Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1474 Pride and Happiness

Yu Danfeng and Zou Kaiqiang went to a school called Xiangsi Middle School in the morning, and they didn't know where Zou Kaiqiang knew about this school. Starting from Muchuan City, I first arrived at the county seat below, and then transferred to the bus. After taking it for nearly an hour, I walked for more than ten minutes before I finally arrived here.

The school is not big and the conditions are very simple. There is only a two-story teaching building, and all the students and teachers are crowded in this teaching building. As for the laboratory and reading room, you don't have to think about it. As for sports facilities, except for two bare basketball racks on the playground, there is not even a table tennis table. However, after learning some basic information in the school, Yu Danfeng found that the conditions of the school were improving. On the opposite side of the teaching building, the foundation is being tucked across the playground. According to the principal, the new teaching building will be completed in half a year and will be put into use in the first semester of next year.

This time, Zou Kaiqiang followed Yu Danfeng not to interview the teaching conditions of the school, but to know the implementation of Muchuan's teacher salary subsidy. Grass-roots schools such as Xiangsi Middle School are basically rural children, and the school's teachers, private teachers and substitute teachers certainly account for a considerable proportion. How much salary they can get every month is what they want to know most.

When it comes to teachers' salaries, the principal is proud to introduce that they have received double wages for several months. Now, the income level of school teachers is relatively high in the whole township or even the whole county. For grassroots schools, they can actually get a full salary. They are very satisfied. And the government subsidizes the country's equal salary. This makes them feel that they are tightly surrounded by happiness. The current income is equivalent to three times the original. How can this not make them excited?

It was difficult for teachers in the school to find a partner. Female teachers are better. After all, it is not a problem for them to support themselves with their salary. But for male teachers, if they want to find a girlfriend, they must find a job, otherwise they can't support a family with their meager salary. But if there is a working woman, how can she marry a teacher? Therefore. It is difficult for male teachers in the school to find a girlfriend.

Every year, because of this situation, young teachers go out to work. They teach in private schools in coastal areas, and their salaries are much better than that of their families. But since Kikawa began to implement the teacher salary subsidy policy. All the teachers in other places ran back. According to the regulations of the Education Bureau, teachers who are not allowed to teach will be expelled.

"Do private teachers and substitute teachers also have such treatment?" Yu Danfeng asked, and when she saw the heartfelt happiness between the headmaster's eyebrows, she was very emotional. However, she is more concerned about the actual treatment of private teachers and substitute teachers. These two groups of teachers are very special in China. They are the products of a special period. In actual teaching, they do no less than formal teachers, but the salary is only one-third, or even less. Is Kikawa really willing to improve the income of these two groups? Even if you have this idea above. Can it be implemented below?

"Of course, now there are no private teachers in our school. Soon, the title of substitute teacher will disappear in our school, even in the whole city." The principal replied complicently that he had taught for a lifetime and had been a principal for more than ten years. They all said that it was a hundred-year plan and education-oriented, but only since this year. Only then did he really feel the importance the people's government attaches to education.

"Why?" Zou Kaiqiang said in surprise that the more he went to the grassroots level, the larger such a group would be. According to his experience of interviewing in other places, he learned like this. Private teachers and substitute teachers will account for about 30%. But now the principal told them that there were no private teachers in this school. And soon the substitute teachers will disappear in the whole city. How is that possible?

"This is the above requirement. According to the spirit of the relevant documents in the city, all private teachers in the city must be converted to regular teachers. By last month, all six private teachers in our school have been converted to public teachers. This is what they have been looking forward to for more than ten years, but it suddenly came true. To be honest, as soon as this policy came out, my job as a principal was much easier to do. Substitute teachers will also obtain relevant qualifications within five years, which is a mandatory requirement, but after not obtaining the qualification of public teachers, they will also enjoy the treatment of public teachers, and the monthly salary is the same. The principal said that according to the current situation of their school, there is no shortage of teachers at all.

It turned out that the school could not keep teachers, especially young teachers. After being assigned to the school for less than two years, they went out to work. And now teachers in other places want to sharpen their heads and squeeze in. In such a place, you can get double the salary of regular teachers. According to the local consumption level, it is at least equivalent to at least five times the salary in coastal areas.

