Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 467 Losses Caused by China's Leakage!!!

Chapter 467 The Loss Caused by China's Leakage!!!

This chapter actually has more than 5,000 words, because a considerable part of it is information, so it is only 3,000 words.

The Japanese are very bright, and the Japanese businessmen are even more. Most of the time, you will even think that they are despicable and shameless, but when you put yourself in them, you have to admire them. In terms of technical confidentiality and economic profit, they will not hesitate to choose the former. However, many people in our country are often blinded by money, which makes the Japanese easily take away our core technology at a small price, even a trivial price.

If you really want to trace back such a history, you can start from the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Zhu Daidong doesn't know much about that history, but only something learned from textbooks. However, he knows a lot about the technology that Japan has learned or plagiarized from China since the founding of the People's Republic of China. It is difficult for the public to see this information, otherwise it would not have been possible to find so many Chinese tragedies in the three months he studied in the municipal party school.

Before the reform and opening up, China made great progress in many high-tech fields. In the 1960s and 1970s, although it was the "red è storm" period. However, it is during this period that many of today's projects are the prototype of secret research and development. For example, China's "space 2 nuclear fission technology (primary hydrogen bomb)" and "computer conversion technology of large electron tubes and transistors" and so on.

However, at that time, these scientific research institutions were all based on their own so-called "revolutionaryism" and themselves. You will be criticized and attacked during the day. After returning to the "cow shed" in the evening, they will still "struggle" for the country and the government. Zhu Daidong sometimes has to admit that this is the "sadness" of that generation of scientific and technological knowledge. Although a lot of data are calculated by their manual work. The strength of this kind of work is very unimaginable now.

For example, in that time, several senior scientific experts who worked in a so-called "dry school" in Northeast China, in such an environment, the earliest "industrial mehmanized fully automatic system" was later commonly known as the "military robot". This plan was finally paid attention to by Premier Zhou, who led the work at that time, and claimed that Taizu, who was in illness, was reported, and then these talents were secretly transferred and so-called "protected".

Many people's comments on China's 60s and 70s are useless, but they don't know at all. During this period, China is not lagging behind in technological innovation, and many technologies are also ahead of the international level. Even the United States at that time was stunned by what the Chinese people could achieve. They couldn't believe that they could achieve such an achievement in such an environment and under such conditions!

Entering the era of reform in the 1980s, China can emerge so many high-tech achievements at once, which is closely related to the intellectuals who lived in the bullpen in the 1960s and 1970s.

In the early 1980s, Japan had just entered a period of rapid technologicalization. It is what is now called the "high-tech era". Due to its strategic thinking, which has undergone fundamental changes in the face of high foreign exchange reserves, the Japanese government has not hesitated to inject a large amount of funds into the "90 Development Confrontation Plan", which is clearly a trap. To the point that its domestic conventional technology and high-tech technology have been seriously hit!

At this time, the United States and the Soviet Union were in the Cold War. The United States is in a period of high external technology monopoly. It is difficult for Japan to get the latest technology from the United States, even in Europe. At this time, ibm in the United States stopped the research and development of general-purpose mainframe for commercial gain. Turning to the "Home Computer Plan" is the current machine.

And China and Japan are still on the road of large-scale computers. At that time, China's silicon semiconductor technology research and development and the manufacturing of silicon crystals were almost synchronized with the United States. The reason why China does not choose to use computer home is that it is completely based on its own national conditions. At that time, even the latest 8008 or 8086 system in the United States was priced at $2,000, which was extremely expensive. With China's per capita income at that time, how many families could accept such an expensive computer?

Even for the so-called "ten thousand households" period in Chinese society at that time, it was difficult to accept. Of course, if it is at the level of Zhu Daidong, it is okay to buy ten sets and eight sets at home, but what about ordinary people? If it can't be popularized, it will make no sense at all. Therefore, China decisively chose the mainframe plan, that is, the first generation of the Great Wall of Project 863 (the earliest predecessor of Dawn)!

And Japan, at this time, regardless of technology and market, can basically be synchronized with the United States. However, the Japanese, who have always been arrogant, feel that they can rise in Asia in terms of mainframes. Therefore, it is impractical to blindly start the development of large-scale computer computing. However, in design and development, many technical problems make it difficult for Japan to move forward.

In order to achieve an early technology monopoly, the United States misled the development of Japanese mainframes in the form of science and technology. It hinders the development of large-scale integrated circuits and misguides Japan. At that time, when Zhu Daidong saw this information, he hoped that China could also have the same vision as that of the United States. It should keep its own technology confidential. If the other party wants it, it can mislead you to develop slowly. After entering the road, you will not even lose ù children.

But it's a pity that even Zhu Daidong was a little distressed. In 80-83, China had completed the manufacturing and research and development of the Great Wall 1st generation mainframe and the Shuguang 1 giant. At that time, because of the reform and opening up, the Chinese people very much wanted to know the distance between themselves and the industry standards of international high-tech technology, for fear that they would enter the era of "closed cars". This gave the Japanese an opportunity. They used the methods of the Americans to mislead the Chinese people who thought they were stupid and naive at the New York International Science and Technology Expo in New York, and China suffered a great loss in this regard.

