Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 593 The Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee is very satisfied

Chapter 593 The Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee is very satisfied

At the groundbreaking ceremony of the underground drainage system in Furong County, the municipal party committee Wang Dage arrived as scheduled. Not only that, many media across the country who heard the news sent reporters to Furong County. Some of them were old friends of Zhu Daidong, such as Liu Weizhong of China Youth Daily and Li Zhijie of China Education Daily. After hearing the news, he also rushed over.

In addition to reporting that Furong County is called a unique underground drainage system, there is another task to come to Furong County in advance to find out what measures will be taken in education after Zhu Daidong enters the main Furong County. Although Furong County has not taken measures in education now, Li Zhijie believes that Furong County will definitely take action in this regard.

"Reporter Li Da, when will your education newspaper start, and you will also pay attention to the urban construction project?" Liu Weizhong happened to be in the same room with Li Zhijie. When he saw Li Zhijie coming in, he asked in surprise.

"As long as it is educational, we should all pay attention to it." Li Zhijie and Liu Weizhong are also very familiar with each other. Although they are in different newspapers, as well-known reporters in influential newspapers in China, they can meet on many occasions, and they often live in the same room.

"Do you think the underground drainage system in Furong County is educational?" Liu Weizhong asked in surprise that the underground drainage system in Furong County is definitely news, which is beyond doubt. The county seat of Furong County is not big. Even with the new county seat, it can only accommodate tens of thousands of people. But now, such a small county, even a provincial poverty-stricken county, has to invest more than 30 million yuan. At a depth of 50 meters underground, an advanced row of 100,000 or even 300,000 or 500,000 urban people will be built Water system.

The underground drainage pipes in ordinary cities, especially drainage systems such as counties, all you need to do is to discharge the sewage, and it's good to have a sewage treatment system. However, the underground drainage system in Furong County not only has a sewage treatment system, but also a wastewater treatment system. The treated wastewater is recycled. For example, in the fountain in the central square of Hibiscus County and the artificial park next to the new county government, all the water will come from non-potable water after wastewater treatment.

"Don't you think it's educational? Whether it is Furong County's emphasis on environmental protection, the most advanced design of the underground drainage system, or building the sewer into a tourist attraction, at least I think that if the underground drainage system in Furong County is completed, it will be of good educational significance to other local governments. Li Zhijie put his salute in **, took out a cigarette and threw one to Liu Weizhong, saying.

"You said that Zhu Daidong is really interesting. No matter where he goes, he can always do something new." Liu Weizhong took the cigarette and said with a smile.

"Isn't that good? If there are more people like this, we don't have to worry about the news every day. Li Zhijie lay like a big character and also gave himself a cigarette. As a reporter, he interviewed during the day and stayed up late at night to catch up for manuscripts. As long as he was a man, almost all of them were smokers, while female reporters liked coffee or strong tea. For example, Yan Ruiling used to make a cup of strong coffee every night as long

"That's true. As long as Zhu Daidong goes to a new place in the future, I will have an exclusive interview with him first, leave the manuscript there, wait until the news clues come out, and then publish it together. The sensational effect is much better." Liu Weizhong feels the same way. As a reporter of China Youth Daily, he needs to run the news outside often. In his impression, it is not easy for a local government to be interviewed by him once.

However, Zhu Daidong often appears in his news reports. Since the beginning of Yuhua County, it has been no less than two times. If this time is added, Liu Weizhong has followed up on Zhu Daidong three times.

"I also have this idea. The education reform of Yuhua County has made great achievements. I believe that Furong County will definitely have achievements no less than that of Yuhua County. According to you, it is the best time to interview him now." Li Zhijie turned over and got up and said.

"Akay, how about we have an exclusive interview together?" Liu Weizhong said in surprise.

Reporters focus on efficiency and speed. Once they decide, they will do it immediately. Although Furong County will hold a formal press conference, the effect of the press conference is completely different from the exclusive interview. At the press conference, Li Zhijie and Liu Weizhong may be able to have a direct dialogue with Zhu Daidong, but there may be only one opportunity, more than two times, and the exclusive interview will maintain communication for a period of time.

Liu Weizhong immediately contacted Huang Bin and proposed to him that China Youth Daily and China Education News would jointly conduct an exclusive interview with Zhu Daidong, hoping that Zhu Daidong could cooperate.

"Reporter Liu, didn't you just discuss it with Zhu in the morning? Why do you still have an exclusive interview?" Huang Bin asked in surprise that at the opening ceremony in the morning, Zhu Daidong introduced the details of Furong County. In the afternoon, they were arranged to stay in the Furong Hotel so that they could create at ease and strive to write the best news. And there will be a formal press conference in Furong County tomorrow, and there will also be a thank-you banquet. However, tomorrow's press conference and thank-you banquet will be hosted by the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee. Zhu will only answer some questions at the press conference.

