Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 747 Don't let honest people suffer

Yuan Qianzhen's evaluation and expectations for Zhu Daidong are so high, which surprised Yu Zhuoyuan. Although what Yuan Yuzhen just said was a little rude, he calmed down and thought about it and felt that what he said was not completely unreasonable.

Yu Zhuoyuan leaned on the back of the chair to meditate. He was recalling the exaggerated topic just now. If Zhu Daidong really took over Ren Yuan Yuzhen, could he really be competent? After a while, Yu Zhuoyuan sat up. As an old-qualified organizational cadre, he could not come to a conclusion about this seemingly absurd proposal.

According to the general usual, Zhu Daidong has only served as the county party committee [book]. Even if he has served as the head of the head of the department in the organization department of the provincial party committee, it will take about ten years to sit in the position of Yuan Qianzhen, the head of the municipal party committee. Now Zhu Daidong, whether it is experience, prestige or experience, it is impossible for him to serve as the municipal party committee of a provincial capital city.

But if you really want him to hold such a position, how can Zhu Daidong do? Yu Zhuoyuan is really hard to say. Zhu Daidong's learning ability is very strong, coupled with his usual efficiency, no one dares to say that he can't be the municipal party committee, even Yu Zhuoyuan.

While meditating, the telephone on the table suddenly rang, and Yu Zhuoyuan grabbed the microphone casually: "Hello, I'm Yu Zhuoyuan."

"Minister Yu, I'm Li Yifeng. Do you have time? I want you to report on the recent work." Li Yifeng said.

"Is it urgent? I have another meeting in 15 minutes. Yu Zhuoyuan said.

"I'm not in a hurry. I just have a preliminary idea to streamline and reorganite these places of the cadres. I'll report to you." Li Yifeng said.

"Then come here. I'll listen. I'll listen as much as I can." Yu Zhuoyuan was moved. Li Yifeng was Zhu Daidong's supervisor. He may have more say than himself about Zhu Daidong's situation in the Organization Department.

"In the five cadres I am in charge of, according to the resolution of the ministry, two should be laid off. My opinion is that the two cadres and the four places can be laid off. Of course, although the other cadres are not laid off, the personnel must be diverted out, and the two cadres and the cadres are everywhere, not to mention the reduction, all the personnel will be completely reduced, and the remaining personnel can be added to other places. After all, the business that the two of them are responsible for still needs someone to do. Li Yifeng said.

"Have you talked to Comrade Ning Ruxi?" Yu Zhuoyuan asked, [Zhongzhong] The central government decided to separate the government and enterprises, and it was inevitable that the cadres would be laid off everywhere. After all, they were mainly responsible for the adjustment of the leadership team of state-owned enterprises. In the future, the cadres only needed to leave some people around and hang up a new department somewhere.

"I haven't talked to Comrade Ning Ruxi for the time being, but I believe Comrade Ning Ruxi is psychologically prepared. As for whether the two cadres will be laid off, we still have to listen to your opinion. Li Yifeng said.

"I recently talked to Comrade Zhu Daidong twice, and I talked to him about it ten minutes ago. Comrade Zhu Daidong firmly supports the implementation of any resolution in the Ministry. Zhu Daidong also made his attitude to his where he went, and listened to the arrangement and distribution of the organization. No matter what unit and department he went to, he would not have any ideological burden. Yu Zhuoyuan said slowly that he believed that any leader was willing to see Zhu Daidong's clear truth.

[Zhong] The country has passed down the official-oriented ideology for thousands of years, so that many people can no longer give up once they have power in their hands.

Therefore, Zhu Daidong's performance is really eye-catching. He can take power very lightly, which shows that his realm is very high. Whether it is true or false, Yu Zhuoyuan is very moved. Especially after Zhu Daidong was able to understand his own difficulties, he felt that he owed Zhu Daidong a favor, a big favor.

"Comrade Zhu Daidong is indeed an excellent cadre with a strong overall situation concept and a firm political position. We must take care of such cadres, and we can't let honest people suffer!" Li Yifeng took a look at Yu Zhuoyuan and proposed.

"How to take care of it?" Yu Zhuoyuan's heart moved and asked casually.

"Now everything is centered on economic construction, and cadres like Zhu Daidong are very popular. As far as I know, Chudu is very interested in Comrade Zhu Daidong. As long as we let him go, they are willing to give him a big enough stage. Li Yifeng said that although Yuan Yuzhen did not mention it to Yu Zhuoyuan to dig up the matter of Zhu Daidong, he vented with him. He and Yuan Yuzhen once trained together in the party school, and now they work in the same city. They often drink and taste tea together.

"I also know about this matter. I also talked to Yuan Jianzhen on the phone just now. He said that as long as we let him go, his municipal party committee [book] is willing to give it to Zhu Daidong." Yu Zhuoyuan smiled faintly.

