Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 821 admirable place

After more than half a month, Zhu Daidong has transferred all the units and enterprises he wants to go to. In the last few days, his focus on the municipal state-owned enterprises in Chudu City.

Zhu Daidong is very worried about the state-owned enterprises in Chudu. All state-owned enterprises in the city can make a profit, not more than 40%. Of the other 60%, 20% have been completely shut down, and the remaining 40% are at a loss.

And the 40% of the enterprises that are still profitable are not very optimistic. It is said to be a profit, earning one dollar and earning one million is called profit. Of these 40%, more than half belong to the former situation, and only a considerable number of enterprises are really profitable.

Zhu Daidong has read a statistic. Last year, the total number of state-owned enterprises in China was about 28,000, including 3,226 state-owned enterprises in Chu City. The total profit of these 238,000 enterprises is only 21.37 billion yuan, that is to say, even on average, the average profit of each enterprise in 1997 is less than 10,000 yuan.

Of course, according to profitable enterprises, their total profit reached 3,20.8 billion yuan. The reason why the total profit is only 21.37 billion yuan is that the loss of the loss-making enterprises has reached a staggering 3,60.605 billion yuan. Last year, the national profit was only 31.3%, while Chu City's profit was still good, reaching at least 40%. However, the total interest last year did not reach the national average, less than 300 million yuan. This includes central enterprises and provincial state-owned enterprises. The total profit of real state-owned enterprises in Chu City is only more than 130 million yuan.

For enterprises that are now profitable, Zhu Daidong does not need to spend too much energy for the time being. For enterprises that are losing money but are still starting, he is not very anxious. The only 20% of the enterprises that made him worried were completely shut down, as well as the employees who were diverted from other enterprises. At present, there are nearly 600 state-owned enterprises and 120,000 laid-off workers in Chu City.

This data was found by Zhu Daidong himself, which is 50% more than the data provided by the Bureau of Statistics. For the basic living security and re-employment of laid-off workers, [China] The central government attaches great importance to the province, and the city attaches more importance to it. If this problem is not solved, the reform of state-owned enterprises will not be let go, and there is no way to talk about social stability.

During Zhu Daidong's investigation, he did not attend many meetings of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, but he still had to attend the executive meetings of the standing committee of the municipal party committee and the municipal government every Monday morning.

And now he has a complete understanding of the situation in Chudu, and it's time to officially take the position of executive mayor.

In the past half month, Zhu Daidong basically did not deal with other matters except for dealing with the new star community. Go down to do research every day and read materials in the office at night. Sometimes, I will invite some people to come and talk at night. I can go to bed before 12 o'clock, which is regarded as an early shift.

These others may not know, but as Zhu Daidong's secretary, Zheng Yangsong is very clear about this. He personally went to find some information for Mayor Zhu. If it's too late, Mayor Zhu won't let him go back and let him sleep in the lounge. However, Zheng Yangsong will not occupy Mayor Zhu's room. Even if Mayor Zhu will go back to his home to rest, he can only rest on the sofa in the guest area for a while. He even brought the quilt from home. When he got up in the morning, he packed it up and put it in his workshop.

But the more so, the more Zheng Yangsong admires Zhu Daidong. If he has such a large workload every day, he thinks it is difficult to stick to it.

Although it's just a survey every day, come back in the evening to read the information and talk to people. But during this period of physical labor and mental labor, every noon, he will take an hour to massage outside, otherwise he will be sore all over and can't keep up with Mayor Zhu at all.

Now that Mayor Zhu's work has begun to normalize, Zheng Yangsong feels that he should work normally according to the schedule of work and rest like others. But a few days later, he realized that even if it was only eight hours of normal work, he had to carefully prepare the materials for a few hours, otherwise he would not be able to meet Mayor Zhu's needs.

Today is Monday, and there are two meetings in the morning. The Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the executive meeting of the Municipal Government. Zheng Yangsong took this opportunity to finally have a good rest. During this period, I seldom went home, rarely contacted friends, and I was wholeheartedly at work. But with his current identity, it is already a luxury to have a quiet rest for a while. Well, I just made myself a cup of tea, and the phone on the table rang.

, "1 Bu Zheng, I'm Ke Heshe. Do you have time now?" Ke Heshe said that Zheng Yangsong is the head of the second department of the secretary, and he is the head of the second department of the secretary. Now Zheng Yangsong is already the secretary of Mayor Zhu. Of course, he has to keep up with his treatment.

