Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1140 Passive

After seeing the notepad he hid below, Chen Biao suddenly collapsed. In this way, he has several notepads and changes them every year. And in order to hide things well, he can be said to have racked his brains. This notepad was hidden here the year before last. After it was sealed, it was sealed with cement, and the wooden floor was laid on it. Even if someone pry open his floor, he could not find it.

"Chen Biao, the content here is really rich. Why, don't you want to say it? Now it's a chance for you. Even if you want to say it in the future, we won't necessarily listen to it. Hou Yong said sternly that after getting the notepad just now, he quietly went to make a copy. When Zhu Daidong went to work in Muchuan, he would definitely encounter all kinds of resistance. If the Chen Biao case was thoroughly investigated above, he would not have this copy.

"It's impossible. It must be fake." Chen Biao said in fear that they had just come in, and they could find such a good notepad that they had hidden?

"The floor, walls and ceiling of your house have been smashed, and all the furniture has been disassembled. What other secrets can you hide?" Hou Yong said faintly that he actually didn't expect such a big gain. At that time, he just wanted to find Chen Biao's criminal evidence as quickly as possible. As for the way and method of verification, he didn't care so much. As long as you get a search warrant, the worst is financial compensation, at least legally it is tenable.

Chen Biao sweated coldly, and Hou Yong's ruthlessness greatly surprised him. I am the person wanted by the Muchuan police. Why does the Chudu Public Security Bureau mind your own business? Even if Zhu Daidong has served as the executive vice mayor of Chudu, it seems that he doesn't need to be so thorough, right?

"Since you don't want this opportunity, forget it. Take it down!" Hou Yong now seems to be full of confidence. After getting Chen Biao, it can be said that he pinched his dead hole. No matter whether Chen Biao moves now or not, it doesn't matter. Although Chen Biao has recruited some inside stories just now, compared with this notepad, those things are nothing but only the tip of the iceberg.

"Wait!" Chen Biao was suddenly like a sieve. His eyes were very complicated, full of hesitation, fear and despair. He is struggling in pain in his heart, whether to get rid of it or persevere to the end, waiting for others to save him.

Hou Yong was overjoyed. He turned around and said lightly, "What else do you want to say?" The only things recorded here are all in 1997. Not to mention the previous years, Chen Biao did not explain what happened in the first half of last year and the first half of this year.

"It's gone." Chen Biao said this sentence as if his strength had been taken away, and his eyes were full of dullness caused by fear. Saying these three words shows that Chen Biao still has hope for Shi Yaoqing and Wen Fuliang. No matter how conclusive the evidence obtained by the police is, he must grit his teeth and stick to it.

"It seems that you are still holding a fluke mentality. If something like this happens, no one will come to save you and ask for more blessings." After saying that, Hou Yong walked out without looking back.

Seeing Hou Yong's resolute attitude, Chen Biao opened his mouth to say something, but finally said nothing. Hou Yong called Zhu Daidong and informed him that he had got Chen Biao's notepad.

"Are there many people involved?" Zhu Daidong asked faintly.

"There are more than 20 bribes of more than 10,000 yuan." Hou Yong said that in 1977 alone, Chen Biao spent more than 1.2 million yuan on government officials. One of them was Wen Fuliang and Chang Fujiang. Chen Biao gave them money four times a year, each time it was 50,000 yuan. Ma Zhiwang and Dai Haihai are 100,000 yuan respectively. In fact, there are 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000 and 50,000 people. In total, there are more than 50 people written on the notepad by Chen Biao.

"Do you want to deal with it according to the normal procedure?" Zhu Daidong thought for a moment and said that as long as Hou Yong got the real evidence of Chen Biao, the Chen Biao case would basically become a final conclusion. Even if he doesn't interfere, Hou Yong knows how to deal with it.

Since Hou Yong was handled according to the normal procedure, he immediately reported to Lu Liushi, and at the same time conveyed Zhu Daidong's meaning to him. He believes that Lu Liushi knows how to deal with this matter better than himself.

I dare not neglect when I stay on the road. This is what happened in Muchuan City. Without the above instructions, it is not the turn of the Chudu police to deal with it. Even the Chu Municipal Committee is not suitable to deal with this matter. However, informing Muchuan about Chen Biao's situation, Lu Liushi will not do so now. He believes that Xu Qiang will not do so for the time being.

