Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1311 Gifts

Zhou Baoning's words made Zhu Daidong have a slight tinnitus. He doesn't know what kind of thing Zhou Bao has no confidence in himself. Is it that he can't win this project? I still don't have confidence in starting the project as soon as possible.

"With the strong support of Secretary Baoning, I am very confident in winning this project." Zhu Daidong said that Li Bing and Gan originally promised to grant 800 million yuan to Muchuan on this project. But now he is thinking about whether he can find a way to get more money from the Ministry of Health. This is not only a livelihood project, but also a social welfare cause.

No matter what Zhou Baoning thought, this matter was supported by almost everyone in Muchuan. Zhu Daidong felt that he must continue to do it. When he was in Yu County and Furong County, he had already tried in this regard. There is no need to spend money to see a doctor, which invisibly gives the local people the confidence to do anything. Nowadays, people in Yuhua County and Furong County have a different mental outlook from other places. They have a natural sense of superiority and are full of confidence in doing things.

The hospitals in Yuhua County and Furong County do not charge very high fees for patients from other places. Doctors in the hospital do not have to receive red envelopes, treat gifts and so on. Therefore, people in surrounding counties and cities hope to come to hospitals in these two places if they have any diseases. The low fees are not only low, but also the attitude of the medical staff makes them feel very friendly.

"Mayor Zhu, Chief Yan called just now." After Wu Chengke and Zhu Daidong hung up the phone, he walked in and said.

"I got it." Zhu Daidong nodded. Yan Ruiling just called his personal mobile phone, but he was talking to Zhou Baoning on the phone just now. It must be busy.

"Are you asleep?" Zhu Daidong walked inside, closed the door, and called Yan Ruiling back. He and Yan Ruiling did not keep talking every day. Generally, they talk for two or three days, and their work is very busy. Yan Ruiling has not been transferred to Muchuan and has been the head of the Information Section of the Propaganda Department of the Chu City Committee. Zhu Daidong discussed with her several times, but because there was no suitable position in Muchuan, and Yan Ruiling also worked very well in Chudu, he did not transfer her to Muchuan for the time being.

"How about you in Beijing?" Yan Ruiling asked that Zhu Daidong's going to Beijing to run the project was not only known to Muchuan, but also Chu. Kikawa is about to build 150 new hospitals at once. Many people don't understand what Zhu Daidong did. How many hospitals are there in Kikawa now? There should be only about 150 hospitals, but Muchuan still needs to build another 150 hospitals! Do you think building a hospital is building a public toilet? Even the public toilet needs to be maintained, not to mention that the hospital is a place to save lives and heal the wounded, treat the sick and save people?

"It's okay, is it okay?" Zhu Daidong asked that between him and Yan Ruiling, in addition to saying some intimate words when the two were intimate, the two of them were usually very intellectual and said a simple greeting, which expressed a lot of meaning.

"It's okay. Dad talked about you at night. He said that it's such a big project. I'm afraid it's difficult to run down once or twice." Yan Ruiling said that as long as it is about Muchuan or Zhu Daidong, Yan Ruiling will pay special attention now. Although she and Zhu Daidong actually rarely discuss things at work, she is still very concerned about some things.

"Yes, Secretary Baoning was just telling me that the new hospital project in the city was built, why didn't the relevant leaders of the province be invited to come up together?" Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"That's right, the relationship between provincial leaders is still more important. Sometimes you know one more person, and you can really have more ways." Yan Ruiling reminded that since Zhu Daidong joined the work, especially after he was transferred to the government department, his official career has been smooth. But these all have unique conditions. It turned out that when he was in Yuhua County, Guo Lin'an valued him very much, and Zhu Daidong's political achievements in every position made people look sideways.

Guo Lin'an was later transferred to Shachang City, which also has a lot to do with Zhu Daidong. If it hadn't been for such an excellent subordinate, Guo Lin'an might not have been able to become the deputy mayor, and he would not have been able to join the Standing Committee now. As for the later transfer to the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, it was because Yu Zhuoyuan valued him.

But now that he has been transferred to Kikawa, although the relationship with Zhou Baoning has also maintained a good relationship, as time goes by, the difference between the two will become bigger and bigger. Zhu Daidong has his own way to develop the economy. These methods may be contrary to the successful experiences introduced in other places with rapid economic growth. Zhu Daidong's attention to people's livelihood also exceeds that of ordinary leading cadres. For example, the low-income households in Kikawa can be said to be the happiest low-income households in the province. They have begun to enjoy free medical care in Kikawa. From next year, their children will enjoy free education. In this way, these low-income households are likely to say goodbye to the level of low-income insurance in two to three years.