The Great Wall No. 2 mainframe computer and its important technical materials were brought to the "New York International Science and Technology Expo" and "Tokyo New Technology Exhibition" by naive China at that time. It was the first time that the Chinese "out of the home did not know what the technical barrier was, and adopted the Chinese people's consistent "inferiority weakness" and bowed their heads into the so-called international palace of science and technology. They didn't realize how shocked the Great Wall 2 they brought would shock foreigners!

In Tokyo, when Japanese experts found that China's computer technology was far ahead of them, they were very ugly and despicably using many academic materials from the United States to carry out technological fraud against Chinese people! They took out some information and said solemnly, "Your Great Wall has long been a very backward product."

But in the United States, especially the U.S. military, has paid great attention to China's large computer technology. The U.S. military is under great pressure when almost the two are about to enter the era of billions of calculations. However, American thinking is different from that of Asians, which is linear and homogeneous. Especially in the field of science and technology, it is a little deliberately old-fashioned. The so-called one is one, and the second is two.

If you don't achieve success, Americans look down on you, but once you really achieve success, Americans will appreciate and admire you, which is completely different from the arrogant and despicable Japanese. Therefore, at that time, the United States hoped to secretly formulate an "advanced computer technology agreement" with China to control the flow of this technology into the Chinese countries of "Albania" and "Romania".

Unfortunately, China has always had little interest in "American imperialism" and would rather believe in Japan as an iǎ person and not agree to the conditions of the Americans. At that time, the Cultural Revolution had just passed. Who dared to get close to American imperialism? It's impossible to cooperate with each other and flow with each other. Although a large part of the reason is caused by history, if China can seize the opportunity at that time, it will have an immeasurable effect on the current defense science and technology and the transformation into civilian technology.

China let go of the opportunity, and Japan took the opportunity of this jiā flow meeting to carry out the so-called "self-developed large computer computing system, "Showa 1" in the following year. At that time, Japan's dense processing was indeed better than China's. Therefore, they are beautiful in appearance, unlike China's "earth". Chinese experts once gave up the Great Wall, the dawn.

After the full start of the 863 plan at the beginning of the year, the plan was not put down due to the coercion of the central government at that time. However, the report of the Chinese Academy of Sciences said: The Great Wall, Dawn, is in a backward stage because the technology is relatively backward compared with Western countries, so it is recommended for civilian use. What a stupid move!

In the year, Japan visited a research institute of industrial automation in Shenyang under the guidance of the banner of "good-neighborly and friendly cooperation". Chinese scientists once again showed their excellent "inferiority" in front of Japan's "import" counterparts. Take out almost the entire automation project and ask the Japanese to carry out the so-called "approvement". But as Japan, at this time, complete industrial automation is only a "beg" and China is a formative science and technology project, but it has not yet been promoted on a large scale. Their skills are worse than their own, but when they came to you, they asked the other party to comment on the latest technology and related information. Such a concept of confidentiality almost made Zhu Daidong vomit blood when he saw it.


, Japan announced the first successful manufacturing R&D and integrated industrial automation project. At this time, China realized how stupid and naive it was at that time.

The year is the end of the U.S. peace model plan, and the so-called "American democracy, westernization of China" in China continues to rise. In that era, the theory that all domestic science and technology were garbage was everywhere. For example, a ship manufacturer in Shanghai carried out "good-neighborly friendship" with Japan, and sold the "incentration digital welding system" developed by itself for many years to Japan for free.

This system was designed by Chinese scientists in the early 1960s using early Russian electronic machines under secret conditions. It can be said that Asia was the most advanced equipment in the 1980s. However, under the "high scrutiny" of Japan, he was ordered to dise.

In the second year, China and Japan signed an import of large-scale welding systems from Japan, which was about 300 million US dollars. However, it was stopped due to the domestic situation at that time. In 1992, through cooperation with a French company, Chinese talents woke up like a dream. The introduction of 1.2 billion US dollars of electronic numerical control equipment in France. 80% of them were examined by Japan's "friendly experts" in the mid-1980s.

Uā high price, and then buy it back abroad, which is originally its own technology, which is undoubtedly the greatest irony to China! This is just high technology. As for the stupid so-called cooperation such as using Yamaha motorcycle technology in exchange for China Aerospace navigation technology, it was more than that at that time? As for why Japan's civilian technology is still stronger than China's, 80% of its contribution comes from Japan's "friendly neighbors".

These are all irreparable losses caused by major mistakes made by political fǔ and scientific research institutions. In the folk, technologies such as face change, Cloisonne, wrong gold (seamless welding) and so on are also given by the Japanese under the banner of "friendly neighbors". In broad daylight, even China took the initiative to send them. The scientific and technological level of the ancient civilization is to show the scientific and technological strength of New China. I'm afraid that others will see it, but what they do really makes the Japanese laugh, but they still despise you.

This is only a leak caused by being misguided. Most of the time, some high-tech, even the world's leading high-tech, make the United States and Europe envy and admire the high-tech, but due to the lack of confidentiality awareness of China's scientific and technological personnel, it has been openly spread abroad. Every time I see these, Daidong's lungs are unnaturally full.

