Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 966 Data of Chu City

"According to the data collected by the Bureau of Statistics on December 22, the total population of Chu City is 76,000 permanent residents. In fact, the registered population of Chu City is 4,4,5,763, of which the non-agricultural population is 1.51,1034. There are two hundred and sixty-seven thousand five hundred and eight-eight social practitioners. Zhu Daidong reported that today is the day of the second plenary session of the ninth session of the provincial party committee. As soon as the morning meeting was over, he was immediately called to Che Dujiong's room by Yun Lingke to report to him the summary of Chudu City's work this year.

When Zhu Daidong makes such a report, he will prepare special materials, but he usually never looks over the information in front of the leader. As long as he reads the data and materials in the material once, he can memorize them word for word.

"Comrade Daidong, you only need to provide a number accurate to 10,000 digits for these data." Che Du Jiong interrupted Zhu Daidong. No matter how accurate Zhu Daidong's number is, it's useless.

He is not interested in these too specific numbers.

"The existing employees in Chu City are 637.150 million. In 1998, the GDP of Chu City was 711 billion yuan, and the total output value of industry and agriculture was 145.3 billion yuan, of which the total industrial output value was 130.6 billion yuan, and the total agricultural output value was 17.4 billion yuan. This is the detailed material. Please ask the governor to have a look. Seeing the boredom on Che Dujiong's face, Zhu Daidong quickly took out the materials. In the morning, Che Dujiong made a report on the car for more than two hours, and now he is really in poor spirits.

In addition to these most basic situations, there are also materials about the output of major agricultural and sideline products, including grain, cotton huā, oil, pork slaughter, pig stock at the end of the year and aquatic products. It is worth noting that the number of pigs slaughtered in Chu City in 1998 was only more than one million, and the number of pigs at the end of the year was less than one million. Such a figure is not even one-third of that of Yuhuā County.

As the largest breeding county in Gunan Province, the annual number of pigs in Yuhuā County has reached 5 million, and the number of pigs at the end of the year will not be less than 4 million. And such figures, the farms in the tree ridge alone account for about 70%.

In addition, Chudu's cargo transportation and passenger transportation, the total amount of post and telecommunications business, the completion of fixed asset investment of the whole society, the total retail sales of social consumer goods, the total amount of self-operated exports, the actual use of foreign capital,

Number of students in school, number of institutions of higher learning, number of beds, professional health technicians, doctors,

Fiscal revenue, financial expenditure, total wages of employees, average annual wages of employees, the balance of savings deposits of urban and rural residents, etc.

Starting from the second quarter, that is, after Zhu Daidong was officially transferred to Chu City, the above data, except for some subjective figures that will not change, such as: the number of students in school, the number of doctors in colleges and universities, the number of doctors, professional health technicians, etc., these data are basically the same as in 1997, or only two Beyond the growth rate. All other data have been significantly improved.

The data provided by Zhu Daidong to Che Du Jiong also lists the statistics of Chu City in 1997. When the two are compared together, it is clear which is higher and which is lower.

Che Dujiong quickly read the materials and looked at the final savings deposit balance of urban and rural residents. In 1997, the savings deposit balance of urban and rural residents in Chu City was 2 trillion yuan. This year, Chudu City has carried out the restructuring of state-owned enterprises in various forms, and many enterprises have undergone joint-stock transformation, requiring employees to buy shares. In particular, the fund-raising of Chuchang Happy World has reached 395 million, with so much capital outflow. However, this year, the balance of savings deposits of urban and rural residents in Chu City still exceeded 30 billion, reaching 36.4 billion. Compared with other types of data, this growth rate is not high, but It has also increased by more than 20%.

At the same time, Che Dujiong also paid attention to the fiscal revenue of Chu City. In 1997, the fiscal revenue of Chu City was 0.8 billion, but this year it soared to 2.42 billion, more than doubling. Finally, his eyes stopped at the GDP of Chudu this year. When Zhu Bidong reported just now, he did not remember. Now he found that the GDP of Chudu this year, that is, the total GDP of GDP, has exceeded 70 billion yuan, reaching 7.1 billion yuan.

And there is still one week before the end of the year, at an average rate of more than 7 billion. There is no problem at all. In 1997, the GDP of Chu City was 5,4.6 billion yuan.

Although Che Du Jiong's mathematics is not a strong point, his rough calculation can also calculate the gdp growth rate of Chudu City this year, at least more than 40%.

"Comrade Dai Dong, is this data accurate?" Che Du Jiong asked softly. Although strictly speaking, Zhu Daidong's probation period still has more than three months, judging from the current data, he has completed the tasks assigned by the province in advance.

