Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1143 Suicide?

When Fu Renhui just got Chen Biao's notepad, she was also very surprised. She never thought that Chen Biao was also Ma Zhiwang's guest. In addition to Ma Zhiwang, Wen Fuliang, the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and Chang Fujiang, the head of Yuesong District, were all involved. Although this does not rule out that Chen Biao did it maliciously, the flies do not stare at seamless eggs.

"Since I got this notepad from the Chudu police, I have always promised that the list was also sorted out by me and did not go through other people's hands." Fu Renhui said that she could only guarantee that after she got the notepad, no one had seen it, but there was no guarantee that someone would contact her before. What's more, Chudu police are the first to come into contact with the notepad. It is difficult to keep it completely confidential.

"In addition to Ma Zhiwang, Wen Fuliang and Chang Fujiang, other people's Commission for Discipline Inspection can start to investigate. For some people with light plots, good attitudes and low amounts, we should pay attention to differential treatment. Our party's disciplinary action is not for the purpose of punishment. Everyone will make mistakes, but if someone else makes a mistake, you will be beaten to death with a stick. This is not the principle of our party. Zhou Chaohui murmured that his meaning was very clear. He caught a batch, punished a batch, and scared a batch. And the number of people who "scare a batch" should be at least more than half.

I hope that after this incident, these people can learn lessons and find themselves again in their future work. This is to give them another chance, which does not mean that they can escape. Even if the punishment is light, it will inevitably leave a party punishment on the file.

"Okay, Secretary Zhou, our Commission for Discipline Inspection also needs to review Chen Biao. Can you give him two fingers?" Fu Renhui said that according to Chen Biao's record, there were as many as 55 officials he had bribed in 1997 alone. What about last year? What about this year? What about 97 years ago?

The so-called double finger is actually equivalent to the double gauge. The double finger refers to all the problems at the designated place and within the specified time. Two fingers are mainly aimed at non-party members and cadres, which is the biggest difference between two fingers and double rules.

"Yes, but it can't take too long." Zhou Baoning thought for a moment and said. Chen Biao not only involves bribery officials, but also has more than 300 security guards under his hand. These people are security guards if they sound good, but they are thongers if they don't sound bad. Many people are two-working workers and idle hooligans. Some of them have even just been reformed from labor reform, and they have found a security job in Chen Biao's company.

"Give me a week." Fu Renhui smiled and said that Chen Biao was a very key figure, and he was not a party member or cadre. The Commission for Discipline Inspection wanted to investigate him. Originally, the best way was to let the public security organ come forward. But now on that list, the second place is Wen Fuliang, the director of the Public Security Bureau. How can Fu Renhui rest assured that Chen Biao will be interrogated by the Public Security Bureau?

"It's been a long time. Today is Wednesday, and I have to get his confession before next Monday." Zhou Baoning said that the Municipal Party Committee will hold a standing committee next Monday. At the meeting, this will definitely be regarded as an important topic. If the Commission for Discipline Inspection does not get the evidence of hard prick, it will be difficult for the city to study and discuss the people in front of the list.

"Our Commission for Discipline Inspection will do its best and do its best to take Chen Biao down." Fu Renhui said that from now on, plus today, it will only take five days. This time is not long, but it is definitely not short. As long as the audit method is correct, the task can still be completed.

The Commission for Discipline Inspection is different from handling cases by the public security. There are many recidivists dealing with the public security. That kind of person enters the palace and has strong psychological endurance. The ordinary interrogation method is really nothing to do with them. Although Chen Biao has not been in the palace for a few times, he has been used to being pampered in recent years. It can be said that he is half an official. But the way to deal with him still can't be the same as others.

There are not many cases of the Discipline Inspection Commission handling double-finger cases. In the past few years when Fu Renhui was the secretary of the Muchuan Commission for Discipline Inspection, this is still the third double-finger case. For ordinary people, it is enough to have a public security organ. Otherwise, let the procuratorate investigate, and the non-party cadres who can be investigated by the Commission for Discipline Inspection must be the kind of situation with special status or serious disciplinary violations by officials. In this Chen Biao case, the situation is very special, the problem is also very serious, and the nature will definitely be very bad.

In the several two-finger cases handled by Fu Renhui, because the identity of those two-finger objects was relatively special, they used to be accompanied by officials in and out. They regarded money as dung, and even ordinary officials could dictate. Now, it's suddenly someone else's turn to interrogate them, and the psychological gap is very big.

