Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 920 A Proposal

On his way home, Zhu Daidong told Cao Changkuan about Che Du Jiong next Saturday. It is the work of the county government to let Furong County adopt propaganda means to publicize the amusement park. Even if Zhu Daidong told Cao Changkuan or Zeng Binjie, he had to inform Liu Min in the end, but to welcome the provincial leaders, especially the main leaders, must be led by the county party committee. What kind of news informs what kind of people, in fact, there is also knowledge in it.

"Dai Dong, thank you. I've heard Liu Min say that you are now in Chudu, and you still care about Furong County. I'm ashamed to say that you need to remind us of these things before we know we need to take measures. Cao Changkuan sighed that Furong County has made rapid progress in all aspects after a year of governance by Zhu Daidong. To be honest, when he came to Furong County, he basically picked fruit. Even if he lies on Zhu Daidong's original work results every day and sleeps, by the end of the year, all work results will still emerge one after another.

"As long as you don't blame me, everyone will come to Chudu, and you have to dictate the things in the county." Zhu Daidong joked that if it was somewhere else, even if Zhu Daidong wanted to remind them, he would pay attention to the ways and means. However, he basically had no such concerns about Furong County, especially Cao Changkuan, who took over his position there.

"Honestly, I'm really a little uncomfortable. But your starting point is good, and everything you do is for Furong County. Therefore, all the cadres in Furong County, including me, will not have any resentment. Please rest assured. I am even more grateful to you for inviting the governor of Che to the Hibiscus Park amusement park this time. Cao Chang said sincerely that he is the leader of Furong County. In addition to the "guidance" of the work of Furong County, how can anyone else talk about the work of Furong County?

If it weren't for the fact that Zhu Daidong was his predecessor, his prestige in Furong County was also quite high, and his starting point was indeed for the sake of Furong County, Cao Changkuan would certainly be very angry. However, this time he had no reason to be angry at all. What's more, Zhu Daidong also invited Che Du Jiong to Furong County, which is not just a matter of face, but also has an immeasurable effect on Cao Changkuan's future development.

"You should hurry up and prepare. Come on, the way, the governor of Che is from Jiangsu, and he likes Jianghuai cuisine very much. In particular, vinegared mandarin fish, three sets of ducks, vegetable root and lion's head, these dishes are my favorite. In addition, the governor of Che only drinks yellow rice wine, and it is best produced in Zhangjiagang City. There is still a week left, and I'm sure you won't let the car governor down. Zhu Daidong told that a week is enough for Furong County to invite a senior chef to Jiangsu, and all the raw materials are also made in Jiangsu. Zhu Daidong believes that next Saturday's meal will surprise Che Dujiong.

This is the case in the officialdom. The hobbies of leaders will affect the work of the following units. In order to satisfy the leader, even if he prefers any brand of toilet paper, as long as the subordinate authorities know it, they will definitely prepare it for him when he goes to the toilet. There is such a true story. A township party committee originally did not smoke and rarely drank. Others knew his character and gave him things, and there were few things like tobacco and alcohol.

But later, the wife of the party committee opened a family to discuss, and the demand for tobacco and alcohol was large. The party committee was frequently addicted to smoking in public. When he arrived at the dinner table, he also took the initiative to toast to others. He didn't like drinking, which did not mean that he could not drink. After a period of time, his wife's discussion never entered high-end tobacco and alcohol again.

"Daidong, are you in the office? There is something I want to discuss with you.

In the morning, Zhu Daidong just arrived at the office, but received a phone call from Qian Zhenwu. At first, Zhu Daidong felt that Qian Zhenwu had called the wrong number. There seemed to be nothing to discuss between him and Qian Zhenwu.

"Money, hello, how dare I let you come over? I'll be there in a minute." Zhu Daidong said modestly that he respected the cadres in the city, whether they were ranked before or after him. His majesty was only revealed in front of the head of the department he was in charge of. In front of my colleagues, I am the shallowest, modest and cautious, and there is always nothing wrong with it.

For example, if you go to someone's office to discuss things, if Qian Zhenwu comes to his office, he will be suspected of reporting his work to him. Although Zhu Daidong's ranking in the municipal party committee was before Qian Zhenwu, as long as Qian Zhenwu called him, he would generally rush to the other party's office to discuss matters.

"Dai Dong, it's like this. Yesterday afternoon, there was an accident in Chuchang Happy World. A worker who was installing it fell off the shelf because the protection device was not done well. However, the worker's friend thought that a person who had conflict with him before tampered with him. Both sides were entangled with a group of people and almost caused a mass incident. Qian Zhenwu did not dare to let Zhu Daidong sit opposite his desk and talk. Zhu Daidong can come to his office to respect himself. If you don't know how to be measured, no one will be on his side at that time.

