Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 698 Very poor and closed

Chapter 688 Very Poor and Closed

During this period, Zhong Weijun, the village secretary of Bayan Village, Honglan Township, often went to the township police station. Since the second dividend of the unknown company in October, the appearance of Bayan Village has changed a lot. Baywan Village was originally said to be the poorest village in Honglan Township. Few men in the village can marry a daughter-in-law. Once the women outside heard that they were going to marry to Baywan Village, the other end shook like a rattle. No matter how good the man's own conditions were, they did not dare to come.

And the woman in Bawan Village is bent on getting married. The farther away she is, the better, and the faster the better. With the deepening of China's reform and opening up, in recent years, young people in Bayan Village have gone to work in open cities along the coast of Guangdong in order to change the face of poverty and backwardness. However, since the beginning of this year, more and more young people working outside have come back one after another. Why? The family's income has increased, and most importantly, you can make money in your hometown.

Now all the mountain forests suitable for planting Chinese medicinal materials in the jurisdiction of Bayan Village have been excavated. There are regulations in the township that foreigners are not allowed to grow the raw materials of traditional Chinese medicinal materials from unknown companies. Therefore, as long as you work hard and willing to work, you will definitely get something. People who have been working outside most yearn for freedom. Like young people, love can't be restrained.

Zhong Weijun was happy from the bottom of his heart for such a situation. The village turned out to be very poor. It can be said that people with the ability to work have gone out to work. The rest is either losing labor or staying at home to take care of the elderly and women. In fact, Zhong Weijun also has a kind of one like Ma Mingyi in the mountain village of Shuling. What he didn't do was to protect the women guarding their families in the village from being exploited.

But at the end of the year, several families asked him for help, saying that their families have not only not come back yet, but also seem to have lost contact. In the first half of the year, there was only one telephone in Bay Village, which was the public phone of the village committee. People who go out usually contact their families through letters. After losing contact with relatives working outside, it has actually been half a month or even a few months later.

Zhong Weijun quickly made an investigation. After investigation, he was shocked. Those who lost contact were all women, and they were all unmarried women. Maybe he won't pay so much attention to one or two, but this time a total of eight people lost contact, and as far as he knows, these eight people are still working in the same factory.

Zhong Weijun immediately reported to the township police station that eight women were missing, which was a big case in Honglan Township. After receiving the report, Zhou Lansheng immediately reported the missing case to the county bureau. After receiving the report from Honglan Township, Gao Jie did not dare to neglect it. He immediately transferred his elite force and went south to Shunde, Guangdong to investigate.

The results of the survey show that these eight women in Honglan Township had quit their jobs as early as three months ago, and their whereabouts are unknown now. After missing for three months, it is not so easy to find someone again. The first thing Zhong Weijun has to do every day is to go to the township police station. But now, almost half a month has passed, and there is no news at all. Zhong Weijun is in his eyes and anxious.

Zhong Weijun is the village secretary. He goes to the police station once or twice a day. It doesn't matter, but if he goes too much, the people in the police station are a little unhappy. Especially when Zhou Lansheng is away, there are more strange words. Zhong Weijun also knows that going to the police station every day will put pressure on these policemen, but if they don't have pressure, how can they actively solve the case in Bay Village?

In addition to going to the police station, Zhong Weijun always went to the township government every time. After Lv Songjin became the deputy head of the township, Zhong Weijun had a good relationship with him. Lv Songjin is now the deputy head of the township. In order to complete the tasks assigned by his superiors, he also needs to have a good relationship with the village secretary below. This is no more than when he was the head of the office. At that time, the village secretary below had to flatt him.

"Lao Zhong, the county bureau attaches great importance to the affairs of your village. I heard that Director Gao specially went to Shunde to investigate, so you can wait for the result at home. Why do you come to the countryside every day?" Lv Songjin poured a glass of water for Zhong Weijun and persuaded him.

"Longman Lv, I want to stay at home, but at dawn every day, those families in the village come to my house. How can I sit still? That's it. I don't dare to go back until it's dark every day, otherwise I don't want to live in peace. Zhong Weijun sighed and said. He was worried about the eight women in the village, and the families of these women came to him as the village secretary every day. If he sat at home every day, he would be even more irritable.

"You are uneasy, so you can't make the township government accompany you, can you?" Lv Songjin said with tears and laughter, what kind of logic is this? Is it harmful to others?

"Longmen Lv, how can you say that I'm messing around? If such a thing happens, if the villagers don't look for the government, who else can they look for? Zhong Weijun said anguly.

