Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 374 Implialtly

This copper plate looks ordinary, but it makes Li Yang feel very familiar. When Li Yang was in Shanghai, he once met a treasure, which was also a bronze ware. The bronze ware was like the copper plate in front of him, and something else was added by others on the surface. Li Yang opened his special ability and immediately nodded silently. This baby was indeed the same as what he guessed, which was hidden by the hidden method. This copper plate, like the authentic Xuande furnace obtained by Li Yang in Shanghai Yunzhou Antique City, has traces of hidden methods in front of the surface. The hidden method plays a protective role, so that others can't see the real value of the treasure, but there are few treasures that use the hidden method, and there are even fewer that have not been revealed and concealed. In addition to the Xuande furnace, this bronze mirror is the second hidden treasure that Li Yang saw. No wonder Li Yang's heartbeat can't help speeding up when he sees this thing. The baby that uses the hidden method to cover up is absolutely not bad. How much are you going to sell this thing?" Li Yang raised his head and looked at the man opposite with a smile. The person in front of him was not tall, up to 1.65 meters. His skin was a little dark, and there were obvious traces of wind and frost on his face. He must be a person who often went out to run. Li Yang's guess is right. The person who is not tall is Chi Yong. He is thirty-five years old and is a man of the world. Lao Tian is also a runner, but Lao Tian mainly serves people." Chi Yong went out to shovel the land, collected something from the people who did not understand at a low price, and then sold it to others at a high price. Chi Yong, wearing a black coat, turned around and looked at Li Yang in surprise. He didn't expect that Li Yang would ask for the price. And the sharp voice opposite him has always been a sneer. In his heart, he has determined that Li Yang is acting, which is the trust found by Chi Yong. Such a thing can't deceive him, because he has done this kind of thing himself. I'm all together, for a total of 50,000 yuan!" Chi Yong hurriedly said, no matter what Li Yang's day is, he finally solved the problem in front of him. "What's more, he also hopes that Li Yang can buy it. This bronze mirror made him feel very unusual when he received it." Originally, he thought that he could pick up a big leak, but unfortunately, when he came back, he couldn't see it himself, so he asked his friends in the industry to help identify it. As a result, no one was optimistic about this mirror, and many people said that this was an imitation of the late Qing If it is really an imitation of the late Qing Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty, the appearance is not very good, and it is really not very valuable, at most it is worth a few hundred yuan. This made him think of coming to this treasure appraisal venue to see if it can be sold. Jianjizi is one of his customers. There is a small antique shop in Xi'an, which mainly sells bronzes and is very famous in Xi'an. He thought that his sharp voice had expert strength, and he should be able to feel the difference of this bronze mirror, but he didn't expect that seeing these things would be a scolding to him, which made him unable to say, and there was no way to distinguish. And he also had a feeling in his heart that he didn't even look at things with a sharp voice. I guess he was really eye-catching this time. I'm afraid these things will be in his hand. At this time, Li Yang's asking for the price also gave him a little hope. This is 50,000 yuan. I want all these things!" Li Yang didn't know what he was thinking. After hearing his price, he quickly took out five stacks of money from his bag. This is the cash withdrawn at noon, mainly to facilitate the acquisition of some small things. Few people receive cheques in this kind of treasure appraisal exchange market. Do you really want it?" Chi Yong was stunned for a moment. He hoped that Li Yang could buy these things in his heart, but he didn't have much hope. First, Li Yang was young, and second, if he couldn't see through these things, few people would agree to the high price of 50,000 yuan. What, aren't you going to sell it?" Li Yang frowned. This is a real big leak in front of him. If you don't pick up this kind of leak, it's a fool." Just now, Li Yang heard the conversation and knew that the people in front of him wanted to sell these things, so he specially asked the price and directly took out the cash. Li Yang is also guessing whether he is a little anxious, and the other party changes his mind and doesn't sell it. Or he wants to raise the price again. Before the transaction is successful, all this may happen. "You continue to act, I'll see if you can be the best actor!" He suddenly said in a shrill voice, "There is still some disdain in his eyes. He preconceived Li Yang as Chi Yong's trust. Everything he saw at this time thought that the two were acting. In his heart, Huang Bin's words had reached his mouth, However, I remember that I came down with only eyes and ears, not with my mouth, didn't I? And he saw that Zhang Suoliang naturally took over, and there were two, one bulging, which was obviously prepared for Zhu [Shu]. Without hesitation, he thanked him and took it over and put it in his pocket.

Seeing the full-loaded trunk, Huang Bin thought, if twenty towns and villages have such a big public intention, it is not enough to send a truck. The red envelope was packed in an envelope. When Huang Bin went to the bathroom, he secretly counted it. Good boy, a thousand yuan. If twenty towns run down, they won't be 10,000 yuan?

