Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 486 Worthless things

Liu Min received a notice from the Municipal Party Committee and Zhu Daidong at the same time. In the afternoon, Vice Chairman of the Provincial Party Committee [Book], Comrade Du Bangjun, Governor of the Provincial Party Committee, and Comrade Chang Shikun, Vice President of the Provincial Party Committee, will come to Furong County to inspect and guide the work. After hearing the news, he was surprised and happy. I have just arrived in Furong County, and soon a provincial leader will come to inspect the work, which is a great encouragement for my future work.

Although DuPont can come to Furong County this time. The most important reason is that Zhu Daidong boldly invited. Liu Min has a very good relationship with the municipal government. He knows almost the original text of Zhu Daidong's report to DuPont. After communicating with Zhu Daidong, a meeting was held immediately, and Furong County immediately entered the state of second-class security. After Du Bangjun entered Furong County, he was immediately promoted to first-class security.

The so-called first-level guard and second-level guard are the names of the security measures and levels of important leaders and political figures. They are divided into first, second and third levels, and the degree and importance are treated differently.

Generally speaking, the first-level guard is the visiting foreign heads of state, the head of government, the leader of the ruling party, and the member of the Standing Committee of the Central Political Bureau of China's activities at home and abroad, the State [Chief], the Deputy Chairman of the National People's Congress, the General Manager of the State Council, the Chief Guard specifications of the platoon. However, in actual implementation, the first-level security will generally be strengthened. For example, Governor DuPont Jun came to Furong County. You will enjoy the first-class guard. If the head of state really comes to Furong County, you will use super super first-class guard.

In addition to driving and receiving vehicles, the first-level guard should increase the police force to the important places, complex road sections and intersections that the guards pass through. Generally, the police force should be increased. Therefore, an important part of receiving the governor well requires the full cooperation of the Public Security Bureau.

Liu Min studied the reception work of the relevant responsible persons of public security, urban management, sanitation, county government office and county party committee office. Liu Min turned out to be the mayor's secretary and participated in the reception tasks of important leaders for many times. Arrange the work in an orderly and handy manner. This time it's not like a meeting to discuss, but Liu Min's arrangement of work. The only thing that needs to be studied is the subsequent executive meeting of the county government, where the governor rarely comes to Furong County. Unnamed companies must see it. But other than that? You have to show a little Fu's characteristics.

, "This time the governor came to Furong County, it is a rare opportunity. In addition to letting the governor see the economic development of our Furong County, we should also suddenly have the characteristics of Furong County and leave a deep impression on the leaders." Liu Min said. In fact, to put it simply, in addition to letting the governor see what he is interested in. We should also take out what Furong County wants the governor to see, such as projects that need provincial support, special projects in Furong County, etc.

, "County Liu. What's the point of Zhu's [book]? Gu Jianxuan asked that Governor Du's ability to come to Furong County is entirely due to Zhu [Shu]. Even if it is not Zhu [Shu]'s credit, there is no instruction from a leader. What's the use of having a meeting here?

, "Zhu [Shu] means to focus on the nameless company. Nearly one-third of the shares of this company are raised by the people in the county. Now the rapid development of the nameless company can be said to be the biggest practical thing the county party committee and the county government has done for the people." Liu Min said slowly.

, "County Liu. I have a proposal to ask Governor Du to see the traditional Chinese medicine base in the township below. "The confidentiality work in our county is a major feature," Gu Jianxuan said with a smile.

, "Can Governor Du have so much time to go to the next town? This will greatly increase the burden of traffic safety and security work. I suggest finding a project in the county. For example, our county is going to set up an administrative service center, which is more distinctive than the administrative service hall in Yuhuā County. Zeng Binjie said that this was actually a project he did when he was the acting county magistrate. The location has been renovated. The training of the personnel is also about to be completed. If you can borrow DuPont to come to Furong County to guide the work. Let the administrative service center officially operate, and talk about your previous work.

, "Lafeng County Magistrate, what do you think? Liu Min asked without saying anything.

Liu Lafeng has always been the deputy county magistrate in charge of culture, education and health. As a female cadre, she has to pay more than others to get ahead of the county government. When Zhu Daidong was only the deputy head of Shushuling in Yuhuā County, she had just been promoted to the deputy head of Furong County. When Zhu Daidong first came to Furong County to serve as the county party committee, she didn't pay attention to it. Once she reported her work to Zhu Daidong, she remembered it. At that time, in order to welcome the provincial family planning inspection, Yuhuā County specially came to Furong County to get the scriptures. I remember that she received it at that time.

Now that six years have passed, the deputy township head of that year was already his own leader, the leader of Furong County, and he was still in the same step. How can the opportunity in the middle not make people sigh and amazed? After being stunned, Liu Lafeng said, "I have no problem. County Magistrate Liu is well-informed. He has more experience than me in this regard and can grasp the key points. Highlighting the characteristics of our Furong County, I listen to the county magistrate Liu." "Let me talk about the idea. Governor Du came to the city only five times last year and went to the county only three times, and among them, there is no us in Furong County. This is our opportunity, and it is also our opportunity. We want to let Governor Du see the achievements of Furong County, and let him have a deep impression on our Furong County. If we can let Governor Du approve several projects, how much time will we save?

