Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1183 Beyond

Yu Zhuoyuan originally planned to go fishing alone. At the position of Yu Zhuoyuan, it can be said that it is an extravagant hope to be completely quiet for a day. If Zhu Daidong postpones the call for another half an hour today, I'm afraid Yu Zhuoyuan's mobile phone will be turned off. Zhu Daidong was not very interested in fishing, but since Yu Zhuoyuan was interested in it, he bought a set of fishing gear on the road and prepared to worship Yu Zhuoyuan on the spot.

In fact, Zhu Daidong used to catch fish several times, but almost every time he didn't fish because of fishing. When he was fishing, because of his unique ability, he couldn't find other people's expectations. He can hear the sound of the fish swimming in the water, and even their posture. For such fishing, the fish has already known the result before it is hooked, which is really boring.

But with Yu Zhuoyuan, no matter how boring it is, it will become interesting. Zhu Daidong suggested to Yu Zhuoyuan to change two places. As a result, Yu Zhuoyuan just put down the fishing rod and soon gained something.

"Dai Dong, you said you can't fish, but I think you have a lot of experience in this field." Yu Zhuoyuan said with a smile that there was a fish on the hook, sitting here than empty, waiting silently, and the mood was naturally very different.

"I'm a blind cat who ran into a dead mouse." Zhu Daidong said modestly that sometimes he also thought that if he became a fisherman in the future, he could also get rid of poverty and become rich.

"Dai Dong, this time the provincial party committee appointed you as the deputy secretary of the Muchuan Municipal Party Committee. Although it is because of the greetings of some old comrades in Beijing, it is also a long-standing plan of the provincial party committee. When I went to Kikawa this time, although I did not sign a letter of responsibility with the provincial government, I could not neglect the economy of Kikawa City. During your tenure, there must be a significant acceleration. Yu Zhuoyuan said. Officials in the system, if they don't talk about things in the system, I'm afraid they can't spend such a long time.

"I will do my best." Zhu Daidong said firmly.

"If there are any difficulties and requirements, they can also be mentioned to the organization. You have never worked in Kikawa before, and now it's a little difficult for you to show your grades as soon as you go. But this also shows that the organization fully trusts you. Yu Zhuoyuan said lightly.

"Minister, the executive deputy mayor of Chudu, have you been selected now?" Zhu Daidong suddenly asked.

"What, do you have the right person to recommend?" Yu Zhuoyuan asked that after Zhu Daidong left Chudu, many people thought that Wei Gengyi would have a great chance to be promoted to executive deputy mayor, but Wei Gengyi was in the case of Jiang Zhengwei, the original director of labor. Made a mistake. And with his ability, he doesn't seem to be suitable for such an important position.

Although Zhu Daidong was more than ten years younger than Wei Gengyi when he was the executive vice mayor of Chudu, Zhu Daidong dared to sign a letter of responsibility with the provincial government, while Wei Gengyi hesitated at that time. Since Zhu Daidong became the executive vice mayor of Chudu, Wei Gengyi's performance seems to be just normal. Now Chudu is in a period of rapid development, if the newly appointed municipal government. Without a strong enterprising spirit, I'm afraid the provincial party committee will not value it.

"If there is no suitable candidate for the provincial party committee for the time being, I think Comrade Xu Haibo of the Muchuan Municipal Government is very good." Zhu Daidong said slowly.

"If Xu Haibo leaves, who will be your main assistant?" Yu Zhuoyuan asked in surprise that when Xu Haibo and Oupu's class were originally in Muchuan, they set up together. I heard that the relationship between the two is not bad. For the executive vice mayor of Chudu, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee has also consulted the European Spectrum Class, and he also recommended two candidates to the Provincial Party Committee: Xu Haibo and Wei Gengyi. And Xu Haibo is still in front of Wei Gengyi, indicating that the most desired thing for the European spectrum class is to transfer Xu Haibo.

"I think the friendly army in Shachang City is very good." Zhu Daidong said slowly. The reason why he wanted to transfer Xu Haibo was to make room for Shi Youjun. And he also believes that Oupuban is also very satisfied with such a result. Because at this time, Ouyang Ping is consistent with his own ideas.

"I said why are you so kind? I was waiting here. Shi Youjun is your old leader. Now he is your deputy. Can you two cooperate well? Yu Zhuoyuan asked that Zhu Daidong must need some help when he arrived in Kichuan. As the saying goes, one fence has three piles, and one good man has three gangs. In addition to the local area, Zhu Daidong relies on his own ability and prestige to find his arm, and it is also a good way to transfer people directly from the outside.

"I believe that Comrade Shi Youjun has such an awareness, and the cooperation between me and him has always been smooth. I believe that in Kikawa, we will also cooperate happily." Zhu Daidong said that he likes to use "old people", and I'm afraid the cadres in Muchuan City now know it.

In fact, Zhu Daidong only transferred a few cadres from Shachang City, saying that he likes to use "old people", which does not have much basis. But now if the friendly army can be transferred to Kikawa, then there are two "old people" in Zhu Daidong in Kikawa, one is the friendly army, and the other is Zhao Jinhai. Maybe it will increase in the future. The transfer of Zhao Jinhai has made people sneous. If you transfer the friendly army, you need to take certain political risks.