I'm still like this, what about Zhu Daidong? At this moment, Huang Bin was a little sorry. Zhu Daidong's image that he had just established in his mind was also greatly reduced. If you become a household of 10,000 yuan, won't Zhu Daidong become 100,000 households? Huang Bin is a little angry and a little pessimistic at the same time. Following such a leader, his future is worrying.

"What?" When Huang Bin came out of the toilet, he saw Zhang Suoliang looking at himself with a smile. He stretched out his palm and asked puzzledly.

"Take it out." Zhang Suoliang said with a smile.

"This?" Huang Bin immediately woke up and took out the envelope that had not been covered yet.

Zhang Shuoliang hummed, took the envelope and sat back in the car, without saying a word. Huang Bin is very angry. Does this mean Zhang Suoliang or Zhu Daidong? Zhang Suoliang obviously won't and dare not. This must be what Zhu Daidong meant. Originally, Huang Bin had an excellent impression of Zhu Daidong. He went to his home in person to invite him, which moved him in a mess.

But now, his heart suddenly fell below zero like falling into the ice. But Huang Bin soon blushed because of his idea. After the cadres in Honglan Township saw him off, Zhu Daidong asked Zhang Suoliang to quietly return again and went to the poorest village in the village. Huang Bin was very surprised but didn't ask much. Seeing Zhang Suoliang's unexpected appearance, his mind immediately changed. After arriving at the village called Bayan Village, the three of them got out of the car. There is no road in Bawan Village, so we can only walk into the village.

I found Zhong Weijun, the secretary of the village. When Huang Bin introduced to him, after the new county party committee [book] remembered it, Zhong Weijun's mouth was open enough to be stuffed with a fist. He knew that Zhu Daidong had come to Honglan Township, and he also heard the news that he had left. Why did Zhu [Shu] come to Bay Village again now?

"Zhong [Book] Remember that you didn't lie to us, did you? This is my work permit. Please have a look. Zhu Daidong smiled and took out his work permit.

"No, no, I just thought Zhu [Shu] had left our Honglan Township." Zhong Weijun quickly waved his hand. How dare he look at the work certificate of the county party committee [book]. Look at the clothes of the three of them, they don't look like liars. Now he is only worried about how Zhu [Book] would be interested in Bay Village? Baywan Village is the poorest and most backward village in Honglan Township. You can't see any achievements here. There are only problems and a lot of problems.

"The cadres in your village put something in my car, and it's troublesome to take it back, so I want to digest it in Bay Village. Please ask a few people to help me move the things here." Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

It was also at this moment that Huang Bin felt that his face was burning and hot. It turned out that Zhu [Shu] did not want to "black" his own share, but wanted to "take the government and return it to the people". I heard that the county party committee [book] was to visit the lonely elderly and the five-guarante households, Zhong Weijun was very determined.

immediately called a few future students to move out the oil, rice and local specialties in the full-tail box. When he saw tobacco and alcohol, Zhong Weijun was very considerate to stop the actions of the future students. Oil, rice and local specialties may be inferior to Zhu [book], and taking them to the village can also solve the actual needs of the villagers. But tobacco and wine are different. Zhu [book] can be used and these things are also valuable. It is also a waste to use them in Bay Village.

"Let's all move out." Zhu Daidong "heard" Zhong Weijun's decision there and walked over and said.

"It's a pity that these cigarettes and alcohol are used here." Zhong Weijun said.

"It's not a pity, Zhong Zhishu. I've taken out all the good wine and cigarettes. Can I ask you something?" Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"If you have anything to do, please [book]" Zhong Weijun said quickly.

"Can you keep my visit to Bawan Village a secret for me for the time being?" Zhu Daidong said.

"This..." Zhong Weijun is a little embarrassed. In fact, it is difficult to keep it secret. He has just arranged someone to inform the township. At most two hours, the township leaders will come.

"It seems that you didn't call the village, did you?" Zhu Daidong asked.

"Yes, I sent someone to inform you." Zhong Weijun said awkwardly that Zhu Daidong was in the village committee just now, and the only phone number in Bawan Village was also here. Zhong Weijun did not dare to inform the township in front of the county party committee.

"It doesn't matter. Just send your feet to get it back quickly." Zhu Daidong smiled and said that in fact, when Zhong Weijun sent someone to inform him, he had already heard it, but it was too far away to ask.

The "heartfelt" sent by the cadres of Honglan Township to Zhu Daidong was returned in Bayan Village. There are 35 families in Baywan Village who want to eat relief food, which is 200 yuan per household. As for grain and oil, they can only be averaged as much as possible. In order to show fairness, Zhong Weijun even weighed the oil into 25 parts, and so did the rice. Originally, Zhu Daidong disapproved of doing so, which was too cumbersome. But after thinking about it, he felt that Zhong Weijun knew more about the actual situation of Bayan Village. I may not care about a little rice and oil, but for those families who don't really solve the problem of food and clothing, even a liter of rice and a catty of oil can solve the problem of life for several days.

