Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 662 Meet the old leader

Chapter 662 Meet the old leader

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Lisha Changhe Bridge project to Shenzhen for investment financing, the three counties and two cities in Shachang City have sent capable investment teams. However, Furong County is different. Furong County has sent a very luxurious investment team. Led by Zhu Daidong, the county party committee of Furong County, and Liu Min, the county magistrate, Sun Manlong, the director of the county government office, Lang Chaojian, the director of the China Merchants Bureau, as the members, as well as the staff of the county government office and the China Merchants bureau, a total of ten investment teams.

Such a luxurious lineup surprised other counties and cities, because all counties and cities actually know that this time, the Shachang River Bridge project is the highlight of going south, and the so-called "refined" investment groups in other counties and cities are just casually sending two people. If you can have a deputy department-level cadre to lead the team, it will be very classy. Therefore, it is not surprising that the "reliate" investment group in Yuhua County is led by Li Moxuan, the director of the development zone.

Although Tian Ye personally led the team to Shenzhen this time, as a foil, it is enough to send a "refined" investment team. After all, not every county or city should work very hard to flatter him.

"Zhu, why did you join the investment group in person this time?" As the director of Yuhua County Development Zone, Li Moxuan also recently served as the director of Yuhua County Merchants Bureau. Because of his pragmatic and efficient work, he is now valued by Wang Lijun and has become a key training object of the organization.

However, while being watched by Wang Lijun, Li Moxuan was inevitably wary of the new county magistrate of Yuhua County. As the largest economic zone in Yuhua County, the annual revenue of the development zone has far exceeded the total fiscal revenue of other places in Yuhua County. In Yuhua County, Li Moxuan, the director of the development zone, is much more important than the director of finance.

This is also the most important reason why Wang Lijun value Li Moxuan very much. As a county party committee, it also needs to use money. If you want to spend money as you want, the best way is, of course, to find financial resources directly. Where is the financial source of Yuhua County? Of course, it is the development zone.

Through Zhu Daidong's efforts, the development zone of Yuhua County has now become the largest source of fiscal revenue in Yuhua County, and the revenue of the development zone does not need to be fully paid to the finance, which is like another independent financial bureau. Every year, the taxes and financial fees of enterprises in the development zone will be paid a lot.

But the remaining profits and dividends, in addition to paying all the expenses of the county's nine-year free compulsory education, teachers' salary subsidies, and all the expenses in the development zone every year, there are also a lot of savings. These are exactly what Wang Lijun value. He doesn't value Li Moxuan so much as the overflowing income of the development zone.

The county party committee attaches importance to a cadre. Generally speaking, the county magistrate will not like him too much. Now the situation that Li Moxuan has to face is the same. The county magistrate of Yuhua County to replace Zhu Daidong is Sheng Fengjin, the former deputy mayor of Xiangluo City. It happened that Cao Changkuan was transferred, and Cao Changkuan was transferred to Xiangluo City as the mayor.

"General Manager, how dare I not go? Why did Yuhua County send you here? Zhu Daidong asked in surprise.

"Originally, the county wanted the county magistrate Tan to come, but the county magistrate Tan had an emergency. A large-scale investment investigation group came to the county, and the county magistrate Tan and He did not come." Li Moxuan explained that the head of Tan County he mentioned was Tan Zhihong, the director of the county government office when Zhu Daidong just arrived in Yuhua County. He was later appointed as the deputy head of the county and was added to the standing committee of the county party committee this year. As for He, of course, He Xiaoyao, now there is still a shortage of a deputy county magistrate in Yuhua County, and there is great hope that he will be promoted today.

"It seems that your county magistrate Sheng is not very interested in going south to Shenzhen this time." Zhu Daidong said with a smile that there were more than 30 people in their group. This time, they took the train to Shenzhen, and the leaders at the department sat in soft sleepers, and the rest were hard sleepers. Of course, Huang Bin, as his secretary, also enjoys the same treatment as Zhu Daidong.

"Director Li, take your time to talk. I'll get some hot water." Huang Bin knew that this was a rare opportunity for Li Moxuan to communicate with Zhu. It took more than ten hours to go to Shenzhen by train. The night was long, and Zhu would not refuse anyone to chat with him, not to mention his former secretary.

"Secretary Huang, thank you." Li Moxuan looked at Huang Bin gratefully and said sincerely that he would not call Huang Bin the section chief in front of Zhu Daidong, which would make the leader disgusted.

"Sit down." Zhu Daidong pointed to the bed opposite and said. He didn't say anything about this little trick between them. Not long after getting on the car, Huang Bin went to the pot of boiled water. What's more, his space cup was still full, and when Huang Bin went out, he was also empty-handed, which obviously gave Li Moxuan a chance to get along with him alone.