"This problem needs to be carefully considered in the organization." Yu Zhuoyuan said slowly that every loosening of the power pyramid can bring hope to everyone in the officialdom. But this time, the most important thing is about Shachang City. The transfer of friendly troops will make the work of many cadres in Shachang City be mobilized.

Zhu Daidong knew that such personnel issues could only be pointed out. Since Yu Zhuoyuan did not explicitly object, it showed that he basically approved his proposal. It's just that this proposal has not been supported by the provincial party committee, and now Yu Zhuoyuan can't promise anything to himself.

Next, Zhu Daidong reported his work in the past two months in Kikawa to Yu Zhuoyuan. The place where the two of them are fishing is relatively quiet, and there are few people around. Their voices are also very soft, which is very suitable for chatting while fishing.

"The idea determines the way out. This sentence is true. The electric locomotive of the Kikawa Locomotive and Vehicle Factory can sign a contract with Iran, which has a lot to do with your idea of developing the Locomotive and Rolling Stock Factory at that time. There is also Muchuan Smelter, Daidong. This year, these two enterprises alone can double the fiscal revenue of Muchuan City, right? Yu Zhuoyuan said with emotion that Zhou Baoning also claimed to be a cadre from the locomotive factory, but he could not come up with a specific plan and clear goal for the development of the locomotive factory, especially under the current situation.

On the contrary, Zhu Daidong only inspected the locomotive factory twice, and promoted the products of the locomotive factory to the international positioning, and also cooperated with Zhang Tianrui to export the electric locomotives of the locomotive factory to Iran. Perhaps the most right thing Zhou Baoning did was to strongly request the provincial party committee to transfer Zhu Daidong to Muchuan. When the leader, sometimes with the right person, can achieve economic take-off.

"It is certain that Kikawa's fiscal revenue will double this year. If we want, it is not difficult for the fiscal revenue to exceed Chudu." Zhu Daidong said with determination that last year's fiscal revenue in Chudu was 24.41 billion yuan, and this year's target was only more than 4 billion yuan, even if it doubled.

But Kikawa, as long as an extra 100 tons of indium from the Muchuan smelter are put into the international market, it can be immediately converted into more than 400 million US dollars and RMB, which is more than 3 billion yuan. In addition, this year's state-owned enterprise, Zhu Daidong, is in Muchuan, which mainly implements the method of state-owned holding and employee shareholding. Let the employees of state-owned assets truly become the masters of the enterprise.

"If Muchuan's fiscal revenue really exceeds that of Chudu, Zhou Baoning must be so happy that he can't close his mouth." Yu Zhuoyuan said with a smile that Zhou Baoning's greatest wish was to catch up with Chudu. In the past few years, Chudu's economic development was slow, and Zhou Baoning felt that Muchuan's opportunity had come. However, after Zhu Daidong was transferred to Chudu last year, Chudu's economic development, thousands of miles a day, made him feel that Muchuan's hope of catching up with Chudu was becoming more and more confused.

But this year, with the help of the nonsense of several playboys in Beijing and the short-sighted eyes of the Oupu class, Zhou Baoning finally seized the opportunity to transfer Zhu Daidong to Muchuan. In the first month, Zhu Daidong was unknown in Muchuan. He was single-minded at the grassroots level to engage in investigation and research. After figuring out the situation of Kikawa, the effect was immediately seen in the Kikawa locomotive factory and smelter. The price of indium suddenly increased by 225 times, and the electric locomotive of the locomotive factory hit the largest electric locomotive order at the Iranian international bidding meeting, which made Zhu Daidong's reputation suddenly reach the peak in Muchuan.

"It is the dream of all Kigawa people to make Kikawa's economy take off." Zhu Daidong said modestly that in previous years, the export of indium by the Muchuan smelter reached 260 tons. Even if the export of indium is strictly managed this year, it should not be less than 200 tons. After all, there is such a great demand in the international market. If Kikawa blocks the export of indium, it will bring trouble and pressure to the country's diplomatic activities.

But as long as the price of indium can achieve the expected goal, even if it exports a little more, it is nothing. And from next year, the indium price of Muchuan smelter will definitely move. Because in Zhu Daidong's plan, Kikawa must also reserve a certain amount of indium every year, and this amount will increase year by year.

"What else does Kikawa want to achieve in this year's plan?" Yu Zhuoyuan asked that last year, Muchuan's fiscal revenue was only one-third of that of Chudu, but this year Zhu Daidong was confident that he would surpass Chudu, whose economy had been on the fast lane. This rejuvenation is really not simple.

"There are two things to do in Muchuan this year: first, repair the expressway from Chudu to Muchuan, and second, the underground drainage system in Muchuan City will be networked with the Chudu underground drainage system to form a large-scale underground drainage system." Zhu Daidong said that if he has money in his hand, he will naturally pay attention to people's livelihood, which is also his usual practice. ( To be continued)