Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 989 Humanity?

The matter about the "mud" of Yan Air China is not complicated. A few years ago, a relative of him picked up an iron bar and flattened his head because of a dispute with someone in Xicheng District.

Of course, the public security department will intervene in such a matter. Fighting and causing death is a serious criminal case.

According to the usual practice, it is appropriate to be sentenced to death for such a thing, but the man found him to unblock the relationship because he was a relative of Yan Guohang. Yan Guohang found the criminal investigation detachment of the Xicheng Branch. Although he was only the director of the Public Security Bureau of Gaotang County, he was the same system with the Public Security Bureau after all, and he was also familiar with the people of the Xicheng Branch. After some activities, the death penalty turned into life imprisonment.

It's natural to kill for your life. Of course, the relatives of the victim won't do it. They once appealed, but when the Public Security Bureau was taking evidence, there were some key evidence that were very beneficial to the relatives of Yan Guohang. No matter how the relatives of the victim appealed, there was still no way to change the final result. Although they also guessed that the Public Security Bureau might stand on the side of the perpetrator this time, the people and officials can never fight.

Recently, the relatives of those victims learned that the Public Security Bureau was undergoing internal rectification, so they poked this out and directly to Xu Qiang. No matter how good the cover is, it can't stand the observation of the magnifying glass. With Xu Qiang's personal intervention, the matter was quickly confirmed. A deputy detachment leader of the criminal investigation detachment of the Xicheng Branch and a forensic doctor of the branch received a benefit fee of 100,000 yuan from Air China.

According to what I learned from the prison, the perpetrator has now been sentenced to 15 years in prison for meritorious service. And this is also because of the result of Air China's threading in it. At the time of their investigation, the prison is ready to apply for meritorious service to the man again. If it passes, the sentence will be reduced for at least another year. What surprised Xu Qiang most was that when they went to prison to interrogate the man, they found that he had been put on medical paril.

This made Xu Qiang extremely angry. He had left the prison but was still applying for a meritorious service award for him. However, this matter involves the Bureau of Justice, and he can only transfer the relevant personnel to other departments.

For the internal affairs of the Xicheng Branch, both of them were dismissed from office. Originally, Xu Qiang had to investigate their criminal responsibility. However, these two people actively refunded compensation, and after Xu Qiang personally participated in the investigation, he took the initiative to confess, and in the end, he was only given the punishment of dismissal from public office.

But Xu Qiang is a little embarrassed about the punishment of Yan Guohang. The municipal bureau has a lot of decision-making power over the personnel of the branch bureau. In addition, the strong support of the municipal party committee gives him a lot of decision-making power over the personnel of the public security system of the municipal bureau. Whether it is the district government or the sub-district office, this time, they are indifferent to the personnel changes of the following public security organs. But Xu Qiang can't do anything about the personnel in the prison.

However, this time, the Bureau of Justice was also very cooperative with the actions of the Public Security Bureau. The relevant personnel were soon punished and sent back to prison for medical treatment, and all the previously reduced sentences were returned.

However, Xu Qiang did not have a straightforward approach to Yan Guohang in Gaotang County. Although the scale of the county bureau may not be as large as the branch bureau. However, the personnel of the county public security bureau has a greater power to deal with the local government. If Xu Qiang wants to investigate or punish Yan Guohang, he must obtain the support of the Gaotang County Party Committee.

Xu Qiang likes to act straight. What's more, in his opinion, this matter is conclusive. As long as he communicates with Shaw, this matter can be solved. But the matter was beyond his expectation. Since this matter involves the cadres of Gaotang County, of course, Gaotang County has to participate in the investigation. He proposed to Xu Qiang to ask the Municipal Bureau to hand over the case to the relevant departments of Gaotang County, and Gaotang County would carry out an investigation.

Xu Qiang's persistence in the case is like a lustful man seeing a beautiful woman, and he has no other ideas other than the above. Now Xiao Siyan wants to take over the case, and this still involves the internal rectification of the Public Security Bureau. Xu Qiang will never allow such behavior.

But Xiao Siyan's attitude is also very resolute. nominally, Yan Guohang is Xu Qiang's subordinate, but in fact, Xiao Siyan is his real leader. If Air China can't cooperate well with the work of the county party committee and the county government, and can't listen to the greetings of the county leaders, he will not be the director of the public security bureau for a long time.

Xu Qiang did not get support from Sho Siyan, so he had to ask the city for help. The first thing Xu Qiang thought of was not the Municipal Party Committee [book] Yuan Qianzhen, nor the Political and Legal Committee [book] Lv Guohua, but Zhu Daidong.

Although Zhu Daidong is not in charge of politics and law in the division of labor of the municipal government, Xu Qiang still wants to hear his opinions on this matter.

"The holiday is coming soon. Will this matter be discussed after a year?" After listening to Xu Qiang's report, Zhu Daidong said. During the Spring Festival, the task of the Public Security Bureau is particularly important. To ensure that the people can have a peaceful holiday, public security organs at all levels must always be vigilant.