Li Moxuan hasn't been alone with Zhu Daidong for a long time. With Huang Bin's cleverness, he may not disturb him this night. The city leader seemed to be playing cards with the mayor. The soft sleeper box was too small, so he didn't go to join in the fun. At his current level, he is still far away from the city leaders. What's more, his old leaders are also there. He came to accompany Zhu Daidong, and no one could say anything.

"Zhu, you just said that you were the general of the city mayor. Are you going to invite Mr. Li from Changlongda to Shenzhen this time?" Li Moxuan asked that he was relatively clear about the relationship between Zhu Daidong and Li Guangsheng. The two often call each other brothers, and Li Guangsheng's investment in Yuhua County or Furong County has achieved rich returns. Shachang City regards Li Guangsheng as the god of wealth, and Li Guangsheng regards Zhu Daidong as his god of wealth.

"It's natural, Mo Xuan. Although your county doesn't pay much attention to attracting investment in Shenzhen this time, you can't have such an idea." Zhu Daidong said that he had called Li Guangsheng today. Li Guangsheng has arrived in Shenzhen today and will pick up the car with the people of Shachang's office in Shenzhen tomorrow.

And Li Guangsheng also told Zhu Daidong that he had made an appointment with more than a dozen powerful Hong Kong entrepreneurs and was ready to meet with Zhu Daidong in Shenzhen in the next few days. Zhu Daidong heard it clearly that he did not come to participate in the investment promotion meeting in Shachang City, but came to Shenzhen to meet with Zhu Daidong. Maybe they will take the face of Zhu Daidong and participate in the investment promotion meeting in Shachang City, but their intention is not put on the investment promotion meeting, but on Zhu Daidong.

This made Zhu Daidong feel pressure and felt that this was a good opportunity. So many powerful entrepreneurs are coming, and they are still coming for themselves. If they can bring a few companies to Furong County, the economic layout of the whole Furong County will be very reasonable. At present, the focus of Furong County is on the development of tourism resources and new city construction, and these two need to be invested in a lot of funds in addition to infrastructure construction. For example, high-end hotels, hotels, restaurants, etc., as well as related entertainment venues, centers and other entertainment venues.

Nowadays, there are many entertainment venues in Furong County, but they are relatively low-end, full of all kinds of pornographic transactions. In this case, occasionally, Zhu Daidong does not object. But if there is a whole red light district in a county, it is not a small problem.

"Please rest assured, no matter what the work is, I will take it seriously. This is also what I have learned over the years of working around you." Li Moxuan gently patted Zhu Daidong and said.

"For you, I'm more at ease. How about it? How's your work going recently?" Zhu Daidong nodded and asked. If he was still in Yuhua County, or Li Moxuan was a cadre in Furong County, he would not have raised such a question at all.

"It's okay. It's very helpful to me at work." Li Moxuan said.

"Is it insincere to talk to me now?" Zhu Daidong stared at Li Moxuan and said angrily. Although he didn't know Li Moxuan's recent situation, Li Moxuan never told him about such a problem, even when he went to Yuhua County. But today he had this opportunity. When he asked, he immediately got the answer. He had some tinnitus just now, which showed that Li Moxuan's words were truly.

"Actually, it's okay. Maybe the county magistrate Sheng has some opinions on me." Li Moxuan sighed slightly and said. It's really nothing to hide from Zhu Daidong. Recently, the county has let itself serve as the director of the investment promotion bureau. It seems that he has been used more heavily, but in fact, he knows that this may be the prelude to kicking away his own people's development zone.

"Have you found any reason?" Zhu Daidong asked, since the new county magistrate doesn't like you, it will definitely not be for no reason, and there is no hatred in the previous life, and there should be no injustice in this life. If you can't find the reason, it is really troublesome.

"Maybe Wang attaches more importance to the work of the development zone." Li Moxuan said ambiguably that Sheng Fengjin wanted to build a new county government building to highlight the achievements of the economic construction of Yuhua County. However, the county's finances were relatively tight, and he wanted the development zone to pay 10 million yuan, but Wang Lijun objected to this matter. At least he did not agree for the time being, so he greeted Li Moxuan. Isn't it easy to make the money on the account go out? When Zhu Daidong was there, he did it like this. Put in more raw materials and don't pay the dividends that should have expired for the time being. Even if Sheng Fengjin comes to check the accounts, it's a sentence, no money.

"How to get along with the two main leaders is the most important issue you should pay attention to at present. This is important for any job. Have you thought of a solution now? Zhu Daidong asked that he had encountered such a situation before, but at that time, the fiscal revenue of Yuhua County was not much, and Wang Lijun and Guo Lin'an were together, which could still form a synergy for the economic development of Yuhua County in general. Now Wang Lijun and Sheng Fengjin, one wants to go east and the other wants to go west, which makes it difficult for the cadres below to do things. Because no matter what, you will eventually offend a person, the main leader of the county, no matter who offends anyone.

"I'm annoyed by this matter. Can the old leader give me some advice?" Li Moxuan said with a smile. RO