Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1242 Interoperability

Zhou Baoning quickly calculated the account in his heart. According to Zhu Daidong's estimate, the number of rural subsistence allowance is about 400,000 yuan, 60 yuan per person a month, and nearly 300 million yuan a year. If Kigawa's fiscal revenue is still the same as in previous years, there is no need to think about such a thing at all.

There is also the free medical care for the subsistence allowance that Zhu Daidong is going to implement. Those who eat the subsistence allowance are basically old, weak or sick and disabled. At that time, he is really a little worried. Can the city's finance bear such a large expenditure? But this is another livelihood project that benefits hundreds of thousands of people. Even if Zhou Baoning wants to oppose it, he can't find a good reason for a while. Moreover, Zhou Baoning's wish has always been to hope that the people of Muchuan can live a better life.

The people's livelihood project should be done well, but urban development and economic construction must also be carried out simultaneously, and it must also be done well. Zhu Daidong also submitted plans to the Municipal Party Committee on urban development and economic construction. In Zhu Daidong's plan, the investment in these two aspects is much smaller. Of course, except for the underground drainage system. The underground drainage system of Chudu has a total investment of 3 billion yuan. The urban area of Muchuan is slightly smaller than that of Chudu, but Zhu Daidong has planned 335 billion yuan.

Zhu Daidong has a high level of economic theory. In this regard, even the Municipal Government Policy Research Office and some experts are beyond their reach. Zhou Baoning discussed this issue with him several times, but in the end he was always convinced by a large number of facts and some economic theories that he did not know much about. Zhou Baoning can only acquiesce about fiscal expenditure many times now, and he is not even willing to discuss this matter with Zhu Daidong.

"Dai Dong, what about Feng Changying's punishment?" Zhou Baoning changed the topic. Feng Changying's problem was found by Zhu Daidong, and the Civil Affairs Bureau is also the functional department in charge of the municipal government. Zhu Daidong has a lot of voice. However, Feng Changying was promoted by him himself. After Feng Changying went to the Civil Affairs Bureau, he still made achievements. However, after the promulgation and implementation of the subsistence allowance system last year, Feng Changying failed to adhere to the principle for a while, so he made a mistake.

"I suggest that Comrade Feng Changying be demoted." Zhu Daidong said lightly.

"Relegation?" Zhou Baoning was surprised to say that my party cadres have always been able to go up and down. They were downgraded and used, which basically cut off Feng Changying's political life. For a moment, Zhou Baoning was speechless.

Zhu Daidong didn't say anything, but just sat there quietly, waiting for Zhou Baoning to make a final decision. Although this matter will eventually be discussed at the Standing Committee, as long as the two of them agree, there will be no suspense at the Standing Committee.

"But it's not easy to arrange for downgrading." After a long time, Zhou Baoning suddenly sighed and said. Feng Changying has been working in the Civil Affairs Bureau for a long time, and the best arrangement for him was originally in the Civil Affairs Bureau. But if it is downgraded, no matter how rich Feng Changying's work experience is, he can no longer stay in the Civil Affairs Bureau.

"It depends on how the Municipal Party Committee decides the candidate for the Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau. If the Municipal Party Committee finally decides to let Comrade Peng Jianming go to the Civil Affairs Bureau, I think Feng Changying can be transferred to the positions of the two people in the Health Bureau, and the level can also be transferred. If Feng Changying doesn't go to the Health Bureau, I can go to the Education Bureau or the Audit Bureau. Zhu Daidong said that the punishment of Feng Changying could not be too severe, but if he only mobilized Feng Changying, Zhu Daidong was not willing to let him be demoted and used, which could also play a good deterrent role.

"Let's discuss this matter later." Zhou Baoning is quite a headache. If Feng Changying's punishment and Peng Jianming's transfer to the Civil Affairs Bureau all listen to Zhu Daidong's opinion, won't the Municipal Party Committee lose its voice in this audit incident?

Then Zhou Baoning summoned Feng Changying to hear his opinion. Feng Changying has no objection to his transfer from the Civil Affairs Bureau. Although he has worked in civil affairs for more than ten years, he is now frightened as soon as he hears about the civil affairs work. Being able to leave the Civil Affairs Bureau is no different from jumping out of fire for him.

But Feng Changying will not agree to the use of his own downgrade. No matter what kind of person he is, he only wants to keep making progress. Even if he can't make progress, he has to stand still. If you use it this downgrade, it will leave the biggest stain in your life, and I'm afraid it can't be washed away in this life.

"Secretary Zhou, there are indeed some violations in my subsistence allowance identification work and the management and distribution of funds. But the reason why I greet people is not for my own self-interest. If others don't understand me, doesn't Secretary Zhou know who I am? Feng Changying said excitedly.

