Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1131 Unbearable

Zhu Daidong's idea was completely beyond Zhou Baoning's imagination. According to his idea, since a ton of indium in the market can be sold for 200,000 US dollars, we should find a way to sell all the indium from the smelter to the international market. Why should we hesitate to sell it?

Although Zhu Daidong's idea is not fully mature, he knows that it will be difficult to get his support if he doesn't tell Zhou Baoning first. While reporting to Zhou Baoning, Zhu Daidong sorted out his thoughts. His thoughts were actually simple and complicated. At present, the global demand for indium is increasing every year, and the output of indium has not been increased. Indium is a dispersed element with a very low content in the crust. It is one of the rarest elements in nature that is not easy to form independent minerals.

At the same time, indium is more and more widely used. In addition to being used in the atomic energy industry, it is also indispensable in electronic software and communication equipment. Therefore, Muchuan City can make an article around the hundreds of tons of indium every year, and at the same time, it can also make the indium of Muchuan smelter sell at a good price.

"Daidong, although your idea is good, you will definitely be under a lot of pressure at that time." Zhou Baoning said slowly that if Du Zhongde didn't know the price of indium in the international market, he didn't believe it. There must be a reason for pretending to be deaf and dumb.

"That's why we need to ask Secretary Baoning's strong support at that time." Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"Dai Dong, you are waiting for me here." Zhou Baoning laughed and said that according to Zhu Daidong's idea, the indium of the smelter is like a sycamore tree, which can attract those golden phoenixes to fly over. Now he finally understands Zhu Daidong's idea. If according to Zhu Daidong's practice, for Kikawa, it is indeed a situation of killing two birds with one stone. The only thing to mention is that the foreign exchange turnover of Kikawa Smelter will be reduced by 5 million US dollars per year.

"Without the support of the municipal party committee, I think it will be difficult to do this well by relying on the municipal government alone." Zhu Daidong said that no matter what, as long as the reform is, it will inevitably touch the interests of some people, which depends on the strength and determination of the reform. In Zhu Daidong's view, as long as it is for the economic development of Kikawa City, personal interests can be temporarily abandoned. What's more, these interests are originally windfall profits. If Muchuan does not hold them accountable for commercial fraud, it is already cheap for them.

"The municipal party committee and the municipal government are originally one family. As long as it is for the economic construction of Muchuan City, even if I fight for this old life, I will support it to the end!" Zhou Baoning firmly said that in fact, the most critical reason why his relationship with the original Oupuban is incompatible is that the Oupuban did not convince him about the development ideas of Muchuan City.

But now, Zhu Daidong's words made him decide to fully support his practice. According to Zhu Daidong, indium in the world belongs to the situation where there are more monks, less porridge, and the supply is in short supply. What's more, indium is a non-renewable resource and has a wide range of applications. The daughter of the emperor does not have to worry about getting married.

With indium in your hand, the price will definitely only rise but not fall in the future.

Zhou Baoning's lack of pioneering spirit does not mean that he does not want the economy of Muchuan City to develop. Zhu Daidong's approach, in his opinion, is very safe and should be strongly supported.

"Mr. Zhou, do you want to go?" After Zhu Daidong and Zhou Baoning walked out of the restaurant, they proposed. Although the store they came to is not big and located in the suburbs, the business is good and there are many people coming and going. After calling Zhou Baoning Secretary Baoning outside, I'm afraid that the cadres of Yuesong District will soon know the news and come here.

"That's fine." Zhou Baoning hesitated for a moment and said. As the secretary of the municipal party committee of Kikawa City, he has not walked alone on the street for a long time. Every time he travels, there must be a large group of people around him. What he wants to see may not be seen. What you see is what others want him to see. At his level, many things have been involuntarily.

Zhu Daidong walked in front of Zhou Baoning with their hands behind their backs, and Wu Chengke and Zhou Baoning's secretary Ren Guangmin walked behind with their bags. Not far behind them is the special car of Zhu Daidong and Zhou Baoning. Zhou Baoning may not have been on the street so freely for a long time, and he is very interested in everything. Now the weather is getting hot, the number of pedestrians on the street is increasing, and the shops are closing later at night. Seeing the store with few people, Zhou Baoning will go in and ask about the price of the goods in the store. If the store owner is willing to talk to him, he will also ask about the income, store rent and various expenses.

