Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1469 Listen

Along the way, Yu Danfeng was obedient to Zou Kaiqiang. From the moment she got on the plane, she strictly followed the rules she had set: she would never do anything on her behalf. If she had anything to do, she would ask for instructions and report after the event. In a word, it is to treat Zou Kaiqiang as his own leader.

This time Yu Danfeng came to Muchuan, she didn't have to show her face in this interview. She just wanted to see what kind of city it was. By the way, it is enough to surprise Yan Ruiling after the interview. Since I just want to be a bystander, I naturally have to have a travel mentality. Everything is dominated by Zou Kaiqiang. She is not so much Zou Kaiqiang's partner as Zou Kaiqiang's follower.

Zou Kaiqiang is naturally very satisfied with Danfeng's performance along the way. Yu Danfeng is not as difficult to serve as the legend. When he knew that his partner was Yu Danfeng this time, he was actually mentally prepared. Yu Danfeng is arrogant and unwarming. Although he is very talented, such talent is not appreciated. On the contrary, many people are not very receptive to Danfeng's approach. Although it is not ruled out that a considerable part of them are jealous, it also shows that Yu Danfeng is a person who is difficult to get along with and even causes trouble.

However, Zou Kaiqiang did not expect that Yu Danfeng had never found trouble along the way, but on the contrary, he showed enough respect and considerable consideration to himself. Although Yu Danfeng is not very famous in front of the national audience, she is also a well-known beauty on the stage. She went on a business trip with her, and Yu Danfeng had such an attitude. I still feel very comfortable. Zou Kaiqiang doesn't care what Yu Danfeng thinks. But as long as she can't be a thorn, it's enough.

Just after leaving the airport, Yu Danfeng was about to stop a taxi, but Zou Kaiqiang stopped her. "Someone is coming to pick her up." As soon as Zou Kaiqiang finished his words, a brand-new Mercedes-Benz quietly slid in front of them. The driver quickly got out of the car and ran over to ask, "Is it reporter Zou and reporter Yu from the capital?"

"Hello, I'm Zou Kaiqiang. This is my colleague Yu Danfeng. Zou Kaiqiang said that before coming to Gunan this time, a leader specially introduced a friend to him. He said that when he was in Gu Nan, he could ask this friend to solve anything. There are many friends and many ways. For journalists, friends can always be increased. His task is to complete the interview in the station, and others naturally want to use his identity as a reporter of [China] CCTV to achieve some other purposes, which are mutual use and cooperation.

Zou Kaiqiang is not very impressed by such a thing. His identity is very **, especially after the following. Many things, if you come forward, you may not be able to get what you want. But he also has his own principles. He can help each other, but he can't turn black and white upside down. If he doesn't even have the minimum conscience of a journalist, it will be difficult for him to survive in this industry in the future.

The driver looked very capable. He took their luggage and put it in the rear compartment, trotted into the car. The car slid out at once. Yu Danfeng looked at all this calmly. She saw Zou Kaiqiang sitting in the back and opened the front door and got in. Although she is very surprised now, her face is neither revealed nor her mouth asks. This time I came out to study and observe. For the interview, it is enough to have Zou Kaiqiang.

The car drove very fast all the way. After entering the city, Yu Danfeng found that it was neither a government agency nor a hotel, but a private club located in the downtown area. The environment here is quiet, the trees are green, and the grass is green. There can be such a place in the downtown, just like a paradise. Yu Danfeng knows that places like this will definitely not be open to the public. It must be a membership system like the Chang'an Club.

Although Zou Kaiqiang and Yu Danfeng were not members of this Xiangshan Club, when they walked in under the driver's leadership, the waiter inside did not ask, but smiled and greeted them, and helped the driver move their luggage to their respective rooms.

Although Yu Danfeng came to Gunan for the first time, Chudu and Muchuan were still very different. This time, they were arranged to make an unannounced visit to Muchuan. According to the regulations, they should rush to Muchuan quickly after getting off the plane. But now Zou Kaiqiang is ready to live here. If it were the original Yu Danfeng, I'm afraid she would have to break the casserole to ask the end. But now, Yu Danfeng just silently followed the waiter into his room.

As soon as she entered the room, the phone at the head of the bed rang. She picked it up and listened to it. It was Zou Kaiqiang who called. Zou Kaiqiang told her that she would rest here for one night tonight and then go to Muchuan tomorrow morning. He told Yu Danfeng to rest early in the evening, so he would not have dinner with her. He asked her to call the restaurant to order a meal.

Although this Xiangshan club is not big, Yu Danfeng knows that the level of this club is not low. It smells like the four congresses in the capital. Just now, I saw that the decoration here is very exquisite, and the waiters here are also polite, neither humble nor arrogant, which is absolutely no less than the waiters in the Chang'an Club.

