Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1148 Disbanded

At the temporary standing committee meeting the next day, Jian Wushuai, the Minister of Organization, proposed that although there was no conclusion about Chen Biao's death, whether it was suicide or homicide. However, Wen Fuliang, the director of the Public Security Bureau, has an inescapable responsibility. And on Chen Biao's bribery list, Wen Fuliang topped the list.

Now the Municipal Party Committee has decided to set up a joint task force to thoroughly investigate Chen Biao's case, including his death and involvement in organized crime and bribery officials. In the task force, the Public Security Bureau is one of the main forces. Based on this situation, Jian Wushuai believes that Wen Fuliang is not suitable to serve as the director of the Public Security Bureau. He suggested that Wen Fuliang should be removed from the position of director of the Muchuan Public Security Bureau.

Fu Renhui looked at Zhu Daidong in surprise. Zhu Daidong's calm face could not see any fluctuation in his heart. She glanced at Ma Zhiwang's face again and didn't find anything. When Jian Wushuai spoke just now, she didn't catch the eyes of the two people at the first time. It was just a momentary expression. If she hadn't caught it at that time, I'm afraid it would be difficult to find it again.

Wen Fuliang was removed from his post, and the meeting with several people yesterday afternoon was different. At yesterday's meeting, everyone agreed that Wen Fuliang should be asked to stop his duties so that the task force could handle the case without interference. But now, it has become the removal of Wen Fuliang's position. All these changes must have happened last night.

And Ma Zhiwang's name was also removed from the list. Seeing Ma Zhiwang sitting there calmly, Fu Renhui thought that Zhou Baoning must be in line with Ma Zhiwang. And Wen Fuliang must be part of this from stopping work to being removed from office.

For Renhui, removing Wen Fuliang from the position of director of the public security bureau is more conducive to the work of the task force than stopping work. But she must figure out whether the removal of Wen Fuliang from his position is an exchange between Ma Zhiwang and Zhou Baoning, or the operation of others.

Yesterday afternoon, Jian Bangyu did not attend the meeting. Now he has put forward a proposal to remove Wen Fuliang from the position of director of the Public Security Bureau, which obviously represents Zhou Baoning's opinion. Although this may not be the final opinion. But it represents Zhou Baoning's intention now.

"I agree with the proposal of Comrade Jian Wushuai, and Chen Biao can sit up. It has a lot to do with the inaction of the public security department. Wen Fuliang is the director of the Public Security Bureau. There is an inescapable responsibility!" Ma Zhiwang spoke first, and the Public Security Bureau was under the jurisdiction of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission. Generally speaking. Wen Fuliang had an accident. As a direct superior, he had to make an in love with Wen Fuliang. But now he can't protect himself, and he really didn't know about Chen Biao's suicide this time, which made him very angry.

Chen Biao committed suicide. Ordinary people only think it is a strange thing. But in the eyes of people like Ma Zhiwang, it is not surprising that such a thing happened. He even thought. Since Chen Biao's "suicide" does not happen now, it will also happen at some point in the future.

Even Ma Zhiwang did not object to the removal of Wen Fuliang from his post, and no one else would naturally object. Zhou Baoning has a strong control over the Standing Committee of Muchuan. Even if Ma Zhiwang opposes this matter, it will be passed by the Standing Committee in the end. What's more, Zhu Daidong also agreed with Wen Fuliang's dismissal this time, because this proposal was his suggestion to Zhou Baoning.

Last night, Zhu Daidong went to the Nanhu Hotel. In addition to letting Zhao Jinhai look at him, he also wanted to talk to Zhou Baoning about Wen Fuliang. Stop Wen Fuliang's work and just let him take a paid vacation. Moreover, Zhu Daidong also suggested that based on the serious situation of the Public Security Bureau, he suggested that the new director of the Public Security Bureau should no longer be produced in Muchuan City. Zhou Baoning did not reply directly to this suggestion at that time, and Zhu Daidong did not launch Zhao Jinhai.

But Zhu Daidong believes that since he brought Zhao Jinhai to the Nanhu Hotel, Zhou Baoning will definitely know about Zhao Jinhai. Jia Zongzhi served as the manager of Nanhu Hotel because of his loyalty to Zhou Baoning. And it also serves as Zhou Baoning's eyes and ears. Nanhu Hotel is the hospitality unit of the Municipal Party Committee, and many units in the city also like to put the reception here. Jia Zongzhi is an exquisite person. As a hotel manager, he can often hear a lot of gossip. Whenever there is a chance, he likes to inform Zhou Baoning, which is why he can always hold the position of manager.

In addition to Wen Fuliang's problem, it is also the problem of Chang Fujiang, the mayor of Yuesong District. He was originally the third on the list, but now because of Ma Zhiwang's disappearance, he has added one and become the second person. Since Wen Fuliang, the director of the Public Security Bureau, has been dismissed, the participants are thinking that Chang Fujiang may also be doomed. Chen Biao's incident happened in Yuesong District, but Chang Fujiang not only did not pay attention to Chen Biao's matter, but also did not report to the city about the wholesale market.