.. Liu Min said.

But Liu Min's abacus almost failed. Du Bangjun stayed in Furong County for a short time, after listening to Zhu Daidong's report for half an hour in the conference room of the county party committee. I went to an unknown company. I visited the packaging workshop of the nameless recreation. Although DuPont is the governor, the production workshop is still not open to him. Zhu Daidong invited him to the production workshop alone, but Du Bangjun refused. He smiled and said, "I also want to abide by the code of confidentiality."

Du Bangjun spoke highly of the production, operation and management of the unknown company, and fully affirmed Furong County's ability to seize the opportunity and give full play to the advantages of local resources.

"Comrade Daidong, you have a thin foundation in Furong County. You must find your own way. Don't see other places attracting investment. You are also making a fusss. This is not good. You need to get out of your own characteristics. Your nameless company is very distinctive. Du Bangjun decided to go back, and no one could stop him, but according to the usual practice, Furong County wanted to send out of the county boundary, and he didn't stop him, even on the way back. He also called Zhu Daidong to his car.

"Yes, I must remember the instructions of the governor and lead the people of Furong County to a road to get rich with their own characteristics." Zhu Daidong nodded solemnly.

"Come on. I only listen to reports and look at the results, but what I want to hear most is to tell you the truth about your [true] thoughts. Do you have any ideas about the future development of Furong County? What are the difficulties with the current development of Furong County? DuPont looked at the young county party committee in front of him. Ask. He is also a person who has been a member of the county party committee, knowing how difficult it is to bring hundreds of thousands of people in a county to get rich.

"Gun Governor, the hen of the nameless company in Furong County, which lays golden eggs, will quickly enter the development period in the next few years. Last year, the fiscal revenue of our county was less than 30 million, but this year, there is no problem with more than 200 million. From next month, unknown companies will start to pay dividends, and then the county can do something. My idea is to carry out urban renovation first. I don't know if the governor noticed that he didn't do it. Most of the residential houses in our county, Furong County, are built in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and will develop in Furong County in the future. We need to advertise on these residential houses. While strengthening the protection of these historical buildings. Develop tourism. We will vigorously develop the tertiary industry based on tourism. As for the difficulties in Furong County. It's not that I want to show myself. As long as I have the correct leadership of the provincial party committee and the provincial government and the cordial care of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, nothing can save me. Zhu Daidong said confidently.

"Oh, you are very confident." Dupont said with a smile and asked in surprise, "Can an unknown company in your county have such a high profit? I remember you just said that the county government only has an investment of 50 million yuan, right? Two hundred million can be recovered in a year, which is high enough."

The profit of health care [medicine] products is relatively good. The next step of an unknown company is to explore overseas markets. The first step is [day]. Originally, several of my [day] [medicine] sales companies are willing to represent our products, but the requirements of unknown companies are very high. These [day] companies can't reach this. I decided to go to [Day] to establish a sales channel. Zhu Daidong said with a smile that there were some things that could not be said so thoroughly in the conference room of the county party committee and the unknown company just now. If there is an opportunity to communicate closely with the governor, of course, it is necessary to leave a deep impression in front of the governor.

"Unknown companies sell themselves" can sell as well as in China? DuPont asked with some concern.

"Gun Governor, please rest assured, the nameless recreation depends on the effect of speaking. The fragrance of wine is not afraid of the depth of Hong Kong, and the effect will never be worse than that in China. If the governor doesn't believe it, I have a course of unnamed recreation here. Please ask the governor to test the effect in person. Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"Comrade Daidong, take it back. If I need it, I will buy it." DuPont said unhappily.

"Gun governor, this is my personal treasure. The unknown company can only process and produce for me. Secretary Chen, this is not a bribe, is it? What's more, this thing was given to me by someone else at the beginning. If I really want to calculate it, I didn't have a penny, so I just borrowed huā to offer Buddha.

"Zhu Daidong said with a smile that he had ten courses of treatment in a real unknown company, and sent one course of treatment to Qian Feihu, and the rest has not been used yet.

"Zhu [Book]. Is there something unique about your personal collection? Chen Bobo asked.

"Of course." Zhu Daidong said proudly. Governor.. I'm not boasting. My nameless recreation has the function of nourishing the brain, prolonging the life, and enhancing the physique. The governor, you are busy with your work every day, and you take care of everything for the sake of the overall situation of the province. I am anxious in my eyes. If your body is exhausted, who will guide us in the future?

"So I can't accept it?" DuPont said with a smile.

"Of course, Secretary Chen, don't you think so?" Zhu Daidong said to Chen Bobo, who was sitting in the front row.

"Gun governor, this is Zhu [Shu]'s heartfelt, not something to eat, drink and play. It is effective for your body and should be accepted." Chen Bobo said, but his heart was full of slander. He knew that Zhu Daidong's nameless recreation was called "golden decoration and nameless". One bottle cost 10,000 yuan, and a course of treatment was 50,000 yuan. And the market is priceless. I heard that it is in Hong Kong. Someone was willing to buy it from Li Guangsheng for 100,000 yuan a bottle, but Li Guangsheng did not sell it. Now Zhu Daidong said that it was worthless. If it hadn't been for the governor in the car, he would have laughed.