Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1412 Reporting and Communication

Zhu Daidong is very clear about Ma Zhiwang's current situation. The inspection of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee will definitely be in the case. As for his current position in the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, it is also crumbling. For Zhu Daidong, he has basically achieved his goal.

"I agree with Comrade Yuan Deming and Comrade Jian Wushuai. The principle of the Commission for Discipline Inspection in handling cases is not to let go of a disciplinary violator, but it can't wrong a good comrade. Now speak clearly in front of the gong, which is not only a chance for Comrade Ma Zhiwang, but also a reflection of our development. Zhu Daidong said lightly, let Ma Zhiwang make the matter clear, and he can further judge the authenticity of the matter, and at the same time, he can also help Fu Renhui come to a conclusion. Otherwise, if the Commission for Discipline Inspection reports Ma Zhiwang's situation to the province, but fails to find out Ma Zhiwang's problem in the end, it will be really troublesome.

Zhu Daidong's attitude finally affected Zhou Baoning's decision, and he agreed to let Ma Zhiwang explain the matter to the municipal party committee. Anyway, Ma Zhiwang is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee after all, and should give him such an opportunity.

Ma Zhiwang soon arrived at Zhou Baoning's office. In the small conference room, he was obviously stunned when he saw Zhu Daidong, Yuan Deming, Jian Wushuai and Fu Renhui. He received a phone call from Ren Guangmin, saying that Zhou Baoning wanted to see him, but he didn't say that these people were also there.

"Comrade Ma Zhiwang, I asked you to come here this time mainly to inform you of the latest progress of Tang Tong's case. Comrade Fu Renhui, please introduce me again. Zhou Baoning said faintly.

"Okay, Comrade Ma Zhiwang, about the case of Tang Tong..." Fu Renhui introduced the latest progress of Tang Tong while observing Ma Zhiwang's expression.

Ma Zhiwang was psychologically prepared for Tang Tong's case, but when he heard that Fu Renhui began to introduce Xia Xiaodan, he immediately had a bad feeling in his heart. He didn't think of it. Tang Tongzai will not only confess himself, but also confess so thoroughly. Let yourself have no room for maneuver now.

Zhu Daidong has also been observing Ma Zhiwang. Although Ma Zhiwang seemed very quiet on the surface, his heartbeat began to accelerate at this time. Although, Ma Zhiwang is very nervous at this moment. At his level. There are not many things that can make him nervous, if it is not related to his vital interests. How can it be like this?

"Zhou [Book], Mayor Zhu, comrades, I am very sorry for the situation of Tang Tong. He has come to this point. I have to bear part of the responsibility. As for Xia Xiaodan. She is my sister-in-law, and my relationship with him is innocent. As for bribery, I don't think Xia Xiaodan told the truth. The money and antiques found by the Commission for Discipline Inspection in the suburbs have nothing to do with me. I can guarantee it with party spirit!" Ma Zhiwang said slowly, even if the Commission for Discipline Inspection has mastered more information. He will not admit these facts.

"Ma [Book], Tang Tong said that he had sent you cash and antiques. Are you really not impressed?" Fu Renhui suppressed the anger in her heart and asked faintly.

"Yes, but I didn't accept it. At that time, I severely criticized Tang Tongzai. He admitted his mistake in front of me and made a profound self-criticism to ensure that he would not make the same mistake again in the future~~ Book Network www.shushuw.cn-update first release~~." Ma Zhiwang said that in fact, as early as Tang Tong was put on file for investigation, he had taken measures to return what Tang Tong sent to Ruan Ling.

When Tang Tong was giving him money and goods, he did criticize and educate Tang Tongzai, but in the end, it ended with "no next example". As for the "severe criticism" later, it was also in front of Ruan Ling and asked her to tell Tang Tong. However, Ma Zhiwang did not expect that the Commission for Discipline Inspection directly found Xia Xiaodan to understand the situation. He knew very well that Xia Xiaodan had little to do with Tang Tong in the case. In Chengdong District, although Tang Tong is Xia Xiaodan's superior, Xia Xiaodan did not take Tang Tong in his eyes because of his relationship with him, and even often dictated in front of Tang Tong. It's not bad for Xia Xiaodan not to accept Tang Tong's money and goods. How can Xia Xiaodan bribe Tang Tongzai?

The fact that Xia Xiaodan was transferred to the Industry and Commerce Bureau was strongly recommended by Tang Tong, but there was no power and money transaction between the two at that time. But this matter was still caught by the Commission for Discipline Inspection, not to investigate the case of Tang Tongzai, but to target himself. This annoyed him. The investigation team of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee has arrived in Kikawa, and he will soon leave Kikawa to serve in the Provincial Public Security Department. This is basically a thing that has been confirmed. Why does Kikawa have to make any more complications?

Ma Zhiwang's eyes slowly swept across everyone's faces, but like him, the people who could enter this conference room had already practiced the ability of Mount Tai without changing his face. On the surface, it was impossible to see the reason at all. But he knew that this matter had something to do with at least two people. One is, of course, Fu Renhui, and the other is Zhu Daidong.

