Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1266 Ideas

Zhu Daidong was very happy about Che Du Jiong's attitude. He had received calls from several leaders in the province to ask him to take care of some enterprises. What some leaders said is really explicit. Zhu Daidong is so young now that he wants others to cut off other people's lives. Will anyone be a roadblock in the future?

This makes Zhu Daidong very depressed. The leaders above can sometimes affect their official career by saying a few strange words in their own personnel appointment and dismissal. But now he can't do it if Zhu Daidong turns a blind eye to Kikawa's food safety.

From the first day he went to work, Zhu Daidong had his own principle in his heart. As long as he is within his own principle, he can adapt to the unspoken rules of officialdom, but if he exceeds this scope, he will definitely abide by this principle. Because this is his bottom line, his bottom line cannot be violated.

"Thanks to the governor for his strong support for my work." Zhu Daidong said gratefully that as long as he could get Che Dujiong's recognition of his work, no matter what strange words other leaders said, he would not listen to it.

"It's my shame as governor, Dai Dong. I heard some comments before that you went too much about what you did in Kigawa. I almost believed it at that time." Che Dujiong sighed and said.

"As long as the leader can understand, no matter how much work we do, we are willing to do it." Zhu Daidong smiled and said that if he did something, if he was not appreciated by the leader, he would be misunderstood by the leader, which was the most depressing. No matter how successful the food safety work of Muchuan is this time, if it can't satisfy the leaders, it will be a pity for Zhu Daidong.

"You have such a good mentality, Daidong. I heard that two-thirds of the people in the Muchuan Civil Affairs Bureau have been fired by you?" Che Du Jiong said with a smile that when he asked Zhu Daidong to go to Kichou, he actually made great determination. Although Zhu Daidong was very capable, he was too young after all. In the face of those old cadres of Muchuan, can his mayor put on airs?

But when Zhu Daidong only went to Kikawa for a few months, he made everyone look at him with new eyes. First of all, we started with the reform of large-scale state-owned enterprises in Kikawa City, and made a good article around Kikawa Locomotive and Vehicle Factory and Kikawa Smelter. Not to mention anything else, take the indium of Kikawa Smelter as an example, which can now increase the fiscal revenue of Kikawa by about 3 billion yuan a year.

The reason why Zhu Daidong dares to expand the scope of subsistence allowance to the countryside is that the city has money. At present, the minimum subsistence allowance policy in Muchuan City can be said to be the best implemented city in the city. Although two-thirds of the personnel of the Civil Affairs Bureau were fired, the new Civil Affairs Bureau is very clean and efficient. The provincial TV station also reported this, and Che Dujiong also noticed this when he was broadcasting the provincial news broadcast.

In the materials reported by Muchuan City to the provincial government, he also took a special look. He appreciated Zhu Daidong's courage. Several times, when Yuan Qianzhen, the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Chu City, reported his work to him, he showed an expression of regret. It was definitely a mistake for the Chu City Committee to let Zhu Daidong go to Muchuan.

"Yes, you can't do it without dismissal. Including the Civil Affairs Bureau, some of our standing committees and government leaders have begun to have some problems. Especially with the deepening of China's reform and opening up and the rapid development of the economy, such problems will become more and more serious. Zhu Daidong said solemnly that this is definitely not alarmist, but a true fact. If you make up your mind to catch some problems now, there may still be room to save them. But as time goes by, it is easy to indulge in big problems if there is no thunder or rain.

As the saying goes, it is easy to go from thrift to luxury, and from luxury to thrift. The later you go, the more difficult things will be. If the corrupt cadres in front of them are not severely punished, the people behind will follow suit. Once such things spread in the officialdom, it will be a very dangerous thing for our party and our country.

"The problem you mentioned is universal, and now the central government is also stepping up its anti-corruption efforts. I believe that we will be able to solve the problem of corruption in the near future." Che Dujiong said solemnly.

Che Dujiong's words made Zhu Daidong hear a little tinnitus. It should be said that Che Dujiong did not have much confidence in solving the problem of corruption. But in his capacity, he will say such a thing to anyone.

"I also believe this." Zhu Daidong said firmly that, in the same way, what he said also made his tinnitus. Take Kikawa City as an example, it is impossible to achieve complete anti-corruption. Even if Zhu Daidong is now the main leader of Kikawa City, he can only make Kikawa's corruption lighter than other places, but there is no way to eradicate it.