The growth rate of gdp is more than 40%, and the economic growth rate will never be less than 20%. This data car Du Jiongji is sure. If the data provided by Chudu is accurate, the economic growth rate of Chudu this year will create a miracle. This speed will be the fastest growing in the past ten years. At this rate, the gdp of Chudu will exceed 100 billion next year, and it will officially enter the national 100 billion club. Not to mention in the whole country, such a growth rate should be the first in central China.

"These data should be accurate." Zhu Daidong pondered that he did not have a deep relationship with the people of the Bureau of Statistics, and the data this time was related to his work achievements in Chu City for more than half a year. The municipal party committee and the municipal government also stressed at the meeting many times that the statistics must be accurate.

Moreover, when Zhu Daidong listened to the report of the Bureau of Statistics, there were not many cases of tinnitus, or tinnitus, which was not very serious. If the data of the Bureau of Statistics is not watery, I'm afraid he may not believe it for a three-year-old child. But how much water there is in it is the same everywhere. Therefore, the growth rate of Chudu City this year will still cause a sensation.

The reason why Che Du Jiong asked him for the accuracy of these data in front of Zhu Daidong is that he just wants Zhu Daidong to personally guarantee that these data are [true] real. Although Zhu Daidong's work in Chu City is obvious to all, no one is sure that Zhu Daidong will not order the Bureau of Statistics to fake it.

Originally, there was also a statistical bureau in the province, but the provincial data is also based on the city's report. The final result will not be too far from the current result of Chu City.

"Comrade Daidong, you should know whether these are accurate or not is very important to you and Chu City. And the province will also be cautious about these data. I want the Provincial Bureau of Statistics to check these data. Do you know what you think? Che Du Jiong asked.

"I fully agree with the governor's proposal. Chu City will definitely cooperate with the work of the Provincial Bureau of Statistics." Zhu Daidong said firmly that although he may be unsaky for a while now, the verification of the city's data by the Provincial Bureau of Statistics also illustrates the province's investigation in disguise. If the data of the Provincial Bureau of Statistics is consistent with that of the city, won't it put an end to other people's doubts?

Zhu Daidong has not been working in Chu City for a long time. So far, it has only been nine months.

But in the past nine months, Chudu has made remarkable achievements in economic construction. You know, generally speaking, it's only nine months, but for Zhu Daidong and his subordinates, I'm afraid it's more than 18 months.

During Zhu Daidong's work in Chu City, in addition to normal work, Zhu Daidong sacrificed his time at noon and evening every day. Moreover, his work efficiency is very high. With other leaders, he attended at least 200 meetings in nine months. In terms of the time of the meeting, it will take half a year.

After returning to the municipal government, Zhu Daidong reported this matter to Yuan Qianzhen, although Yuan Qianzhen should have known such data for a long time. However, Zhu Daidong's report is different from that of the statistics department. The report of the Bureau of Statistics is a work need, and if he reports it again, it is a matter of attitude.

"Daidong, you have contributed to such a gratifying situation in the city this year."

Yuan Qian said with a smile that in addition to this annual statistical table, there is also a quarterly statistical table. Since the second quarter, the economic indicators of Chudu Dog have increased significantly. By the third quarter, the actual gdp growth rate has exceeded 50%, and the fourth quarter has reached 60%.

If it is really calculated according to the day when Zhu Daidong takes office in Chu City, the growth rate of GDP in Chu City will be at least 50% in a year. With the completion of the Chuchang Happy World Project next year, the restructuring of state-owned enterprises will be further deepened, the vigorous development of small and medium-sized enterprises and the strong investment in urban construction, Chu City will usher in a real peak of development.

"Without the care and support of the Municipal Party Committee, I alone would not have achieved such a great achievement... Zhu Daidong said modestly.

"Have you made a specific plan for next year's work?" Yuan Qianzhen asked that when Zhu Daidong first came, he asked Zhu Daidong about his work plan, but at that time, Zhu Daidong said that he had the right to speak without investigation. Now that three quarters have passed, he should have a detailed understanding of Chu City.

"Next year's work will continue to focus on developing the economy, boosting domestic demand and stimulating consumption. Specifically, the municipal government has two main tasks to do: speed up urban construction and people's livelihood construction.

Zhu Daidong said that the urban construction he said is slightly different from that of other places. Other places focus on the ground. His main goal is the underground. The underground drainage system in Chu City will be officially ceded next year, and will be officially implemented in the second quarter at the latest. !