On September 20, the mainland launched three artificial satellites with a carrier rocket for the first time. The short report of Xinhua News Agency is unclear. The international response is explosive, because it is likely to indicate that the mainland has mastered the high technology of 'multi-swedes into the atmosphere'.

Military officials stationed in China have been ordered to search for detailed information and information from mainland officials and all possible channels. Of course, mainland officials kept their mouths shut, but it was unexpected. Only three days after the satellite was launched, a radio station in Beijing broadcast a broadcast manuscript entitled "The Mystery of Space Wins the Crown".

The next day, a newspaper in Beijing simply published a report on China's Ninth Artificial Satellite, with drawings of three satellites, and photos of assembly in the workshop. Both drafts report in detail the orbits of these three space objects, radio telemetry frequencies, etc.

If the foreign intelligence department gets the treasure, everyone will be happy. The Army's Ministry of Industry was shocked and found to be a 'masterpiece' of an engineer in a certain department. The man did not ask for instructions, and the manuscript had been written before the rocket was released. After the satellite was launched, it was transmitted to the radio station and newspaper, and falsely claimed that it had been 'sent for trial'.

The mainland's 'two-step fermentation method to produce vitamins' has passed the identification and is a major scientific and technological invention of the country. This is a scientific achievement with great human needs and extremely broad prospects. Switzerland and the United States, the world's two major industrial countries, came to bid to buy this technology patent. Unexpectedly, a week later, the representatives of the two countries, who were blushing and thick-necked, went back to their hometown happily. It turns out that this patent is so cheap that it is only worth the price of a magazine! A academic Journal will publish all the development process, details, formulas and doses. If you have a little chemical knowledge, just go back and stir-fry according to the recipe. It really takes no effort!

At an international silkworm industry conference, the Japanese made the mainland representatives flattered by the Chinese representatives with great friendship and high specifications. It turned out that China had revealed the original formula, application method and even disease source research on the treatment of the silkworm epidemic in the academic report. The Japanese side is just an oriental gratitude!

Chinese rice paper is known as 'thousand-year-old birthday paper' and 'king of paper', especially those produced in Jing County, Xuanzhou, Anhui Province. The Japanese have been coveting the mystery for a long time. They once sent intelligence personnel to Xuanzhou, and then found the car painted with the logo of the Xuan Paper Factory in Jing County, which followed. But this time it hit a wall, and the Jingxian factory declined to visit, and later ordered the signs of all the factory cars to be painted. However, the following year, another group of Japanese went to a county in Zhejiang. A paper factory treated them warmly and answered all questions. Even the details such as the alkali water concentration of cooking raw materials were endless. Before parting, they gave away sandalwood bark, long straw pulp and carambola vines, and this paper factory was established with the support of Jing County After that, the Japanese proudly announced: world rice paper, Anweijing County first, Japan second, Zhejiang third, Taiwan fourth!

When the Japanese visited the Cloisonne factory, China generously allowed it to take pictures of all the production process. In less than two years, the traditional export foreign exchange-generating product of the mainland, Cloisonne depreciated in a straight line, because the Japanese goods came!

Chinese soybeans have always monopolized the world market. The United States has been depressed because of the degradation of soybean varieties. Sino-US relations thawed in the 1970s. China gave wild soybean seeds to the United States free of charge. After 20 years, China has become insignificant in the soybean market, and the monopoly is the United States!

The Parker gold pen in the United States is the number one brand, but China's 'Hero' and 'Venus' also have a single leading technology, which is the polishing technology of stainless steel pen cover. Two vice presidents of Pike Company came to China and accidentally found that mainland manufacturers were fully open to households. They brought cameras and took a full set of videos of the structure and operation of the polishing machine in full view of the public.

A local leading cadre opened his mouth and let the good seed Meishan pig be given to France for breeding for free, which shortened the research on the improvement of French pig breeds by 20 years. At the same time, Americans feel very wronged. They were able to buy the same pig breed from the mainland at a high price.

There are countless examples like this. Many people feel incredible that Zhu Daidong has set the specifications of Furong County's Secret Service at such a high level. Isn't it just a prescription? What's so great! But they don't know how much damage it will cause if it is known to outsiders!

The reason why the nameless recreation produced by unknown companies is so popular in the market is that it is unique. Although there are similar products on the market, the effect is not at the same level as the nameless recreation. Now the nameless company can put forward so many seemingly harsh conditions for Yukiji Nakamura, which is also due to the effect of nameless recreation and the strict confidentiality of the nameless formula.

In Furong County, it can be said that no one knows the details of the formula except Zhu Daidong. If you must know all the recipes, you must invite at least 30 people from all walks of life. And these people are strictly controlled. Their thoughts, consciousness and concepts of confidentiality have been strictly tested. They can absolutely guarantee that they will never take the initiative to tell the secret!

It's not terrible to make mistakes. If you make the same mistakes one after another, it's not terrible, it's pitiful! Zhu Daidong doesn't want to be a poor man, and he doesn't allow Furong County to be a poor man! RA