Although Zhou Baoning often appeared on TV, who would have thought that he would suddenly appear here? What's more, his clothes are also very ordinary, but the long-term upward momentum on his body makes people dare not despise him.

"Mr. Zhou, go to the front and have a look." Zhu Daidong stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation. The main reason why he chose Yuesong District is that he wants Zhou Baoning to go to the small department store wholesale market and the clothing, shoes and hats wholesale market. For those wholesale markets, it is just starting to open.

"Why is it so lively here?" Zhou Baoning asked in surprise when he saw the bustling crowd. In his impression, it should be deserted here. He passed by here many times. When he saw it in the car during the day, many of the facades here were closed.

"The people who come to buy goods are all taking advantage of this time. After the second half of the night, they go back in the car. Early tomorrow morning, they can sell the new goods tonight in their store." Zhu Daidong explained that he took Zhou Baoning to a large open space next to him, where there was an empty space during the day, but now, the lights are bright, and there are hundreds of cars parked in the open space, most of which are "le-loaded vehicles". The front is half a sleeper car, and the back half is a closed warehouse.

Now someone is rushing here with trucks, tricycles and motorcycles with big and small bags of goods, and the whole parking lot is busy. Zhou Baoning's pace has slowed down. He remembers that Zhu Daidong once mentioned the wholesale market here with him before, but he did not pay attention to it at that time. Today, Zhu Daidong must have a purpose for letting him come here again.

"Daidong, look at these license plates. There are not only cars in all parts of the province, but also in the surrounding provinces." Zhou Baoning said, when did the wholesale market here cause such a great impact, but he, the secretary of the municipal party committee, didn't know it, which was really incompetent.

"Don't underestimate that these facades are farmers' houses, but the sales of each store here are in tens of thousands every day." Zhu Daidong said that most of the people who come here at night are in stock, and only some locals want to make a bargain. People like him and Zhou Baoning are rarely "You mean that there are tens of millions of turnovers here in one night?" Zhou Baoning said in surprise that he had just looked around the wholesale market, with facades everywhere, goods everywhere, and the market was indeed a busy scene. If, as Zhu Daidong said, the daily turnover here can exceed 10 million, then this inconspicuous small market is likely to be the largest wholesale market in the central region.

"This is the minimum." Zhu Daidong said with determination that the wholesale market here has developed and grown without alarming the local government, and Zhu Daidong has not fully understood it. But he can imagine that this must be a process from small to large, from weak to strong.

"What's wrong with Dai Haihai and Changfu River?" Zhou Baoning looked embarrassed. What he said was that Dai Haihai was the party secretary of Yuesong District, and Chang Fujiang was the district governor. In a market with an annual turnover of more than 10 billion yuan, they are not even aware of it. They really don't know how to do their work in Yuesong District. "Mr. Zhou, go to the front and have a look." Zhu Daidong said that he invited Zhou Baoning here today, but he did not want him to plead guilty to Dai Haihai or Chang Fujiang. This wholesale market did not cause the departments of the local government department. Dai Haihai and Chang Fujiang must be responsible, but Zhu Daidong believes that maybe Dai Haihai and Chang Fujiang are also kept in the dark like Zhou Baoning

Zhou Baoning didn't know what medicine was still sold in Zhu Daidong's gourd, but since Zhu Daidong said it, there must be something famous in front of him. Sure enough, Zhou Baoning was not far ahead and heard someone arguing, not the customer and the store owner, but the store owner and the manager here.

Seeing several security guards standing there fiercely in police uniforms without police ranks, Zhou Baoning's face immediately turned pale. This is a clothing store specializing in the wholesale of children's clothing. Now the clothes in the store are in a mess. A man is lying on the ground, and a woman next to him is holding him and sobbing, "You are too do Right? He even beat people!" The woman shouted.