How to put it? 7 Almost all the personnel involved in the case of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, whether they are dead or say everything as soon as they come in, one thing in common is, that is, psychological collapse. This kind of collapse is not necessarily due to my personality, nor is it necessarily caused by the pressure unique to the dictatorship. The root cause is that these people have a strong dependence on power and the huge maladjustment once they lose power.

Although Chen Biao did not have the power himself, he borrowed the power through leasing. For example, Ma Zhiwang, Wen Fuliang and Chang Fujiang accepted Chen Biao's bribery. Isn't the power in their hands also handed over to Chen Biao in disguise? Moreover, Chen Biao has more than 300 security guards. With these people, Chen Biao is actually a person of power in front of those merchants in the wholesale market. If any merchant in the wholesale market can have a good relationship with Chen Biao, it can also benefit a lot in the wholesale market.

It can be said that Chen Biao is also an official of a non-Party member and cadre. Now, for Chen Biao, money may no longer be what he is chasing. Seeing some government officials bowing to themselves, the merchants in the wholesale market nodded and bowed as soon as they saw him. Perhaps this kind of scene is Chen Biao's favorite.

Power has now become one of Chen Biao's spiritual pillars, which is his backbone. Once lost, collapse is inevitable. Therefore, when handling cases, the Commission for Discipline Inspection usually only has patience with his opponents, fights psychological warfare, and tries its best to tell them a cruel fact. The power he once used to call the wind and rain no longer belongs to him. It is completely impossible for him to buy more money to buy or lease power.

When Chen Biao fully understood this, the collapse also happened. Although there are people who continue to be stubborn after the collapse, this kind of stubbornness is no longer meaningful. Now Chen Biao is no longer the "brity of Biao" who was empty in his pocket at the beginning and only beat the world with a strong force. Now hundreds of people rely on him to live on him, and the cooperation with government departments has also entered a virtuous circle. All of this is not only a responsibility but also a burden for Chen Biao, and it should be a danger.

With Zhou Baoning's approval, Fu Renhui is unwilling to spend more time. Next Monday's Standing Committee is generally at 8:30 a.m.

And the time of the Commission for Discipline Inspection to point out Chen Biao is also before 8:30 a.m. next Monday. If you can't let Chen Biao's psychological collapse in these days, and you can't let him explain all the problems, it will not only make his own mistakes in his work, but also let a considerable number of officials go unpunished.

But when the people of the Commission for Discipline Inspection went to the detention center with the order, it was Chen Biao's body that was handed over to them. After Chen Biao was escorted back to the Muchuan Detention Center, he was "stupid" in less than two hours. The detention center did not find out that Chen Biao had died until the people of the Commission for Discipline Inspection passed.

After receiving the news, Fu Renhui quickly rushed to the city detention center. Soon after she arrived, Wen Fuliang from the Municipal Public Security Bureau also rushed to the scene with relevant criminal investigators and forensic doctors. Seeing that Fu Renhui was also there, Wen Fuliang was stunned. He didn't know that Zhou Baoning had decided that the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection would personally investigate Chen Biao.

"Secretary Fu, why did you come here in person?" Wen Fuliang hurried over, stretched out his hand as he walked, and said in surprise.

"Secretary Zhou instructed that Chen Biao should be investigated separately by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection for the time being. Director Wen, Chen Biao has just been escorted to Muchuan. He committed suicide without warning. I hope you can give me an explanation. Fu Renhui said lightly that as soon as she saw Wen Fuliang, she thought of Wen Fuliang's sudden appearance in the second position on Chen Biao's list.

The municipal detention center belongs to the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and Chen Biao was personally escorted back by the Public Security Bureau. Chen Biao committed suicide. There was something strange. If there was no trick in it, she would not believe it in any case. At this time, Wen Fuliang's speed is no less than his own. Chen Biao's suicide may be an incident, but in Fu Renhui's opinion, it looks like a rehearsal.

"We will do our best to find out this matter, give Secretary an explanation, and also give Secretary Zhou an explanation." Wen Fuliang said solemnly.

Fu Renhui didn't say anything. She may not be convinced of the conclusion given by the Public Security Bureau. If Wen Fuliang is not related to the Chen Biao incident, I'm afraid she will still pin her hopes on the Public Security Bureau. But now, she only hopes that Wen Fuliang can show her fright, so she will definitely catch up and let Wen Fuliang show his original form.

