Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 349 The head of the county magistrate

Promoting products through price reductions will only have a temporary respect for a while, and will not last long. Fortunately, Yuhua County uses administrative means to intervene only for government officials and government officials. Therefore, the demonstration role is more important than the actual sales performance. In the whole Yuhuā County, as long as the cadres who are not qualified to use special vehicles, they suddenly stepped on Changlongda motorcycles overnight. The streets and alleys are full of Changlongda motorcycles, and the county has issued documents. Within half a year, it will be before the first day of the first month next year, the motorcycle license, insurance driver' There are great discounts in the law. In this way, the advertisement of Changlongda motorcycles is still effective in Yuhuā County.

But relying only on the market in Yuhuā County, it is obviously impossible to digest the output of Changlongda motorcycles. Even if it is only a week's output, it is impossible to digest it. Geng Haixiang is very anxious about the sales of Changlongda motorcycles. Only 30% of Changlongda motorcycles are exported to Southeast Asia, and the remaining 70% depends on the domestic market. And more than 2,000 production enterprises have an amazing output, and the original expectations are in front of the national market. But now, the province's sales network has not been rolled out for the time being.

Although the economic growth rate of [China] has been in double digits in recent years, it is the overall economic growth rate, not the growth rate of the motorcycle market. And with such data alone, there is no complete guarantee that all products will be sold out. Geng Haixiang was in a hurry to find Zhu Daidong.

"County Chief Zhu, the sales of motorcycles are not optimistic. You have to help us." Geng Haixiang said bluntly. Fortunately, he spoke English. Li Moxuan could only listen to the general idea next to him, poured tea and retreated.

"It's not difficult to solve the problem of sales. You have studied abroad and come back from an international metropolis. This aspect should be better than us mainlanders who have never seen the world." Zhu Daidong joked about selling motorcycles. He had discussed with Geng Haixiang more than once before, but Geng Hai Xiang believes in the foreign system. Find an agent in each province, and then ignore it.

Now the agents in each province have arrived, but after the production of Changlongda motorcycles, few of them took the initiative to pick up the goods. Geng Haixiang's Mandarin is not standard, so he can only ask the salesmen to call one by one to inform, but there are few respondents.

"Countyor Zhu, I know the order. You are more familiar with the mainland market than me. You must help me." Geng Haixiang said urgently. Now Changlongda Motorcycle Company is very strong in capital and technology, but it is very weak in the sales process. Zhu Daidong did find him several times before, but Geng Haixiang believed that brushing the three words of Changlongda on the wall meant the depreciation of Changlongda and would not allow it.

Zhu Daidong invited Geng Haixiang to visit the county agricultural machinery factory and be familiar with their sales methods. Changlongda's funds are not the same as the county agricultural machinery factory. Geng Haixiang is not stupid, but he is not familiar with the sales methods in the mainland and can't understand many aspects. Compared with the foreign countries he lives and is familiar with, the [China] mainland at this time is at least 20 years different from the foreign economy. Geng Haixiang only needs to follow the successful marketing methods of foreign countries from 15 to 20 years ago to complete the domestic sales task well.

After the county agricultural machinery factory and Lion Mountain furniture factory, Changlongda immediately took a series of measures. For the mainland of Gu Nian, the investment of many companies in advertising is several times the production cost and technological innovation, or even dozens of times. Geng Haixiang's initial positioning is that advertising investment accounts for only 20% of the enterprise's capital, which is obviously putting the cart before the horse, at least for the mainland market.

Changlongda immediately decided to increase its advertising marketing in [China] and mainland China. The largest investment in domestic marketing is TV advertising investment, including [China] Central TV station and provincial TV stations. As long as the price is appropriate, Changlongda will take the next period. As for outdoor wall advertising, the nearly 600-person quasi-professional team in Lion Taro Mountain was all hired by Changlongda, and the first contract was signed for three years. Geng Haixiang threatened to let the advertisement of Changlongda motorcycles appear in every corner of the country!

For a while, advertisements about Changlongda motorcycles were overwhelming. Dealers and agents from all over the world did not need to contact Changlongda at all. They rushed here on their own initiative. Seeing that hundreds of dealers and agents came to pick up the goods every day, Geng Haixiang almost laughed.

If the advertising is larger, Changlongda will of course increase the ex-factory price of motorcycles accordingly, and the wool will eventually be sold to the sheep. Originally, the price of Changlongda motorcycle was not very high, and it did not exceed other people's expectations after the price increase. Now Changlongda has gained a lot of popularity. If the price is too low, it will make people question the quality.

