Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1321 Confidence, Determination

Originally, Zou Qiaoyan just wanted to meet the two people from Muchuan, but when she talked about Cao, it was twelve o'clock. After learning that Zhu Daidong had worked in Yuhua County and Furong County, and free medical treatment in those two counties, it was after he personally presided over the work that Zou Qiaoyan's attitude had changed significantly.

Zhu Daidong introduced in detail the work of Muchuan City in medical and health to Zou Qiaoyan, from the problem of free medical discovery for low-income households to the long-term planning of Muchuan City. The new hospital project in Kikawa City is not short of funds or the strength to implement policies, but the support of the above policies, medical and health technicians, and a sufficient amount of national basic drugs.

"As long as you Kikawa have such determination and confidence, of course, the ministry will also strongly support it. If Kikawa can really do a good job in free medical care for all, it will also be a good demonstration for other places. Zou Qiaoyan said happily that although Yuhua County and Furong County have implemented free medical care, they have little influence due to regional relations. In Kikawa City, we should not only engage in free medical care for all, but also build a health economy at the same time as free medical care for all.

A city will create a health economy through a systematic policy, which is also rare in the country. If such a health economy can really be carried out, it will not only solve the salary and welfare problems of all medical workers in Kikawa City, but also drive the local economy of Kikawa. This matter also requires Kagawa to show his determination and courage, give up the small profits in front of him, and focus on "With the correct leadership of the department and the strong support of Minister Zou, I believe that Kagawa can play an exemplary role." Zhu Daidong said firmly.

"Don't say these clichés at home. You lack medical and health technicians, I can say hello to the relevant units. I believe that Minister Li Bing and Gan should also have a commitment to you. As for the procurement of national essential drugs, you should prepare them in advance. As far as I know, there are already some very useful national essential drugs that have been slowly discontinued. For example: Siddilan, bromopyreth tablets, beccodone, sulfadiazine injection, cyclophosphamide injection, chloramphenicol eye drops, fluoropiperic acid, periodontal tablet, erythromycin lactate, erythromycin for injection, etc. If you, Kikawa, want to regard the national basic drugs as the basic drugs of all hospitals, then you must have the special procurement channels of these national basic drugs that are rare in the market. But I think it may be difficult for you to find such a channel. Zou Qiaoyan said that businessmen are all profit-seeking, and so is the hospital now. Hospitals don't want to buy cheap and uncommon drugs, and manufacturers don't want to produce them. In fact, there are two reasons. Although it is impossible for Kikawa's hospital to have such a problem again, how can a pharmaceutical factory resume production in a hospital in just one city?

"If it really doesn't work, we can be self-reliant. There are also several restricted factories in Muchuan City. We have studied them, and these pharmaceutical factories will be re-managed by the Municipal Health Bureau. Our own pharmaceutical factory mainly produces two-headed drugs, the largest and most commonly used drugs, as well as small and infrequently used drugs. As for intermediate drugs, they will be ordered from drug manufacturers across the country by bidding. Zhu Daidong said that there were originally three pharmaceutical factories in Muchuan City. It turned out to be in the era of planned economy, which was also after Muchuan's profitable enterprises. However, with the deepening of reform and opening up, these state-owned pharmaceutical factories have been slowly abandoned by the market and eliminated by the times.

But now, these pharmaceutical factories on the verge of bankruptcy are desperate because the city wants to provide free medical care for all. Not only will the enterprise not go bankrupt, but the city will also invest a huge amount of money to upgrade pharmaceutical factories. According to the plan of Kikawa City, Kikawa will set up a pharmaceutical group to fully integrate all pharmaceutical factories, Chinese patent processing factories, traditional Chinese medicine pharmaceutical factories and other enterprises in the city. The production capacity and production scale will be ranked in the country.

"Independence and self-reliance are also a good way to develop. China has been adhering to such a path since the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. I hope that Muchuan can also find a real road of self-reliance. Zou Qiaoyan said.

"With the support of leaders and the support of the broad masses of the people in our city, I believe that the future of Muchuan will be better." Zhu Daidong said that he had planned a five to ten plan for Kichou. He also hoped that he could work in Kichou for five to ten years, look at the blueprint of his plan, and turn it into reality step by step, which is a very good incentive for him.

"Mayor Daidong, the road behind you is still very long, but I believe that no matter how difficult and tortuous the road is, since you have set such a goal yourself, you can't give up, let alone be depressed. I believe that the superior leadership and the broad masses of the people are very confident in you. Zou Qiaoyan said.