Xu Qiang immediately reported to Lv Guohua, Secretary of the Municipal Law Committee, and then Lv Guohua reported to Yuan Qianzhen, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. Such a thing must be reported at the first level. If anyone is ercionable, it is against the rules. Hou Yong secretly informed Zhu Daidong that it was a favor. It is the principle to report to the road.

This matter involves many government officials in Muchuan City. Yuan Qianzhen is hesitant to report directly to the province or say hello to Zhou Baoning first. Thinking that Zhu Daidong had just been transferred to Muchuan, Yuan Qianzhen decided to cheer Zhou Baoning first.

"Hello, Secretary Zhou, I'm Yuan Qianzhen. Just now, the Public Security Bureau reported something about a person named Chen Biao in Muchuan. Yuan Qianzhen said that although he and Zhou Baoning are the leaders of the two local governments, both of them are members of the provincial party committee and often hold meetings in the province.

"Chen Biao? Is he caught in Chudu? Zhou Baoning said, if it was just Chen Biao, it seemed that it would not disturb Yuan Qianzhen, right? No matter how idle the municipal party secretary is, he can't take care of these specific cases.

"Yes, the public security personnel in Chudu also searched a notepad at his residence, which recorded the evidence of Chen Biao's bribery, involving more than 50 officials." Yuan Qianzhen said slowly that no matter where this matter came from, it was a big case. Let the province investigate and the city, and the final nature will change greatly.

"Oh, we are also investigating Chen Biao. He is involved in a gangster case." Zhou Baoning said faintly.

"Well, this person will be left to Kikawa to deal with. I believe in Secretary Zhou's determination." Yuan Qianzhen said that if he reported this matter to the province, I'm afraid Zhou Baoning would be punished one by one. However, if Muchuan City investigates the case and then takes the initiative to report it to the province, Zhou Baoning not only did not pass, but also made contributions.

"Thank you, Secretary Yuan, for your support for the work of Muchuan City." Zhou Baoning finally showed a smile on his face.

"Secretary Zhou, how is Comrade Zhu Daidong's work in Kikawa City? This comrade was dug up by me from the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee at that time. Now I'm asking you to transfer to Muchuan. You have to pay me back for this kindness. Yuan Qian said with a smile.

"There is no problem with this. Daidong's ability is very strong and his style is also solid. With him working with me in Kigawa, Kikawa's economy should improve soon." Zhou Baoning said with a smile that Zhu Daidong was very pragmatic and did not care much about his personal gains and losses, which he appreciated the most.

Moreover, Yuan Qianzhen did not report this matter to the province, and Zhou Baoning owed him a favor. If Yuan Qianzhen reports Chen Biao to the province, then Muchuan will be very passive.

After putting down the phone, Zhou Baoning called Ren Guangmin into the office and told him to invite Comrades Ma Zhiwang and Fu Renhui to come to the meeting. Ren Guangmin didn't dare to neglect. He immediately called Ma Zhiwang and Fu Renhui in Zhou Baoning's office. After receiving the call, they came quickly.

"Xiao Ren, you stay to make a record." Zhou Baoning stopped him when he saw that Ren Guangmin had set up teacups for Ma Zhiwang and Fu Renhui and was ready to go out.

Ren Guangmin quickly returned to his office, took out his notebook and pen to prepare the record, and also put a small tape recorder on the table.

"Call you here, there is only one thing. Chen Biao, the leader of the black forces in the wholesale market in Yuesong District, has been captured in Chudu." Zhou Baoning called them to the small conference room in his office and said with a serious face.

Ma Zhiwang and Fu Renhui looked at each other. It was a matter of time before Chen Biao was arrested. Zhou Baoning and Zhu Daidong went to the wholesale market. It happened so suddenly that Zhou Baoning quickly summoned personnel from all sides to prepare to destroy Chen Biao's power in one fell swoop. And we should take this opportunity to uproot the underworld forces in Muchuan City.

"I'll inform Wen Fuliang to pick him up immediately." Ma Zhiwang took out his mobile phone and wanted to make a phone call.

"Since people have been caught, don't be in such a hurry." Zhou Baoning said lightly that if it was just Chen Biao, he only needed to call Ma Zhiwang to inform him. But now Chen Biao is still related to more than 50 officials in Muchuan City, so the nature of this matter is serious.