"In the morning, we are talking about the underground drainage system. We are also very interested in Zhu himself, and we also hope to get Zhu's personal response to many problems about the future development of Furong County." Liu Weizhong said with a smile.

"I have to ask the leader for an answer to you about this matter. Reporter Liu, do you think this is good or not? You can have a good rest in the hotel first. If there is a result, I will reply to you immediately. How about that?" Huang Bin said.

"This is a matter of course, but we look forward to further communication with Zhu." Liu Weizhong said with a smile.

Soon Huang Bin called Liu Weizhong back. In the afternoon, Zhu didn't have time. He had accompanied Wang Dake, the municipal party committee, to the highway reconstruction site in the county. But Zhu Daidong also gave a positive reply. If he could go back earlier in the evening, he would go directly to the hotel and accept their interview.

This is Wang Dike's first official visit to Furong County. When he took office, he came to Furong County for investigation, which can only be regarded as a routine. This time, he came to participate in the underground drainage system of Furong County. It may be said that it was the first time that Wang Dage officially came to Furong County. The main members of the four sets of teams in the county must be accompanied.

Wang Dake came to Furong County to participate in the underground drainage system. It was the first time he came to Furong County to investigate. When he saw the model of the underground drainage system in Furong County, he made an appointment with Zhu Daidong. After confirming the construction of the underground drainage system undertaken by Furong County Construction Company, Zhu Daidong contacted Wang Dake. As long as Wang Dake has time, the opening ceremony of Furong County will be scheduled.

In the morning, he participated in the opening ceremony, and Zhu Daidong sent an invitation to Wang Dake to wait until the completion of the underground drainage system, and asked Wang to inspect the work again. Wang Dake smiled and agreed. Zhu Daidong's choice was really good. Wang Dake was originally very interested in the underground drainage system in Furong County, but now the construction has started. Of course, he is more interested in the completed underground drainage system. I'm afraid that even if Zhu Daidong doesn't send an invitation again, Wang Dake will also ask to have a look. However, Zhu Daidong's timely request seemed to be for the sake of Furong County, but in fact, it was to satisfy Wang Dake's curiosity, which made him very satisfied.

When Zhu Daidong asked Wang Dake to inspect the highway reconstruction project in Furong County, Wang Dake did not think much about it and happily agreed. The road reconstruction in Furong County is also very interesting. First of all, it is its thickness. It should be said that it has once again broken the record of domestic civil roads, and there are also the quality requirements for road construction, which can be described as harsh. However, because there was an example of Yuhua County first, many reporters from big newspapers did not follow, only the media in Gunan Province.

But even so, Zhu Daidong's goal has been achieved. As a poor county in Gunan Province, it has built the thickest cement highway in the country, and it is also the best quality highway.

Wang Daka saw the construction site of the highway. Forty-five centimeters of cement in the middle was also more than 40 centimeters on both sides. The cement used is currently refined by the most advanced method. The equipment of Furong County Cement Factory has been shipped back. Finally, the county cement factory accepted Zhu Daidong's suggestion and prepared to jointly establish a new cement joint stock company with Yuhua County Cement Factory. After the establishment of the new Fuyu Cement Company, the cement sales market will occupy the whole of Gunan Province, and some other small cement factories in Gunan Province will either be closed or merged.

In the afternoon, in the conference room of the county party committee, Zhu Daidong reported to Wang Dake as a special topic. When he learned that the nameless company just established this year had a dividend of 150 percent in July, Wang Da was very happy. Furong County has always been a drag in the city, but from this year on, Furong County will step into the list of economically strong counties with firm steps. Is there anything that makes him happier than the new municipal party committee?

Before he came to Shachang City, Wang Daki heard about such a huge investment plan in Furong County. If he didn't think that Furong County was a little laborious and money at the beginning, it was fake. How can we support such a huge investment with the fiscal revenue of a provincial poverty-stricken county? However, after listening to the report of Furong County, Wang Daka felt that Furong County was not overesced.

Before going back, Wang Dake talked to Zhu Daidong and spoke highly of his work in Furong County. For Zhu Daidong's ability, Wang Da was completely relieved through this inspection. He believes that there is no need to spend too much energy on the economic development of Furong County in the future.

Wang Dake went back without having dinner in Furong County. Therefore, Zhu Daidong invited all the media reporters who were still in Furong County in the evening. Li Zhijie and Liu Weizhong were naturally among them. After dinner, Zhu Daidong accepted the Chinese youth at Furong Hotel at the invitation of Liu Weizhong. Joint interview with the annual report and the China Education Bureau. The effect of this interview finally surprised the two reporters and the party, Zhu Daidong. RO