Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 960 Official Arrest

After returning to the office, Xie Wuwen was not sleepy at all. Now he is thinking about how to work after he arrives at the detention center. Xu Qiang told him that the municipal bureau is preparing to carry out internal rectification recently, and the detention center will focus on rectifying the departments. Whether the work of the detention center can be done well or not depends on him.

"Lao Xie, Xu Ji will give you [Xingxing] for you?" He didn't sleep when he was on the road, but he smoked one by one. Zhu Daidong's hospitality couldn't finish smoking at all. Knowing that they were smokers, he put one on the coffee table. Taking this opportunity, of course, he would vigorously eliminate part of it when he stayed on the road.

"Hey, Road Bureau, Xu Bureau wants me to go to the detention center." Xie Wuwen laughed.

"Look at you, the bones all over your body are a few taels lighter, right? Let me tell you that the detention center is not like other units. It's not easy for you to do a good job in the detention center. Lu Liu laughed and scolded. The detention center is a place to deal with prisoners. In addition to dealing with prisoners in custody, it also has to deal with people from outside. There are prisoners' families, lawyers and various departments that have relations with the guards.

In the detention center, once you are weak-willed, you are prone to all kinds of **, and once your shoes are stained with water, you will be dragged into the water immediately. There is no leading cadre who doesn't want to lead by example and adhere to principles at the beginning. The reason why it is corrupt is that it is subject to all kinds of ** in actual work. As long as you don't show mercy, you will be hit soon.

"Please rest assured. I am 53 years old today, and I can still work for seven years. In these seven years, I will definitely adhere to the principle, put my career first, and set a good example for others."

Xie Wuwen said.

"I hope so." I vomited when I was on the road. Smoke, said. Xie Wuwen is the deputy director of the [sect] out of the office, and the people who ask him are only three or five in a month. But once he becomes the director of the detention center, he is always ready to deal with hundreds or even thousands of people. He takes turns to plead with him. In the face of all kinds of sugar-coated shells, can he still deal with it as freely as in the [Pai]?

Xie Wuwen actually has a little understanding of the nature of the work of the detention center. He even found Liowen because of the relationship. And there are also several of his acquaintances in the detention center, and he is also aware of some of the situation in the detention center.

It should be said that the various formulations of the detention center are relatively sound, if they are seriously implemented. But the problem now is that the implementation is insufficient. To solve these problems, we must have an in-depth understanding and find the key to the problem before it can be solved. Now, even if he promises, it can't be believed.

After six o'clock in the morning, Yuan Qianzhen just got up and was about to go out to exercise when his phone rang. Yuan Qianzhen was stunned. At this time, he would call home. If it was not a mistake, it must be a very important thing.

"Hello, I'm Yuan Qianzhen."

"Yuan [Book] Hello, I'm sorry to call you so early." Zhu Daidong said modestly, I'm afraid that he is the only one in the whole Chu city who can not disturb Yuan Qianzhen's rest, but also inform him of this matter at the earliest moment.

"Daidong, what can I do for you?" Yuan Qian was stunned. No matter how urgent the municipal government is, he should wait until he goes to work, right?

"Well, last night, Comrade Xie Wuwen, who left the station on Jiefang Road, Xicheng Branch of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, reported a situation to me. It's about Ouyang Meifei, the former general manager of Guolong Hotel. After listening to it, I thought it was very important, so I asked Chen Shijie, Cen Yusheng and Comrade Wei Lulang to listen to the report together. We kept hearing it after three o'clock in the morning, and finally agreed. This matter must be reported to you. Zhu Daidong said.

"Which comrades are involved in this matter?" Yuan Qianzhen murmured that since four members of the Standing Committee participated in it, it must have involved the main leaders of the city.

"Comrade Qian Zhenwu." Zhu Daiyi said lightly.

" OK, I'm going to the office right now." Yuan Qianzhen said.

Zhu Daidong immediately notified several other comrades. At the same time, he also made a special call to Feng Zhoulong. As the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee [Book], of course, he should follow Yuan Qianzhen at any time. Sure enough, after Feng Zhoulong received a phone call from Zhu Daidong, he was very grateful to Zhu Daidong. How embarrassing would it be if he arrived at the municipal party committee after eight o'clock?

After watching the videotape provided by Ouyang Meifei, Yuan Qianzhen's face turned pale. He said angrily, "This matter must be seriously investigated and dealt with, Comrade Wei Dong. You can arrest this matter in person and report it to me and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection at any time."

Qian Zhenwu is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and also a member of the Political and Legal Committee. He must be cautious about his handling. Even if the evidence is conclusive, it must be reported to the province. As the capital city of the province, the investigation and punishment of the main leading cadres will inevitably affect the nerves of the province.

"Please don't worry, I'm going to report to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection immediately." Chen Weidong said that in view of the current information, Qian Zhenwu only owes a procedural problem, but Qian Zhenwu also needs to consult the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. At the same time, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection must also come forward in the investigation of Qian Zhenwu.

