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 330 Full Powers

Psychology has a half-way effect. Half-way respect refers to a negative impact on the target behavior caused by the interaction of psychological factors and environmental factors in the process of motivation. A large number of facts show that the suspension period of human target behavior mostly occurs near the "halfway", and it is an extremely ** and extremely fragile active area near the midpoint of human target behavior. There are two main reasons for the half-way effect. One is the rationality of the goal selection. The more unreasonable the goal is, the more likely the half-way effect is. The other is the person's willpower, and the weaker the willpower, the more likely it is to have the half-way effect. Behaviorists have put forward the method of "big goals and small steps", which is of positive significance to prevent the occurrence of half-way effects.

Now this book has shown signs of a half-way effect. The "big goal" of this book is to strive for good results. The number of words to complete will be more than 5 million, and the "small steps" is the top 50 of this month's monthly ticket and the top 10 of the urban classification monthly ticket. Friends, my willpower is very strong

Call for monthly tickets!

The Standing Committee of the county party committee has always touched the hearts of the county's cadres, especially for those who may have sex with them. In Yuhuā County Development Zone, shortly after Zhu Jian just went to work, he arrived at He Xiaoyao's office with a copy of the Gunan Daily in his hand.

"What [book], you are also reading it." Zhu Jiangang saw that He Xiaoyao also held a copy of today's Gunan Daily in his hand and smiled awkwardly. I'm afraid that the strike of the motor factory has the deepest relationship with him in the development zone.

Before moving the motor factory, Zhu Daidong had instructions that he did not support or oppose, but the conditions for the motor factory were improved a lot accordingly. Zhu Daidong has actually expressed his attitude, but Zhu Jiangang did not fully implement it, because Vice Mayor Liu Junfeng and Wang Lijun have called him. "Wang Lijun even summoned him several times for the motor factory. Both the executive deputy mayor and the county party secretary have clearly expressed their attitude to themselves, and the instructions of the executive deputy county magistrate can only be put aside for the time being.

At that time, Zhu Jiangang thought that the matter of the motor factory was actually very simple. There is no need to be so nervous at all. In addition to providing factories and land, as well as water and electricity, Yuhuā County has nothing to do with the motor factory. The equipment, personnel and technology have been moved from Zhuhai as a whole.

After the motor factory moved to Yuhuā County, not only did the finance of the development zone have a considerable income every year, but the motor factory also brought tens of millions of investment to the development zone. This year's investment attraction in the development zone will far exceed that of last year. This is also a reasonable explanation that Zhu Jiangang found for himself.

But it turned out that in the economic field, Zhu Daidong can fully act as the authority of Yuhuā County. As soon as something happened to the motor factory, Zhu Jiangang panicked.

Later, Wang Lijun made a decisive decision to let him find his backbone. After that, the motor factory resumed work in the afternoon of the same day under the coordination of the development zone, but the motor factory did not give a clear answer. The businessman is profit-seeking. Of course, the result of Zhu Daidong's discussion with the workers will not satisfy Nakamura Xingji.

What's more, Xingji Nakamura also married and believed that he had dealt with the relevant leaders of Yuhuā County. Coupled with his status as a foreign investor, he was not afraid that Yuhuā County would not be on his side.

Just before going to work today, Zhu Jiangang had the same idea as Nakamura Xing Er. After the Standing Committee in the morning, the county party committee will make a resolution. "The motor factory may make some concessions to the workers, but it will not be too big. However, after reading this newspaper in the morning, Zhu Jiangang immediately changed his mind. His nerves were highly nervous again, and things would go in a bad direction.

If there is a possibility that things will go bad, no matter how small the possibility is, it will always happen! This is the main content of Murphy's Law. Zhu Jiangang may not have heard of Murphy's Law, but now he really feels it.

"Director Jiangang" must have read this article, right?" He Xiaoyao put the newspaper on the table and walked out of the desk and arrived at the meeting area.

