Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1253 I really want to slap him

Hua Tanran is quite a headache now. The personnel in the bureau has just been adjusted, but at that time, Kong Shixiang did not disclose to anyone that he had this relationship with Zhu Daidong. Now the two of them suddenly have dinner together, which is simply a surprise to him. And now Mayor Zhu takes the initiative to invite Kong Shixiang and his wife to dinner. Do you want to express your dissatisfaction with Kong Shixiang's arrangement?

until after dinner, Hua Tanran was thinking about how to arrange Kong Shixiang. After going to work the next day, as soon as Hua Tanran arrived at the office, he called Kong Shixiang in. When he was in the hotel yesterday, Hua Tanran didn't take the initiative to greet Kong Shixiang at the beginning, which was quite sistful.

But after hearing the explanation of the Di Nan Army, he would never blame Kong Shixiang again.

"Kong Shixiang, the Yue Song Branch reported to the bureau that near Yuehe Road, several underground black dens for processing brine food were found. I heard that the scale is even larger. The bureau is ready for you to lead the team. With the cooperation of the Yue Song Branch and the local [Sai] exit and the health supervision office, these underground Hua said frankly that he was originally going to do such a thing in person, but now, in order to make Kong Shixiang's achievements, he had to give up his love.

"Good." Kong Shixiang nodded solemnly and said. This action should have been led by Hua Tanran himself, but now it has suddenly changed to go by himself. Obviously, it has something to do with the dinner last night.

After Kong Shixiang went to work today, he obviously felt that his colleague's attitude towards him had quietly changed. Along the way, as long as the person sees him, he will take the initiative to greet him, whether he is familiar or not. It even included some leaders in the bureau. When everyone saw it, there was a sense of kindness and envy in their words, especially those bureau leaders, and even pulled him to talk with him. If this had been put in the past, it would be unimaginable at all. Because he belongs to the gun barrel in the bureau, the leaders of the bureau have always been afraid to avoid him.

Xiao Kong, it is carefully considered to let you lead the team in this game. Don't let down the trust in the game. Hua said with concern.

"Thank you for your concern. I will do my best to destroy these underground black dens resolutely, quickly and powerfully!" Kong Shixiang said firmly.

Xiao Kong, did you have dinner with Mayor Zhu at the Ying Hotel last night? Hua calmly looked down at the documents on the table and asked casually.

"Yes, I also saw Hua Chu last night, but there were so many people at that time that I didn't come to say hello. I hope Hua Chu can forgive me." Kong Shixiang said sincerely.

"I can fully understand this. Since you have this relationship with Mayor Zhu, you should give full play to it. Have you ever thought about reporting to Mayor Zhu on this law enforcement? Hua asked calmly.

"Mayor Zhu proposed last night that he wanted to follow our law enforcement team to the front line, but I didn't dare to agree at that time. Zhu Daidong also proposed that we should ask the TV station to shoot the whole process in the next law enforcement. Hua Office, what do you think we should do with this matter? Kong Shixiang suddenly remembered that he actually refused Zhu Daidong's proposal last night.

After returning home last night, he was also regretful. He discussed the gains and losses of eating with Zhu Daidong with Xiong Shifang. Xiong Shifang is not very interested in these things. She is just an ordinary teacher and doesn't know much about these things in the system. If she really had any political purpose, I'm afraid she would have publicized the relationship between her and Zhu Daidong in school.

It was not until the middle of the night that Kong Shixiang fell asleep. He had been recalling the conversation with Zhu Daidong.

Now looking back, he feels that there are still some problems with the answer at night. Otherwise, Zhu Daidong would not be so cold to himself! Everyone wants to have more contact with the leader, but he has pushed away the opportunity of contact. I'm afraid that Muchuan can no longer find someone more stupid than himself.

Liu Xiaokong, you are bold enough to even refuse Mayor Zhu's request. Of course, Mayor Zhu's instructions should be resolutely implemented. You go back first, and I'll report to Di Bureau. Hua looked at Kong Shixiang calmly and said, don't say that Zhu Daidong wants to go to the front line, even if he wants to enforce the law in person, he must fully support him. However, Kong Shixiang didn't know whether he was really stupid or fake. Not to mention Kong Shixiang, even when Di Nanjun faced Zhu Daidong's request, he did not dare to refuse.

After receiving Hua Tanran's report, Di Nanjun did not dare to neglect it. This time, the source of information for industrial and commercial law enforcement is accurate, and the scale of the underground black den is also relatively large. This is indeed the best time to report to the leaders on the spot. Di Nanjun immediately called Wu Chengke to report his work to Zhu Daidong.

"Di Bureau, what kind of work do you want to report?" Wu Chengke asked that Zhu Daidong had instructions. For the report of the Industry and Commerce Bureau, if it is about the overall situation, you can listen to it. But if it's because of something, there's no need to waste time.

