Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1450 I will consider it

The next day, although Yan Ruiling got up on time, when she got dressed, she found that she almost stood unsteadily. Last night, she consumed so much that her footsteps were so floating that she almost fell to the ground. When Zhu Daidong saw it, he quickly stretched out his hand to hold her.

"Go out first and don't let your parents laugh." Yan Ruiling pushed Zhu Daidong away angrily. He blamed him for tossing around until dawn last night, and he didn't get the energy from. It is said that there is no cultivated land, only exhausted cattle. Zhu Daidong, the cow, seems to never be exhausted.

"Okay, be careful." Zhu Daidong touched his nose. It's no wonder that he had the mutual effect of force. Besides, last night, the physical work was basically good or not.

"Lingling, are you not feeling well?" Gan Shimei saw Yan Ruiling bit his lips and asked with concern.

"Mom, I'm fine. Maybe I didn't sleep well last night. Just take a break." Yan Ruiling blushed and said shyly, and his resentful eyes turned to Zhu Daidong again, which made Zhu Daidong feel guilty.

Gan Shimei seemed to think of something. He smiled in his heart and didn't ask again. After hearing this, Yan Pengfei asked with concern, "Xiao Ling, if you are sick, you should treat it in time. Otherwise, when you are old, you will regret it."

"Didn't Lingling say that he didn't sleep well last night. Just take a break. Why do you worry about young people?" Gan Shimei said an anxiously.

Vice Governor Yan was robbed by his wife and was speechless, so he could only shut up. I saw Zhu Daidong sitting opposite and laughing secretly. Yan Pengfei stared at him. I can't help it, madam, can't I help my son-in-law?" Has the inspection team of the provincial government left yet? What's your evaluation of Kikawa?

"I have left Kikawa this afternoon. The inspection team has worked in our city for four and a half days, and has highly affirmed the work done by our city in food safety." Zhu Daidong said that the inspection team of Muchuan was the last to go back. The inspection teams of other cities only waited for less than a day, and the shortcuts went back on the day of departure, such as Chudu, Tanshui, etc. And farther away. He also returned to the provincial capital the next morning. However, Kikawa's inspection team stayed for four and a half days to conduct a more systematic inspection of Kikawa's food safety.

Zhu Daidong knew that the reason why Kikawa's inspection team was so conscientious was also because Tian Haiyang specifically said hello. If the personnel of Kikawa's inspection team are also included. The inspection time of the inspection team in Kigawa is more than ten times that of other places. Muchuan's edible oil, vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy products, sugar and other food-related industries have been comprehensively inspected. The inspection team found that there were basically no other problems except that some food had quality problems due to packaging problems. If the inspection team also reports such a problem, it is simply critical. Even if Tian Haiyang knew about it, he would not use such a problem to criticize Kikawa's food safety work for not doing well.

"Well, no matter what the job is, you must be able to stand the test." Yan Pengfei nodded. Say it. This time Tian Haiyang went to Kikawa, he not only took a huge inspection team, but also stayed in Kigawa all afternoon. However, in the end, at the provincial government work conference the next day, Tian Haiyang's evaluation of Kikawa was vague.

Tian Haiyang's behavior is of course unfair to Kikawa, but because the inspection team of the provincial government was still working in Kikawa at that time, the results of the province should naturally be based on the final investigation report of the inspection team. At the last provincial government work conference, 13 other cities were dealing with the paraffin oil incident. They have done a fruitful job, but there is no mention of Kikawa, the safest city for food.

"Dad, Kikawa did the best job, especially food safety, but why didn't the province praise him?" Yan Ruiling sat down. He was in disgrepable for Zhu Daidong. It's better to show off than to do it now. Let's do it for a long time. Who will work hard in the future? This time, the province affirmed the rapid response to 13 other cities and spoke highly of the thunderous style of local leaders. Obviously, I didn't do a good job before. Now it is said that breaking the sky is to make up for the loss of the sheep, but I can still get praise from the province. What will the cadres of Muchuan think? What will a practical leader like Zhu Daidong do in the future?

"Ripling, the province didn't get Muchuan's conclusion at that time." Zhu Daidong was stunned when he saw Yan Pengfei's face and hurried to make a round. This matter has nothing to do with Yan Pengfei. Don't say that he and Yan Pengfei originally had unliterated principles. Work matters can't be brought home. There is no need to think about it. Yan Pengfei will definitely consider it for Muchuan. The reason why there is no ideal result is that Yan Pengfei can't be blamed. He must have tried it.