To eradicate the evil forces, it is very simple to say, that is, to eradicate the realization of power. In fact, once everyone is in power, an unavoidable problem is put in front of themselves, that is, the realization of power. If it remains unchanged, you can't take back your previous investment. If it remains unchanged, you will not have more money to enter the new investment in order to seek greater power.

Once the power is realized, the power will be desperate to protect the realization. The reason is also simple, because this realization is illegal. This realization can only be completed through illegal Liangdao. Once the realization Liangdao is exposed, the power will no longer exist. Power is not protecting the realization, but protecting the power itself. It is a war of power protection. The evil forces are just a kind of power realization.

Ma Zhiwang immediately put his mobile phone back and listened quietly to Zhou Baoning's words. Zhou Baoning is as solemn as he can. Obviously, he must have found something in Chen Biao.

"When the Chudu police arrested Chen Biao, they also seized a notepad, which was the account book that Chen Biao bribed some cadres. Shocking, comrades, I am very sad. We are ashamed that our cadres are actually controlled by a ruffian! Such a case must be investigated to the end! No matter who is involved, no matter what position the other party is, even if it is related to me or my relatives, I will never tolerate it!" Zhou Baoning said sharply.

"Secretary Zhou, the most urgent thing is to bring Chen Biao back first. As long as we have that account book, we can find out the truth!" Fu Renhui said firmly.

"Secretary Zhou, how many officials are involved in Chen Biao's case this time?" Ma Zhiwang said solemnly.

"In the preliminary investigation, there are at least 50 people." Zhou Baoning said slowly that more than 50 officials were extremely shocked when he heard Yuan Qianzhen say this number, but he was on the phone with Yuan Qianzhen at that time, and it was not easy for him to have an attack on the spot.

Hearing this number, Ma Zhiwang and Fu Renhui were also silent. Fu Renhui has never heard of Chen Biao before, and Ma Zhiwang has only dealt with him several times, only knowing that he is the boss of a logistics company. Unexpectedly, there was a gang of triad forces hidden behind Chen Biao.

"No wonder the wholesale market in Yuesong District is so popular, but the city doesn't even know any news." Zhou Baoning sneered and said that whether Dai Haihai and Chang Fujiang in Yuesong District knew about this matter or not, they all had an inescapable responsibility.

"Secretary Zhou, now that it has happened, we have to face him. My opinion is that the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the public security department investigate, cooperate with each other and share information at the same time. Ma Zhiwang said slowly that he deliberately added the sentence "sharing information" and also wanted to control the investigation process and results of the case at any time.

"Well, let's first let the Public Security Bureau go to Chudu to pick up the people. The main subjects of the Commission for Discipline Inspection are the party members and cadres involved in the case. The Public Security Bureau is only responsible for investigating Chen Biao's other cases. Zhou Baoning said.

After Ma Zhiwang and Fu Renhui left, Zhou Baoning was still sitting in the small conference room. Ren Guangmin did not dare to disturb him. He just took Ma Zhiwang and Fu Renhui's teacup out, gently took the door of the office, and was ready to go out.

"Xiao Ren, please call Zhu Daidong and inform him to come back for a meeting." Zhou Baoning said that this matter must first be ventilated with Zhu Daidong. The matter of the wholesale market was discovered by himself and Zhu Daidong. Now it seems that Zhu Daidong made an appointment to Yuesong District for dinner that night. I'm afraid it has another purpose.

After receiving Ren Guangmin's call, Zhu Daidong soon arrived at the Municipal Party Committee. Not long ago, he received a call from Hou Yong. He knew that Zhou Baoning was looking for him at this time and only talked about one thing, that is, Chen Biao's bribery incident.

"Dai Dong, Chen Biao has been arrested in Chudu." Zhou Baoning no longer talked to Zhu Daidong in the conference room. After all, Zhu Daidong's identity was different. He deliberately went to the reception room of the large office to wait for Zhu Daidong.

"I didn't expect the efficiency of the Public Security Bureau to be very high." Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"The efficiency of fart was caught by the Chudu Public Security Bureau." Zhou Baoning scolded. As soon as he mentioned this matter, he felt aggrieved. If he had been arrested by the Muchuan Public Security Bureau, maybe he would not be so angry. However, the person was arrested by the Chudu Public Security Bureau, and it was Yuan Qianzhen who called him in person.

"As long as you can catch people, no matter which public security bureau catches them, it doesn't matter." Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"Alas, Daidong, this matter has become complicated now." Zhou Baoning sighed and said.