Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1347 Don't listen, don't believe, don't pass

What happened in Kigawa is the leader of the province in the end. If there is no political wisdom, how can we see through it? And if you see through it, it will be much easier to deal with the originally difficult things. Qiu Tao looked at Zhu Daidong thoughtfully. The handling of this matter will definitely fall on himself, but how to deal with it, I'm afraid he will have to ask Zhu Daidong to abide by this point. No matter how difficult this matter is, it will not have much to do with him. But if you decide without authorization, you may set yourself on fire.

"Comrade Dai Dong, what do you think of this matter?" Zhou Baoning asked that when Zhu Daidong was in Furong County, he paid close attention to the confidentiality work. More than 100 counties in the province may have set up a special confidentiality bureau in Furong County, and the director of the confidentiality bureau is still the deputy secretary of the county party committee.

"For the work of the Public Security Department, I think the city should give full support. The problems found in Ji Wensheng's case should be well summarized, and the relevant responsible persons should make a profound self-criticism, learn lessons, and prevent such things from happening again. Zhu Daidong said slowly, finding problems, summarizing experience, and learning lessons, which is a cliché. The person who said it may not feel it, but the person who listens may have a cocoon in their ears.

But you can't stop talking because others hear it. You should say what you should say and still do what you should do. As for how thorough it is, it depends on who you are talking about, as well as the tone and attitude of the speech.

"Comrade Qiu Tao, you should take this matter seriously and never have similar problems again!" Zhou Baoning firmly said that this matter has a great impact on Muchuan's reputation, which will have a bad impact on the whole city and even the whole province.

"Yes." Qiu Tao said and took a look at Zhu Daidong. He also said, "I remember that when Mayor Zhu was in Furong County, he paid close attention to the confidentiality work. This time, Mayor Zhu should also ask Mayor Zhu for more guidance in the confidentiality work of various units."

"Yes, Comrade Daidong, you should have the most say in secrecy. Comrade Qiu Tao, you can ask Comrade Daidong for more instructions on confidentiality work in the future. Zhou Baoning said that Qiu Tao's words reminded him that Zhu Daidong's experience in this matter is indeed richer than Qiu Tao's, and the confidentiality work of the municipal government must be strengthened.

"Yes, it is guaranteed to complete the task." Qiu Tao said firmly.

When Zhou Baoning saw Ling Songfan, Zhu Daidong retreated. There were some things that Zhou Baoning and Ling Songfan could speak more thoroughly when they were alone. Zhu Daidong followed Qiu Tao to his office. Originally, the Standing Committee had been convened at this time, but because of the arrival of Ling Songfan, the meeting could only be temporarily postponed.

"Secretary-General Qiu, I heard that Secretary Baoning had occasional discomfort some time ago?" After Zhu Daidong arrived at Qiu Tao's office, he casually asked.

"Mayor Zhu, where did you hear the news? Secretary Zhou just hurt his stomach because he drank too much. He went to the hospital and hung up a bottle. The result became more and more evil. He said that Secretary Zhou was admitted to the hospital, and some people even said that Secretary Zhou had a disease. Nowadays, people prefer to believe that everything is credible, but it is obviously a rumor. Qiu Tao said with a wry smile that recently, many people have been asking him this question. In such an answer, he has said at least more than 50 times. There are cadres from Muchuan City and even leaders from above.

"Really? In response to such rumors, the Municipal Party Committee Office will issue a document to prevent the spread of such rumors. Zhu Daidong said lightly that Qiu Tao's words made him tinnitus. It seemed that Zhou Baoning was really sick and not very sick, otherwise Qiu Tao would not deliberately hide it from himself.

Rumors have often become far-leading predictions, which is why more and more people believe rumors. It is often something that government departments strongly deny, and it is proved to be true in the end. This must be said to be a kind of sadness. The credibility of the government is reduced little by little under the influence of such rumors.

"Secretary Zhou believes that those who are clear will be clear. As long as he is a qualified and excellent party member and cadre, he will not listen to it, let alone spread such rumors." Qiu Tao said with a smile that he knew that Zhu Daidong would definitely not believe it. This matter was of great significance to Zhu Daidong. However, between Zhu Daidong and Zhou Baoning, he will not hesitate to choose Zhou Baoning. As the secretary-general of the municipal party committee, like the secretary-general of the municipal government, he should not only play the role of a big housekeeper, but also the most trustworthy person. If the secretary-general of the municipal party committee has a very close relationship with the mayor You can't grow up. On the contrary, if Zhong Zhaoyun is close to the municipal party committee compound, Zhu Daidong will certainly not be relieved to let him serve as the secretary-general of the municipal government.