Wang Lijun also said hello to He Xiaoyao about the motor factory. At that time, He Xiaoyao reported to Zhu Daidong. Zhu Daidong's meaning was very clear that if the motor factory could meet the conditions of the development zone, it could be introduced. But now, the motor factory obviously did not meet the conditions of the development zone. At that time, the motor factory promised to give the development zone a sum of money every year to support workers' free medical care and free education, but the money has not been paid to the development zone.

Most of the workers come for the welfare of the development zone. Otherwise, who would like to move to Yuhuā County from Zhuhai? After arriving at Yuhuā County, not only did they not enjoy the benefits they originally expected, but their wages and living benefits were lower than when they were in Zhuhai. If the workers were not in a mood, they would go to hell.

"I just saw it." Zhu Jiangang sighed, grabbed the cigarette on the coffee table, handed one to He Xiaoyao, pulled out another one and lit it.

"Enterprises relocated as a whole in the future must be cautious." Zhao Jinhai also lit the cigarette and said slowly.

"He [Book] Don't worry, the development zone will never make such a mistake again!" Zhu Jiangang said firmly that now he is about to regret. No matter what, this matter will inevitably be held accountable. Who brought in the motor factory? Who signed the contract with Nakamura Bank? It's all about Zhu Jiangang.

Zhu Jiangang not only gave the motor factory a very preferential policy, but also under the fact that the motor factory did not comply with the conditions proposed by the development zone.

"I hope so." He Xiaoyao also sighed slightly. Wang Lijun's phone call this morning was very busy. As soon as he talked to Huang Ziliang, the executive vice mayor Liu Junfeng called again. Wang Lijun sighed helplessly. An article not only suspended the Standing Committee of the county party committee, but also made the leaders of the city frequently take the initiative to call.

"Mayor Junfeng, I have to make a self-criticism with you. This matter has not been handled well, and it's all my responsibility." Wang Lijun said.

"Is it Cai [Book] or Mayor Huang calling you?" Liu Junfeng asked with a smile. He also saw the article published in the provincial newspaper. The strike that could have been controlled in Yuhuā County, but now I'm afraid it's up to Director Li in the city.

"Mayor Huang just called me, and the mayor rarely got angry." Wang Lijun said with a wry smile.

"That's because Mr. Liu in the province called. For this matter, whether it is now or in the future, I still stick to the original meaning, even if I go to the Standing Committee, it's the same. You must be cautious when dealing with foreign businessmen like Yukiji Nakamura. Liu Junfeng said.

"Mayor Liu, this..." Wang Lijun was dumbfounded. The two completely opposite instructions, who should he listen to?

"Of course" This is just my reference opinion, because there is no meeting in the city now, and no resolution has been passed. But you should also firmly believe that there is nothing wrong with attracting investment in Yuhuā County, and there is nothing wrong with developing the economy!" Liu Junfeng said with a smile.

Wang Lijun is even more stupid. Whether it was Huang Ziliang or Liu Junfeng, what he said to him was just a personal opinion. For the opinions of these two people, it is not appropriate for Wang Lijun to listen to anyone, but if he does not listen to anyone, it is even more inappropriate. Since entering the officialdom, it is the first time that Wang Lijun has been embarrassed by such a thing. Emotionally, of course, he wants to hear from the executive deputy mayor, but he can tell him that the mayor is the highest officer of the municipal government. Moreover, Liu Junfeng said that Liu Lao also knew that he retired from the position of deputy of the Provincial Party Committee, then went to the National People's Congress, and completely retired a few years ago.

For an old leader like Mr. Liu who has left his job, as long as he hasn't met Marx, he is not really retired. Mr. Liu still has a lot of energy in the province. When Mr. Liu was the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, he was in charge of the party and the masses. Now how many people in the provincial party committee, the provincial government, and the cities below were mentioned by him at the beginning? If Mr. Liu really wants to intervene in this matter, I'm afraid that even the current provincial party committee [book] will give some face.

