Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 916 The Governor's Concerns

This provincial government meeting was not arranged in hotels. I'm afraid it is a meeting to study and solve the wage problems of employees in poor counties and difficult enterprises. Governor Che Du Jiong especially greeted the general office of the provincial government. This meeting must be held in the large conference room of the provincial government, and all the meals during the meeting will be settled in the canteen.

The provincial party committee and the provincial government of Gunan Province work separately, and even the four major teams are in different urban areas of the city. The provincial government is very large. In addition to one main building, there are also four auxiliary buildings. The office building is shaded by green leaves and the environment is elegant. The main building is twelve floors high, the secondary building is eight floors high, and there is a two-story separate office building at the end, which is Che Dujiong's office. It is also a common tradition to set up a separate office building for Chief No. 1. The same is true of the Provincial Party Committee, and even the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference have set up separate office buildings according to this tradition.

In such a matter, the provincial party committee and the provincial government will not treat them badly. The National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference have marginalized their power. If they are not satisfied with their superficial vanity, won't it make them feel cold?

This meeting was held in the large conference room on the eighth floor of the provincial government office building. Zhu Daidong sat in the conference room and listened to the fear of the whole provincial government. Zhu Daidong often comes from the provincial government, and he is familiar with most of his voices. Every time he comes to the meeting, he will have an unexpected harvest.

At the meeting, Che Du Jiong stressed that all localities should solve the problem of employees' wages as a political task, and make every effort to solve the problem of paying wages to employees in poor areas. For departments that fail to complete their tasks and even cause safety accidents such as employee petitions, the relevant responsible persons shall be severely punished!

Che Dujiong's tone was very heavy, and his voice echoed in the conference room, shocking the hearts of the participants. In the morning, the governor of Che mainly made a report, and in the afternoon, various cities expressed their position. Chudu was the provincial capital, and Zhu Daidong was listed as the first to make a speech.

There is a three-hour break at noon. In addition to letting everyone eat, you can also take a little break. Lunch break is a tradition of government agencies. Many leading cadres can stay up late, but at noon, they have to sleep for a while. Even if it's only half an hour, it's good. Otherwise, the work efficiency in the afternoon will be greatly reduced.

Some people have done unofficial fraud. Eighty percent of the cadres above the county and above the city will take a nap at noon. In addition to a few cases, I went to them to do something at noon, dragging them up from ** more than in the middle of the night, which also disgusted them.

According to the arrangement of the meeting, the lunch is in the canteen of the provincial government. In fact, the food in the canteen of the provincial government is also very good. The chefs here are all national second-class chefs or above. Although it is a canteen, there are more than a dozen main dishes and more than 20 side dishes. Even the staple food, in addition to rice, steamed buns, and noodles, there are all kinds of dumplings, rice noodles, and dull fear. Eating here is actually no better than the hotel food outside. Moreover, the food here is clean, hygienic, and the nutrition is reasonable. In addition to the inconvenience of talking about things, it is really just a pure meal, which is very enjoyable.

Compared with the canteen of the provincial government, Zhu Daidong feels that the canteen of the municipal government is slightly inferior, and the main dishes, side dishes, snacks and staple foods have been reduced by nearly half. But Zhu Daidong thinks that the canteen of the municipal government is enough. After all, the staff of the provincial government are more complicated, and there are all over the country. The municipal government is mainly from Gunan Province. Cadres from other places are generally leaders at a certain level, and these people can eat small stoves alone.

But there are some exceptions in today's situation. Because it is a meeting, the cadres of each prefecture and city are assigned a table, and even each seat has its own name, as long as the number is seated. The food has also been arranged for a long time. There are twelve dishes, which are very rich.

For meals in government agencies, you must drink, drink some wine, and have a good rest at noon.

When someone wanted the waiter to bring some wine, he was told that there was a request today not to provide them with wine. Some people's faces became difficult to look at that time. People like them are all local leaders with status. When have they been rejected so directly? But when they saw that the governor Che Du Jiong also came in for dinner with several leaders in the province, the anger in their hearts immediately turned into turbid air and was excreted from the anus.

"Everyone, hurry up to eat. Let's have a short meeting later to discuss our response plan in Chu City." Zhu Daidong should be the youngest person on their table, but his position is the highest. He didn't say anything. Everyone put their hands under the table and dared not move their chopsticks.

Seeing that Zhu Daidong began to pick up the dishes, the others also began to eat carefully. In this small restaurant prepared for them alone, although there are nearly 200 people eating, there are not many people talking. Such a scene was strange. Zhu Daidong wanted to ease the atmosphere, but there was a table of the provincial government. In addition to Che Du Jiong, Qian Feihu, Meng Xirui and Yan Pengfei were all there. He was a leader in front of these cadres in Chu City. But in front of the people over there, he became a subordinate again.