"For such a thing, we really have to not listen, believe or pass it on." Zhu Daidong said solemnly that his mood is a little complicated now. When Qiu Tao introduced Zhou Baoning's condition just now, although his face was understated, his tinnitus was very severe. The severe procedure of tinnitus shows the strength of the other party's lying, that is to say, the more severe Zhu Daidong's tinnitus is, the more severe Zhou Baoning's condition is.

Just now, Zhu Daidong's tinnitus was very strong, that is to say, the rumors about Zhou Baoning are likely to be true. The reason why Zhu Daidong can make such a judgment in such a short time is also due to his magical ears.

"Mayor Zhu, sit down for a while. I'll go to the conference room to inform you." Qiu Tao said that Zhou Baoning's temporary meeting with Ling Songfan will definitely delay the meeting of the Standing Committee, and other members of the Standing Committee will definitely arrive at the conference room at this time. Although Zhou Baoning has always been the latest one to arrive, if it exceeds the time of the meeting, it is still necessary to inform him.

When Zhu Daidong arrived at the conference room, he was less than a minute earlier than Zhou Baoning, which was both a strategy and a necessity. If Zhu Daidong, as the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and acting mayor, waits for the arrival of Feng Zhou Baoning in the conference room like others, it will also be a big blow to his authority.

"Just now, Comrade Ling Songfan of the Provincial Public Security Department informed me of a very serious leak case. Ji Wensheng, a retired cadre of the former Municipal People's Congress, was bribed by overseas spy organizations. This person took advantage of the relationship between the Municipal Party Committee Office, the Municipal Archives Bureau, Muchuan Daily and other units to steal confidential Loss. Comrades, teach me a deep lesson. Zhou Baoning said sadly.

Qiu Tao casually introduced the case. Although the case has not been fully solved, what is happening now is enough to sound the alarm for Kikawa. For Kikawa, it is urgent to strengthen confidentiality, and it is necessary to fully realize the urgency of this matter ideologically and in action.

This matter can only be regarded as a small episode. Now that it has happened, the only thing Kikawa can do is to prevent it. Then Zhu Daidong made an important speech, and he introduced the gains from this trip to Beijing. The new hospital project, the 2,000 bus project, the underground drainage system project, and the Chuchuan highway project are all four major projects submitted for approval. Other small and medium-sized projects have also received strong support from central ministries and commissions. Although Zhu Daidong is not introducing his political achievements, these projects have long exceeded 10 billion. These projects are large-scale or extra-large projects for Gunan Province.

"Secretary Zhou, comrades, in the past few months, there will be major projects in our city every month. The first thing to start is the construction of Chuchuan Highway. In fact, the implementation of free buses in the city and the official construction of the underground drainage system. The construction of new hospitals will start in November, based on the construction of 15 hospitals every month, and will be completed within a year and a half. Zhu Daidong said slowly, paused for a moment, and he said, "Chuchuan Highway, we will build a two-way eight-lane highway according to the standards of the national highway. But why isn't it called Chuchuan Expressway? Everyone knows that this highway is not only fully invested by us in Kikawa, but also completely free of charge.

Originally, Zhu Daidong valued the gimmick of the first free highway in the country, but after returning from Beijing this time, his idea changed significantly. What Muchuan has to do is to work hard, turn a deaf ear to things outside the window, and only think about how to develop the economy. For this free "highway", for those drivers, whether they have the name or not, they will know it in a very short time.

"Mayor Zhu, since it is built in accordance with the highway standards, and even exceeds the highway construction standards stipulated by the state, why can't it be called a highway? How will the management of this highway limit the speed at that time? How to publicize? How to manage it? Zhu Pingyu said that as the Minister of Propaganda, she has also been cooperating with the work of the municipal government. Kikawa will build the only free expressway in the country. The publicity department has been preparing a press release for a long time, but now Zhu Daidong has requested to change to Chuchuan Highway, which will make uninformed people think that this is a unilateral reduction in the quality of the project by Muchuan.

"Yes, Mayor Zhu, since our standards exceed the highway construction standards stipulated by the state, why should we call it Chuchuan Highway instead of Chuchuan Expressway?" Fu Renhui also asked that she and Zhu Pingyu were the only two women in the Standing Committee of Muchuan, and they often supported each other at the Standing Committee.

"It is just a name, whether it is Chuchuan Highway or Chuchuan Expressway. There will be no change in the nature of this highway. If this highway is named Chuchuan Expressway, it will offend all the highway management offices in the country. Politically speaking, it will not do any good for us. Why do you offend so many people for the sake of a name? If it is called Chuchuan Highway, then there is no charge for this road, and no one else has anything to say. As for the construction standards, no one will be interested in whether they exceed the national standards. Zhu Daidong said.

Others listened and nodded thoughtfully...