"That is to say, private teachers must be forced to become public teachers, and substitute teachers need to pass the assessment before they can become public teachers?" Zou Kaiqiang asked in surprise that such a policy is of course very popular with these teachers, but will it cause resistance from those public teachers? You know, they have worked hard to get a staff. But now, those private teachers have almost unconditionally received a establishment.

"Yes." The headmaster said disapprovingly. From the perspective of teaching level, private teachers are no worse than public teachers, and even many private teachers are the top of the school's teaching.

"Do you think this policy is reasonable?" Zou Kaiqiang asked, as a reporter, he must not mix his attitude and ideas into the interview incident, but now Muchuan's policy really makes him a little confused. It is undeniable that such a policy has great benefits in improving the quality of teaching and increasing the sense of collective and honor of teachers. For this reason, education departments and government departments will spend a lot of intangible capital. In particular, the teacher's salary subsidy means that Kikawa will increase its fiscal expenditure by hundreds of millions every year. Is Kikawa's fiscal expenditure really so surplus?

"It should be more in line with the actual situation. At least in our school, all teachers are cheering about the city's policy." The principal said that private teachers are a special group. They pay no less than public teachers, but because of lack of staffing, their living standards have been below the average line.

"Can you take a look at your salary scale for the past few months?" Zou Kaiqiang asked again that the reason for choosing this school was completely random. It was not until this morning that he finally decided. He believes that even if Kigawa knew that he was going to come down for an interview, he could not do such a good job.

"Of course." The headmaster smiled and said that many people have paid attention to the payroll during this period.

After reading the salary scale, Zou Kaiqiang and Yu Danfeng have nothing to say. It should be said that Muchuan's teacher salary subsidy policy is very well implemented. Yu Danfeng knew that the interview task was basically over. Originally, she didn't have a good impression of Kikawa, but so far, her opinion has changed a little. Although the urban construction of Muchuan is not as good as that of other cities, it is unmatched by any other place in terms of people's livelihood. Free buses not only make the travel of the people of Muchuan convenient, but more importantly, they have a sense of superiority, which is given to them by the Mukcheon Municipal Government, or given to them by Zhu Daidong.

And today's interview at Xiangsi Middle School also made Yu Danfeng feel the principal's heartfelt pride and happiness. He said in the interview that now his job as a principal is much easier than before, and Yu Danfeng thinks it is right. As a principal, after the salary of teachers in the school doubles and all private teachers become public teachers, the school will inevitably be twisted into a rope from top to bottom. The new teaching building is under construction. At that time, the housing problem of teachers will be solved, and the teaching conditions of the school will be greatly improved. All teachers and students in the school are looking forward to the future of the school, and they will definitely support the principal's work very much.

"Principal, what is the dropout rate of your school?" Zou Kaiqiang suddenly asked.

"This semester is also much lower. It used to be almost 4%, but now it is less than 1%." The principal said that this data has always been a problem for him. The nine-year compulsory education is stipulated by the state, but due to the income level of rural families, many families have to spend a lot of money for that amount of tuition fees. It is not uncommon for schools to pay the tuition fees until one or two months after the start of school.

"Why?" Yu Danfeng asked curiously. Zou Kaiqiang's question just now made her a little dissatisfied. This interview is simply looking for Muchuan's question.

"It is also because of the low-income household policy implemented in the city this year. Now there is also low-income insurance in rural areas, and the evaluation of low-income households is very objective. As long as it is a low-income family, it can be evaluated." The principal said with a smile, although the low-income household is only 60 yuan per person per month, in the countryside, with this 60 yuan, it can also ensure the most basic life. Not to mention that the food is good, at least they will not be hungry.

And as low-income people, they are either due to physical reasons or because of the disaster, including serious illness at home. A family, because someone suddenly becomes seriously ill, the situation of returning from the rich to poverty sometimes occurs in the countryside. Rural people have a very strong sense of family. Sometimes, they know that it is an incurable disease, but for the sake of that family affection, they still send the patient to the hospital, the whole family tightens their belts, and even go bankrupt, in order to the hope that has long disappeared.