It should be said that the current scale of the wholesale markets in Yuesong District is definitely second to none in the province. Even in the surrounding provinces, it has a high reputation. It can be seen that merchants from several surrounding provinces will deliberately come to the wholesale market to buy goods.

However, when talking about Chang Fujiang's problem, Jian Wushuai did not make a speech, but Zhou Baoning said lightly, "Please express your opinions on the issue of Comrade Chang Fujiang."

Those who can enter the Standing Committee are all elite figures. Just now, when Jian Wushuai talked about Wen Fuliang, he directly suggested that Wen Fuliang should be removed from the post of the director of the public security bureau. But now it is Zhou Baoning who talks about Chang Fujiang, which makes people have to think about whether there is a reason behind this matter.

The cadres of Muchuan City all know that Dai Haihai and Chang Fujiang in Yuesong District were all cadres promoted by Zhou Baoning at that time. If they said that they would severely punish Chang Fujiang now, wouldn't they hit Zhou Baoning in the face?

"Let me talk about this matter. After Chen Biao absconded, Comrade Chang Fujiang took the initiative to find me and made a very sincere self-examination. He admitted that he did borrow money from Chen Biao. But this money was not borrowed by himself, but for a relative. There are three times in total, not 200,000, but 250,000.

In these three loans, Chang Fujiang wrote an IOU and promised a return date. However, Chang Fujiang asked Chen Biao several times this year and asked him to take the loan receipt to get the money. But Chen Biao either refused to take back the money on the pretext that he didn't have time or couldn't find the IOU.

And the money, along with the principal and interest, has been kept in the drawer of his office until now. Now Chang Fujiang has handed over the money to the Commission for Discipline Inspection and asked the Commission for Discipline Inspection to transfer it to Chen Biao's family. As for the wholesale market, Chang Fujiang admitted that it was his dereliction of duty, and he also sincerely requested the organization to give him the most severe criticism and punishment. Fu Renhui said that this matter happened before Chen Biao was arrested. At that time, Chang Fujiang could take the initiative to admit his mistake to her, which was very right. If it is delayed until now, I'm afraid it will make people feel that there is a suspicion that there is no silver here.

"Let me say a few words. I think the situation of Comrade Chang Fujiang is fundamentally different from that of Wen Fuliang. As the director of the Public Security Bureau, Wen Fuliang should know the public security situation in the city. However, he turned a blind eye to the situation in the wholesale market. I can say this. The reason why Chen Biao has developed from three or five people at the beginning to a gang of triad forces with more than 300 people under his command is that the Public Security Bureau is suspected of indulgence. Comrade Chang Fujiang should only have the responsibility for negligence. I have also been to the wholesale market in Yuesong District several times. To be honest, at that time, I also thought that the wholesale market there would be so large that it could radiate to the surrounding provinces. I believe that as long as you go to those wholesale markets during the day, you will feel this way. In view of Comrade Chang Fujiang's good attitude and deep understanding of his mistakes, I think the punishment of Comrade Chang Fujiang should be to treat the sick and save people. I suggest giving Comrade Chang Fujiang a serious warning within the party. Jian Wushuai said.

"I agree with the suggestion of Comrade Jian Wushuai." Fu Renhui also said that Zhou Baoning greeted her in this matter, and Chang Fujiang did seize the best opportunity. If he confessed to the Commission for Discipline Inspection that he had "borrowed" money from Chen Biao after Chen Biao committed suicide, she would also adhere to her principles.

"I also agree with Comrade Jian Wushuai." Zhu Daidong said faintly that giving a serious warning and punishment to Chang Fujiang's party should allow Chang Fujiang to stay in his current position after the district chief is full. And for Chang Fujiang, this matter is not over because of this punishment. From now on, there will always be a sword of Damocles hanging high on his head. It's like a time bomb. When the scene is right, it may explode.

Zhu Daidong, Fu Renhui and Jian Wushuai all made a statement, and no one else would say anything more. Zhou Baoning proposed a vote by a show of hands, and the proposal was approved by a full vote. Zhou Baoning ordered to record it, form a resolution, and issue it to all units and departments in the form of documents.

"Since Wen Fuliang has been removed from office, shall we study the candidate for the director of the Public Security Bureau next?" Ma Zhiwang said that Zhou Baoning did not have the courage to talk to him about this candidate, but since the city has made the decision to remove Wen Fuliang from the position of director of the Public Security Bureau, there must be a suitable candidate.

"Yes, simple and handsome comrades, do you have a suitable candidate?" Zhou Baoning nodded slowly and asked.

"Comrade Cai Wusheng and Comrade Dong Hexiang of the Public Security Bureau have rich work experience and are familiar with the situation of Muchuan City. I propose to choose one of the two of them. I don't know if there are any suitable candidates for other comrades?" Ma Zhiwang turned over the small notebook in front of him and said.

"I don't think it is appropriate to determine the candidate of the director of the public security bureau before Chen Biao's case is found out." Fu Renhui said quickly, who knows who will be involved in Chen Biao's case. If the candidate for the director of the public security bureau determined by the municipal party committee now happens to be the person involved in the case, wouldn't it be a slys face of the municipal party committee? ( To be continued)