"Domineering? I asked you to pay the management fee yesterday. You said you had no money. You can pay it today. We came today, and you said that you would pay it tomorrow. Don't you have to pay the management fee? A security guard, who seemed to be the leader, said with a sneer. His face is full of flesh, and his eyes are full of fierceness. At a glance, he doesn't know what kind of good person he is. How can the market management office here hire such a security guard?

"That's because your management fee is too expensive. The facade rent is only 200 yuan a month, but you have to charge a management fee of 500 yuan a month. Is there such thing in the world?" The woman shouted that she deliberately came from Zhejiang because the rent here was cheap. After arriving in Muchuan, the rent here was really cheap, and the living expenses were not high.

However, things changed after half a year. When the contract was signed, the management side told them that it was free of half of the management fee. At that time, they thought that the management fee must be only a few yuan or dozens of yuan, and the monthly rent was only 200 yuan. There were facades, houses and warehouses. No matter how expensive the management Is it more expensive than rent? But I didn't expect that their ideas were all wrong. Half a year later, the management side sent someone to collect the management fee. Only then did they know that the management fee of 500 yuan a month was charged, and the fee was charged according to the facade. One facade was 500 yuan, and some bosses did a big job. Thinking that the rent was cheap anyway, they . When it was time to pay the management fee, they knew that they had to pay one or two thousand. Of course, they couldn't figure it out.

"You think the management fee is too expensive. You can leave, and we can't force you to do business here." The security guard said with a sneer.

"I want to report this situation to the municipal government. You are so deceiving people!" The woman shouted.

"Repare the situation to the municipal government? OK, you can go. Do you want me to send someone to take you there? I heard that the new mayor is a tender egg with no hair. If he can take a fancy to you, I will waive the management fee for you. The security guard said with an arrogant smile.

"You are simply robbers!" The woman said.

"We neither steal nor rob. How can we say we are robbers? Do you want to pay the management fee or not? If you don't pay, we will do business for you. Brothers, go and write a brand. The clothes here are one yuan each. The time is limited and the sale is limited to 500 pieces. We are honest and will never charge you one more yuan. The security guard looked contemptuous and dealt with these merchants. They had a lot of ways. They would not let you do business without paying money. Later, they found that it was more cost-to-sell goods directly to them. It not only benefits buyers, but also allows them to receive money quickly.

"You're going to die. The price of the clothes here is more than ten yuan each!" The woman stood up suddenly and roared, which was related to her vital interests. No matter how strong the other party's power was, she would work hard.

"I don't care how much you pay for each one. Write a sign right away!" The security guard said loudly.

"How dare you! I'll fight with you." Seeing that they really wanted to take action, the women rushed to the security guard like crazy, beating and pulling.

But she is a weak woman. How can she fight against a tall security guard? He was grabbed by the horizontal meat, then threw it and fell to the ground.

"Shout up!" Zhu Daidong really can't stand it. If he can tolerate such behavior, then there is no need for him to be the mayor. He walked over to hold the woman and scolded angrily.

"Whose crotch didn't pull up and let you out?" When the security guard saw Zhu Daidong, his contemptuous smile slipped from the corners of his mouth. These days, he was really not afraid of death.

"You said you were the security guard here, so who is in charge of the market here?" Zhu Daidong suppressed his anger and asked in a low voice.

"It's none of yours care, boy, I advise you not to be bored. If you want to buy cheap clothes, just prepare the money. There are not many opportunities, time is limited, and you can only sell 500 pieces." The horizontal meat security guard looked fierce and didn't pay attention to Zhu Daidong at all.

"What's the difference between your behavior and bandits?" Zhu Daidong scolded angrily.

"Of course, we are different from bandits. Bandits robbery their wealth. We only take our own share." The security guard said.

"Dai Haihai, where are you now? Are you coming to the clothing, shoes and hats wholesale market in the eastern suburbs? Zhou Baoning actually couldn't help it for a long time, but when he saw Zhu Daidong open his mouth, he couldn't help but say anything and kept watching. But seeing such an arrogant security guard, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he called Dai Haihai.