Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1427 Regret

Xu Lifeng was indeed very **. Zhu Daidong just reminded him that he might be in charge of political and legal work. He immediately thought that He Junxian wanted to move. As for how Zhu Daidong asked him to carry out his work, Xu Lifeng didn't think much about it. As the deputy mayor of the municipal government in charge of politics and law, the task is not very heavy. After all, there are secretaries of the political and legal committee, and there are responsible comrades of the public, procuratorial, law and department.

"It seems that you care about Comrade He Junxian very much." Zhu Daidong said lightly.

"I don't know Mayor He very well. Now the city is most concerned, of course, the new Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee." Xu Lifeng hurriedly said that for Kikawa's cadres, no matter what kind of policies and projects there are in the city, the most eye-catching is always the personnel problem. The higher the position of personnel adjustment, the more it can attract attention.

"The personnel problems will naturally be studied by the organization. All we have to do is to do our own work well." Zhu Daidong said that paying attention to the new secretary of the political and legal committee is only the curious need of many people. People like Xu Lifeng need more to work hard. For him, it is still too early to pay attention to the new secretary of the political and legal secretary.

"Yes, I know." Xu Lifeng said with a thump in his heart. He also came to Muchuan for a few months. As a mayor's assistant, although he was only in charge of food and hygiene, these two jobs were key projects in the city. As long as he did his job well, he was already very successful.

"Rifeng, I've been in Kikawa for a few months. What's your opinion on the work in charge?" Zhu Daidong asked that he was very clear about Xu Lifeng's work in the office. But the idea of specific work. Only through communication can we know.

"Food and hygiene work is closely related to the people, and the people very much agree with and support our work. Of course. The city's policies inevitably affect the interests of some people. But in the big situation. Comrades are also very cooperative with these tasks. Recently, the Industry and Commerce Bureau and the Technical Supervision Bureau have often joined forces to fight against counterfeiting. There will be a big action tonight. Xu Lifeng said that at that time, Zhu Daidong asked him to be in charge of these two tasks, but he was actually reluctant.

Because whether he is in charge of food or hygiene, his unit is not the Bureau of Industry and Commerce, the Bureau of Health, the Bureau of Technical Supervision, etc., but only guides the work of these relevant units in food and hygiene. But before Xu Lifeng came to Kikugawa at that time. Qian Feihu talked to him once. Xu Lifeng has a high level of theory and policy, but he is inexperienced in specific work. Now let him do the specific work, even if he is dissatisfied. He should also be regarded as an opportunity. Because no matter what, it must be completed step by step. You can't eat a fat man in one bite.

"You can't just take special actions to fight counterfeiting. You should stick to it for a long time. As long as you find fake and shoddy products in the market, you will immediately follow the way and strive to get rid of the source. Even if it is not within our Kikawa, we should cooperate with the relevant local departments and strive to get rid of the fake work. Zhu Daidong said that under the leadership of the Kikawa Industry and Commerce Bureau, Kikawa's food safety work has made great achievements. Every day, industrial and commercial law enforcement personnel have to carry out food safety inspections. After several months of inspection, Kikawa's food safety has achieved phased results, but now no one can guarantee that Kikawa has no den of counterfeiting.

And with the vigorous development of Kagawa food safety, the food in the Kagawa market has not only won the competence of the people of Kagawa, but also the people of the surrounding cities are willing to come to Kagawa for shopping as long as conditions permit. Some shrewd merchants soon seized the business opportunity and came to Muchuan to wholesale food. As long as it is related food produced by Kikawa, it is very popular in the market. In the past three months, more than 300 new food enterprises have been added in Kikawa. According to this trend, Kikawa will add at least 500 food enterprises this year.

Kikawa production has become a guarantee of safety. If there is a problem with Kikawa's food, it will affect not only one enterprise, but also all food enterprises in the city. Therefore, as long as it is a formally registered enterprise, it attaches great importance to quality inspection. Although the quality inspection standards in the city are combined with Western and national standards, those enterprises have no complaints. Instead, they actively cooperate with the inspection in the city and dare to report problems.

For Kigawa's food enterprises, the problem found, whether found by the industrial and commercial inspection department or found by the enterprise itself, is not a big problem. As long as they can actively cooperate with the inspection, find out the root cause of the problem, and at the same time deal with consumer complaints and protect the interests of consumers, enterprises will generally not be very A big punishment. But if you hide it and don't report it, the nature of the problem will change fundamentally.

Once, there was a candy manufacturer. After discovering that the bacteria of candy seriously exceeded the standard, it not only did not report it, but also concealed the inspectors in an attempt to muddle through. However, there were soon consumer complaints. It was found that it was indeed a problem in the production process of the enterprise. As a result, the enterprise was fined 1 million yuan. The company couldn't afford so much money, so it had to file for bankruptcy.