"I've heard about it." Zhu Daidong said lightly that he had a meeting with the provincial government yesterday, and Xu Qiang and Peng Wei both reported this matter to him, but it had nothing to do with Chuchang Technology Company. Zhu Daidong only asked for a little, and could not miss the progress of Chuchang's happy world because of this. He thought it was over, but Qian Zhenwu brought it up at this time.

"It's like this. Daidong and Chuchang Happy World is a project that both the province and the city attach great importance to. The investment of more than one billion yuan is not a child's play. It seems that Peng Wei also fell off the shelf last time and broke two ribs, right? This time, another worker fell down. I'm very worried about the safety of Chuchang's happy world. Qian Zhenwu sighed and said.

"I don't know what Qian Zhenwu can do to prevent this from happening again?" Zhu Daidong said slowly that this may be the reason why Qian Zhenwu came to him.

"In order to avoid the current safety accidents, we should avoid future safety and quality accidents. Therefore, I would like to suggest to the city that a joint inspection team should be composed of quality supervision, safety supervision, fire protection, safety and other departments to conduct a comprehensive safety inspection of Chuchang Happy World to completely eliminate all potential safety hazards. At the same time, in order to ensure the smooth and safe progress of the Chuchang Happy World project, this inspection team should inspect the project from time to time. Qian Zhenwu said with a smile.

"Since this inspection team needs to exist for a period of time, a person in charge must be designated. I don't know who Qian thinks is the most suitable to be the leader of this inspection team?" Zhu Daidong said lightly.

"I think Comrade Wu Bangzhi is very good. He has also engaged in criminal investigation before, and has served as the director for several years. He is also familiar with people from various units and departments. As the team leader, he not only shows the city's support and attaches importance to the Chuchang Happy World Project, but also shows to the province that our city Attitude." Qian Zhenwu said with a smile that this proposal was actually made yesterday afternoon when he heard the news when he was drinking with Wu Bangzhi in the evening.

He thought this idea was good at that time. He discussed it with Wei Gengyi last night and got Wei Gengyi's support. Today, before he was ready to report to Yuan Qianzhen, he decided to inform Zhu Daidong. Whether Zhu Daidong agrees or disagrees, he will put forward this proposal, and he believes that there is great hope that it will be passed. Let Zhu Daidong know in advance that it will not only have no impact on this proposal, but also stimulate Zhu Daidong.

Although Zhu Daidong has always been modest and cautious in the municipal party committee and municipal government, Qian Zhenwu feels that Zhu Daidong is actually a very arrogant and arrogant person. On the surface, he respects you, but in fact, he is condescending. And because he bought Chuchang Technology Company, he didn't allow others to touch the company at all. This time, Chuchang Technology Company cooperated with the provincial textile factory to engage in Chuchang Happy World, and did not report to the city at all before. When he talked about it with the provincial textile factory, Zhu Daidong reported to Yuan Qianzhen and Sun Jianfo.

If life plummets after the completion of Chuchang's happy world, that's all right. Qian Zhenwu will only be secretly happy. But what if the Chuchang Happy World project succeeds? Can anyone else in the city stop Zhu Daidong from doing things? Now he can let Xu Qiang replace Wu Bangzhi. Can he let Zhang Qiang and Li Qiang replace him in the future?

The most important point of the power of an official is how much power he has in personnel. As for the people in the critical department, although the power in their hands seems to be very large, it is only administrative power. After they were transferred from that position, they were nothing. Therefore, those who are transferred from these positions can be regarded as powerful people.

Zhu Daidong did not take the initiative in the affairs of the municipal bureau, and even Wu Bangzhi automatically cooperated with him and recommended Xu Qiang to the municipal party committee. But that's also unnecessary. Who knows if Zhu Daidong will catch Wu Bangzhi's little discernment? After Zhu Daidong arrived in Chudu, he rarely spoke in personnel, but once he made a speech, he basically followed his wishes. Lian Xie, the former mayor of Dongcheng District, was like this, and later the director Wu Bangzhi did the same.

Not only can he let these people leave their current positions, but the most worrying thing is that he can give this very important position to the person he wants to give. For example, Chen Shuli and Xu Qiang, these two people, anyway, are not suitable for the current position. It's strange that the Municipal Party Committee agreed to transfer Chen Shuli from Yuhua County. At least Chu City is also a provincial capital city. Is it true that there are no generals in Shu, and it is necessary to introduce talents from Yuhua County? As for Xu Qiang, everyone who knows well knows that he has become a criminal investigation expert and can also be a deputy director in charge of criminal investigation, but let him be the director who presides over the overall work, and there will be a headache in the city in the future. RO