Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 411 Confidentiality System of an Unnamed Company

It has been a week since Niu Zengfu came to Furong County. He is a graduate of Jiangxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine majoring in traditional Chinese medicine. When he graduated, he returned to the veterinary station in his hometown. The veterinary station could not use his traditional Chinese medicine preparation. Later, he resigned and went to a foreign-funded enterprise in Guangdong, but after working for two years, he felt that he could not stand being squeezed by foreigners and ran back.

During the Spring Festival, he heard that Furong County in Gunan Province was going to set up a large pharmaceutical company. He has been paying attention to it. As soon as Furong County signed the contract with Hong Kong Changlongda, a recruitment advertisement was immediately published in the TV newspaper. Most of the employees of the unknown pharmaceutical company will be recruited from Furong County, Personnel and managers must be hired from outside.

With the major of Niu Zengfu, coupled with his relevant work experience, he was hired as soon as he came. Now I temporarily live in the original biological industrial park of Furong County, which was originally the place specially opened up by Furong County. It has achieved the most basic three links and one level. In order to hold the super project of Wang Shouzhong, the original Furong County Government has made a lot of capital, factories and dormitories. Unfortunately, up to now, the county A large part of the construction engineering company's project funds have not been settled.

Fortunately, the county construction company also has expectations. The county has promised that all the project funds will be settled in a lump sum after the official establishment of the unknown pharmaceutical company, and the unknown pharmaceutical company is not short of money!

During this period, Niu Zengfu is very leisurely. Although the nameless pharmaceutical company has not been officially established, as a technician hired by the company, he basically has nothing to do every day except for some preparatory work, and the salary is really good.

When he is free, Niu Zengfu likes to go to Furong County. There are many ancient houses in Furong County. It is like visiting a tourist area on the streets of the county. Unlike in coastal areas, there are high-rise buildings everywhere, which makes him feel very strange and completely unable to integrate.

In addition to turning around the county, when he meets a day off, he likes to go to the traditional Chinese medicine base in the township below to see the local medicinal materials grown in Furong County. Although he has studied the preparation of traditional Chinese medicine, he has also done a lot of research on the preparation of traditional Chinese medicine and the identification of traditional Chinese medicine. In his current identity, it was appropriate to go to the traditional Chinese medicine base below, but he didn't expect that no matter which town he went to, all the traditional Chinese medicine bases would not be open to him, even if he held the work certificate issued by an unknown pharmaceutical company.

In fact, not to mention him, even the locals can't enter the traditional Chinese medicine base casually now. There are local militia and joint defense personnel patrolling him day and night. Before he arrived at the traditional Chinese medicine base, he was immediately targeted. He didn't even ask in which direction the traditional Chinese medicine base is in!

He went to more traditional Chinese medicine bases, and he was actually blacklisted! After returning to the company, he was immediately approached by Qiu Liangchao, the general manager sent by Changlongda, Hong Kong. Mr. Qiu especially emphasized the company's confidentiality system.

There is a special provision that whether he is now or in the future, whether he is an employee of an unknown pharmaceutical company or not, the Chinese medicine base in the township below cannot go. If Niu Zengfu can't do this, even if he is a professional in this field, the company will not hire him again.

"Mr. Qiu, will this be too irresponsible?" Niu Zengfu is simply unreasonable. He is a technician of the company. If he can't know the company's cultivation and processing of medicinal materials, how can he carry out his work? Who will be responsible for the problems with the drugs produced by the company in the future?

"I can't help it. The company's medicinal materials and formulas are first-class confidential. Even I don't know that all the medicinal materials have been polished into powder when they are sent." Qiu Liangchao sighed. He didn't think there was anything abnormal. Before he came to Furong County, he signed a confidentiality agreement with Furong He can't know and doesn't want to know these secrets.

Before he came, Li Guangsheng, the boss of the head office, talked to him in person. When he arrived in Furong County, his job was to manage an unknown pharmaceutical company well, use the most scientific management methods and the most modern marketing methods to improve production and sales. As for the rest, he left it to Furong County to manage. In order to do a good job in the company's confidentiality work, Furong County has made up its mind, and the level of the confidentiality bureau has been raised to a new height. It can even be said that the county secrecy bureau is now dedicated to serving unknown pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, when it comes to company secrets, if someone leaks secrets, he will not only be punished by the company, but also bear criminal responsibility.

Furong County has listed the preparation and refining of nameless formulas and related medicinal materials as state secrets, and local militias, public security departments and even armed police forces will cooperate. After the official establishment of the unknown pharmaceutical company, there will be a special security department, and the head of this security department will also be held by the government department. As for the important departments of the company, they will send armed police to stand guard, a joint venture, which can be treated like this, which shows the great determination of Furong County!

Qiu Liangchao feels that it's better not to know about such things. It's not difficult to understand that people are curious, but they know too much about confidential things, which is not a good thing for him.

