Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1259 Small Events

The moment she received the phone call, Mi Lijun completely believed Pi Maoming's words, but what Zhu Daidong said next made her heart cold.

"Did you go?" Zhu Daidong asked rhetorically. Naturally, he knew what Mi Lijun meant by this sentence, but on the phone, he must not let Mi Lijun find out that he already knew where Pi Maoming was going.

"Yes, what can I do for Mayor Zhu?" Mi Lijun's heart was moved. She had already heard Zhu Daidong's meaning. He didn't know where Pi Maoming was going at all. Just now, Pi Maoming actually told a big lie in front of her.

"Since Comrade Maoming is not at home, forget it." Zhu Daidong said faintly that he had turned off Pi Maoming's mobile phone just now. Maybe Pi Maoming thought that he was unrestrained tonight, but he didn't expect that Zhu Daidong would kill him with a return gun.

If Pi Maoming only received a phone call from a girl and did not borrow his own name, I'm afraid Zhu Daidong would not make this call. After all, he is calling Mi Lijun now, and in the eyes of others, he doesn't think there is anything wrong. But Zhu Daidong himself knew that it was because Pi Maoming did not pay attention to his work and borrowed his name at will. Even if Mi Lijun doesn't know about this matter now, if she knows it in the future, won't she blame herself for covering up Pi Mao?

But now Pi Maoming lied to Mi Lijun. He is going to complete the work told by Zhu Daidong. If Zhu Daidong doesn't know, it's fine. Since he already knows, he will naturally not let Pi Maoming succeed.

When Pi Maoming came back, it was already past one o'clock in the morning. Originally, it was so late that he usually would not come back. Anyway, he is at least a deputy mayor. In the city, although his ranking is low, he is still a high-ranking leader for the people below.

But when he gently opened the door of the house, he just turned on the light in the living room and almost shocked him when he saw Mi Lijun sitting on the sofa. Looking at Mi Lijun's eyes again, it was fierce and fierce.

"Why don't you sleep?" Pi Maoming smiled with a guilty heart. He wanted to sit over, but when he raised his feet, he stopped as if he suddenly remembered something.

"Are you tired in the Industry and Commerce Bureau? Why don't you go to bed early?" Mi Lijun said lightly.

"Ap, you should also go to bed early." Pi Maoming didn't know what was wrong with Mi Lijun, but because he was guilty first, it was not easy to ask more questions, so as not to get angry.

The next morning, Pi Maoming went directly to the Industry and Commerce Bureau. Of course, he didn't come to the Industry and Commerce Bureau last night. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it's better to take the initiative to come to the Industry and Commerce Bureau today. Yesterday, the large-scale and large-scale high-scale conspiracy of law enforcement by the Industry and Commerce Bureau has attracted the attention of the whole city. According to the news received this morning, in the city's major farmers' markets, as long as the toxic food reported last night, the sales of all vegetable markets today have fallen sharply. Citizens have made natural choices through their consumption behavior.

Today, all the law enforcement inspectors of the Industry and Commerce Bureau have also been dispatched. From now on, as long as the city does not relax on food safety, the on-site law enforcement of the Industry and Commerce Bureau will not relax and stop. The reporters of the municipal TV station and the municipal newspaper now follow the Industry and Commerce Bureau to enforce the law every day. All food safety information will be reported in the newspapers every night and the next day.

"Mayor Pi, our Bureau of Industry and Commerce resolutely implements the resolutions of the municipal government. Regarding Mayor Zhu's five opinions, we also study hard and strive to come up with an effective plan in the shortest time. Di Nanjun also carefully recorded the opinions conveyed by Pi Maoming to Zhu Daidong. If these five opinions are to be truly implemented, each of them can make the Industry and Commerce Bureau difficult.

Perhaps the only thing that can satisfy the Di Nan Army is that Zhu Daidong is ready to increase investment in the testing technology and equipment of the Industry and Commerce Bureau in food safety. However, the investment in the city is a prerequisite. If the money is spent, but the Industry and Commerce Bureau has not made a big improvement in food safety testing. I'm afraid Zhu Daidong will not agree.

"Secretary Di, Mayor Zhu is a special charge. This time, food safety must be responsible to others. If there is a major liability accident, don't say that you can't run away. Even I, the deputy mayor in charge, can't get rid of the relationship." Pi Maoming said that whether it is the work of the Civil Affairs Bureau or the Industry and Commerce Bureau, Zhu Daidong directly intervened. It can be seen that Zhu Daidong is still a little dissatisfied with his work.

"Mayor Pi, please rest assured that the Industry and Commerce Bureau will not lose the chain." Di Nanjun said that from today on, as long as a citizen in Kikawa City calls the consumer complaint number 1235, it must be accepted within 24 hours and give the result within a week.

Although Di Nanjun promised very simply, the industrial and commercial situation is for all the food markets in the city, and it is impossible to achieve a 100% error. Moreover, the Industry and Commerce Bureau also has many "broken tiles" in the city's major vegetable markets, and the masses have zero patience with food safety. Therefore, this is destined to be a pair of contradictions. Perhaps a simple complaint can cause an earthquake in the Industry and Commerce Bureau.

