Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1397 To Move

In fact, before Che Du Jiong arrived in Muchuan, Muchuan's buses had already implemented a free policy. From the earliest bus starting at 5:30 a.m., today's bus passengers in Muchuan can already enjoy free bus travel. Today, the number of bicycles on the streets of Muchuan has been significantly reduced.

On the way to the bus head office, Zhu Daidong has seen this situation. Of course, he does not object to citizens riding bicycles, but if there are too many bicycles in the city, it will be very stressful for urban traffic. At the same time, it is not suitable for cycling in spring and winter. He hopes that through the guidance of the government, the bicycles in the city can be kept within a reasonable range. After all, the main reason why citizens now choose to go out by bicycle is that public transportation facilities have not kept up and have no choice but to do so.

At 10:30 a.m., the opening ceremony of free bus rides in Kikawa City was held at the Kikawa Bus Corporation. The ceremony was presided over by Zhu Daidong, and Che Du Jiong delivered an important speech. In his speech, Che Dujiong spoke highly of Muchuan's behavior. At the same time, he also praised Muchuan's behavior of cracking down on stolen gangs and protecting the lives and property of the people. Che Dujiong's attitude made the incident of the theft gang completely history.

Zhu Daidong was next to him. Hearing Che Dujiong's speech, he was finally relieved. The theft gang has risen from ordinary public security cases to major political-related events, and there are many human factors in it. The development of this matter was completely beyond Zhu Daidong's expectation. If it hadn't been for the coincidence that he happened to hear some news, I'm afraid that this matter would have caused him a lot of trouble.

A short press conference was held at the end of the ceremony. This time, Zhu Daidong became the protagonist. I'm afraid that no one here is more familiar with this policy than him. As a mayor, he is more suitable to answer reporters' questions on such occasions than Zhou Baoning. China's government is nominally the responsibility of the chief executive, but in fact, the party committee leads everything.

Finally, there was a symposium. In addition to the provincial leaders and the leaders of Kikawa City, the staff of the bus company, as well as some drivers, conductors and passengers. Of course, Tao Xiangrui of Yutong Group, as a special guest, also attended the symposium.

"Gunchuren Che, this is Tao Xiangrui, the boss of Zhengzhou Yutong Group. Mr. Tao has made great contributions to our Muchuan to achieve free public transportation for all so quickly." Zhu Daidong called Tao Xiangrui in front of Che Du Jiong and said with a smile.

Although it has not made money to supply 2,000 buses to Kikawa at a cost price, it has made a lot of attention in the past few days. All buses in Muchuan, whether produced by Yutong Group or not, are now covered with advertisements of Yutong Group. That is to say, as long as reporters from all over the country report on free buses in Muchuan, they must be inseparable from Yutong Group. Moreover, after reporters from all over the world learned that Tao Xiangrui had come to Kikawa, they had interviewed him several times.

When Zhu Daidong communicated with Tao Xiangrui yesterday, he jokingly told him that although the business of Yutong Group did not make money this time, it was absolutely not a loss. In fact, it is true. If Yutong Group wants to achieve such an effect as usual, I'm afraid it can't be done by millions or even tens of millions. Moreover, advertising can only be remembered for a while, and the promotion of Yutong Group through activities will be particularly impressive.

"Hello, Mr. Tao, thank you for your strong support for the public transportation industry in Kikawa." Che Du Jiong smiled and shook hands with Tao Xiangrui. There were 2,000 buses, each of which was 10,000 yuan cheaper. This time, the bus provided by Yutong Group to Kikawa is more than 100,000 yuan cheaper than that of the market, which is 200 million yuan. Even for a city, 200 million can do a lot of things.

Che Du Jiong took a look at Zhu Daidong. I'm afraid that only Zhu Daidong can make such a deal. If it were other local governments, they wouldn't care how much money was spent. At this point, Che Du Jiong appreciates Zhu Daidong's practice, spending the least money and doing as much as possible.

"This is what we should do." Tao Xiangrui said modestly that although the bus given to Muchuan this time was at the cost price, the whole top and bottom of Yutong Group, including him, felt that this business was worth it. During this period, Yutong Group frequently appeared in major media. In addition, he personally brought the public relations staff of the group company to Muchuan this time, and the report about Yutong Group was naturally fuller.

Now Che Dujiong's praise for Yutong Group also expressed his recognition of Yutong Group from another aspect. Such recognition can't be bought at any cost.

After the symposium, today's ceremony came to an end, and all relevant personnel were arranged to the hotel for Chinese food. After dinner, Zhu Daidong and Zhou Baoning sent Du Jiong to a single villa behind the Ying Hotel. After talking with Che Du Jiong, the two of them retreated.