This morning was destined to be very busy. At about seven o'clock, Chen Weidong reported Qian Zhenwu to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book] on the phone. Lei Tongxing asked Chen Weidong to report to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection immediately. No matter what level of leading cadres, they will attach great importance to such things.

In the morning, Lin Wenchong was ready to go to the handover office to report on the Yangliu winery, but as soon as he said that the people in the handover office politely told him that the matter of the Yangliu winery had been seriously investigated and dealt with by the Municipal Public Security Bureau yesterday. A logistics director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau was dismissed as a result. In Yangliu Winery, the shares of the Municipal Public Security Bureau have now been handed over to the municipal government.

Lin Wenchong was dumbfounded when he heard it. He originally wanted to block Zhu Daidong, but he didn't expect that he had already dealt with this matter. After Lin Wen rushed downstairs, he felt very depressed. This incident was unexpected, and it was a big blow to his confidence. But when he saw Du Shujun downstairs, he chatted with him a few words, and suddenly he had a feeling that the sky was about to fall.

"Why did you come here?" When Du Shujun saw Lin Wenchong, he asked in surprise. Although he and Lin Wenchong are both leading drivers, the nature of their work is the same, and the two can often meet each other and talk more to each other.

"I'll report something. Mayor Zhu didn't go out today?" Lin Wenchong asked casually.

"Mayor Zhu is having a meeting at the Municipal Party Committee." Du Shujun said with a smile that if someone else asked, Du Shujun would definitely not answer, but he thought that he should have known this [answer] case for Lin Wenchong a long time ago. When you go to the municipal party committee, it generally refers to the standing committee. Qian Zhenwu is also a member of the standing committee of the municipal party committee. Mayor Zhu is in a meeting, and Qian Zhenwu will definitely be in a meeting.

"Mayor Zhu is in a meeting?" Lin Wenchong said in consteritonishment that he had just come from Qian Zhenwu, but Qian Zhenwu did not receive a notice for the meeting, and looking at Du Shujun's expression, I'm afraid the meeting has been held for a while.

Lin Wenchong suddenly felt a little flustered. Qian Zhenwu, as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, was also in the office, but now the Standing Committee is open, but he has not been notified to attend. What does this mean? This consequence is that Lin Wenchong can't bear, and Qian Zhenwu can't bear it.

"Don't you know?" Du Shujun said in surprise.

"Of course I know, but I just forgot it." Lin Wen said hesitantly.

Lin Wenchong quickly ran to Qian Zhenwu's office. What he was most worried about at this time was that Qian Zhenwu was still in the office. When it came to the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, Lin Wenchong happened to meet Qian Zhenwu in the corridor.

"Money [book], where are you going?" Lin Wen asked in awe.

"I'm going to the meeting. Have you finished reporting to the handover office? Xiao Lin, you look ugly. Is there something wrong? Qian Zhenwu said lightly.

"It's okay." Lin Wen was relieved. It seemed that he had worried too much. It's still early. It's not a big deal for Zhu Daidong to go to the meeting in advance. Some members of the Standing Committee arrived at the conference room an hour in advance, which was nothing new.

"Well, do your own work early." Qian Zhenwu said lightly.

After Lin Wenchong left the office building of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, he always felt unsteady. When he arrived at the detention center with the prepared food, the feeling became stronger and stronger. When he went to the reception room, he was surprised to see several police officers he had never seen before. When Lu Liushi, the newly appointed deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, was also there. Originally, Lin Wenchong wanted to say hello to Lu Liushi,

But what Lu Liu said to him stunned him.

"Lin Wenchong, from our city's public security bureau, you were officially arrested for intentional homicide. This is your arrest warrant." Lu Liu said majestically.

"Road Bureau, are you making a mistake? I deliberately killed someone? You have to have evidence to arrest people in your public security bureau. Lin Wenchong said coldly that he is not an ordinary person. The driver of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission [book], in the Chudu municipal law system, who doesn't give him three points of face? Don't say it's time to stay on the road,

Even if Xu Qiang saw him, he had to be polite.

"If there is no evidence, do you think we will arrest you? Let me tell you, just ten minutes ago, the Municipal Party Committee passed a resolution to double regulate Qian Zhenwu. I hope you can recognize the situation, stop having any illusions, explain the problem honestly, and strive to deal with it leniently. He said coldly when he was on the way.

"I met Qian [Book] before I came here. It's impossible!" Lin Wenchong was shocked, but he refused to admit this fact.

"Do you think that if Qian Zhenwu does not have double rules, we will arrest you?" He said coldly when he was on the way.

Lin Wechong was gloomy. Yes, if there is no problem with the money [book], do the people of the public security bureau dare to arrest him? He is not Ouyang Meifei or Wu Bangzhi. If something happens to him, Qian Zhenwu will definitely speak for himself.