Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1189 Song Zhiyong's Wish

Zhou Baoning could barely accept Fu Renhui's explanation. After all, before the Commission for Discipline Inspection obtained the real evidence, there was no way to file an investigation of an on-the-job department-level cadre based on the news. What's more, Fu Renhui did not investigate Shen Huaizhong, the staff around him, and even other people in the east of the city.

Now all the evidence comes from the personnel involved in Wang Jia's case. He carefully looked at the case file, and the above mentioned were also more than a dozen public officials from the east of the city. Seeing this, Zhou Baoning's face softened, and at the same time, he turned his attention to the materials in his hand.

The most important thing mentioned above is that Shen Huaizhong sold officials in the eastern part of the city. Since three years ago, the mobilization of cadres in the eastern part of the city needs to be linked to money. After the official hat had something to do with money, Shen Huaizhong began to adjust the cadres wantonly. The cadres below want to climb up and send money to Shen Huaizhong. If the above cadres want to keep the position of secretary, they also need to send money to Shen Huaizhong. He used his identity as a member of the district committee, an empty glove and a white wolf, to make a lot of money in the eastern part of the city. This has become an open secret in the eastern part of the city, and the city didn't know anything about it before!

"Are all the materials here [real]?" Zhou Baoning asked with a blue face. This incident was once again unexpected. He has always trusted Shen Huaizhong very much. It was also the result of his strong recommendation to let Shen Huaizhong go to the eastern part of the city. However, he didn't expect that after Shen Huaizhong arrived in the eastern part of the city, he dared to openly accept bribes from the following cadres for some positions in the eastern part of the city. Open price. With the power given by the organization, he is doing things that violate the law and discipline. It's ridiculous that he just let him attend the Standing Committee, and let him speak at the Standing Committee more than once. Thinking of all this, Zhou Baoning felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.

"Absolutely [true]." Fu Renhui said that she also knew that Zhou Baoning was very embarrassed now. His attitude at the Standing Committee just now had actually vaguely expressed his attitude and supported Shen Huai. But now. Shen Huai was probably a serious violation of discipline by selling officials. The facts are solid in front of him, which will certainly make Zhou Baoning unable to accept it.

"Check, you must find out the water!" Zhou Baoning gritted his teeth and said coldly. Although Shen Huai was promoted by himself. But now the problem in Shen Huai is too serious. If such a matter is not investigated and dealt with, is his municipal party committee still qualified?

Zhu Daidong also admires Zhou Baoning's ability to know so much. To be honest, if he is promoted and trusted by the cadres. He is doing some serious violations of discipline behind his back. If he knows, he will definitely feel uncomfortable. As for the investigation of Shen Huaizhong. It is also a difficult choice. Don't investigate Shen Huaizhong. Fu Renhui has already known about this matter and has obtained conclusive evidence. Investigating Shen Huaizhong will bring a great blow to his own prestige.

After the Standing Committee continued to hold a meeting, the participants found a phenomenon that Shen Huai was no longer present as before. And Zhou Baoning's attitude has also become ugly. Zhu Daidong next to him looked as usual. From his face, I couldn't see what he was thinking at all.

"During the recess just now. Comrade Fu Renhui reported to me a situation about the serious violation of the law and discipline in Shen Huai. Next, please invite Comrade Fu Renhui. Report the case." Zhou Baoning said solemnly.

The sitting member of the Standing Committee did not react for a moment. Just now, Shen Huaizhong was still sitting next to the wall, listening to the progress of the meeting, and also spoke at the Standing Committee twice. But now, Zhou Baoning said that he had serious violations of discipline, and these changes are really unacceptable to them.

As Fu Renhui introduced Shen Huaizhong's case, they soon understood that today's Standing Committee would be carried out in full accordance with Zhu Daidong's wishes. These twenty-one public officials are not only going to be double-opened, but I'm afraid they have to add a Shen Huai now. Although Shen Huaizhong's level is different, the Standing Committee still made a resolution to stop all the work of Shen Huaizhong and accept the double investigation of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

As for the situation of the 21 public officials, according to Zhu Daidong's proposal, all of them were double-opened, and their units were required to remove them. This punishment is the most serious among the current party discipline and administrative sanctions. Many people are not very clear about the dismissal, dismissal and dismissal. In fact, the dismissal and dismissal have not been removed from their party positions, that is to say, they still retain their ranks. And dismissal and dismissal cannot be regarded as a very severe punishment.

