Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1496 Judicial negligence

Although Zhu Daidong has been transferred to Muchuan, in Xu Qiang's mind, he still regards Zhu Daidong as his leader. And in addition to him, I'm afraid that many cadres in Chudu have ideas like Xu Qiang. Zhu Daidong only worked in Chudu for less than a year and a half, but his work style and attitude made many cadres and the masses remember him deeply. Now, Zhu Daidong has offered to cooperate with the Chudu Public Security Bureau and the Muchuan Public Security Bureau. Xu Qiang is naturally obliged to do so.

In the following period of time, the Chudu Public Security Bureau and the Muchuan Public Security Bureau jointly investigated several SMS fraud cases and made significant gains. But when dealing with these fraudsters, the two places have completely different attitudes. The judgment of the Chudu Court is generally sentenced to half a year to three years, because there is still a certain gap in the current law for SMS fraud, and the Chudu Court is mainly convicted of theft. As for the funds defrauded by those fraudsters, they can rarely be recovered. Although the case was solved, the victim's loss was not recovered.

And Muchuan is not the case. Zhu Daidong asked that the public security bureau would rather pay ten times than let those fraudsters get the money they cheated. For example, some people cheated 500,000 yuan. Now after being arrested, they are sentenced to five years, which will make them feel that it is worth going to prison. No matter how hard they go out to work, they can earn less than 100,000 yuan a year, right? Besides, they are in prison for five years, and they only need to stay in prison for four years to get out.

If this is the case, even if such a case is solved, it will have no deterrent effect on criminals, and even make others take them as role models. If so, then solve the case and be sentenced. What kind of purpose can be achieved? No purpose can be achieved! It is impossible for Zhu Daidong to destroy all the fraud gangs, but as long as it is a fraud gang related to the Kigawa people. He must get rid of it.

It was also a fraud and was caught by the Chudu Public Security Bureau. The sentence of three or five years is very serious. But in Kikawa. Once caught. If the amount is huge, the amount of fraud reaches more than 30,000 and more than 100,000, at least more than ten years. If the amount is particularly huge, the amount of fraud is more than 100,000 yuan, unless the stolen money is voluntarily returned. Otherwise, it is basically more than 15 years, and the first offender is generally life imprisonment. However, the situation encountered by Muchuan was basically not the case of taking the initiative to return the stolen clothes, all of which required the Muchuan public security police to forcibly collect the stolen clothes.

And if more than one million fraud gangs are defrauded, the leader may also be sentenced to death. Within a month, Kikawa knocked out 16 fraud gangs one after another. One of them was sentenced to death and executed immediately, and the other leader was suspended for two years. And 80% of all the stolen money of the fraud gangs, except for those squandered by them, was stolen.

Since then, Kikawa has not had such SMS fraud and telephone fraud cases for a long time. According to the confession of some fraudsters caught by the police in other places, they are now resolutely boycotting Kikawa's mobile phone number segment and will never send those fraudulent information to Kikawa. In addition, in the process of fraud, they usually get the victim's ID number. If they find that the other party is from Kikawa, they will resolutely not do "business".

Maybe Kikawa invested millions or even tens of millions of dollars in solving these SMS fraud cases, but if it can be replaced with such an effect, it is definitely worth it. For a long time, including after Zhu Daidong left Muchuan, many people wondered why SMS fraud and telephone fraud are always popular on TV and newspapers, but why people in Muchuan rarely receive this information in their mobile phones. Once they ask, the people of Kikawa will proudly tell them that whether they are in Kigawa or out of town, as long as someone dares to defraud them, they can report to the Kikawa Public Security Bureau. They dare not say that they will get 100% of the money back. At least 80% of the money is no problem.

It's only at this time that Zhu Daidong did not realize that what he is doing now can make the people of Muchuan enjoy security for many years. Zhu Daidong consciously put Xu Lifeng in charge of these text message winning fraud cases. As a new deputy mayor, what Xu Lifeng needs to do most is to establish his prestige. It is a good way to preside over the seizure of such cases.

But to Zhu Daidong's surprise, when the cadres and masses of Muchuan talked about these SMS fraud cases, they would either mention the Muchuan Public Security Bureau. As for Xu Lifeng, they were basically ignored. This makes him a little worried. Whether Xu Lifeng can do well in the future depends on the time he has just been in office.

Therefore, when Xu Lifeng reported to him in Yangling County that the detainee escaped because of the negligence of two public officials in the county detention center, Zhu Daidong believed that this was Xu Lifeng's opportunity.

Hu Qiuhe, male, 32 years old, deputy director of Yangling County Detention Center, Shao Sufen, female, 27 years old, police officer of Yangling County Detention Center. On the 22nd of last month, Hu Qiuhe and Shao Sufen were assigned by the unit to escort four criminals, including Tian and Li, to the Gunan Provincial Department of Shaoguan and Yangguan Prison respectively.