"I didn't say that I can't find the government, but I can't find the government every day, can I? No matter what happens, there must be a process. You come to report the case today, and you have to find someone tomorrow. Is there such a good thing in the world? Lv Songjin said that the township also held a meeting about Bayan Village. Liu Wei and Yu Taizhe both gave instructions. The township government should urge the police station to solve the case as soon as possible.

"In fact, I'm worried about the life and death of these people now. You said that I haven't seen anyone in life, and I haven't seen corpses in death. How can I explain it to their parents?" Zhong Weijun sighed and said.

"They are not taken out by you. If anything really happens, it's none of your business. You'd better go back early to appease the villagers. This is the most important thing you should do now. Lv Songjin said.

Zhong Weijun knew that Liu Wei and Yu Taizhe were in the countryside today. He wanted to report to them about Bay Village, but since Lv Songjin made it so clear, he walked to Yu Taizhe's office and changed his mind. The township government was not far from the main street in his hometown. He pushed his bicycle and saw that there was a shuttle bus to the county. He suddenly had an idea in his mind. He locked the bicycle to the street and jumped on the shuttle bus.

Zhong Weijun went to the county to see Zhu. He was very lucky. When he went to the county party committee to ask, Zhu was actually in the county today. Since Zhu Daidong's father was blocked outside the county government, Zhu specially issued a document that anyone who came to him could be received by the county party committee first. Zhong Weijun is now at the county party committee office. After listening to his intention, the county party committee office informed Huang Bin whether Zhu wants to see Zhong Weijun or not, and the decision is in Huang Bin's hands.

Zhu Daidong has just heard about Bay Village. No one has reported this matter to him. If Zhong Weijun hadn't come to the county, I'm afraid Zhu Daidong didn't know about it until now. The disappearance of eight women at the same time can be big or small. If it's just a temporary disappearance, it doesn't matter. But if it is really killed, it will become a big case in Furong County.

"Zhu, this matter should not have bothered you." Zhong Weijun sat in Zhu Daidong's luxurious and spacious office, which was very formal.

"As long as it's about the work of the masses, you can disturb me at any time." Zhu Daidong handed a cigarette to Zhong Weijun, waved his hand and said.

Zhong Weijun quickly stood up, took the cigarette with both hands, and said humbly, "In the future, if I have something to do, I will trouble Zhu."

"It's okay. You can come and sit down. How's Bawan Village recently?" Zhu Daidong asked that because of his strong memory, he went to the grass-roots level as frequently as other county leaders. At first, it may be more, but later, after he was familiar with the situation at the grass-roots level, he spent most of his time listening to reports and reading data. Like Bay Village, he had not been there for three months.

"Except for this matter, everything else is fine, thriving and full of vitality, all thanks to Zhu. If it hadn't been for an unknown company, our Bay Village would not have changed so much. Nowadays, every family has savings, and the young people who go out to work are also coming back to farm at home, no less money than their work. Zhong Weijun said proudly.

The situation in Bawan Village is very common in Furong County, which allows the labor force working outside to come back to start a business, which is a great achievement. Since the early 1990s, the labor force in Furong County, especially the surplus labor force in rural areas, has been increasing. However, since the second half of this year, especially since the beginning of October, the number of workers returning early has been increasing.

can increase the income of ordinary people in Furong County, which is what Zhu Daidong would like to see most. Furong County is his hometown, and he is willing to do something for his hometown. The nameless company may not be able to support the 800,000 people in Furong County, but it should be able to improve the lives of most people. Judging from the situation of Bay Village, the performance of the unknown company made Zhu Daidong very satisfied.

Zhu Daidong personally asked about the case of Bayan Village, which added great pressure to the county bureau. Originally, Gao Jie had already attached great importance to this case, but now he has set up a special task force. This task force is composed of the most capable forces in the overall situation. In order to successfully investigate the case in Guangdong, higher authorities are also requested to coordinate with the Guangdong police.

With the full cooperation of the local police, the case is about to make a major breakthrough. These eight women from Furong County are neither missing nor dead, but were abducted and sold.

"Abduction? Do you know the specific location? Zhu Daidong received Gao Jie's report as soon as possible, and he said in surprise and anger.

"I already know the general scope, and I'm preparing to send someone to rescue it." Gao Jie said.

"Are there any difficulties and requirements that need to be solved by the county party committee?" Zhu Daidong asked.

"We can deal with it for the time being." Gao Jie said that there was already a team of police to deal with the abducted and sold women yesterday. The situation there was very complicated, poor and closed. The locals couldn't marry a daughter-in-law, so they found a human trafficker to buy a wife. I heard that they were going to pick up their wife. Hundreds of local people surrounded the police at once. If the police hadn't fired a warning at the emergency, I'm afraid even the police might not have come out safely. RO