Mr. Wang, a citizen, bought a piece of meat in the vegetable market. After going back, he found that the meat was not right. He suspected that it was the mother pork. In the past, he would at most find the owner of the meat stall, but now, there are industrial and commercial personnel enforcing the law in the market every day. He directly finds the industrial and commercial personnel who are still in the market with the meat. But to Mr. Wang's surprise, after the inspection of the industrial and commercial personnel, the piece of meat he bought was not the mother pork.

Mr. Wang looked depressed. On the way back, he still felt uneasy, so he called 2315. His request was immediately answered, and the people of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau quickly contacted him, but when he returned to the vegetable market, he found that the meat of the meat stall owner had been "sold out". Mr. Wang is naturally very suspicious, because not long ago, he saw a large piece of meat. Besides, even if the meat is sold out, he has to put some more meat. I haven't heard that the owner of the meat stall only sold one piece of meat after on-site identification. The piece of meat that Mr. Wang bought is suspected to be mother pork. Finally, the people of the branch asked the owner of the meat stall to return Mr. Wang's meat money and asked him to buy it again elsewhere.

But Mr. Wang was not satisfied with such a result. He thought that the meat he bought was indeed a mother's pork. He couldn't just refund the money. Didn't the boss of the meat stall have to punish him? "We will naturally deal with him." The people in the branch told Mr. Wang.

"How to deal with it?" Mr. Wang said that a few days ago, the news that the Industry and Commerce Bureau cracked down on the underground black den of braised vegetables has now been released. Those black-hearted bosses are fined an average of 500,000 yuan each, and they are also facing criminal proceedings. Even the owners of braised vegetable shops who bought goods from those workshops were severely punished. Now that I have bought my own mother's pork, the Industry and Commerce Bureau has so easily let go of the meat stall owner?

"How to deal with it is our business. It's none of your business here." The industrial and commercial personnel said coldly that they are the law enforcement officers. How to handle the case? It's the ordinary people's turn to say, "Well, I don't want this money. Give me the meat." Mr. Wang is angry.

"So you don't complain?"

"I'm going to the listing bureau to complain!" Mr. Wang said coldly.

When Mr. Wang arrived at the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce, Pi Maoming had not left yet. Although this matter was not big, people like Mr. Wang would not have followed the Industry and Commerce Bureau for a piece of meat at all. But now on TV and newspapers, it is always publicized to make the citizens of the city take active action and cooperate with the Industry and Commerce Bureau to fight a battle for food safety. Television and newspapers cooperated with the publicity in accordance with the relevant requirements of the municipal government, and Mr. Wang naturally became one of the activists.

At the beginning, the municipal bureau was unwilling to accept Mr. Wang's complaint. They asked Mr. Wang to return to the local branch office. The municipal bureau will greet the branch office about this matter. However, Mr. Wang believes that since the municipal bureau can be pushed to the branch, the branch can be pushed to the industrial and commercial office. At that time, his thing will be like kicking a ball. In a few days, it will make him feel haggard.

In the end, Mr. Wang made the Municipal Public Security Bureau have to accept his case on the grounds that if the Municipal Bureau did not accept his complaint, he would go to the municipal government to complain to Mayor Zhu. As long as this piece of meat has some experience, industrial and commercial personnel can see at a glance that it is indeed a piece of mother pork.

"Mother pork" refers to the mother pork that is specially used to breed offspring and is eliminated in old age. Although it is edible, consumers generally do not buy it for no reason because of its rough and aging meat quality, poor nutrition and no fragrance. What's more serious is that "mother pork" contains substances that harm the human body, immunoglobulin, which can easily cause anemia, hemoglobinuria, hemolytic jaundice and other diseases after consumption. In order to make huge profits, some butchers peel off the skin of the mother pork and cut off some easily recognizable parts to deceive consumers.

In fact, the trick to identify mother pork is also very simple: look at the color of the body. Generally, the lean meat of pork has a normal color, and the muscle fibers are relatively delicate: while the lean meat of the sows, especially the muscles of the buttocks and neck, are black and red, with rough red lines and less water. The fat is thick and thin. Generally, the fat layer of pork is milky white and delicate, and there is more fat on the fingers after touching the hand: while sows have rough fat and large particles, and less sticky fat on the fingers after touching the hands. The older the pig is, the darker the color of the fat: the thinner the fat layer is, and even on the cut surface of the meat, you can almost only feel the skin and lean meat. The skin is thick and tender. Generally, the surface of pork skin is delicate, white, smooth and soft, and the pores are small: the older the sows are, the thicker and yellower the skin is, and the thicker the pores are. The appearance of bone marrow. Generally, the bone marrow of pork is white and shiny, while the bone marrow of sows is yellow and has less bone marrow. Five views** shape. Generally, the ** of pork is short and soft, and the mammary pore is small and not obvious: while the base of the sow ** is soft, ** long and hard, and the mammary pore is obvious. Sometimes the ** part is cut off by the butcher in order to fake it, but if you look closely, you can also see that there is a row of pink, thin lines similar to lean meat, commonly known as purple stalks, that is, the residue of the mammary glands. Sometimes the butchers brand ** with iron to make ** shrink, like a .

Seeing that the conclusions reached by the Industry and Commerce Bureau are consistent with his own judgment, Mr. Wang wants to know how the Industry and Commerce Bureau will deal with this matter? If he is not satisfied with the result of the treatment, he will also complain to the above!