Sure enough, the forensic doctor of the Public Security Bureau came to a conclusion at the scene that there was no trace of homicide, which was suicide. As long as Fu Renhui expected such a conclusion, she asked the forensic doctor to sign the appraisal certificate, and then took the people of the Commission for Discipline Inspection back to the Municipal Party Committee. Since she finished talking with Zhou Baoning, she has been thinking about what kind of measure should be taken against Chen Biao so that he can speak as soon as possible. Now, Chen Biao will never speak again.

On the way, Fu Renhui called Ren Guangmin. She had something important to report to Secretary Zhou. When talking about the word "important", Fu Renhui aggravated his tone. Ren Guangmin did not delay and immediately reported to Zhou Baoning. Zhou Baoning took the phone and talked to Fu Renhui.

"Secretary Renhui, what can I do for you?" Zhou Baoning originally wanted to go to Chudu, not only to have a meeting, but also to thank Yuan Qianzhen in person. This matter owes Yuan Qianzhen a favor. Although it can't be paid off with a meal, since he wants to go to Chudu, he still has to do this attitude.

"Secretary Zhou, Chen Biao is dead." Fu Renhui said solemnly that Chen Biao died in time at this time, and many problems immediately became unclear. Even if you get Chen Biao's notepad, such as Ma Zhiwang, Wen Fuliang and Chang Fujiang, they will deny it. Even other disciplinary cadres will have a fluke mentality, and there is no proof of death. Since Chen Biao is dead, why don't you make up the matter on this notebook by yourself?

"Chen Biao is dead?" Zhou Baoning said in surprise, how is this possible? His first feeling is also like Fu Renhui. This is definitely not suicide. Someone should have done it on purpose. As soon as Chen Biao died, the fifty-five officials were the biggest beneficiaries. If Chen Biao really committed suicide, it was also caused by one of the fifty-five people, or a few people.

"Yes, I just arrived at the municipal detention center, and now I'm on my way to the municipal party committee compound." Fu Renhui said.

"Well, you come back first and we'll have a meeting." Zhou Baoning said that he asked Ren Guangmin to inform Zhu Daidong and Yuan Deming, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, to his office for a meeting. Originally, Ma Zhiwang had to be notified of such a thing, but this time Zhou Baoning seemed to have forgotten it.

When Ren Guangmin notified Zhu Daidong, he informed him of Chen Biao's suicide. When Zhu Daidong first heard it, his face was also full of incredible. How could this be possible? In fact, it is very simple for Zhu Daidong to find the truth. As long as the relevant personnel are asked one by one, the suspect can be determined. But now, Zhu Daidong's heart is willing but not strong enough.

On the way to the municipal party committee compound, Zhu Daidong called Hou Yong and asked him about his interrogation of Chen Biao at that time. Hou Yong naturally did not hide anything from Zhu Daidong and introduced Chen Biao's interrogation to him in detail. If Zhu Daidong needs it, he can fax a copy of the interrogation record at that time, or he can send it to Kikawa in person immediately.

"Well, take some time now to bring the interrogation records at that time and come here in person." Zhu Daidong said that since Chen Biao was arrested, Hou Yong has been in contact with Chen Biao for the longest time, and he may be the only one who can provide some valuable clues to the municipal party committee.

"Daidong, what happened?" Hou Yong asked that Zhu Daidong had not paid much attention to Chen Biao's case, at least not paying much attention to his performance. But now for an interrogation record, I have to go to Kikawa by myself, which shows that things must have changed a lot.

"Chen Biao committed suicide half an hour ago." Zhu Daidong said that he didn't believe it very much.

"Suicide? Do you want me to bring another forensic doctor?" Hou Yong was stunned and immediately said again. His brain turns so fast that when he gets it, he will commit suicide. There are almost no such examples. Either stimulated or forced, otherwise, the world is so beautiful, who will die? It's better to live than to die, which is the truth that everyone knows. Even if all Chen Biao's affairs are exposed, he may not be sentenced to death. It is normal to change the sentence to a fixed-term imprisonment.

"There is no need for a forensic doctor. Bring a few clever criminal policemen here and go down to touch the situation first." Zhu Daidong thought for a moment and said. If forensic doctors from other places are asked to identify the cause of Chen Biao's death, it will make the Kagawa police feel that they are not trusted. It should be said that most people in the police are still good, but some black sheep make the current image of the police worse and worse.