And the most important point is that people stand on reason and talk about their own favors, and Xingji Nakamura is untenable in front of the law whether it is beating people or violating the labor law. After thinking about it, Wang Lijun still had to follow the mayor's instructions.

This time, the Standing Committee of Yuhuā County is very dramatic. In the first half, everyone looked at the problem from the overall perspective of Yuhuā County. At the Standing Committee, except Zhu Daidong and Zhao Jinhai, no one had the same position as them. In the second half, the peak turned around and the situation reversed. Nakamura suddenly became a falling dog. Everyone drank and beat him, and it was his fault.

The Standing Committee of Yuhuā County passed a resolution to let the executive deputy head of the county, Zhu Daidong, have the plenipotentiary representative of Yuhuā County, to talk with Nakamura Xinger, and Zhu Daidong could have full authority. This is a full belief in Comrade Zhu Daidong and a high recognition of his ability. Wang Lijun said at the meeting that the county party committee and the county government will fully support Zhu Daidong and will also make every effort to protect the interests of motor factory workers. Even if Nakamura wants to relocate the factory again, he will not be able to move until he fulfills his obligations!

After the meeting, Wang Lijun kept regretting in his heart. As a leader, it was a taboo to interfere in specific affairs. At the beginning, Tian Yuhao's lesson was still in front of him. How could he forget it so quickly? Now leave the matter to Zhu Daidong. No matter how he deals with it, he can be left and right. Sometimes, he does nothing, more than anything, and there are many benefits. As for Xingji Nakamura, and his protest with the consulate, let him go to hell!

When Zhu Daidong publicized the resolution of the county party committee to Xingji Nakamura, Xingji Nakamura shouted to protest to the Japanese Deputy Consulate in Gunan.

"I'm [Sun], you don't have the right to detain me?" Xingji Nakamura said loudly.

"Mr. Nakamura, do you mean that if foreigners break the law, they can not be punished?" Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"〖ri〗ben is [ri〗ben, [zhong〖zhong〗guo is [zhong〗guo!" Nakamura said to himself.

"In the [Zhong] country, everyone is equal before the law, and as for [day] myself, it is no exception." Zhu Daidong said faintly, don't say that Guan Yijin [day] I am killing [day] myself. Do you want to kill more than a million in those years?

"I want to protest to the consulate!" Xingji Nakamura said.

"It happens that our Yuhuā County also regrets what you have done in our development zone. I have brought all the materials. Why don't we go together?" Zhu Daidong took out a piece of material written in Japanese and handed it to Nakamura Xingji.

What Zhu Daidong took out was not so much material as evidence. Nakamura Xingji violated the labor law of [Zhongzhong] country, and often beat and scolded the workers in the factory, which damaged the shape of the country and made Yuhuā County angry. Yuhuā County will protest to the Deputy Consulate in Gunan and suggest that Nakamura Xingji's motor factory be moved away. At the same time, it also reserves the right to continue to appeal to the Embassy in China and directly to the domestic Embassy in China!

"What conditions do you have?" After reading it, Xingji Nakamura said feebly.

Zhu Daidong made a few suggestions to Xingji Nakamura, who was still lying in the hospital: add the workers' wages, and increase it by 10% on the basis of the original Zhuhai wages. And the working hours will be reduced from more than 14 hours a day to no more than four hours of overtime per day. Although this is also against the labor law just promulgated last year, it is also in line with the national conditions.

There are also accommodation conditions. The motor factory will either build two new dormitory buildings or give workers rental subsidies every month. If it is a new dormitory, the accommodation conditions of the workers should be guaranteed to live with at least one family member.

Just a week after the motor factory, the position of Zhu Jiangang, the director of the management committee of the development zone, was adjusted, and the director of the development zone was temporarily held by He Xiaoyao! This is the "interest" that Zhu Daidong must get, and it is also the price that Zhu Jiangang must pay for it! After this incident, the work of the development zone will be carried out under the instructions of Zhu Daidong, which has once again become the consensus of all the personnel in the development zone!