Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 482 Major Accidents

Chapter 182 Major Accidents (Ask for Monthly Pass)

"Brother Xu, I have a question. Do you think you should meet Governor Du here?" Zhu Daidong asked that although he was a leader in Furong County, the gap between him and Ying Zegui and Du Bangjun was not ordinary. Everyone has a heart of gossip.

"As far as I know, there is indeed one more time, but the time is very short." Xu Lifeng said that the diamond area of Chang'an Club is something that many people in the province want to get into. In order to get the diamond card of Chang'an Club, you can exchange it for the price of ten diamond cards, but this is also the place where Chang'an Club does to maintain the hunger and thirst of customers. There are only a few places every year And it is also very picky. Here, money is not everything. Without a certain identity and status, you will not be allowed to enter this circle at all.

"It's only once? Why do I think that if the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee is held here, it is more appropriate than in the Provincial Party Committee? Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"There are not many provincial party committee leaders who really have time to rest here. You should have a deep understanding as a county party committee. Even if you are given a diamond card, do you have time to come every week?" Xu Lifeng glanced at him and said with a smile.

"That's the truth." Zhu Daidong has a deep understanding that although the country has long implemented a two-day weekend system, it is already difficult for a leading cadre at his level to fully enjoy such treatment. There are endless meetings every day. The main goal of the following organs and units is to invite him to attend the meeting. When he attends the meeting, it shows that the county attaches great importance to this work. If he does not participate, his enthusiasm for completing the task will be reduced. Sometimes Zhu Daidong is also helpless.

He is just a county party committee, let alone the municipal party committee and the provincial party committee. But today, two members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee appeared here, which is a little abnormal.

"The Chang'an Club has been very lively during this period." Xu Lifeng said lightly.

Of course, it will be enthusiastic during this period. All prefecture and municipal cadres in the province have to make major adjustments, and there are many personnel issues involved. Occasions like Chang'an Club are most suitable for gathering here before adjustment.

"Daidong, do you want to get to know the new people in Shachang City?" When Xu Lifeng saw Zhu Daidong's head slightly, he suddenly smiled and said that although he and Wang Dake did not have a deep friendship, it was still no problem to meet here and introduce Zhu Daidong to him.

"Let's talk about it later." Zhu Daidong said that he also wanted to get to know Wang Dake in advance, but just now he listened to the conversation between Wang Dake and Yu Zhuoyuan. The content of the conversation between the two was very personal, and it could be heard that the relationship between the two was very good. In Chang'an Club, as long as you are willing, your privacy can be well protected, and no one will disturb you. Therefore, in the room, Wang Dake and Yu Zhuoyuan can be happy to their heart's content. How could they think that all the dialogues spread to Zhu Daidong's ears word for word.

In fact, it is very simple for Zhu Daidong to meet Wang Dake. Wang Dake and Yu Zhuoyuan normally discuss what sports to do. Zhu Daidong wants to meet, just go there in advance and wait. But he decided not to see this meeting. He and Wang Dake will always meet one day. Now that they see each other, it may not be a good thing.

From the day he entered the officialdom, Zhu Daidong never wanted to hold anyone's thigh, even in front of the provincial party committee. He only hopes that the work he has done can be recognized by his superiors, and it is enough not to erase or "borrow" his achievements. Now Wang Duke is only the mayor of Guyin City. What will Wang Duke think when he leans up so early?

Maybe this meeting is really just a chance encounter, but who knows what Wang Dake would think? What's more, a red child like him has an arrogance in his bones. If he is looked down upon by his preconceivedness, his work will definitely be affected in the future.

Tian Ye wanted to go back the next day. Zhu Daidong, as the royal driver, had to follow him back. Yan Ruiling is in good health now. She is in Furong County every day, which makes her a little bored. As soon as she came back yesterday, she immediately went shopping in the pedestrian street accompanied by Gan Shimei. She proposed to Zhu Daidong to settle the fetus in the province until the birth. Gan Shimei also felt that the conditions in Furong County were too poor and the sanitary conditions were also worse. No matter whether Zhu Daidong, the county party committee, could accept it or not, he criticized Furong County. Compared with Chu, the gap between Furong County is not ordinary.

Both his wife and mother-in-law want to live in the provincial capital, and Zhu Daidong also feels that it is very inhumane to leave his father-in-law alone in the provincial capital. At least he is also a director, and he is also a very important transportation director. How can he go home at night without a delicious meal? Although Gan Shimei hired a nanny for her family before going to Furong County, no matter how good the nanny is, it is not as easy as her wife.