"Although you are also a deputy department-level cadre now, I am even more worried about you. Dai Dong, it's not a matter for you two to separate places. Hurry up and adjust the spirit. Yan Pengfei said that it turned out that Zhu Daidong worked in Chudu. He was not very worried. Although one was in the municipal party committee and the other was in the municipal government, after all, he was still in the same city, and the two of them could go in and out every day. But now, it will take a week to meet at the earliest. Now he//book fan building's fastest text update www.shumilou.com no pop-up window no advertisement // already understand why Yan Ruiling just said that he didn't sleep well last night, isn't it because Zhu Daidong didn't come back last week? But young people nowadays don't know how to cherish their bodies and eat into a fat man in one bite. How can it be?

"Yes, Rui Ling has been promoted to the deputy county level for some time, and we are discussing which department to transfer to Muchuan." Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"No matter which department you are transferred to, but I suggest that it's better not to go to the department of the municipal government." Yan Pengfei said that if Zhu Daidong is only the executive deputy mayor, it would be better to let Yan Ruiling go to the municipal government department, and Yan Ruiling can also help Zhu Daidong in his work. But now Zhu Daidong is the acting mayor of Kipagawa. After the Spring Festival, after the election of the National People's Congress, he will officially serve as the mayor of Kipagawa. At that time, if Yan Ruiling works in the municipal government or the direct departments of the government, it will not be good.

After all, Yan Ruiling is newly transferred, and the situation of Muchuan is also relatively clear. If he is transferred to the department of the municipal government at this time, it is easy to make people think about it. When you are a leader, the last thing you want is rumors. If you can strangle these signs in the cradle, why not do it?

"I will pay attention." Zhu Daidong nodded quickly and said solemnly. He has been thinking about this matter, but Yan Ruiling has always been a very independent person, and she doesn't want to take advantage of Zhu Daidong's influence. Originally, not long after Zhu Daidong arrived in Kikawa, Kikawa mentioned it to Zhu Daidong several times. In order to solve Zhu Daidong's worries, Yan Ruiling should be transferred as soon as possible.

However, Yan Ruiling thought that she would transfer it after the deputy departmental treatment was solved, and after the deputy departmental treatment was solved, she felt that she should work for a period of time, otherwise others would have gossip. Moreover, she also believes that she has not figured out which unit to go to. According to the nature of her work now, it is better to go to the Propaganda Department, but the Propaganda Department of the Muchuan Municipal Party Committee has no extra positions now. If you want to adjust the work of others in order to arrange Yan Ruiling, this is what Zhu Daidong

"Dad, we will hurry up on this matter. Daidong is going to the capital today. I want to go with him. I'd better eat early and catch a plane later." Yan Ruiling said that this was also what she promised Zhu Daidong last night. She used to be a reporter for China Education Daily, and later transferred to Gunan Daily. She is also familiar with some media in Beijing. Moreover, one of her former college classmates is now assigned to CCTV and is still in the news center. She is going to find this classmate to help Zhu Daidong solve the problem of news broadcast on Muchuan News.

"Daidong went to the capital because of work. What did you get in with it?" Yan Pengfei's face showed displeeny and said. Although today is the weekend, it's okay to take Yan Ruiling to Beijing, and he also believes that Zhu Daidong will not take advantage of the public. However, when Yan Ruiling went to the capital, he definitely didn't go to work. He wanted to play and go shopping, which would affect Zhu Daidong.

"Dad, I found that you are beginning to be biased. Am I your daughter or is he your son? But this time you made a mistake. I was entrusted by Comrade Zhu Daidong to help him work in the capital. Yan Ruiling said with an unhappy face.

"You are a cadre of Chudu. What can you help him with?" Yan Pengfei said in surprise.

"You will know this later." Yan Ruiling sold a piece of paper and said with a smile.

"We, Kikawa, have made some news films, and we want CCTV to test it this time to see if we can find a relationship." Zhu Daidong saw Yan Pengfei's inquiring look and said quickly.

"That's fine." After hearing this, Yan Pengfei pondered for a while before saying slowly. What a smart man he is. As soon as Zhu Daidong said, he immediately understood what was going on. Although he already knows about it, he doesn't want to ask about it again. This time, Tian Haiyang's approach to Kikawa is indeed a little excessive. This time, Zhu Daidong's trip to the capital is also the expression of Yichuan's appeal to Kikawa who reported the situation to the above.

This time Zhu Daidong is going to Beijing. In addition to Feng Huanlan's knowledge, there is only Yan Ruiling, the escort. I left home in the morning and arrived in Beijing before noon. As soon as he left the airport, Zhu Daidong saw Feng Huanlan. The other party also saw Zhu Daidong all of a sudden, and she also saw Yan Ruiling holding Zhu Daidong's arm.

This is the first time Feng Huanlan has seen Yan Ruiling. She is not sure whether this is Zhu Daidong's wife or a "friend", but the two are so close in public places that I'm afraid the relationship is not shallow. However, at this time, Feng Huanlan didn't have time to think about anything else. Seeing Zhu Daidong showed that her work had officially begun.