Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1271 The severe test of Zhu Daidong

"Secret Secretary Wu, when will Mayor Zhu have time?" He Wang walked into Wu Chengke's office and asked. During this period, the primary medical units in the city were full, and the people who went to see the doctor were basically low-income households. He, the finance director, immediately felt the pressure. Although he held the money bag of Muchuan City, the main funds in the city are all allocated by Zhu Daidong.

In the past, when Oupuban was the mayor of Kikawa, He Wang was also the director of finance. Although the fiscal revenue of Kikawa City was not as far as it is now, his financial dominance was much greater than it is now. Zhu Daidong can not only increase fiscal revenue on a large scale, but also make a large investment. Moreover, Zhu Daidong knows financial policy and economic policy very well. In front of Zhu Daidong, he is like taking off his clothes and has no privacy at all.

So every time He Wang came to see Zhu Daidong, he felt uneasy. However, as the director of finance, he must come to see Zhu Daidong often. Zhu Daidong will give him direct instructions for a lot of financial work.

"Hello, Director He, Mayor Zhu is already waiting for you." When Wu Chengke saw He Wang, he quickly stood up and said. No matter what kind of cadres come to him, he will not take the initiative to raise his head, otherwise he will have to spend a lot of energy just dealing with officials at all levels every day.

Wu Chengke took He Wang's teacup and sent him into Zhu Daidong's office. Since the city's fiscal revenue has increased significantly, He Wang has become a regular customer of Zhu Daidong's office. The secretary is in charge of personnel, and the mayor is in charge of finance. For this point, Zhu Daidong's understanding is relatively good, and at the same time, it is also relatively well implemented. He basically will not take the initiative to intervene in the area that the municipal party secretary should grasp, and he will try his best not to let Zhou Baoning interfere in the financial expenditure.

When Bin, as the leader, he wanted to use money, but Zhu Daidong couldn't stop it.

Zhou Baoning is a senior cadre who grew up as an ordinary technician. He is very supportive of Zhu Daidong's investment in people's livelihood. Zhu Daidong's investment is a large investment, often hundreds of millions or even more than a billion. Even if Zhou Baoning wants to use a lot of money... Zhu Daidong can find enough reasons.

"Mayor Zhu, Director He Wang is here." Wu Chengke went in and said softly.

"Hello, Mayor Zhu." Zhu Daidong, who was writing something on the desk, raised his head and said quickly.

"Comrade He Wang, please go and sit down." When Zhu Daidong got up, he picked up a pack of cigarettes on the table... He Wang was addicted to smoking. Ordinary people rarely dared to smoke in front of Zhu Daidong, but He Wang was an exception. Every time he sees Zhu Daidong, he will complain. Now the work intensity of the Finance Bureau is at least twice as intense as before. When he comes to Mayor Zhu, he must be rewarded.

Although Zhu Daidong is young, his prestige in Kikawa City... is almost in full power. Now the cadres of Muchuan City will be very formal when they see Zhu Daidong. Zhu Daidong takes his work very seriously, and a lot of work... He didn't finish it after listening to the report. After the following cadres report, he may follow up the work at any time in the future. Therefore, in front of him, there are only a handful of open cadres.

"Thank you, Mayor." When He Wang saw the soft China in Zhu Daidong's hand, his eyes were shining. When Zhu Daidong sat down and threw the cigarette on the coffee table, he immediately brought the cigarette over. Take out one, point it on yourself... and then take a sip. Then he put the cigarette into his pocket, then opened the bag in his hand and took out a piece of material.

It is said that cadres like He Wang are not good at smoking. He is so "hungry and thirsty" in front of Zhu Daidong. No matter how bad the Finance Bureau is, the rotten ship also has three pounds of iron... As a unit that controls the city's financial budget and allocation, no matter how hard it is, it can't be hard for itself, and no matter how poor it is, it can't be poor. But many people envy He Wang. His style may not be really bad for this pack of cigarettes, and more symbolically, it is the harmony and intimacy of the relationship with Zhu Daidong.

And He Wang also hopes that his relationship with Zhu Daidong can be known to others. He got the cigarette from Zhu Daidong. When he went back, he would always take the initiative to send one when he met an acquaintance, saying that it came from Mayor Zhu.

"Mayor Zhu, during this period, the city's community hospitals and municipal hospitals are full every day. Basically, all the designated hospitals have reached the limit of accepting patients." He Wang said that low-income people usually have the same habit of physical examination, and they do not have such conditions. Their income is the lowest in the city, but their work is almost the hardest. And a considerable number of people have lost the ability to work. You can imagine the physical condition of such a group of people.

"Have any violations occurred?" Zhu Daidong asked that the violations he mentioned were not only for low-income households, but also for hospitals and doctors, such as indiscriminately prescribed drugs, more drugs, etc.