Tian Ye was in a good mood. Although he squinted after getting on the car, Zhu Daidong knew that he did not sleep. Qian Feihu could come to the Chang'an Club with him, which was an attitude in itself. For the field, the support of provincial leaders is very important. However, for the leaders of the province, the future cooperation of the main cadres of the following cities is equally important. Especially for Qian Feihu, the deputy governor of the Standing Committee, many things need the following cooperation. As long as the field's work can be picked up, he dares to boldly recommend the field.

"Tian, why don't you go directly to the municipal party committee?" When the car was about to enter Shachang City, Zhu Daidong asked. He looked at the time. It was just 10:30. After sending the field back, he could still rush to the county. Regarding the Japanese distribution of the unknown company, Zhu Daidong felt it necessary to communicate with Liu Min again.

"Yes, Daidong, thank you for your hard work this time, so that you don't even have time to accompany your wife." The field sat in the back seat, nodded and said.

"Tian, you don't know that shopping with women is more tiring than working hard work. If I can follow you back, I will take advantage of it." Zhu Daidong laughed and said that Yan Ruiling was almost banned in Furong County, and the county was so talented. Even if she put on makeup again, she would be easily recognized. As the "first lady" of Furong County, she had to think about Zhu Daidong's reputation.

"Dai Dong, this can't be heard by reporter Yan, otherwise you will feel good." The field laughed.

"Tian, are you such a person? ..., huh! No, Tian, there seems to be a loud noise in the direction of the railway station. Zhu Dairan made a quick brake and said hurriedly.

"Big noise?" Tian Ye looked out of the window. It was more than ten miles away from the railway station. He didn't hear the sound just now, but if Zhu Daidong could hear it, something serious had definitely happened. "Daidong, go to the railway station immediately."

Without the field to open his mouth, Zhu Daidong had turned the car and galloped towards the Shachang Railway Station. The sound just now, not to mention that the field sitting behind the car did not open the window, even if he left the window open, he could not hear any special sound. Zhu Daidong's ability to accurately capture this sound does not mean that ordinary people can also hear it. The voice just now was not very sharp, but dull. It's not like an explosion, but like the sound of an impact, and Zhu Daidong also heard the sound of sharp metal brakes. This sound is not from cars, but like metal. From the direction of the railway station, it seems to be like the sound of emergency braking of a train.

The train collided? This should be unlikely, right? Although the railway system and the local government are divided into two poor management systems, neither Zhu Daidong nor Tian Ye expect such a thing to happen in Shachang City. But how can things be based on people's will?

Before Zhu Daidong's car entered the station, he had confirmed that there was a very serious safety accident at Shachang Railway Station, and the voices of the injured and crying could be heard all over his ears.

As the main leader of the municipal party committee, he and Zhu Daidong rushed to the scene as soon as Zhu Daidong expected. As Zhu Daidong expected, there was a more serious safety accident in Shachang City in history. Two passenger trains collided, and there were more than a dozen cars that overturned at the scene, and two cars derailed. How much impact damage can it cause such damage?

Many carriages have been deformed, and blood keeps flowing out of the carriage, staining the ground red. Zhu Daidong took the lead in reacting: "Tian, we should inform Mayor Cai, Huang and the province as soon as possible, and organize the rescue work immediately!"

"Yes, yes, Daidong, you call Mayor Huang, and I will report to Cai." The field quickly calmed down. The principles of the railway department are different from those of local governments. Their superior leading departments are the Railway Bureau and the Ministry of Railways.

"Mayor Huang, there was a very serious train collision at the railway station of our city. The situation at the scene was very serious. Tian and I happened to be nearby and just arrived at the scene." Zhu Daidong called Huang Ziliang and said that today is Sunday, and Huang Ziliang has used a private number. If anyone calls him according to the number provided by the municipal government, he can only be answered by his new secretary.

"How is the scene?" Huang Ziliang was shocked, and others were also in the provincial capital.

"It's very serious. The two trains that collided were passenger trains. More than a dozen carriages overturned at the scene, and the blood flowed like a river. Mayor Huang, please immediately send instructions to the relevant departments and try his best to rescue the injured." Zhu Daidong said heavily that he really didn't want to report any more. Now every minute, there may be life disappearing.

Zhu Daidong immediately called Liu Min again. Fortunately, Liu Min was just in place. This time, she moved her home to Furong County on the weekend. After hearing about this, she was also stunned.

"Immediately organize, firefighting, militia, weapons and doctors and nurses in various hospitals in the county, bring enough medicine and equipment, and rush to the railway station. Prepare to build a temporary hospital and operating room in the front square of the railway station. In addition, it is necessary to organize personnel to donate blood immediately, and all the plasma should be sent to the municipal hospital immediately or directly to the station. Zhu Daidong said in a low voice.

: I'm a little busy these two days, and I'm also conceiving the plot. Last night, it was finally integrated, and the plot will be more wonderful. Please continue to support, especially with subscriptions. Be sure to rise day by day. RO