Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 502 Transactions that have no choice

Chapter 552 Jiāyi who had no choice

There are still seven monthly tickets before entering the top 50. From more than 200 at the beginning to the current seven, we have moved a lot closer and are within reach. It can be displayed on the home page of the monthly ticket list, which is also an achievement. This month's recommendations have been used up. If you want to make a face, you have to try your best to squeeze it into each list. If we squeeze it, our results will go up and ask for the support of monthly tickets.

The head of the headquarters is at a high level, and he has a big appetite. Zhu Daidong didn't think about it at the beginning. Does the general manager also need to be anonymous? What's so difficult about this? There are two courses of gold suit in our car. At worst, we can send a course of gold suit to the general manager. For the nameless use of gold clothing, no matter what his purpose is, Zhu Daidong will always adhere to a principle and not directly carry out money.

No matter what money the other party will pay, even if it is one million or ten million, he will not sell it. If others want to get the gold suit from him, there is only one way to let Zhu Daidong send it out. But this time Zhu Daidong was wrong, which was simply wishful thinking. How could the general manager be nameless for a course of gold clothing, and Baba called him to the office?

The general manager asked, "Comrade Zhu, how many nameless gold clothes do you still have in your hand?"

When Zhu Daidong heard this, it was as cold as if he had eaten ten ice in one breath. This is to sweep away all your inventory.

"There are still thirty-five bottles, seven courses of treatment." Zhu Daidong didn't know how he could be so honest. Maybe this was the problem of the aura. In the face of the chief's gaze, he didn't dare to have any other ideas at all. But as soon as he said the words, he felt as if he was too sincere, and he had to stay for one or two courses of treatment anyway.

"Have you ever thought about how to deal with these nameless gold costumes?" The general asked with a gentle smile.

"Listen to the instructions of the chief." Zhu Daidong wanted to say that he would leave himself a few bottles for a rainy day, but when the words came to his mouth, it became these words. There was really nothing he could do. In the officialdom, reason must defeat emotions. Even if you want to leave a few bottles, it's not your turn to open your mouth. If you really want to make this request, the result may still be the same, and you will lose a lot of points. It's better to retreat as progress, make a high posture, and maybe you can strive for some benefits for yourself.

These thoughts are like a white horse passing through a gap in Zhu Daidong's mind, which is an instinctive reaction. But it was precisely in this way that the chief listened very comfortably. The faster Zhu Daidong answered, the more it showed that this was the real idea in his heart.

"This is your īren wu pin. How can I instruct you?" The minister pretended not to be happy, looked at Zhu Daidong and stared and said.

"A Communist, everything is organized, including life. The nameless gold is just something outside the body. If it can play a greater role in the hands of the organization, it is my greatest wish. Zhu Daidong said "sincerely".

"Comrade Daidong, I'm glad that you have such an awareness. I didn't want to talk to you until you went back, but things have changed. I hope you can understand. The general said with relief.

Generally, the higher authorities will find the grass-roots units below, and they will communicate through layers. If the general ginseng wants to find Zhu Daidong, they will first find the governor of Gunan Province or the military region, and then the provincial government or the military region will notify the next level, and finally the city representative will organize a conversation with Zhu If the grass-roots unit suddenly receives a phone call from the central government, it is generally not a liar, or in the name of the state organ to recommend to you catalogues, books, etc., and you need to pay for. If such a situation really occurs, it will generally be notified in advance by the superior department. For example, the municipal party committee will first notify Zhu Daidong, and a central organ may contact you directly. Please pay attention to ensure that the mobile phone is turned on 24 hours a day at any time during this period, and it is within the signal area.

But today's situation is indeed a little different. Everything comes from the significant changes in Cai Bingying's unit today. In the morning, Cai Bingying, who had just entered the sixth round, made people's eyes bright. Her whole face was radiant, like a fresh uā that was about to turn yellow. Suddenly, she got a lot of water and nutrients. How could the person with the general ginseng be the sand in his eyes? People in the sixth game know more about Cai Bingying's situation. Usually, it's just tacitly. But as soon as Cai Bingying came to work today, the change was so great that the leaders of the three departments knew it.

As a cadre at the level of Cai Bingying, there is no secret to the organization. Her words and deeds should be recorded. Such a "major" is that after the leader intervenes, it should be reported in detail. This is the means she must take for this special work, and even Tian Lin's changes and performance yesterday. After the report, she has to write a detailed document for the record.

This situation was finally reflected in the headquarters. When the minister went to the meeting of the Military Commission held in Quanshan this morning, the General Secretary inadvertently mentioned this matter. As a result, an old leader of the Military Commission was very interested when he heard it. He is not extravagant to restore his combat effectiveness when he was young. As long as he solves some old men's problems, he will be satisfied.