"Is Kikawa City ready to provide free medical care and education for the city's minimum subsistence allowance? Will this preferential policy benefit the rural subsistence allowance? Che Dujiong asked, this is a problem of the whole province. As the governor of a province, he is very clear about the difficulty. Now in some places, if the central government's subsistence allowance policy can be seriously implemented, it will be very good. If they give such a discount to the subsistence allowance, I'm afraid it will be difficult to maintain financially.

"Yes, we are studying this problem. If nothing unexpected happens, it will be officially implemented next month. The issue of free education will also start next semester. Zhu Daidong said that medical care and education account for a large part of the support of our residents. If the government can help them solve these two problems, for those low-income households, their difficulties in life will not be so great.

"How much financial expenditure does this cost?" Che Dujiong asked that he was very interested in this question. When Zhu Daidong was in Yuhua County and Furong County, he had already implemented free medical care and education, but the impact at that time was limited. Now he wants to implement such a policy in Muchuan. It can be imagined that it will cause a great sensation.

"This is the first time to implement such a policy in Kikawa. We have only prepared 200 million. The medical reform in our city may be somewhat different from the policies of the central government, because the municipal government has an idea to include all the people in the city into the free medical and education policies within the scope of financial resources. Zhu Daidong said.

"Free medical care and education in the city? With the fiscal revenue of Kikawa City, can it maintain such a large expenditure? Che Dujiong asked in surprise, Zhu Daidong's ambitious determination is commendable, but such a thing may be a bottomless hole. At that time, don't pull the finances of Muchuan City into trouble.

"If the city's medical and health system is integrated, the cost is not as big as expected. For example, drug expenditure, if all the hospitals in our city can purchase drugs directly from the pharmaceutical factory, it can reduce the cost at once. In addition to adding equipment, there is no need for large financial investment. With the introduction of this policy, the competitiveness of our city will be greatly improved, and the consumer market of our city will certainly prosper. When the government solves the three major problems of eating, illness and learning for them, is it necessary for ordinary people to cover their money bags tightly? Zhu Daidong said with a smile that our residents have always had the habit of saving and dare not spend money, such as seeing a doctor, sending their children to school and later retirement. If the government can help them solve these problems, why do they still keep the money?

"Muchuan City can conduct an experiment first. If it succeeds, it can be promoted in the whole province." Che Dujiong said that doing something practical for the people of the whole province is also the pursuit of his governor, but now it seems that it is really a little difficult to do something for the people.

Zhu Daidong wanted Kikawa's low-income family to be put into the real low-income households, and expelled two-thirds of the people of the Civil Affairs Bureau, so he barely did it. It is said that other relevant units have also fired thousands of people. A subsistence allowance system will expel thousands of people. If there are other problems, how many cadres will there be left in Muchuan?

"Yes, we must be good at this experimental field." Zhu Daidong said happily that when he said this from Che Dujiong's mouth, he was even more confident. The financial expenditure of Muchuan City is now inclined to the people first. For the government's expenditure, Zhu Daidong has always been relatively tight.

"This experimental area is not so easy to do. At that time, you will definitely be under pressure from all aspects. Comrade Daidong, I sincerely hope that you can withstand the pressure from all aspects. If you really can't stand it, you can push it on me. I will try my best to be your backing. Che Dujiong said that if Kikawa can really achieve free medical care and education in the city, then Kikawa's successful experience is definitely worth promoting to the whole province.

If Gunan Province can implement free medical care and education in the province, what a great achievement it will be for Che Dujiong. Such a thing was originally thought of in the ideals of many people, but it was really realized. So far, I'm afraid that only Zhu Daidong has one or two successful experiences in Yuhua County and Furong County.

"Thank you for your support, Governor. As long as there is a problem, I will definitely ask you for help." Zhu Daidong smiled and said that with Che Du Jiong's promise, he would do much better in Muchuan in the future.

"Comrade Daidong, do you have any other ideas? Especially about Huimin, Che Dujiong asked.

"I have a lot of ideas, but after all, the city's fiscal revenue is also limited. If I implement all my ideas, I'm afraid the Muchuan Municipal Government will have to go bankrupt at that time. But in the next step, I have a plan to report to the governor first, which is to implement free public transportation in the city. Zhu Daidong said lightly.