"Comrade Daidong, the governor of Che will leave it to you in the afternoon. When the governor leaves, I'll see him off again." Zhou Baoning said as he walked. Just now, Che Dujiong has made it clear that only needs Zhu Daidong to accompany him for the afternoon activities. The Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee of Muchuan also go to do their own work. Don't affect Muchuan's work because of his arrival.

For the reception of superior leaders, when welcoming, all personnel will participate as much as possible, and the same is true when entertaining at noon. But accompanying the inspection does require everyone to follow. For the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee of Kikawa, their usual work is already relatively busy, and there are endless meetings and endless people. Once the leader comes down, their only way is to push their work back.

Zhou Baoning now has some work due to health reasons, which is no longer specific, but it can't be said that his work is not busy. The more important the leader is, the more you need to have a good body. Zhou Baoning's current persistence, in addition to his personality, is not a person who gives up easily, but also has an infatuation with power. Therefore, in some important meetings, especially the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, he will still not be absent every time to help "OK." Zhu Daidong whispered that Che Du Jiong's main activities in Muchuan have ended. In the afternoon, he will inspect the Chuchuan Highway. At the same time, he will also visit the officers and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army who built the Muchuan underground drainage system. And this activity is semi-confidential. Provincial journalists can accompany them, but they cannot make public reports.

The news that the construction of the Muchuan underground drainage system has started has not been publicized in the media, but during the Standing Committee, Zhu Daidong informed the participants of the progress of this matter. This is also what Liang Enjun asked at the beginning. According to Liang Enjun's original words, as long as Muchuan provides the design plan and relevant hydrogeological reports, the rest will be solved by the engineering army. Even if it is the procurement of raw materials, the troops will come forward. Kikawa only needs to send financial personnel. During the construction of the project, the General Logistics Department will send special supervisors to absolutely ensure the quality of the Muchuan underground drainage system.

"Yes, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee will officially inspect Comrade Zhiwang, and the inspection team will come next week." Zhou Baoning said that perhaps this news is no secret for Zhu Daidong, but in the procedure, it is still necessary for him to inform Zhu Daidong.

"Does Secretary Ma want to move?" Zhu Daidong pretended to be surprised and said that no matter whether he knew the news before, he must show such an expression in front of Zhou Baoning now. Many people say that our leading cadres often wear masks, but Zhu Daidong believes that if you want to become an excellent leading cadre, only one mask is far from enough.

"Yes, I may go to the Provincial Public Security Department." Zhou Baoning said faintly that Ma Zhiwang was a little distracted during this period, which may also be for this reason.

"Has it been decided?" Zhu Daidong asked casually. There seems to be no vacant seats in the Public Security Department now, right? And since it is an inspection, it is generally a promotion. Now Ma Zhiwang is a deputy department-level practical cadre. When he arrives at the public security department, he should also be assigned a main hall. There are only three department-level cadres, two deputy director and one deputy secretary of the party committee in the whole public security department. But now these three people have neither reached the point nor made mistakes, let alone any sign of mobilization. What kind of position will it be to transfer Ma Zhiwang at this time?

"Yes, maybe it's also an assistant." Zhou Baoning sighed slightly. Generally speaking, the people below should move, especially to be promoted. As the leader, they will not stop them. As long as there is no deep resentment, it will not be done. Of course, Zhou Baoning can also truthfully evaluate Ma Zhiwang's people to the provincial party committee.

"Oh." Zhu Daidong suddenly realized that the assistant is just a temporary transitional position. Because Wang Libo, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, is also the director of the Public Security Department, his assistant can indeed enjoy both the treatment of deputy director and department-level cadres.

"What's your opinion on this matter?" Zhou Baoning suddenly asked before he got on the bus.

"I haven't been in Kigawa for a long time, and I don't know much about Secretary Ma, but I believe that there will be a correct conclusion in the organization." Zhu Daidong said ambiguly that when he was still in Chudu, he learned that he might come to Muchuan, so he had a comprehensive understanding of Muchuan's cadres, but he did not work in the municipal party committee, and the municipal government building was three kilometers away from the municipal party committee compound. Naturally, it was not easy for him to evaluate Ma Zhiwang

"I hope so." Zhou Baoning said meaningfully that although he did not have Zhu Daidong's super hearing, he had worked in Muchuan for more than 30 years, and no one was more familiar with Muchuan than him. The reason why the provincial leaders attach so much importance to the matter of the stolen gang is that Ma Zhiwang has played a role that cannot be ignored. He believes that Zhu Daidong should also know this.