You should know that nameless recreation has a good effect on the quiet and rapid bifurcation of the elderly, and these problems are the problems that plague many elderly people. Especially these old comrades who often need to have meetings. It's not good to leave the table every ten minutes during the meeting, right? This is irresponsibility for work, and it will also be the most appropriate reason for them to leave the center of political power. Old comrades don't have much fun in the first place. Being able to hold meetings every day and have work to do every day is their greatest pleasure.

What is the fastest thing to do in our country? The most efficient? The importance of leaders! The higher the level of leadership, the faster the speed, the higher the efficiency. Now that the central-level leaders have opened their mouths, they will "offering treasures" Zhu Daidong's Buddha so soon. Zhu Daidong can think about these things, but he can't say, let alone ask. Even if others ask and talk about it, they should not listen, believe or pass it on. This is the only qualified leading cadre and the necessary quality.

No matter which "field", such as officialdom and workplace, it is like a big dyeing vat. It will slowly transform your personality. If you can't follow the flow and keep pace with the times, the only result is that is excluded from the center. Many people lament that they are not happy in life, and I'm afraid it has a lot to do with their lack of transformation. There are many rules here, and the rules are very strict. People who don't fit in with the group must be aliens. People who can change the rules must be at the level of great men. Zhu Daidong asked himself that he is now far from the great man, and the distance between the earth and Jupiter.

Zhu Daidong came to Beijing this time and brought three sets of gold clothes unknown. In addition to the nameless gold clothes that had given Tian Lin a course of treatment, he sent the remaining two sets to the president's office in the fastest time. The remaining 20 bottles of gold are nameless. He has asked Zhang Suoliang to take them to his office and deliver them as soon as possible. Zhu Daidong asked that he must see it at this time tomorrow.

Seeing that ten bottles of gold are nameless, the general manager's face is relaxed. In fact, he is also under pressure. Old comrades and old leaders really want to get emotional. Even if he is the general manager, he can only be a gas bag. The taste is not so good.

"Xiao Zhu, how is the railway special line project going when you come to Beijing this time?" The general manager carefully put the gold suit into the ōu drawer, and then asked with a smile. As the Chief of General Staff, he wants to inquire about Zhu Daidong's situation, which is a phone call. In his drawer, there is now a piece of material about Zhu Daidong, including the purpose of his visit this time, the latest progress made with Tian Lin, even his application for membership in the Chang'an Club, and the fax of the note he wrote to Andreas.

You don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles. Zhu Daidong thought to himself that after he brought the gold costume nameless, he said hello. At this time, if Zhu Daidong told the truth again, it would be really stupid. Now is the time to make a request. If it is also a jiāyi this time, it can only be regarded as a last resort. Fortunately, before coming, he communicated with the field and asked about the recent projects in the city.

Zhu Daidong asked Tian Ye to pass the project information to Huang Bin, saying that maybe he could help the city run in Beijing. At that time, Tian Ye didn't believe it at all. You even worked so hard on the railway special line project, and you still care about the city? However, seeing that Zhu Daidong urged him tightly, he asked Zhai Liansheng to do this matter. Zhu Daidong has instructed Huang Bin to send it to the general entrance as soon as possible after receiving the information. He is eager to use it.

"The eight characters have not been skidded yet. If the Ministry of Railways, like the General Staff, can see the second head of No. 1 in a day, I'm afraid it will start to explore and design now." Zhu Daidong sighed and said with a "sad" face.

"If you send a course of treatment to Tian Lin, won't you send a course of treatment to Minister Xiaohui?" The general manager was in a good mood and rarely made a joke.

"For Minister Zhang, how can it be better to give it to you?" Zhu Daidong said with a smile that the leader is in a good mood and is about to hit the snake with the stick. Don't miss the opportunity, and the time will never come again. How many people in China have such an opportunity to chat with the president in such a relaxed atmosphere?

The nameless gold suit of the seven courses of treatment was sent out at one time. Only when there was such an opportunity did Zhu Daidong feel that he did not seem to be at a loss. Anyway, the county is stepping up preparations for the nameless raw materials of the gold package, and the real nameless gold package can be produced before the end of the year. Now every day, the nameless gold suit is depreciating this time, just like taking a plane. The closer it is to the starting time, the lower the value of the ticket. When it takes off,

Now it is also an opportunity to sell the gold suit at a good value, and he knows that in addition to the railway special line project he came to Beijing this time, he can also get more benefits. Moreover, this benefit can not only be given to Furong County, but also to do some benefits to the city. Otherwise, the city leaders will not criticize themselves when they go back in the future?

Now the leaders of the city still can't figure out the situation, but the paper can never be wrapped up. It is the need of the work not to report to the leaders of the municipal party committee, but it is also one of the purposes to strive for the benefits of the city. RA