If Yan Air is suddenly punished at this time, or even removed, it will be detrimental to the stability and unity of Gaotang County. If Zhu Daidong stood in Xiao Siyan's position, he also felt that he should deal with this matter after the Spring Festival. The city has made such a big noise. If Air China doesn't know that it's fake. But even if he knows, he will never take the work of the Gaotang County Public Security Bureau lightly. On the contrary, during the Spring Festival, the work of the Gaotang County Public Security Bureau will be very efficient.

"How can such a thing wait until the New Year?" Xu Qiang said with some dissatisfaction that people like Yan Guohang should not let him stay in the public security team. He can't wait to arrest Yan Guohang in the city to investigate, interfere in judicial justice, and bribe public security personnel. Can such a person be a qualified public security officer?

"Since Shaw doesn't agree, I'm afraid you can't wait." Zhu Daidong shook his head gently and said that around the Spring Festival, the city and county leaders will be very busy, and there is no time to deal with such things. Moreover, the matter of Yan Guohang can't be handled well in a day or two. After all, he is the director of the public security bureau, which is much more complicated to deal with.

"What if I want Yan Guohang to be investigated now?" Xu Qiang asked.

"Now we pay attention to the rule of law. You have to deal with the case in accordance with the law, right?" Zhu Daidong said with a smile that if Xu Qiang really wants to do it, the consequences will be very serious.

In terms of business, the municipal bureau can guide the county bureau, technically, or the county bureau can provide support and training, but in personnel, especially in the most important personnel, the municipal bureau cannot completely intervene in the county bureau. In the 1980s, the director of the county bureau was usually appointed by the municipal bureau, and then found a form in the county. However, after entering the 1990s, social security and stability have been paid more and more attention, and the choice of the director of the public security bureau has become more and more important. The county has begun to attach importance to this position. Now, basically, without the consent of the county, it is difficult to pass the appointment of the head of the public security bureau.

"Don't worry, I, the director of the Public Security Bureau, will never know how to break the law. Now the bureau is being rectified internally, so I can't be a typical one at that time, can I? Xu Qiang smiled and said. The most important thing for internal rectification is that law enforcement officers break the law and abuse their power. If he violates the regulations, won't he lift a stone and hit himself in the foot?

"I have to remind you that if you say that this director takes the lead in violating the regulations, I'm afraid that your internal rectification will survive in name." Zhu Daidong said solemnly that he was really worried that Xu Qiang would make trouble.

It turns out that Xu Qiang really has such an idea. As long as he can investigate the matter of Yan Guohang clearly and violate the regulations once, he will be punished once. But if this matter affects the internal rectification, it is what he does not want to see.

But Xu Qiang is not a person who gives up easily. He officially reported to Lu Guohua about Yan Guohua. He can show sufficient evidence of everything that happened in the city. He even believes that even if Air China doesn't open his mouth, with the current evidence, it is enough for Air China to be severely punished. He couldn't figure it out. Obviously, all the conditions were met. Why didn't Gaotang County support himself?

"Xu Qiang, this matter needs to be reported to the city. Don't move for the time being until there is no further instructions in the city." Lv Guohua said that although he turned out to be the captain of the Economic Investigation Corps, he has always been engaged in technology. But after arriving in Chu City, he quickly entered the role.

All the work of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission should be carried out closely around the Municipal Party Committee. If this principle is violated, not only may not be able to carry out the work, but even the position of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission may not be guaranteed.

"Lv [Book], when will the instructions of the Municipal Party Committee be available?" Xu Qiang asked in a hurry.

"Why don't you ask Yuan [book] by yourself?" Lu Guohua stared at him and scolded him with a smile.

"Akay, I just want to report the situation to Yuan [Shu] in person." Xu Qiang's eyes lit up. Neither Zhu Daidong nor Lu Guohua gave the [answer] case he wanted. And the final decision of this matter is indeed in the hands of Yuan Qianzhen. As long as he says a word, there will be no problem in Gaotang County.

Yan Guohang now has to make dozens of phone calls to the city every day. He must always know how much Xu Qiang knows about what he has done to him. After the matter of his relatives was found out and Xu Qiang had obtained conclusive evidence, he immediately reviewed Shaw's words. In this incident, although he took advantage of his position to bribe the people of the municipal bureau, he himself did not get any benefits.

It is also human to do such a thing for the sake of family affection. Xiao Siyan believed his explanation, so he prevented Xu Qiang from investigating the behavior of Yan Guohang now. If Xu Qiang investigates this matter, I'm afraid that the punishment of Yan Guohang will be very heavy, but if Gaotang County is to deal with it, it will be much easier to control. For Yan Guohang, Xiao Siyan still appreciates it.

This is a charming and capable cadre.

But Shaw never thought that it was his behavior that led to further development of the situation.