Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 580 Regret

Zhu Daidong knows all the staff in the county party committee and county government, but he knows at least 90% of them. Especially Wu Boming, since he learned that he was Wang Yufang's boyfriend, Zhu Daidong also paid special attention to him for a period of time. At this point, I'm afraid Wu Boming didn't expect that he had entered the vision of Zhu Shuyu at some point.

If it's just a thesis, in fact, Huang Bin is comparable to Wu Boming, and after several months of edification, Huang Bin's writing is more suitable for Zhu Daidong. However, in terms of the output of materials, Wu Boming's quantity per unit time has exceeded Huang Binn

If you want to have an excellent performance in the county party committee office, it is far from enough to rely on output alone. The documents and materials of the government are very important. Most of the time, you only need to make a little change. If you can add the latest buzzword, it is a good speech. But such a manuscript may be suitable for others, and Zhu Daidong will never use it.

Zhu Daidong's speech needs to be concise, short and concise, but sometimes Huang Bin wanted Wu Boming to perform and deliberately gave some of Zhu Daidong's speeches to him to write. As a result, he was shot by Huang Bin before it was in Zhu Daidong's hands. Huang Bin will not tell Zhu Daidong such a thing, but every time there is such a thing, he can't hide it from Zhu Daidong's ears.

If it is only once or twice, Zhu Daidong will feel that this may be Wu Boming's business needs to be improved, but after two times, Wu Boming can't grasp his own characteristics, which is a matter of personal ability. Wu Boming is only suitable for public creation now. In Wu Boming's current situation, Zhu Daidong believes that it is not suitable to hold a leading position for the time being. If you promote him now, you will not help him, but hurt him.

When Zhu Daidong first came to Furong County, in fact, Wu Boming also entered his vision at the beginning, but was soon rejected by Zhu Daidong compared with Huang Bin: he was not calm and meticulous enough. Wu Boming tones himself as a literati. His own habits and views are difficult to change due to people's influence. It is difficult for a person who does not follow the tide and keep pace with the times to swing freely in a somewhat turbid official field.

Wu Boming began to change after Huang Bin became his secret book. He and Huang Bin are good friends. Why can Huang Bin stand out, but he has to continue to do heavy work every day? Moreover, Wu Boming feels that he has done a good job. At least for the materials he wrote, few of the guide will be shot. Although sometimes the guide will change a few places after getting the materials, this is just the habit of the guide. If all the materials taken from the secret book are passed at once, this Does it seem that the leader is too taught?

For this "rule." Wu Boming didn't know at the beginning. He thought there was something wrong with his own level. Every time he got the returned materials, he had to bother to modify it. During that time, he was very tired. Later, under Huang Bin's reminder, he found that in the materials he wrote later, he would deliberately leave obvious mistakes and let the leader correct them.

The excitement of these things made Wu Boming try to change himself. But his change is limited. Maybe he has begun to get used to the rules of the game in the machine, but it is only a passive habit, rather than actively in-depth research and "development".

There are two very important things in Furong County in July. The underground drainage system in Furong County will be officially tendered for bidding, and the construction will officially start this month. In August, the new city of Furong County will also begin to be officially developed, because the county's reconstruction also includes the streets of the new city, including lighting projects, greening projects, the central square of the county, the new county party committee and county government building, post offices, silver banks, commercial waiting roads, etc. Sishi will also open bus lines to schools in the old city this year, and some other county government departments will be closed. They will also choose a site in the new urban area before July next year: all the government departments will be moved to the new urban area.

Another thing is to repair and protect the ancient buildings of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in the old city of Furong County. This requires specialized technicians, and not everyone can do it. There are not many people who understand the protection of ancient buildings, Furong County, even Shachang City and the whole Gunan Province.

At the end of the sixth month, Zhu Daidong wanted to go to Fuzhou in person and invite Niu Huaiyuan, a specialist of the Palace Museum, who studied and protected ancient buildings there, to Furong County. But at that time, Zhu Daidong received the task and went to Xianggang. He had to entrust the County Cultural Bureau to go to Fuzhou. But I didn't expect that Professor Niu Huaiyuan didn't agree. According to his schedule, he would spend this year in three squares and seven lanes in Fuzhou.

This is not the same as the rule of Furong County. After Zhu Daidong returned to Furong County, he specially called Su Lin, the director of the Cultural Bureau, to ask about the situation: after receiving Zhu Daidong's task, the Cultural Bureau sent the deputy director of the office to Fuzhou. After traveling all the way to Fuzhou, I thought I had shown a lot of sincerity, but I didn't expect that Niu Huaiyuan did not sell the account. In the end, the people of the Cultural Bureau could only come back in frustration. For this matter, Zhu Daidong criticized Su Lin fiercely, "The maintenance, protection and development of ancient buildings in Furong County is one of the most important plans in the county this year. What is more important than this?"