"I heard that Mayor Zhu wants to go to the front line to see our industrial and commercial law enforcement actions. Today, there happens to be an opportunity. If Mayor Zhu can spare time, I would like to ask him to come and guide the work in person." Di Nanjun said that the leader was coming to inspect, but Kong Shixiang actually refused. If possible, he wanted to go up and pump a few ear scrapers from Shixiang until his mouth was full of blood.

"No, Mayor Zhu made it clear last night that if the Industry and Commerce Bureau has a law enforcement action, the TV station can send a camera to accompany the interview." Wu Chengke said faintly that he also attended the banquet last night. He really didn't know what to say about Kong Shixiang's answer. Perhaps it can only be said that Kong Shixiang is straightforward and says whatever he thinks. But with such a personality, even if Mayor Zhu wants to take care of him, how can he take care of him?

"Comrade Kong Shixiang of our bureau didn't make it clear last night. Everyone in the Industry and Commerce Bureau is looking forward to Mayor Zhu's guidance on the work." Di Nanjun said sincerely that Zhu Daidong's status in Muchuan City is getting higher and higher. And he attaches great importance to people's livelihood projects.

And the Industry and Commerce Bureau is related to thousands of households. It is certain that Zhu Daidong will pay more and more attention to the work of the Industry and Commerce Bureau in the future.

"I don't think it's necessary, Director Di. Mayor Zhu has given instructions. Why do you have to do more?" Wu Chengke sighed gently and said. Kong Shixiang's political consciousness is still relatively immature, which can't be compared with the Di Nan army. But since Mayor Zhu has given clear instructions, is there any room for change?

"Wu Ke, I'm really unwilling to have such a good opportunity. Otherwise, you can ask Mayor Zhu for instructions again. Anyway, I owe you a favor. Qiu Nanjun said sincerely that if Zhu Daidong could not come to the Industry and Commerce Bureau today, I'm afraid that the Industry and Commerce Bureau would leave a bad impression in Zhu Daidong's mind in the future. If it really makes Zhu Daidong leave a bad impression on the Industry and Commerce Bureau because of Kong Shixiang's words last night, then he really has the heart to kill Kong Shixiang.

"Well, Mayor Zhu is busy now. I'll take time to ask for instructions later." Wu Chengke said that he received a lot of such requests every day, and most of them were just perfunctory.

But because Wu Chengke's promise was not a promise, Di Nanjun decided to suspend the operation. All the personnel could go down first, and all the preparations could be done, but when to rush in the end, they had to wait for Wu Chengke's notice.

It was not until the afternoon that Wu Chengke called Di Nanjun. "Secretary Di, I'm sorry, Mayor Zhu is busy today, but Mayor Zhu has instructions that no matter which urban area your bureau wants to enforce the law, the district chief or the deputy district chief in charge of that city will participate in your law enforcement. Of course, they are just visiting. The specific work still needs to be done by your Industry and Commerce Bureau.

"Well, we are near Yuehe Road in Yuesong District." The Dinan army said.

"Well, I'll inform District Chief Wen Fuliang for you to see if he has time." Wu Chengke said that in fact, he already knows where the Industry and Commerce Bureau enforces the law today. And let Wen Fuliang go to the scene to have a look, which is not much different from Zhu Daidong in person. Now Wen Fuliang is very close to Zhu Daidong. Zhu Daidong fell and gave it to him, making Wen Fuliang docile like a little sheep in front of Zhu Daidong. No matter how domineering Wen Fuliang's original work style is, he will always be so modest in front of Zhu Daidong.

"All right, Wu Ke, I owe you a meal." Remember to let me know next time you have time. Di Nanjun smiled and said that it was also very necessary to have a good relationship with Wu Chengke. Zhu Daidong's voice on the personnel of the whole city has become more and more important. If he is dissatisfied with the work of the Industry and Commerce Bureau, isn't his position as the director not guaranteed?

"This is just what I should do." Wu Chengke said modestly that if he had been in the municipal government office and could get the favor of the following department-level director, he would indeed feel honored, but now this mentality has been completely changed.

Although Zhu Daidong finally sent Wen Fuling as the representative, Di Nanjun felt that he should also find an opportunity to report directly to Zhu Daidong. But there must be materials for the report, and Zhu Daidong ordered the TV station to send a camera at the beginning. The Propaganda Office of the Dinan Army Instruction Bureau,

Let them design a camera, and the people in the publicity office will shoot it themselves.

Since Wen Fuliang has decided to go, of course, Di Nanjun can no longer let Kong Shixiang lead the team alone. Now Wen Fuliang is even more favored than before. Why? He has become Zhu Daidong's capable general. If the Dinan Army is compared with Wen Fuliang, I'm afraid the Dinan Army will be at a slight disadvantage. Now Wen Fuliang is on the front line. What's the reason for him, the director of Industry and Commerce, not to accompany him?

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