"I didn't drink. There seems to be something wrong with the atmosphere." Qian Feihu smiled gently and said.

"If you drink wine at noon, you can't have a meeting in the afternoon. Let's wait until the evening." Che Dujiong said faintly. He wore a pair of eyes, and his eyes were very taxable. When he stared at others carefully, his eyes could pass through the lenses, as if he could see through other people's hearts.

Che Du Jiong was transferred from Jiangsu Province to Gunan Province in January this year. As soon as he arrived in Gunan Province, he mainly focused on economic construction. In fact, he was not satisfied with the economic development of Gunan Province. Jiangsu is a province with rapid economic development. [Zhongzhong] transferred him from Jiangsu to Gunan Province, and also wanted him to bring some of Jiangsu's successful experience to Gunan Province.

However, the situation in Gunan Province cannot be solved overnight. For example, Chu City, although it is not a provincial capital city, the economic growth rate is even worse than that of some prefectures and cities. To be honest, he has some opinions about the leadership of Chudu City. Later, Qian Feihu recommended Zhu Daidong, the director of the second cadre department of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, to serve as the executive vice mayor of Chu City.

He thought about this question for a long time, and finally DuPont made a final question before he agreed. According to the spirit of the meeting, he should abstain. Although the provincial government still signed a letter of responsibility with Zhu Daidong, he never thought that what he wanted was really useful. If you have the talent, you can get the job done regardless of whether you sign it or not. If he is a mediocre person, so what if he signs a military writ? Didn't Zhao Kuo sign a military order before sending the 400,000 troops of the State of Zhao to the State of Qin?

But Zhu Daidong's performance in Chu City made him both gratifying and worried. Fortunately, Zhu Daidong was like a clear spring, injected into the stagnant water of Chu City. It brings a kind of freshness and vitality. He did not drive the local economy from a certain industry or through investment attraction like other places. Instead, starting from state-owned enterprises, it not only solves the problem of the resettlement of laid-off workers, but also revitalizes state-owned assets. More importantly, most of these assets have now become high-quality assets, driving the old ship of Chudu City to move forward at a slow but solid speed.

At the same time, he is very worried about Zhu Daidong. After all, he is too young to work for only eight years. From an ordinary teacher at the beginning to the current deputy department-level cadre, he is responsible for the life of 7 million residents in a provincial capital city. Can he cope with all kinds of situations? And his Chuchang Technology Company, which also makes Che Dujiong a little worried. Although Chuchang Technology Company is booming now, it is full of stamina.

But Chuchang Technology Company is like a quick-pull spring. Once you let go of your hand, the reaction force will be amazing. At that time, all the results achieved now will turn into nothing.

It will even cause heavy losses to state-owned assets! This is not his alarmist. This time, Chuchang Technology Co., Ltd. cooperated with the Provincial Textile General Factory. The textile factory went out of the land, and Chuchang Technology Co., Ltd. invested 1.2 billion yuan.

This project sounds like a win-win situation, but who can be sure that it will be a win-win outcome?

What if it's a double defeat? Although the first textile factory has not invested, it is for the smooth progress of the Chuchang Happy World project. The first textile factory must relocate all the workers' dormitories in the original factory area, which is the relocation of tens of thousands of families. If this project fails, what is the loss of these people's relocation costs and resettlement costs?

This is also one of the reasons why he has not visited Chuchang Technology Company. Chu Ducheng once invited him, but he felt that there was not enough time. Originally, Chuchang Technology Company had just set up a branch in the United States. When Chudu Chuchang Computer Integration Co., Ltd. set up branches in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places, he wanted to inspect. But at that time, the Provincial Party Committee [book] remembered that Du Bangjun had gone, and it would be out of place if he went to inspect again. Later, Chuchang Technology Company signed a contract with the textile factory, and Du Bangjun finally made a final plan, so he would not go at this time.

Although he did not inspect, he was still very concerned about the Chuchang Happy World project. He asked people to regularly report to him on the progress of the Chuchang Happy World project. The largest amusement park in the world sounds very touching, but how can it be so easy to do?

There is no drinking meal, and the time is very short. In particular, his own leader is sitting next to him, and he can't let go of chatting with him, which makes him more formal. Therefore, as soon as the leader finishes his meal, the whole table will leave the table. Zhu Daidong was young and ate a lot. He ate three bowls before putting down his chopsticks. But when he just walked out of the restaurant, other cadres in Chudu also left the city.

Zhu Daidong was going to have a small meeting at the provincial government at noon, but it was because of this small meeting that he knew another news.

: Can you give me a few more tickets? If there is anything else, you can have another chapter.