"Zhu Shuji, I want to self-criticize this matter. Originally, I wanted to go in person, but at that time, the seventh sister in the county wanted to go after the festival. I didn't expect Professor Niu's attitude to be so resolute. If you haven't completed the task assigned by Zhu Shuji, please write for approval. Su Lin wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said.

"It's not a question of who goes and who doesn't go. As long as Professor Niu can come, even if you call and invite him, it doesn't matter." Zhu Daidong said lightly that he only sent a deputy head of the office to Fuzhou to the Cultural Bureau. He was very dissatisfied. Originally, he was going to go there in person. Does your Cultural Bureau think that a deputy head of the office can replace me?

"Yes, I will go to Fuzhou in person tomorrow. I must invite Professor Niu." Su Lin said firmly.

Liu Lafeng, the deputy county magistrate in charge of the Cultural Bureau, was also criticized by Zhu Daidong without mercy, which made Liu Lafeng very disapprove of it. Should he hire a special family and let his deputy county magistrate condescence? Zhu Daidong later mentioned this attitude of Liu Lafeng again in the Standing Committee. Finally, Liu Min made a self-criticism at the Standing Committee, and Zhu Daidong did not investigate it again. But after Liu Lafeng heard about it, she went to Liu Xiaomin's office and complained several times.

This time Zhu Daidong decided to go in person. He never liked to fight unprepared battles. After the last time he went to Fuzhou, he asked Yin Jianshi, the deputy director of the office of the Bureau of Culture, he asked Huang Bin to call Yin Jianshi to his office.

As soon as Yin Jianshi received Huang Bin's telegram, he immediately knew in his heart that Zhu Shuji must have found himself for the matter of going to the seven lanes of Sanfang, Fuzhou. In fact, at the beginning, he was not very happy when he was notified by the bureau that he went to Fuzhou. This is the work that Zhu Shuji has assigned. Isn't it too light to be the deputy head of his own office? He reported his thoughts to the Lord, but the Lord told him that no one was in the mood to go to Fuzhou now. No matter which bureau leader was arranged, it would offend people.

Yin Jianshi understood in a blink of an eye that on July 1st, not only the whole county celebrates Xianggang, but more importantly, the unknown public wants to distribute dividends, and no one wants to leave at such a British key moment. The overall situation is calculated, that is, it is most appropriate for him to go.

"Hello, Comrade Yin Jianshi." Seeing that Yin Jianshi was a little nervous, Zhu Daidong came out from behind the desk, shook hands with him tightly, and said kindly.

"Hello, Zhu Shuji." Yin Jianshi was indeed nervous. Usually, he often listened to Zhu Daidong's reports at the meeting, but it was the first time that the two spoke so closely.

"Please sit down, Lord Yin. This time I called you mainly to talk about the situation in Fuzhou." Zhu Daidong said that there must be a reason why Yin Jianshi did not do things well and came back in disgracline. If he doesn't find this reason, even if he goes to Fuzhou again, he may not be able to invite Niu Huaiyuan to Furong County.

"It's like this. Professor Niu is taking several students to do a project in Sanfangqixiang, Fuzhou. Professor Niu is very rigorous in his knowledge. Before the topic of Sanfangqixiang is completed, he will not start even if it is urgent." Yin Jianshi said that Niu Huaiyuan is not good at saying that he is rigid. He is very obsessed with the ancient buildings of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the Ming and Qing Dynasties buildings in Sanfang and Seven Lanes in Fuzhou are very well preserved. Every time he goes there, he will linger.

"Yin Lord Ren, what do the three squares and seven lanes mean?" Zhu Daidong said that he still knew about some famous scenic spots in the province, but he didn't know much about the province. After receiving Cai Bingying's notice last time, he wanted to check this information, but he didn't have time.

"Sanfang Seven Lane refers to the abbreviation of the ten square lanes arranged from north to south on both sides of Nanhou Street in Fuzhou City. Yin Jianshi didn't know that the three pieces to the west were called "fang" and the seven lanes to the east. Before receiving the task, he thought that "three squares and seven lanes" was a place name.

"Do you know which three squares and seven lanes?" Zhu Daidong casually asked, if Yin Jianshi could answer, it showed that he still spent some thought in Fuzhou.

"from north to south: "Sanfang, Yijinfang, Wenrufang, Guanglufang, "Seven Lanes, Yangqiao Lane, Langguan Lane, Anqimin Lane, Huang Lane, Tower Lane, Gong Lane, Jipi Lane." Yin Jianshi was secretly glad that after receiving Huang Bin's telegram, he immediately read his notes in Fuzhou carefully. Otherwise, he would not have been able to answer this question, at least the answer would not be so accurately or so fluent.

"Professor Niu is in Sanfang Qixiang. In addition to devoting himself to research, is there anything else that he regrets about?" Zhu Daidong asked.

"The most regrettable thing about Niu Jiaotou is that the protection and maintenance of Sanfang and Seven Lanes are not in place by the local government. According to Niu Jiaotou, the protection and maintenance of ancient buildings are huge, and the local government has no plans to spend great efforts to protect them for the time being." Yin Jianshi said.