Yu Danfeng didn't want to cause any trouble to this interview. She didn't go to the restaurant for dinner. She called and ordered two dishes she liked to eat. In addition, there were several specialties here, and she also ordered a bottle of red wine. Although she didn't ask Zou Kaiqiang how to reimburse the consumption here, she also knows that the consumption here will never be reimbursed to the station, and there is no need for Zou Kaiqiang to pay a penny by himself. Since someone pays for it, why do you have to treat yourself badly?

Just when eating, she has been hesitating whether she should call Yan Ruiling. Zou Kaiqiang obviously has his arrangement at night, so relatively speaking, she can also be active. Not to mention going to Yan Ruiling's place, let Yan Ruiling come here to chat with him. It should be no problem.

Yu Danfeng picked up the phone several times, but in the end she gave up. I came to Chudu this time for work, and the place of work is still in Kikawa. He informed Yan Ruiling, which meant that he also told Zhu Daidong that if Muchuan was prepared, he would lose the meaning of an unannounced visit. Yu Danfeng is deep in his heart and also wants to see what the actual situation of Muchuan is.

In the end, after taking a shower and applying beauty cream to himself, Yu Danfeng fell into a deep sleep. Sleep is very important for a woman. Since you want to put your work first, you should refresh yourself and prepare for the work in the next few days.

When Zou Kaiqiang came back, Yu Danfeng didn't know. She only knew that after eight o'clock the next morning, when she saw Zou Kaiqiang, his eyes were red. Obviously, he didn't get enough sleep last night. And Zou Kaiqiang's footsteps fluctuated. It seems that he should have drunk a lot last night. Although she was curious, Yu Danfeng silently abided by her own principles. She didn't ask what she shouldn't ask, and didn't say what she shouldn't say. Even today's arrangement, she has been waiting for Zou Kaiqiang's arrangement.

"Yu Danfeng, let's go to Muchuan in the morning." After Zou Kaiqiang saw Yu Danfeng, he took the initiative to say. He did go to socialize last night. The program arranged by the other party was very "rich". In fact, he just came back. Originally, I wanted to take a day off in Chudu today, but after all, it was the first time to come out with Yu Danfeng. Although she showed great respect for herself along the way, who knows what she thought in her heart?

" OK, I'll get ready right away." Yu Danfeng nodded and said softly. If someone didn't know, she would think she was Zou Kaiqiang's secretary. From yesterday's departure from the capital until now, she has performed more than the secretary.

Originally, Yu Danfeng thought that it was best to take the train to Kikawa, at least the shuttle bus, so that he could get the first-hand information of Kikawa. For a reporter, when he wants to get the [real] news, he must get along with the broad masses of the people. Isn't there a saying that the gold cup and silver cup are not as good as the reputation of ordinary people. If the people say that you are a good cadre, you must be a good cadre in integrity. If the people say that this government is good, then this government must also be a government that is wholehearted to the people.

To her surprise, she still took a small car to go to Kikawa, and the driver was the same as yesterday's driver, but the car was replaced by an ordinary Santana. Yu Danfeng knew that this was to hide people's eyes and ears. After all, I'm afraid there are not many Mercedes-Benz cars in the whole Muchuan now. Yesterday's Mercedes-Benz, once it entered Kikawa, was very conspicuous and easy to be recognized.

As soon as he got on the car, Zou Kaiqiang fell on the back seat. Before the car drove out of the city, Yu Danfeng, who was sitting on the co-pilot, could hear him snoring slightly. Yu Danfeng thought that Zou Kaiqiang didn't know whether to socialize or socialize last night. He must have paid a lot of effort.

Yu Danfeng didn't say anything all the way. The driver wanted to talk to Yu Danfeng very much, but as soon as he wanted to open his mouth, he saw Yu Danfeng turning around and looking out of the window, so he had to finish it. Yu Danfeng is not unwilling to talk to this driver. As a reporter, she is very good at using her appearance. However, Zou Kaiqiang lay in the back. If he knew that he was inexploring his whereabouts in Chudu, would it be against his original intention?

After entering the urban area of Muchuan City, Yu Danfeng soon began to watch the scenery of the street outside. The manager of the city is Zhu Daidong. Under his rule, how do the people of Muchuan live well? How are you doing? Compared with Chudu, the streets of Muchuan are separated by several grades. The main streets of Chudu have been expanded, and high-rise buildings are being built everywhere in the city.

However, except for the hospital that has already started every now and then, it is rare to see the construction in the city. The only thing that surprised Yu Danfeng was that almost half of Muchuan's buses were brand-new. And from her point of view all the way, there are more buses in Kagawa, and you can see the bus stop after all.

PS: This book has another "author endorsement" function. Friends who like to play games can go in and have a look. I heard it's not bad.

The monthly ticket has fallen into a ranking. Ask for two monthly tickets to rush up. Today, I can try my best to repay everyone.