"It hasn't been found yet." He Wang said that when the city audited the low-income insurance identification work of the Civil Affairs Bureau and the management and distribution of funds, it was very strong. Thousands of public officials were expelled, and hundreds of dismissed officials were also hundreds. Now for the policy of the municipal government, the people below dare to disobey. When everyone wants to violate the rules, everyone I will first ask myself if I can afford the consequences of the violation.

"After all, it's just the beginning. Many low-income households, even if they are not sick, want to go to the hospital for a physical examination because of free medical treatment. I believe that after this period of time, the situation will improve. We should understand their mood. These people, not to mention a physical examination once a year, I'm afraid that some people have not had a serious physical examination in their life. Zhu Daidong smiled and said that the nature of being taken advantage of will not change because of poverty or wealth. If the city decides to provide free medical treatment to the citizens of the city, he believes that this situation will be more serious.

But as long as you survive this period of time, the situation will gradually improve. Moreover, it is also possible to have a free physical examination for the citizens of the city in order to eliminate hidden dangers. Many people are like this. When they suffer from minor or chronic diseases, they always think about procrastinating. Maybe they will be fine. But they didn't expect that sometimes the best treatment would be missed because of this practice. As a result, minor diseases have become serious diseases, and chronic diseases have become terminal diseases.

"But I'm worried that if it goes on like this, I won't be able to afford it financially." He Wang said with a wry smile that the final bills of all low-income households need to be paid by finance. Although the municipal government has signed agreements with all hospitals, and the registration fees, inspection fees and medical expenses of low-income households must be calculated at 50% off, 30% off and 40% off, the figures aggregated to the Finance Bureau every day still exceed 10 million.

"How long has it been, can't stand it?" Zhu Daidong said that in order to solve the free medical care and education of low-income households in the city, the city has allocated 600 million yuan. This figure has been demonstrated by experts. Zhu Daidong believes that at least before the end of the year, the city should no longer need to allocate funds for free medical care and education for low-income households.

"According to the cost of this period, I'm afraid that in two months, the city's allocation will have to increase." He Wang glanced at Zhu Daidong and hesitated for a moment before saying.

"What?" Zhu Daidong was shocked. Will he spend 10 million a day? Such expenditure is really difficult for the municipal finance to afford. Even if he is rich again, he will not be able to pay more than 3 billion yuan a year to pay the medical expenses of low-income households.

"This is the fee schedule for the past ten days." He Wang took out another document and handed it to Zhu Daidong. In the first few days, he was also surprised when he received such a summary information, but after he personally verified it, he even sent it to the hospital for inspection. The results showed that these data were real and effective. The cadres of Muchuan City knew that this was a job that Zhu Daidong personally captured. And the city has made such a big determination to take out 600 million yuan of special funds. The lesson of the Civil Affairs Bureau is in front of us. Who dares to bet on that little profit with their future and life? At present, the efficiency of government departments at all levels in Muchuan City has been significantly improved, and the service attitude has also been significantly improved. These are the severe punishment of the Civil Affairs Bureau in the city. Killing chickens and monkeys still has a certain effect.

"The main cost is spent on medicine." Zhu Daidong looked at the document carefully. Although he looked carefully, in He Wang's eyes, he just seemed to be browsing in a hurry. He Wang never thought that Zhu Daidong just took a casual look at this material involving tens of thousands of numbers and printed it all in his mind.

Because of his strong memory, these numbers were quickly rearranged and counted in his mind according to Zhu Daidong's requirements. The cost of medicine in all hospitals is 40% off on the basis of the original price, but even so, more than 8 million yuan is used to pay for medical expenses every day.

At present, there are only nearly 400,000 low-income households, and free medical care is implemented. If all the citizens of the city are included in the ranks of free medical care in the future, even if all the city's fiscal revenue is invested here, it will not be enough to fill this bottomless hole.

"Yes, 82% of the cost comes from medicine." He Wang said.

"Can the price of hospital drugs be reduced again?" Zhu Daidong asked, the number of 8 million drugs a day is absolutely unacceptable to the municipal government. Not to mention free medical care for all, even if it is only for current low-income households, there is no way to support it.

"When the staff of our bureau deal with hospitals, almost every hospital complains. They say that the treatment of low-income households is not only hard, but also very low-profits, and there is almost no money to make. If they hadn't thought that this was a project to benefit the people, they would definitely not have cooperated with the municipal government. He Wang said.

"It seems that we have to find a way to lower the price of drugs in the hospital." Zhu Daidong said that this is a severe test in front of him. If he can't cross this hurdle, the low-income insurance free medical care in Muchuan City and the city's free medical care will come to an end.