"If the effect of the medicine is insufficient or the stability of the medicine effect is insufficient, who will be responsible at that time?" Niu Zengfu asked indignantly. He had never heard of such a thing, whether in the school or in the foreign-funded enterprise in the coastal areas. Is it still a market economy for government departments to intervene in corporate behavior?

"At least it won't count as yours." Qiu Liangchao said with a smile that he also felt that there was some fuss about the practice of Furong County. For this matter, he also asked Zhu Daidong. Will this cause the government to interfere in the behavior of enterprises?

Zhu Daidong explained to him the importance of the formula at that time. All of this was very necessary before the "unknown" brand was established, and it would create a sense of mystery. Of course, Furong County will never interfere in the management of anonymous public schools, let alone in production, sales and other affairs. After Qiu Liangchao was assured by Zhu Daidong, he was relieved. He knew that the relationship between Zhu Daidong and his boss Li Guangsheng was very good and reputable. Since he promised not to interfere in the company's affairs, he would definitely be able to do it.

In fact, after Qiu Liangchao thought deeply about it, he also felt that this was not necessarily a good thing. As Zhu Daidong said, it is the responsibility of Furong County to keep the confidentiality of the formula. Using the Secrecy Bureau to carry out the confidentiality work can really make the outside world curious about unknown companies. This is the case for Chinese people. The more confidential you are, the more curious you are. As long as you are curious about this matter, you will pay attention to nameless products.

"As long as there is this sentence of Mr. Yin, I will be relieved." Niu Zengfu said helplessly.

However, the next day, a scene that surprised Niu Zengfu even more happened. The County Secrecy Bureau actually sent cadres to the company to train those who were hired in advance, focusing on publicizing the concept of confidentiality and emphasizing the confidentiality system. Anyone, including Qiu Liangchao, must strictly abide by the confidentiality system.

The first line of the confidentiality system is that everyone has no special business and can't leave the current biotechnology park. Even if they want to go to the county, they can't leave the urban area of the county. Second, no one can go out alone. They should go out at least two people together. Third, every time you come back from a trip, you should write a detailed report, carefully record every place you have been, have an accurate time, and it is best to have a witness!

Such a system made many people unable to accept it. Niu Zengfu made a serious protest to Qiu Liangchao, but Qiu Liangchao told him that the protest was invalid. You can resign, but you must not violate the confidentiality system. In the end, Niu Zengfu accepted this kind of semi-military management. The treatment of the unknown pharmaceutical company is very good. The working conditions and environment are many times better than the foreign capital of the coastal company, but the treatment is almost the same. The consumption level of Furong County is much cheaper than that of coastal areas. It's also 1,500 yuan a month. It's good for him to save 1,000 yuan a month in Guangdong, but here, he can save at least more than 1,300 yuan a year, which is equivalent to earning an extra 4,000 yuan.

And here, it is closer to his hometown, and more importantly, he can find a sense of belonging here. The people here are not as excluding the foreign population as in coastal areas. Walking in the county seat of Furong County, people here are very lively when they see these outsiders. Although the local dialect is really difficult to understand, as long as they face a face with a full-time smile, even if they can't communicate in language, they can also communicate simply through gestures.

Since the company began to implement this confidentiality system, if Niu Zengfu wants to go shopping in the county, he can only find someone to accompany him. In order to avoid melon field Lixia, he simply went directly to Wang Xiangyun of the company's security department. Wang Xiangyun is from Furong County. The employees of the Security Department of an unknown pharmaceutical company are all from Furong County. The good manager of the Security Department will be the cadres of the Security Section of the county government, and the Security Department also has a special consultant, which will be the Secret Bureau. In the Ministry of Security, the consultant has more power than the manager, so the Ministry of Security can be said to work under the leadership of the County Secrecy Bureau in disguise.

Wang Xiangyun can speak Mandarin. Although it is not very standard, there is no problem for Niu Zengfu to communicate with him. Through Wang Xiangyun, Niu Zengfu can even learn a few dialects of Furong County. Moreover, Wang Xiangyun has another identity. He is the cousin of Wang Luoxin, the deputy head of the county, so every time Niu Zengfu comes out with him, no matter what, he will go to the restaurant next time. Of course, the treat is Niu Zengfu.

Niu Zengfu is generous and a technician of the company. He is well-informed and knows a little about everything, so Wang Xiangyun is also willing to come out with him. At present, the company has not been officially established, and there is not much work in the Security Department, and there are more than 80 personnel in the Security Department. It is not a matter to stay in the biotechnology park all day long.

This day is Wang Luoxin's birthday. Although it is not the whole life, Wang Xiangyun still wants to celebrate. As a member of the Ministry of Security, it is not allowed to go to the county alone. Therefore, Wang Xiangyun was the first to think of Niu Zengfu, and Niu Zengfu is also Why don't the leaders of Furong County do it?