Zheng Yangsong has been in the second department of the secretary for more than three years. It was not until Mayor Zhu decided to transfer him to work next to him that the office decided to approve his deputy director. However, Director Guan has not decided on Zheng Yangsong's specific position. According to the usual practice, the second section of the secretary mainly serves the executive deputy mayor. The secretary of the executive deputy mayor will generally also serve as the head of the second department of the secretary. If Zheng Yangsong is qualified enough, he will also lead the second department of the secretary in the future.

"Det. Chief Ke, what can I do for you?" Zheng Yangsong said humbly that Ke Heshe could call at this time. Of course, he knew that he had time.

, "Well, the office has appointed you as the head of our department." Ke Heshe said with a smile. In fact, Zheng Yangsong's appointment has been down for a few days, but he has not found a chance to talk to Zheng Yangsong. As soon as Zheng Yangsong went to work, he went down to investigate with Mayor Zhu. When he came back, he usually got off work. He waited for a few days and didn't find a suitable opportunity.

, "Thank you, Ke Heshe. I will live up to the trust of the organization." Zheng Yangsong said calmly that after more than half a month of investigation with Mayor Zhu, he had met too many department-level practical leading cadres, and those people flattered him, the secretary of the executive vice mayor.

Although he has always remembered his identity, his mentality has long been peaceful. In the past, Ke Heshe called him in person, and he must have been so happy that he couldn't even find the north.

"1 Bu Zheng, you take time to go through the formalities, and Corey has to hold a celebration for you." Ke Heshe said with a smile. He knew that if everything went well, his current seat would be prepared for him.

"Okay, Chief Ke, I'll be right over." Zheng Yangsong said that although he is Zhu Daidong's secretary, the organizational relationship is still in the second department of the secretary.

When Zheng Yangsong returned to the second secretary, Ke Heshe was already waiting for him outside, waiting for him with all the members of the department.

"Warmly welcome Comrade Zheng Yangsong back." Ke Heshe said with a smile on his face and was the first to applaud.

, "I'm really sorry that Section Chief Ke is criticizing me and saying that I haven't returned to the department for so long. I apologize to everyone." Zheng Yangsong said humbly.

"You have just arrived to work with Mayor Zhu. You are busy with your work, and we can all understand." Ke Heshe said with a smile. He turned his head and looked. The whole subject was here today. He shouted again, "While everyone is here, I will announce an appointment." After the study of the party committee of the office, it was decided to appoint Comrade Zheng Yangsong as the deputy head of the second section of our secretary. Everyone applauded and welcomed.

"Thank you for your trust in me in the organization. I also feel that in the past few years, Section Chief Ke and the organization have trained me. I will do my duty, do my job well, and do my best to seek benefits for everyone." Zheng Yangsong said humbly.

"Deputy Section Chief Zheng, when do you have time? Corey can hold a celebration for you, so that we can also get the favor." Liang Yinming also said with a smile next to him. He was sincerely happy for Zheng Yangsong. He worked a year later than Zheng Yangsong, but the title of Director Lei was one year earlier than Zheng Yangsong's. He also knew more about Zheng Yangsong's ability and has always been sorry for him.

Now Zheng Yangsong not only solved the problem of the chief clerk in a month, but also now he is the head of the Lei section. Although Zheng Yangsong may not have so much time to return to the second department of the secretary, it is extremely beneficial to his future development.

"Yes, 1 Bu Zheng, you are the leader now, and you can't leave the grassroots." Ke Heshe said with a smile.

, "Well, I'll ask Mayor Zhu for instructions in the afternoon. If possible, how about in the evening? Don't go too far. Dad's home-cooked restaurant next to it is good. Zheng Yangsong said.

, "Okay, our schedule is good, and everything is up to you." Ke Heshe said that Mayor Zhu had to work overtime almost every night. He had seen it several times. It was very late, and the lights in Mayor Zhu's office were still on. In the whole municipal government, there are leaders who work overtime at night, but it is really rare for city leaders who work overtime continuously and work overtime until late at night every day.

Maybe Zhu Daidong is not familiar with the situation in the city because he is just here, but no matter which leader, he will have a familiar process. Ke Heshe's time in the office is not short. He has seen many city leaders, but there are few diligent people like Zhu Daidong. But diligence alone does not make him admire, at most it is appreciation. However, after a series of things, he really became in awe of Zhu Daidong.

Not every new member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee can dispose of an urban district chief at will. What's more, as far as he knows, Lian Xie's relationship with other mayors is generally different. And the relationship with other leaders in the city is much deeper than that of Zhu Daidong. However, the continuous relief of Gu's feelings this time was carried out in full accordance with Zhu Daidong's wishes. For this alone, he admires Mayor Zhu!