Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 347 Shock!

After Li Zhaoming's attitude was correct, the progress of the project of a construction department was significantly accelerated. The whole Yuhuā County is like a large construction site, and roads are being repaired everywhere. According to the current progress, the highway construction and upgrading of Yuhuā County can be completed by the end of the year. At that time, it is no exaggeration to say that Yuhuā County will become the best highway in the whole province and even in the country.

Zhu Daidong looks forward to the future of Yuhuā County. No matter how long he can work in Yuhuā County, he can leave such a road for Yuhuā County, which is also a small contribution to the people of Yuhuā County.

There is also free education. As long as the economic development of Yuhuā County can continue to develop as before, it will definitely stick to it. This September will be the beginning of the full implementation of free education in Yuhuā County. This is a big deal for Yuhuā County, and it is also a thing worth publicizing.

As early as August, Zhu Daidong held an executive meeting of the county government to divide the tasks. In September, the most important thing in Yuhuā County was to ensure the full implementation of free education in the county. In addition to Tan Zhihong, the deputy county magistrate, including Zhu Daidong himself, he frequently went to various townships to listen to reports. At the end of August, a meeting of the county's township leaders, deputy in charge of education and school district directors was held in the county.

Zhu Daidong made a statement at the meeting, mentioning some of the problems found so far. Some towns and towns are "free of tuition fees", but miscellaneous fees are still being charged. This part of the money should no longer be paid by students. It should be subsidized by the township finance, such as steamed meals, accommodation fees, make-up fees, etc. If any arbitrary charges occur, once it is verified, the head of the party committee and government will be severely punished, and the school district director and the principal of the school will be removed from

In order to realize the county's nine-year compulsory education free of charge, Yuhuā County has invested more than 10 million yuan every year, which is equivalent to reducing the burden of more than 10 million to the people in the county. This matter must be implemented, and the county party committee and county government have decided to vigorously publicize this activity in Yuhuā County.

[China] National Education News, [China] National Youth Daily, Gunan Daily, Yangcheng Evening News, Southern Weekly, Shachang Daily, Gunan TV Station, Shachang City TV Station, Yuhuā County TV Station, various township TV stations gathered in Yuhuā County, and even " People's Daily's press station in Gunan, Xinhua News Agency and other great media also sent people to Yuhuā County.

On August 31, the Yuhuā County Government held a press conference, which was personally presided over by Zhu Daidong. Although it seems that Yuhuā County is mainly for the first free education in the country, Zhu Daidong does not mind publicizing the economic development of Yuhuā County in recent years to them, and introducing the preferential policies and various welfare benefits of the development zone.

The economic development of Yuhuā County is not very outstanding. In recent years, the national economic situation has been very good, and the economic development speed of Yuhuā County can only be regarded as the middle reaches. However, the welfare benefits of Yuhuā County Development Zone have made all kinds of reporters interested. Free education has been implemented as early as the first half of the year. Free medical care is also being carried out.

And this kind of benefit is not only for employees of enterprises in the development zone, but also for their families and children! Such treatment may not be available even for those large state-owned enterprises, right? Now all enterprises in the Yuhuā County Development Zone have enjoyed such treatment. Although it has been reported by the media before, such as the Yangcheng Evening News.

But everything was still released by the development zone before, and this time they could see it with their own eyes.

Entering the school in the development zone, the beautiful environment, teaching building, experimental building, gymnasium, dormitory building, canteen, large playground, swimming pool" all made these reporters feel worth the trip. Does such a school really belong to a county-run school like Yuhuā County? Seeing the national special teachers, national first-level teachers and foreign English teachers in the school, even the national key middle schools are just like this, right?

Li Zhijie, a reporter from the National Education Daily, said: "This is a first-class middle school in the country!"

Liu Weizhong, a reporter of the National Youth Daily, said: "The education in Yuhuā County has entered the advanced ranks of the country!"

The reporter of Yangcheng Evening News said: "Yuhuā County Development Zone can build a first-class school for the children of enterprise employees. The practice of Yuhuā County is worth learning from all local governments in coastal areas!"

Their exclamations quickly turned into news reports, and soon appeared in major domestic newspapers and periodicals. The reporter of Xinhua News Agency even published what he saw and heard in Yuhuā County on the internal reference. This was unexpected by Zhu Daidong, so that it took him a long time to hear the leaders of the city talk about this matter.

The propaganda and reports of Yuhuā County are overwhelming, but it does not mean that every citizen of Yuhuā County knows about it. Even if they know it, it doesn't mean that they fully believe it. Since ancient times, I have never heard of any dynasty or generation. It doesn't matter if there is no power. There is no need to pay for studying and school.