"If you don't profit yourself, you can violate organizational principles? Can you blatantly violate discipline? How dare you fake it before the audit? Zhou Baoning said coldly that if it was only 10 or 20 times, he would understand Feng Changying. After all, people in officialdom can't help themselves, and no one knows when they will owe others. And now Feng Changying's approach is simply to take the assessment qualification of subsistence allowance to do human kindness. It seems that he is not making a profit for himself now, but these people need to be repaid in the future.

If Feng Changying takes the initiative to admit his mistake to himself before the city audit, he will also forgive Feng Changying. However, Feng Changying chose to cover it up. If you can cover it up, it's fine, but it has been found out.

"Secretary Zhou, I can review all these things, but I can't figure it out!" Feng Changying said reedly.

"You have to execute it if you can figure it out, and you have to execute it if you can't figure it out. Let me tell you, at the beginning, a comrade proposed to remove you from all positions inside and outside the party. Zhou Baoning said lightly that several deputy directors of the Civil Affairs Bureau have now received the most severe party discipline and administrative punishments, and the most serious one is the expulsion from the party and public office. The reason why Feng Changying will only be demoted and used may be because of his own responsibility.

"Secretary Zhou, I'm your person. I suspect that some people will take this opportunity to take revenge on me. The ultimate goal is to dispour your prestige." Feng Changying's face turned pale, and he could conclude that this proposal must have been made by Zhu Daidong.

It is said that Zhu Daidong is young and the leader is not experienced, but he didn't expect that he was so cruel when he did things. The number of personnel handled this time has already exceeded 1,000. De-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de- It can be said that it is rare for me to be demoted and can continue to hold a leadership position. From this point of view, he has to be grateful to Zhu Daidong, but will he be grateful to Zhu Daidong? Fear, it may be possible, and it is inevitable to hold a grudge, but there will be no gratitude.

"You have never been a person, you are a member of the organization, you are a member of the party. If you forget this, you will deviate far away. Zhou Baoning said, "The organization plans to let you go to the Health Bureau as the deputy director. Do you have any ideas?"

"I heard about the organization." Feng Changying sighed helplessly and said.

"Do you have any suitable recommendation for the candidate for the Director of Civil Affairs?" Zhou Baoning asked, this is just a routine inquiry. In fact, all the leaders of the Civil Affairs Bureau have been caught. Even if Feng Changying wants to recommend someone, there is no suitable candidate at this time.

"This time, the cadres above the section level of the Civil Affairs Bureau have basically been punished. I really dare not, and I am not qualified to recommend people to the organization again." Feng Changying sighed and said. This time, there are only a small number of people who have not been punished by the Civil Affairs Bureau, and these people are always the kind of people who have no power and power in the Bureau.

Zhou Baoning called Jian Wushuai, the Minister of Organization. At the next standing committee meeting, the focus should be on discussing the personnel issues of the Civil Affairs Bureau and asked him to prepare a few candidates. However, Jian Wushuai was very embarrassed to tell Zhou Baoning that he had been preparing for this matter before the municipal government audited the Civil Affairs Bureau. At the beginning, he talked to several comrades, and everyone was eager to try. Although the Civil Affairs Bureau is not very powerful, the disaster relief supplies, relief funds, relief funds and subsistence allowances are often tens of millions or even more than 100 million yuan every year. This is a rich unit.

However, with the deepening of the audit work, the Civil Affairs Bureau has exposed more and more problems, and the municipal government's punishment of violators of the Civil Affairs Bureau is becoming more and more severe. This kind of severe punishment made many units in the city secretly glad that they were not from the Civil Affairs Bureau. If anyone goes to the Civil Affairs Bureau again now, won't he jump into the fire pit by himself?

"Why did this happen? Have you investigated it in your organization department?" Zhou Baoning asked, it's really strange that there are still cadres who are not interested in promotion these days.

"It may be because the city has dealt too seriously with the illegal personnel in the management and distribution of the minimum subsistence allowance identification work and funds of the Civil Affairs Bureau." Jianmiao said lightly.

"Comrade Zhu Daidong recommended Comrade Peng Jianming of the Health Bureau as the Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau. Please prepare Peng Jianming's situation. In addition, a comrade will be transferred from the Education Bureau, the Audit Bureau and the Finance Bureau to serve as the deputy director. Zhou Baoning said lightly that he didn't expect that the current cadres' self-cultivation was so low. If you are still afraid of the shadow? As long as you lead by example, as long as you have a strong will, you can make some achievements by going to the Civil Affairs Bureau at this time.

"Peng Jianming? OK, I got it." Jian Wushuai said lightly that during this period, Zhu Daidong's voice in the city's personnel is getting bigger and bigger. Judging from the transfer of Wen Fuliang, Song Zhiyong, Zhao Jinhai and others, Zhu Daidong has long been a veritable mayor of Muchuan.

When Peng Jianming received a phone call from the Organization Department, he couldn't believe his ears and let himself go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to preside over the work? How is that possible? I have no relationship, and I don't have a strong backstage, and no one in the city has greeted me in advance.