The sales of Changlongda motorcycles are booming, correspondingly driving the surrounding industries, especially the relevant accessories factories. At the city's investment promotion conference, Guo Baojin, Zhang Runsheng and others, who were attracted to Yuhua County by Zhu Daidong, have now built several factories in the development zone. They used to be engaged in the production of hardware and mechanical accessories, but now they are slowly getting closer to motorcycle accessories.

Although the price given by Changlongda is not very high, Changlongda's orders alone can't be finished every year. Even if such a business profit is not very high, it is full of energy. Don't worry about sales enterprises. They won't lose money no matter what they do. It's just a matter of making more and less.

After several months of marketing, Changlongda motorcycles quickly won the recognition of the market with excellent quality and constantly updated technology. For several consecutive months, the sales volume kept rising. In December, Hong Kong Changlongda made a decision to expand the production scale of Changlongda. As soon as the news came out, the swarm of job seekers almost caused traffic jams in the development zone. Due to the production of motorcycles and the high requirements for employees, the laid-off workers of several military enterprises in the city have become the priority to recruit. The production and sales of Changlongda motorcycles have created brilliance. The production of Yuhuā County Toy Manufacturing Company is also on the right track. Every month, the orders of toy companies are full, especially Since November, the order of the toy factory has been scheduled for June next year. This has an inseparable relationship with Pan Xiaodong, the three high-paying vice presidents, Fang Hua, the design creative director, and Sheng Shilong, the sales director.

There is also the road construction and upgrading of Yuhuā County, which will be completed before the Lunar New Year. Starting from next year, Yuhuā County will bid farewell to the difficulty of travel. From all towns and counties, they are all flat cement roads. The smoothness of the highway has also increased the sales of Changlongda motorcycles in disguise. From the countryside to the county, even the most remote tree ridges and Lion Mountain, it takes less than an hour to ride a motorcycle. Compared with the original, it is not much better.

On January 8, 1997, the 23rd meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress of Yuhuā County made a decision and determined the time and agenda for the 6th meeting of the 14th People's Congress of Yuhuā County.

I. Time: It will be held in the auditorium of the county government on January 12, 1997. The meeting period is expected to be 5 days.

II. Agenda of the meeting: (1) Remove Zhu Daidong from the post of executive deputy county magistrate and make up the county magistrate of Yuhuā County People's Government. ( II) Listen to and review the work report of the People's Government of Yuhuā County; (3) Listen to the instructions of the draft plan for the construction of a strong economic county in Yuhuā County, and review and approve the construction of a strong economic county in Yuhuā County: (4) Review and approve the report on the implementation of the 1996 National Economic and Social Development Plan of Report on the 1997 National Economic and Social Development Plan: (5) Review of the report on the implementation of the old Gunian financial budget of Yuhuā County and the draft of the 1997 financial budget, approval, the report on the implementation of the county-level financial budget of the nephew and the 1997 county-level financial budget: (6) Listen to and review Yuhu Work report of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress: (7) Listen to and review the work report of the Yuhu County People's Court; (8) Listen to and review the work report of the Yuhu County People's Procuratorate.

When he saw this notice, Zhu Daidong was most impressed by two points. One was the date of the People's Congress, January 12, 1997, and the other was the first agenda of the meeting, the by-election of the county magistrate of the billion government of Yuhuā County, that is to say, this will be the day when he officially became the

Now Zhu Daidong is actually officially performing the duties of the county magistrate, but there is still a big difference between the acting county magistrate and the county magistrate. At least at the administrative level, he is still the deputy rather than the right place. As for the other agendas of the People's Congress, they are commonplace and have nothing to do with Zhu Daidong. What is really relevant is actually the second agenda, making a government work report.

January of the old year is a very important day for Zhu Daidong. On this day, he officially stepped up to the position of department. On this day, he served as the county magistrate of the Yuhuā County People's Government in accordance with the law. Although Zhu Daidong did not get all the votes, more than 99% of the deputies to the National People's Congress voted for him, which still set a new high in the election history of Yuhuā County.

In the subsequent government work report, Zhu Daidong promised that Yuhuā County will take about three years to realize the county's medical reform. At that time, the people of the county can see a doctor for free like the current Lion Mountain, the development zone and the tree ridge. There is also the national economic and social development of the county. The economic development of Yuhuā County in the next few years will not be lower than the speed of national economic development.

The official position of the county magistrate is not very different from the acting county magistrate in terms of authority, but the feeling of people is still very different. Although during the People's Congress, Zhu Daidong was still very busy every day, especially during lunch and dinner, he definitely drank more wine than others. Li Moxuan followed Zhu Daidong every day, and there was a number of wine that Zhu Daidong drank every day. Zhu Daidong drank at least five catties of white wine at least for each meal. At least ten catties at the end of the day. Li Moxuan feels horrible when he thinks of such a number. He really needs to have a good figure.