"Ma [Book], maybe you don't know that Xia Xiaodan has the habit of keeping a diary. Now we have mastered this diary. I think that even if she can make it up again, she won't make up the things of the past few years in such detail every day, right? Fu Renhui had long expected that Ma Zhiwang would quibble. When she introduced the situation to Ma Zhiwang just now, she deliberately "forgot" to introduce this point. Ma Zhiwang denied all the events between him and Xia Xiaodan as expected.

"Why don't I know?" Ma Zhiwang was surprised to say that he had been with Xia Xiaodan for a long time, but he really didn't know that Xia Xiaodan had the habit of remembering [day]. If that's the case, what he just said was simply lifting a stone and hitting his foot.

"Women always like to have their own secrets." The sarcastic smile on Fu Renhui's face slipped gently from the corners of his mouth. Ma Zhiwang's sophistry just now was simply hitting himself in the face.

"Comrade Ma Zhiwang, this is a critical period for the organization to inspect you. I hope you can give a reasonable explanation to the organization." Zhou Baoning said that his voice was not loud, but he was very powerful. Ma Zhiwang's words just now are inconsistent. If there is no special relationship between Ma Zhiwang and Xia Xiaodan, ghosts will not believe it.

"Zhou [Book], I did have a relationship with Xia Xiaodan, but this is my private life. Xia Xiaodan's work transfer, I did say hello to the relevant personnel in the eastern part of the city, but this is just the relationship between me and her. As for the more than six million cash and hundreds of antiques mentioned by the Commission for Discipline Inspection, I really don't know what's going on. Ma Zhiwang said.

"Okay, you can go back first." Zhou Baoning waved his hand and said in disgust. Ma Zhiwang's current attitude will directly determine the resolution of the municipal party committee.

Ma Zhiwang still wanted to say something, but when he saw Zhou Baoning's stern eyes, he had to shut his mouth. He turned his eyes to Yuan Deming as if asking for help, but Yuan Deming turned a blind eye and just waved to him, intending to let him obey Zhou Baoning's arrangement and leave immediately. Ma Zhiwang is now standing on the edge of a cliff. If he takes another step forward, he will fall into the abyss. And if he can take a step back, he can still maintain a high-level posture.

"Comrades, let's talk about it." Zhou Baoning said that more than half of the Standing Committee has participated in today's office meeting, and the resolution reached here will basically represent the decision of the Standing Committee at that time.

"Zhou [Book], Mayor Zhu, comrades, I think that although Comrade Ma Zhiwang has made certain mistakes, he may not really be as Xia Xiaodan said, embezzled, took bribes, and interfered in the public prosecution to handle cases. Otherwise, how would the provincial party committee send an inspection team to inspect him? I believe that Comrade Ma Zhiwang's performance over the years is obvious to all. In this matter, I think the municipal party committee should consider it carefully. Yuan Deming said slowly that in public and private, he felt that this matter should be reported by the municipal party committee to the province. Now the provincial party committee is inspecting Ma Zhiwang, but Mu Chuan reported that Ma Zhiwang had embezzlement and bribery, and there was also an improper relationship between men and women. If this spreads, I'm afraid the

"Zhou [Book], Mayor Zhu, comrades, I still insist on my opinion." Fu Renhui said firmly that if Ma Zhiwang was not involved in Tang Tong's case, she could turn a blind eye to Ma Zhiwang. After all, Ma Zhiwang is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and now he is investigating the critical moment of promotion.

But because of this, she can't send a leading cadre who is corrupt and bribed and has an improper relationship with her sister-in-law to the province, which not only means the dereliction of duty of the Kigawa Commission for Discipline Inspection, but also makes Kikawa lose face in the future.

"I support Comrade Yuan Deming's opinion." Jian Wushuai said.

"I think I can report to the relevant leaders in the province, but not in the name of the Municipal Party Committee, but the Commission for Discipline Inspection to the relevant leaders of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. In addition, regarding the latest progress of Tang Tongzai, because it involves Ma Zhiwang, I think we should also communicate with the inspection team of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee in a timely manner. Zhu Daidong said lightly, asking Fu Renhui to report directly to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. At that time, if there are different opinions in the province, there will be room.

And inform the inspection team of the latest progress of Tang Tongzai's case, which means that the investigation of Ma Zhiwang will end early. With the confessions of Tang Tongzai and Xia Xiaodan, I'm afraid that the inspection team's evaluation of Ma Zhiwang will not be too high. As for Ma Zhiwang's promotion, no matter how Tang Tong's case is handled, it has basically been ruined.

"I agree with Comrade Daidong's opinion. Since everyone has different opinions, let's vote with a show of hands. Please raise your hand if you agree with Comrade Zhu Daidong's opinion. Zhou Baoning said.

Zhou Baoning's words embarrassed Jian Wushuai. For a long time, he has always been looking forward to Zhou Baoning on major issues in the city, but this time, he is consistent with Yuan Deming. He looked at Zhou Baoning's face and didn't find anything abnormal. He was finally relieved. Hearing that Zhou Baoning said he would raise his hand to vote, he immediately raised his right hand to save the wrong behavior just now.