At the villagers' symposium, Zhu Daidong ordered to take out the cigarettes and wine. The participants, one pack per person, and Huang Bin was responsible for the rest of the cigarettes. He walked around the venue at any time, divided into rounds of more than ten minutes. As for a few bottles of wine, it is also handed over to Huang Bin, who is responsible for pouring wine to ensure that everyone's wine bowls are not empty.

When smoking, Huang Bin noticed that someone carefully put the cigarette in his pocket when he received the cigarette. They may not have smoked such a good Chinese cigarette in their life. They really can't bear it. And what about wine? I drank quickly, and no one had a bottle with me. If I want to get more wine, I can only drink it to my stomach.

At the symposium, Zhu Daidong introduced the economic development of Furong County to the villagers this year and proposed that all the traditional Chinese medicine bases that were originally stranded in the county should be re-established. At the same time, the pharmaceutical companies that are about to be established in the county also invite everyone to actively raise funds to invest. In order to dispel the concerns of the villagers, Zhu Daidong introduced the successful experience of Shuling Township and Lion Mountain Township in Yuhuā County. When they heard that the people in Shushuling had a share of 10 yuan at that time, and returned 100 yuan a year later, many villagers' hearts were moved.

Pig breeding in Tree Ridge and the furniture in Lion Mountain have become famous throughout the city. Although Bayan Village is closed, villagers have also heard of such sensational things. Zhu Daidong can change the appearance of Shuling, the poorest and most backward township in Yuhuā County, and will certainly improve the economy of Furong County. Bayan Village closely follows the pace of Zhu [Shu], and can also live like the people of Shuling Township!

Everyone wants to change their destiny, and everyone wants to make their life better, but in the countryside, it is too difficult to change their fate. Bayan Village was originally the poorest village in Honglan Township. It is said that if you are poor, you will change, but Baywan Village has changed, and it has not changed. The county and the township have thought of a lot of ways to plant fruit trees and cultivate them. The county has also helped the poor in Bayan Village. All methods have been used, but they have not been effective.

"Zhu [Book], don't worry, this time the county raised funds to run a pharmaceutical company, Bay Village is afraid to smash the pot and sell iron, and it also needs to raise more funds." Zhong Weijun was also excited to listen to him. He had heard about Zhu Daidong's reputation for a long time. During his administration, the total economic volume of Yuhu's county had more than tripled. Now Zhu Daidong came to Furong County and listened to his words and his deeds. After seeing what Zhu Daidong did in Bay Village with his own eyes. , confidence in him has greatly increased.

He has seen a lot of leaders in Furong County, but he can be like Zhu Daidong, approachable, has no airs, and can always miss the leaders of the masses in his heart.

Even if there is, the ability is limited, it will not change the situation of poverty and backwardness in Furong County at all.

The villagers of Bawan Village are not as conscious as the Zhong Weijun. They only believe in the facts. They have heard of Zhu Daidong's achievements in Shuling Township and Lion Mountain Township in Yuhuā County. At that time, I don't know how many people regret beating their chests in Tree Ridge and Lion Mountain. Now such an opportunity is in front of them again. Everyone knows how to choose.

The poorer the place is, what people like to talk about is the miracle of getting rich, and what happened in Shuling Township and Lion Mountain Township in Yuhuā County is definitely a miracle of getting rich. At the symposium, someone even asked on the spot, can we pay immediately now? Zhu Daidong told them that the county is still planning this matter. This company should let people in the county buy shares as much as possible. There is a lot of work to be done. Just prepare the money first.

When the Party Committee of Honglan Township [Book] and the news of the head of the township rushed to Bawan Village, Zhu Daidong's car had left for a long time. At the entrance of the village, they saw dozens of villagers led by Zhong Weijun, and all of them came to send Zhu [book]. In the absence of early organization, let the villagers voluntarily bid farewell to the leaders, which has not happened in Honglan Township for a long time.

After listening to Zhong Weijun's report, they felt a little more at ease. As long as Zhu Daidong was not here to make trouble, they were not very worried. As for the poor households who gave supplies and money to Bay Village, they didn't care. They have given the things to Zhu Daidong. Now what Zhu Daidong does is Zhu Daidong's business and has nothing to do with them.

Zhu Daidong looked at it one township after another. By the time of the third township, those townships no longer sent "hearts", which was unnecessary. And as long as the "heart" is sent, Zhu Daidong will definitely visit the poor village in the countryside. After all, it is not a good thing to let Zhu [shu] remember to visit the poorest village.

Zhu Daidong ended the "heart" sent by the township below in his own way, which made Huang Bin admire it secretly and could subtly make the following changes. Zhu [Book] remembered that the level and ability were not ordinary.