"It seems that Comrade Yuan Yuzhen attaches great importance to Zhu Daidong, Minister Yu. Is our Organization Department just a smooth person?" Li Yifeng said with a smile.

"I also had this idea at the beginning, but when communicating with Comrade Zhu Daidong, he had different opinions. Yu Yuan said that Zhu Daidong's determination would cost a lot. He is going to Chu City now, or he can go further. Even if he can't go further, a district committee [book] can't run away. But Zhu Daidong would rather stay in the organization department in order not to let others gossip about himself, which can't help but move him.

"What does he think?" Li Yifeng asked in surprise that blind people could see that it was more advantageous to go to Chu City at this time than to stay in the Organization Department, but Zhu Daidong turned a blind eye to it. How could this not be surprising?

"He wants to stay in the organization department until the department readjusts his work. Minister Yifeng, do you have any specific opinions on Comrade Zhu Daidong's arrangement? Yu Zhuoyuan asked.

"For Comrade Zhu Daidong's arrangement, I think it can be divided into two situations. Young and capable cadres like him are actually very suitable for local work. Comrade Zhu Daidong is not so much to work in the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. I think it's better to study. His experience in the Organization Department can make him grow quickly, which is extremely beneficial to his future work. Therefore, at the appropriate time, he can be arranged to work in a place like Chudu City and make his due contribution to local economic development.

If it is not easy to arrange, he can also go to the provincial party school to study for half a year to a year. Comrade Zhu Daidong's own theoretical level is better. If he can go through professional study, it will be extremely beneficial to his future growth. Li Yifeng said that he had thought about Zhu Daidong's arrangement. Originally, he thought that the best way was to go to Chu City now, which could not only add a tiger general to Yuan Saizhen, but also solve one of his practical problems.

Although the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee has many eyes staring at Zhu Daidong, if Zhu Daidong is really arranged as the deputy director of the department level somewhere, it will also make people gossip. Let's not talk about Zhu Daidong's ability, whether such an arrangement is appropriate, let's talk about those leaders who know more about Zhu Daidong. Once they know that the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee arranges an excellent young cadre like this, will they have an opinion on this? As far as Li Yifeng knows, Zhu Daidong actually has a good relationship with Governor Qian Feihu. He is also famous in Du Bangjun's [Book]. You don't need such an excellent cadre in the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. You can put him somewhere else. At that time, which leader will throw such a sentence over, how will you respond?

Moreover, Zhu Daidong's father-in-law, Yan Pengfei, is also the deputy governor of the province. Although he did not join the Standing Committee, if he complains and says a few strange words, what can the Organization Department do? Instead of waiting until then to be passive, it is better to take the initiative at the beginning.

"At that time, the institutional reform of local governments will also be in full swing, and I'm afraid it's not easy to arrange." Yu Zhuoyuan sighed a little and said.

"Minister Yu, you may underestimate the local government. The more grassroots government is, the more ghostly there will be. Now every time the inspection team and inspection team are sent in the province, a considerable part of the situation is confused by them. The high level of these people's way of playing the policy is incredible." Li Yifeng smiled and said that the reform of government agencies had been carried out in August 8, 2007 and 2003. Although certain results have been achieved, it is hard to say that the goal of reform has been achieved. As far as Li Yifeng knows, the more streamlined the above requirements were, the more mediocre the institutions below were. No matter what kind of policy there is, it seems that we can find a way to deal with it.

Take this institutional reform as an example. [China] The Central Committee and the State Council are very determined. As early as last year, they were already taking action and can be booked. The institutional reform of the State Council is the most successful and will become a model for governments at all levels across the country. If the institutions of provincial cadres and departments and units can get a 20% discount, they will not be effective. The lower it is, the bigger the discount will be. Even if you investigate carefully, you will find that after this institutional reform, some grass-roots units have not streamlined their personnel, but have increased their staff.

It's just that at Zhu Daidong's current level, it's a little out of place to arrange him to work at the grassroots level. At least it is impossible for Zhu Daidong to hold another position in the county-level government.

"Then let's take it step by step. Anyway, there is still more than half a year left. Minister Yifeng and Zhu Daidong are also your subordinates. You have to help him have a good character." Yu Zhuoyuan said with a smile.

"Minister Yu, please rest assured that I can't guarantee that I will be satisfied with Comrade Zhu Daidong's arrangement, but at least I won't let others feel that we treated him badly." Li Yifeng firmly said that he knew that Yu Zhuoyuan was going to use Zhu Daidong as a model representative now. The reason why he included the two places of cadres in the list of layoffs was also out of such consideration. Sure enough, Yu Zhuoyuan did not support this. For Zhu Daidong's future arrangement, it is also necessary to have an overwork at the beginning. First, he will be the deputy director of the department, and then arrange a position suitable for him, which is also the meaning of the question.