For example, if someone is transferred from one unit to another, he will be removed from office in this unit before he can go to another unit to hold a new position. As for dismissal, although it is also a kind of disciplinary action, it does not mean that he has become a salted fish. On the contrary, as long as the organization feels that he has repented, once there is a suitable opportunity, he will be appointed again and even reused, which is something that many people find difficult to understand.

The dismissal is not really the expulsion of the unit. The dismissal is only for the status of cadres, which is a kind of administrative punishment. For example, if a person serves as a section chief or director in the unit, he will no longer hold a position after dismissal. But he is still a national civil servant. If he is removed from the name, he will be completely expelled from the civil service, and from now on, he will be no different from ordinary people.

Therefore, it is a very severe punishment for the Kikawa Standing Committee to impose a double-open punishment on the 21 public officials and require their units to remove them. After the resolution was issued in the form of a notice, all the cadres in Muchuan City were awe-inspiring. According to unreliable folk news, since the issuance of this resolution, the business of entertainment venues in Muchuan City has plummeted, and the cadres in Muchuan City will still weigh the weight. They don't want to affect their whole body because of their lower body problems.

With this Standing Committee, Zhu Daidong has also successfully established a lofty prestige among the cadres of Muchuan City. After the event, everything that happened at the Standing Committee this time was praised everywhere. Especially when Shen Huaizhong spoke, it was "Zhou [Book] at the beginning, but the leaders" did not pay attention to Zhu Daidong, the mayor. What's more, the reason why Shen Huai was double-regulated was that he offended Mayor Zhu. Wen Fuliang had already learned from the past, but Shen Huai still did not learn a lesson. He thought that he was the person of Zhou [Shu], so he could do whatever he wanted. Unexpectedly, Zhu Daidong just pinched it casually and let him face the disaster of prison.

As soon as Shen Huai was double-regulated, Song Zhiyong's mind began to be active. During this period, he has been very excited and felt that his choice a few days ago was right. Although Zhu Daidong is only the acting mayor and has just been transferred to Muchuan, his energy cannot be underestimated. Anyone who dares to despise Zhu Daidong will pay the price. As for the folk circulation, Wen Fuliang and Shen Huaizhong both sneered at the current result because they did not respect Zhu Daidong. If Zhu Daidong is such a narrow-minded person, how can he hold his current position?

The fall of Wen Fuliang and Shen Huai can only show that there is a serious problem with their personal ethics, and Zhu Daidong is very serious about his work. As long as it falls into his hands, if he does not fully investigate the matter, no one else will slip away.

"Bro-in-law, what are Mayor Zhu's hobbies?" Song Zhiyong couldn't help calling Wei Lulang. He wanted to visit Zhu Daidong in private, but he didn't know what Zhu Daidong had like. Although there are rumors that Zhu Daidong only has two hobbies, one is drinking and the other is reading, he can't mention a few books and a few bottles of wine to Zhu Daidong's office, can he?

Because Yan Ruiling's work has not yet been transferred to Muchuan, and Zhu Daidong has always insisted on living in his office, Zhong Zhaoyun also believes that the house for Zhu Daidong has just been decorated, and after a period of time, he will not be reluctant to live in.

"What, do you have an idea?" Wei Lulang smiled and said that it is a good thing for cadres to have ideas. If they don't want to make progress and have no energy to work, let alone make any achievements.

"I have been in Kikawa for more than five years. I always want to do something, but I haven't had a chance. Now is an opportunity. I don't want to lose it again. There is no need for Song Zhiyong to be so righteous in front of Wei Lulang. This is his [true] idea, and it should also be the real thought of most of the cadres. The soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. If you don't want to be a leading cadre, you won't be a good cadre.

"If you have an idea, you can directly mention it to the leader. I've heard about the eastern district of your city. I'm afraid Shen Huaizhong is not just a matter of punishment this time. If you really want to do something, the most important thing you should do is not to inquire about Zhu Daidong's preferences, but to come up with a development plan to adapt to Zhu Daidong's appetite. Only when this plan is done will Zhu Daidong agree with you. If you want to impress Zhu Daidong with something, I advise you to die as soon as possible. Wei Lulang said that if Zhu Daidong was a person who could be sold by money and materials, he would have been taken down at some point. At the beginning, Zhou Chaohui in Beijing could not find Zhu Daidong's pain, so he used that trick to directly deposit money on Zhu Daidong's bank card. If Zhu Daidong really had any shady hobbies, it was not Song Zhiyong's turn to flatter him.

"You can't do it empty-handed, right?" Song Zhiyong smiled and said that because of the matter in Shen Huai, he felt that he had stood on the same front with Zhu Daidong. If he could have a good relationship with Zhu Daidong at this time, I'm afraid that his wish would be realized soon.