"Please rest assured, Minister Zou. I have long been prepared. No matter how difficult the road ahead is, I will move forward bravely without hesitation. But I hope that when it is suitable, you can go to Kikawa to have a look. I believe that you can definitely see that our Muchuan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have the determination, confidence and ability to do a good job in free medical work for all! Zhu Daidong said firmly.

"I'll go if I have a chance." Zou Qiaoyan said that just listening to the report can't find any problems. Only by going down and taking a look in person can you know whether what Zhu Daidong said is true. However, judging from the situation introduced by Zhu Daidong, Zhu Daidong has done a lot of work on free medical care for all.

Especially now Kikawa is already implementing a free medical system for low-income households, which will greatly alleviate the living difficulties of the majority of low-income families and will play a vital role in improving their living conditions.

When Zhu Daidong left Zou Qiaoyan's house with Feng Huanlan, he specially looked at the time. It was already twelve o'clock, because at home, when Zhu Daidong introduced the situation of Muchuan, he had plenty of time and the introduction was naturally comprehensive. The current Kikawa is no longer the Kikawa in other people's impressions. This year, Kikawa's economy will also enter a period of rapid development. The fiscal revenue of Kikawa City will also increase significantly this year, but Kikawa has money, not for image projects and face projects, but for some real projects to benefit the people.

"Mayor Zhu, I think Minister Zou should have completely changed his mind." Feng Huanlan said with a smile that Zhu Daidong's main task when he came to Beijing this time was completed. With the support of Li Bing Gan and Zou Qiaoyan, the Ministry of Health has no problem with the approval of this project.

"Minister Zou is a very serious leader. If you want her to change her opinion, it depends on whether our work is solid or not. Director Feng, you had a good talk with Minister Zou tonight. You should walk around here more in the future. Zhu Daidong told him that he was not afraid that the leader would be principled, even if the leader had no hobbies.

"It's no problem, but I can't do it empty-handed every time I come, right?" Feng Huanlan said with a smile, she doesn't know how long the effect of the beauty cream will last. Maybe she will use the beauty cream to apply to her face every day in the future, which requires Zhu Daidong's continuous supply of beauty.

"I'm still thinking about my beauty cream. Don't worry, I won't let you out of stock." Zhu Daidong said that the pot of beauty cream he boiled last night was enough for Feng Huanlan and Zou Qiaoyan to use for a few months. If he boils out all the remaining medicinal herbs, it would be no problem for both of them to use it for a year.

It was not until he was in the car that Zhu Daidong took out his mobile phone. He originally thought that he would only stay at Zou Qiaoyan's house for an hour or two, but he didn't expect that he didn't stop the car. At first, Feng Huanlan had a very speculative conversation with Zou Qiaoyan. At that time, Zhu Daidong's phone had actually rung several times, but he did not answer. Later, when Zhu Daidong reported to Zou Qiaoyan himself, he would not answer the phone.

At this time, Zhu Daidong took it out and took a look. There were more than 30 missed calls and more than 40 text messages. Zhang Tianrui called, and Rongguang also called him, and Bao Huaran also called him. Zhu Daidong originally made an appointment with Rongguang the night before yesterday to play cards last night. As a result, Zhu Daidong wanted to boil medicine last night, so he postponed the card game until tonight. Unexpectedly, he didn't have time tonight. Seeing that Rongguang and Bao Huaran called, Zhu Daidong immediately called Bao Huaran back.

"Secretary Bao, I really don't want to. I was reporting my work to the leader just now. Have you dispersed?" Zhu Daidong looked apologetic.

"Did you see the message I sent you? If I can't find you, I have to let Mayor Shi support it. Bao Huaran said with a smile that he called Zhu Daidong, but he didn't listen, so he had to call Zhong Zhaoyun. The other party told him that Zhu Daidong went to report to the leader. Since Zhu Daidong was not there, it was naturally up to the friendly army.

Later, Bao Huaran sent a message to Zhu Daidong, but this message was submerged in dozens of messages. Zhu Daidong didn't have time to read it at this time.

"The mayor is my old leader. With him, I can rest assured. How about it? Have you lost a lot?" Zhu Daidong said with a smile that he reported the work of Muchuan City to Zou Qiaoyan tonight, which greatly relieved him. Although the new hospital project in Muchuan has not been officially approved, he believes that the problem is actually not a big problem. As for the funds allocated by the ministry, it is unknown how much of the 800 million originally promised by Li Bing and Gan will now go to Muchuan's financial account.

But this is not a big problem for Zhu Daidong. As long as the policy allows, as long as there is leadership support, even without a penny of support, Kikawa will still build all 150 hospitals.

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