"Yes, we will definitely strengthen law enforcement. Once we find a problem product, we will try to get rid of the source." Xu Lifeng said firmly that just as he was about to say something, his mobile phone suddenly rang. He just wanted to press the refuse, but Zhu Daidong stood up and told him to answer the phone. It was okay.

It was originally impolite to answer the phone in front of the leader, but Zhu Daidong asked Xu Lifeng to come here this time, not to talk to him as a superior. Of course, because the identity of the two is doomed, even if he regards Xu Lifeng as his original brother Xu, Xu Lifeng does not dare to treat Zhu Daidong as his younger brother. If he was still Qian Feihu's secretary and his phone rang, he would definitely not care about Zhu Daidong's idea and answer it directly. On the contrary, if Zhu Daidong encounters a phone call, he has to apologize to him before he can hide aside to listen to the phone.

"What? Okay, okay, I'll report to Mayor Zhu right away!" After listening for a while, Xu Lifeng was overjoyed to say that the Technical Supervision Bureau and the Industry and Commerce Bureau launched a joint law enforcement tonight. At the same time, he also asked the public security organs to cooperate to investigate and deal with an underground production den that had been observed for a long time.

In fact, when Xu Lifeng answered the phone, although Zhu Daidong sat behind his desk, every word that Di Nanjun said could not escape his ears.

"Mayor Zhu, tonight, with the cooperation of the Bureau of Technical Supervision and the public security organs, the Industry and Commerce Bureau seized a fake den, seized 12,000 bottles of counterfeit Kikawa raw pulp wine and raw pulp health wine, more than 100,000 counterfeit trademark labels, and seized a large number of sealing machines, fake seals, coding machines, binding ropes, packaging Fake tools. //The fastest text update of the book fan building www.shumilou.com no pop-up window no advertisement //" Xu Lifeng said excitedly that this action was arranged by him himself. Unexpectedly, there are still people in Muchuan who dare to produce fake wine now. Not only fake wine, but also the original milk wine and raw milk health wine produced by Muchuan Distill .

"Check, you must check to the end, from raw materials to production, transportation and sales must be found out!" Zhu Daidong said firmly that 12,000 bottles are six tons. And this is definitely a small amount. Where are the fake liquors produced before sold? You need to find out who sold it.

"Yes, Mayor Zhu, I want to go to the scene now." Xu Lifeng said that as a mayor's assistant, he only needs to sit in the office and listen to the report on such a thing, but this time he found a complete underground counterfeiting factory. He needs to see the situation in person and try to report to Zhu Daidong as soon as possible tomorrow morning.

"Well, for such a thing, we should release the news to the people of the city through the news media as soon as possible, and at the same time, we should recover all the fake wine originally sold." Zhu Daidong said angrily that this underground den is very bold. The Kikawa Winery is in Kikawa, but they still dare to pretend to be the brand of Kikawa raw pulp wine and raw pulp health wine. It's really bold!

"Yes." Xu Lifeng said that Zhu Daidong's attitude towards such a matter is very resolute. He should not only find out the water, but also deal with the relevant responsible person. As for the boss of this underground den, he will not only be imprisoned, but also be punished as a poor man. As for other practitioners, the responsibility is certainly not light. They know that it is making fake wine, but they do not report it, and they also participate in fraud, which is also their own fault.

Originally, Zhu Daidong also wanted to go to the fake den with Xu Lifeng, but after thinking about it, he immediately gave up the idea. This matter tonight is actually an opportunity for Xu Lifeng. If He Junxian can really serve as the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, it will be easier for Xu Lifeng to get the recognition of the Municipal Party Committee through tonight's events.

As soon as Xu Lifeng arrived at the scene, after learning about the preliminary situation, he immediately made a report to Zhu Daidong. This counterfeiting den is in a residential house on the outskirts of the city, and the production conditions are extremely simple. As for the production process, there is nothing to say. It is basically a process of adding alcohol and water. And what made Xu Lifeng angry was that in order to make the most profit, this black-hearted boss often used industrial alcohol. You should know that if you drink too much industrial alcohol, it will be very harmful to your body. If you drink it, you will lose your eyes and lose your life.

"Are all the personnel under control?" Zhu Daidong asked.

"Except for that boss, everyone else is here." Xu Lifeng said that this is exactly what he regrets. The boss is not every day. Now that he hears the news, he is even more afraid to come back. If the boss can't be caught, this action will not be satisfactory.

"Let the Public Security Bureau intervene immediately, and be sure to catch people in the shortest time." Zhu Daidong said firmly. ( To be continued)