When working, the criminal Li was initially diagnosed with anemia and hepatitis by the Xinlu Hospital of Gunan Province, and the provincial edeminology office refused to accept it. At this time, it was about 19 o'clock in the evening. Without asking the leaders of the county detention center, Hu Qiuhe decided to escort the two criminals, Tian and Li, who had not been put to work, back to the office that night. According to Shao Sufen's later instructions, she originally reminded Hu Qiuhe to ask the director of the detention center, but Hu Qiuhe made a decision on the spot, and he, the deputy director, had the right to decide this matter.

After getting on the car from the provincial decimport, Tian and Li said that the handcuffs were too tight and asked to loosen them. Hu Qiuhe handed the handcuff keys through the cage fence to the two criminals to let them loosen themselves, but the two criminals took the opportunity to open the handcuffs. When they returned to the vicinity of Jiahui Supermarket on Wanjia North Road, Chu City, Hu Qiuhe and Zou Qiaoyan discussed parking to buy some medicine for the criminal Li. So he parked the car under the nearby overpass. Hu Qiuhe, Shao Sufen and the driver Guo Jingmin got out of the car together, locked the door, and left the prison car to handle the negotiation.

When the criminals Tian and Li saw that there was no one in charge, they suddenly had the idea of escaping. Li looked at people. Tian used his feet to open the small door in front of the cage, that is, he got out of the small door and opened the car door to escape. About ten minutes later, Hu Qiuhe, Shao Sufen and Guo Jingmin returned to the car and found that the two criminals had escaped. They immediately arrested them and reported the situation to the director Wen Jiehui. Wen Jiehui immediately reported to the relevant leaders of the Yangling County Public Security Bureau, and then carried out the arrest work in accordance with the unified deployment of the County Public Security

After Xu Lifeng arrived in Yangling County, there was no progress in the arrest work. There was no news from Li and Tian, as if the world had evaporated. It has been more than half a month since this incident. If Xu Lifeng hadn't overheard this case, I'm afraid no one would have paid attention to it again.

" Li Feng, you can deal with this matter by yourself. On behalf of the municipal government, I will make a statement and fully support your opinion." Zhu Daidong said firmly without even listening to Xu Lifeng's report. This case was discovered by Xu Lifeng himself, and it is most appropriate for him to deal with it at full authority.

"Mayor Zhu, this matter involves Comrade Lu Fanxin..." Xu Lifeng said as he wanted to say.

"Comrade Li Feng, no matter who is involved, this matter must be found out. There is no need to catch up the escaped criminals just because some leading comrades are involved, right?" Zhu Daidong said lightly that Comrade Lu Fanxin mentioned by Xu Lifeng is the secretary of the county party committee of Yangling County. Isn't it better? The more high-level leading cadres are involved, the more it can reflect Xu Lifeng's prestige.

"Yes, I will deal with it according to Mayor Zhu's instructions." Xu Lifeng said that he did not realize that this case would play an important role for him, but listening to Zhu Daidong's tone, this case had to be handled by himself. Can't he give himself some advice?

Xu Lifeng was supposed to leave after waiting for a day in Yangling County, but because of this dereliction of duty, the detainee escaped the case, he temporarily wanted to stay in Yangling County for another day. He has instructed the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and the Director of the County Public Security Bureau of Yangling County to chase the escaped criminal back in the shortest time. At the same time, the county procuratorate should prosecute the on-the-job Hu Qiuhe and Shao Sufen!

In the evening, Xu Lifeng called Wei Lulang, who had been transferred to the Provincial Propaganda Department as the executive vice minister and enjoyed the treatment of cadres at the department level. In recent years, Zhu Daidong and Wei Lulang have been promoted. Naturally, Zhu Daidong was the fastest to be promoted. When he first met Zhu Daidong, Zhu Daidong had the lowest level, only the deputy county magistrate of Yuhua County, but now, Zhu Daidong is the first to enjoy the treatment of department-level cadres.

Originally, Xu Lifeng and Zhu Daidong were friends who talked about everything, but because they are now in a relationship between superiors and subordinates, he can't talk to Zhu Daidong about some words. He called Wei Lulang and just wanted to hear his opinion. He had just served as the deputy mayor, which was another specific matter, which also involved Lu Fanxin, the county party secretary of Yangling County. Let's not talk about whether we can seriously investigate and deal with this case. Even if we can really investigate and deal with it seriously, will Yangling County cooperate with its work in the future?

" Lifeng, didn't Daidong tell you? I fully support your opinion, so no matter what you think, you just need to do it seriously. As for the consequences, everything has Daidong. And I suggest that you deal with this dereliction of duty seriously. This is the first case you have encountered since you became the deputy mayor, and it should be started. Whether you can gain a foothold in Kikawa in the future depends on how you deal with this case. Wei Lulang's experience is much richer than Xu Lifeng's. Although he has never done political and legal work, he has never seen a pig run. Haven't he ever eaten pork?

PS: It's half a month. Do you still have the monthly ticket in your hand? There is still one monthly ticket to catch up with the previous one, and the later monthly ticket is on the same as the big one. The situation is very critical. Please give me a monthly ticket. It's urgent!!