And if Kikawa can really achieve free medical care for all, Yan Ruiling believes that the number of low-income households in Kigawa will be the smallest in the province. How many families have been dragged down because of illness? A well-off family is likely to return to the poverty line immediately due to a serious illness caused by a member of the family.

For current families in China, this is exactly what they are most worried about. If you have savings at home, you dare not spend it for fear that your family will get sick. This is a common problem for many people. Even if they know that depositing money in the bank will slowly depreciate, they will save money without hesitation. Because they have no other way to resist sudden diseases except to save money!

"This new hospital project in Muchuan has attracted the attention of Deputy Director Wang Huaiyu of the National Planning Commission. Just now, the secretary of Minister Li Bing and Gan of the Ministry of Health also contacted me, and I will report the project to Minister Li in person tomorrow." Zhu Daidong smiled and said that the rapid progress of this project could be said to have exceeded his expectations. As Yan Ruiling said, it is already fast for such a big project to run down in three or five months.

But now, Li Bingjian once again attaches great importance to this project, indicating that the new hospital project in Muchuan will take a faster way. Perhaps, there will be accurate news before Zhu Daidong leaves Beijing.

"Really?" Yan Ruiling said in surprise that men's concentration can become a unique temperament, which deeply attracts the opposite sex. Although Zhu Daidong was busy with his work, Yan Ruiling did not feel that he had neglected himself. Especially as Zhu Daidong works longer and longer in Kigawa, he will come back almost every week.

And I will definitely be transferred to Kikawa in the near future. At that time, the two can get along with each other day and night and solve the sorrow of lovesickness.

"Can I still lie to you? Tell your father so that he won't be worried. Zhu Daidong said that Yan Pengfei generally did not intervene in his work, and at most made suggestions. Only when there is a major problem will Yan Pengfei intervene, but it is only for work. If it is personnel, especially Zhu Daidong's personnel problem, Yan Pengfei only gives advice at most.

"Akay, your place is going well, and I can sleep at ease." Yan Ruiling was also greatly relieved. In fact, isn't she worried about Zhu Daidong's project to run in Beijing?

"Ripling, I'm so sorry to make you worry about me." Zhu Daidong apologized and rarely let others worry about his affairs, but Yan Ruiling often silently worried about himself, which made him feel ashamed of her every time he remembered.

"We are husband and wife. We should care about each other." Yan Ruiling said, "You should also go to bed early. I have to make a mask."

"You are born with beauty and never apply powder. When did you start to make a mask?" Zhu Daidong said in surprise that he may be a little rude about these things, but in his impression, it seems that he has never seen Yan Ruiling do a mask.

"Women are like a machine that needs to be maintained at all times. Don't you have to send your car to the repair shop for maintenance every month? Cars are like this, people are even more like this, and women who love beauty are even more so. You don't want me to become a yellow-faced woman in a few years, do you? Yan Ruiling pouted and said.

"In my heart, you will always be so young and beautiful. Rui Ling, when I come back, I will send you a special gift. Zhu Daidong suddenly smiled and said that the nameless formula given to him by the unknown old man, on the surface, there were only a dozen flavors of traditional Chinese medicine. However, this formula is ever-changing. The amount and amount of each traditional Chinese medicine will change slightly, and the effect will be very different.

Like the current nameless recreation, it has the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing yang. If Zhu Daidong adjusts the formula again, he can completely come up with a prescription for detoxification and beautifying. But this prescription has very unique requirements for traditional Chinese medicine.

"Well, I'll wait." Yan Ruiling said with a smile.

At that time, Zhu Daidong was taken to Wudang Mountain for three days and three nights. There were hundreds of changes in an unknown formula. At that time, Zhu Daidong thought that Zhu Daidong could not remember such things, and he could not be written down on paper, which made the unknown Taoist a headache at the beginning. But one morning at that time, Zhu Daidong clearly remembered the formulas he talked about, word for word, which surprised Lao Dao. Later, he learned that Zhu Daidong could not only drink dozens of catties of liquor at a time, but also had a great memory. After that, he was overjoyed and told Zhu Daidong all those recipes.

Later, it took a few days to teach Zhu Daidong to recognize various medicinal herbs and learn how to make various medicinal herbs. There are strict regulations on the harvest time and hours of those medicinal herbs. When refining, some medicinal herbs should be used in a very strange way. It is good for ordinary people to remember all the use methods of a formula within three days. Zhu Daidong is to remember all the hundreds of changes clearly.