Yang Fugui from Yongyang Township began to worry about the tuition fees of his children in late August. He is an honest farmer in Yongyang Township. He has never left Yongyang Township in his life, let alone been to the county. The income of the whole family basically depends on digging food from the field and helping others do short jobs in their spare time. As for raising two pigs at home every year, it is a tuition fee specially prepared for children.

But in the first half of the year, his wife fell ill, and Yang Fugui left Yongyang Township for the first time. Because I heard that the doctor of Lion Mountain Central Hospital is good, the technology is new, and the external charges are also cheap. But even so, I put a pig in my family and owe a lot of debt, and the tuition fee in the second half of the year is gone. My daughter's tuition fee for junior high school is more than 100 yuan, and my son's tuition fee for primary school is more than 60 yuan, which adds up to more than 200 yuan. But for this 200 yuan, Yang Fugui was worried.

On the afternoon of August 31, he came back from the outside with a tired body. His daughter was very sensible and had finished the meal. But Yang Fugui took a look, but he was not in the mood to eat." He just asked, "Did your mother eat?"

"I made a poached egg for my mother, and I have already eaten it." The daughter said obediently.

Yang Fugui hummed and went inside. Although my wife has been out of the hospital, she has been unable to work on the ground since she came back, so she can only lie in ** to rest. This is undoubtedly adding insult to injury to the Yang family, who is already in a predicament.

"Have you borrowed it?" Yang's wife kept hearing the noise outside in **. When she saw her husband coming in, she asked quietly.

Yang Fugui didn't say a word. For his wife's illness, he has borrowed all the people who can borrow. Who has the surplus food now?

"Why don't I go back to my mother's house tomorrow?" Yang's wife said.

"No, I'll figure it out again." Yang Fugui shook his head firmly. "I have let my wife suffer for so many years. Do you still let her go back to her mother's house to whisper?

But what can Yang Fugui do? After thinking about it, there are only a dozen chickens at home that can be exchanged for money. It's all chickens laying eggs. This is specially raised by Yang Fugui to nourish his wife and nourish his children. Since there were more than a dozen chickens at home, he has never tasted what eggs are like. His wife has three eggs a day, one in the morning for his daughter and son, one at noon, and he was reluctant to eat the rest. He saved it and took them to the market to exchange money.

On September 1, Yang Fugui's two children did not go to school. They were very sensible. Since the father did not open his mouth, he did not ask much. The son took his sister's original textbook to study in the hall, and his sister pointed out. This scene made Yang Fugui's eyes burst into tears.

I am incompetent and useless. I have been a coward all my life. I didn't expect that now the children will suffer with them!

Yang Fugui made a decision, took out the chicken cage, loaded all the chickens in the family, and finally thought about it, leaving three more.

"Dad, you can't sell chickens!" When the daughter saw her father's behavior, she immediately understood her father's intention, took Yang Fugui's arm and said loudly.

"Daughter, even if Dad smashes the pot and sells iron, he will provide for you to go to school and college in the future!" Yang Fugui said with a strong smile.

"Dad, I'd rather not study." The chicken at home needs to nourish my mother's body, but it can't be sold. Why don't I take a year off from school at home this year and follow my cousin to work in the south, and it's the same when I come back to study next year.

"You're talking nonsense. When you go out to look for a job, your heart is also dispersed. Do you still read books when you come back? If the chicken is sold, we will raise it again. If you can't read the book, you will be a farmer like your father for the rest of your life. Dad has suffered the loss of not studying in his life, and he can't let you suffer such a loss again!" Yang Fugui said.

"Dad, when we had a holiday last semester," I heard from the school teacher that from this semester, we don't have to pay for school. Why don't I go to school to ask first?"

"Silly boy, how can there be such a good thing in the world? Have you ever seen the stuffing falling from the sky? You can't believe that!" Yang Fugui shook his head.

"Dad, just let me ask." This chicken really can't be sold." My daughter cried.

"His father." A weak shout came from the door. Yang Fugui looked back, and his wife had struggled to get up.

"Who let you go to the ground? Go back and lie down!" Yang Fugui said loudly.

"I'm fine with this illness." You can also sell the remaining three chickens." Yang's wife said.

Yang Fugui's daughter took advantage of their words and ran out. At this time, how she hoped that what the teacher said was true and how much she hoped that the chickens at home could stay and lay eggs. It's not that I can eat two eggs a day, but that my mother's body needs those chickens.

Before she arrived at school, she asked about the [real] situation. Some classmates had signed up and came back. When she heard that the registration was really free, she cried with joy. Turn around and run home crazily. She wants to go back quickly and tell her father the news. She wants to go back to save the hen that lays eggs at home!!!