Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1632 Disrupting the itinerary

Before Zhu Daidong took office, he went to Jiao County to meet the place where the traffic policeman Zhao Zhixuan was called Wupu'ao. When Gong Wendao reported to Zhu Daidong, he especially mentioned the position of Wupu'ao.

"Secretary Zhu, Wupu Pass is located at 164 kilometers and 300 meters of Jiuwu National Highway. It is high in the south and low in the north. The slope is a little eight kilometers long, the slope is 15 meters wide, and the slope is 45 degrees. This section is the steepest slope and the most dangerous road section in Jiao County, the Recently, according to the requirements of the Municipal Public Security Bureau's "Caring for Life - Safe Traffic" Competition Activity for Accident Prevention, Wupuao Squadron has increased the control and density of key road sections and key periods in the jurisdiction, especially for speeding, overceding, overloading, fatigue driving, drunk driving, license-related licenses, as well as Serious traffic violations such as illegally carrying people have been investigated and dealt with. When the staff of Wupuao Squadron punish illegal vehicles, according to the relevant provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, the amount of fines for illegal acts of motor vehicles is also different, more than 20 yuan, less than 200 yuan, 24-hour safety inspection of all vehicles passing through the road section, and illegal vehicles The investigation and punishment of vehicles are carried out in accordance with the plan, and there is no phenomenon of arbitrarily stopping and imposing fines. In addition, about the traffic jam on this section of the road: First, the Wupu North Bridge is under repair recently, and it can only pass in one direction; second, the slope of this section is long, steep or slow at night, which is easy to cause traffic jams in the case of many vehicles. The traffic jam is not caused by the traffic police's inspection of After reading it carefully, he could almost recite it all without looking at it. Although it was an excuse, he thought that he said it well. Even if Zhu Daidong went to Wupu Pass to inspect it now, he couldn't see it.

Ke Gong asked how to know. It's okay if he didn't open his mouth. As soon as he opened his mouth, Zhu Daidong could immediately know whether what he said was true or not. But Zhu Daidong's position is extraordinary, even if he knows that Gong Wendao is full of trains. I can only suppress my anger in my heart. Not to mention that someone lies to him in front of him, even if those opponents are in front of him, there will be nothing strange on his face.

Zhu Daidong affirmed the work of Jiao County and also gave a certain evaluation. But he is concerned about the speed of economic development in Jiao County. I'm still a little worried. In this regard, both Gong Wendao and Pang Tiande are determined to state that the economic growth rate of Jiao County this year should not only break through last year, but also break the previous record. Of course, such achievements must be achieved under the correct leadership of the municipal party committee. Otherwise, with the power of a county in Jiao County, it is also beyond the heart.

For such flattery, Zhu Daidong's ears have been cocooned during this period. Just as he used to do, such words are just "work terms". If anyone is serious, he will appear retarded.

Zhu Daidong's speech was not as high as expected. Gong Wendao can also understand. After listening to the report, Zhu Daidong asked to go below to have a look, but the personnel of the four major teams in Jiao County. You don't have to follow them all. As the head of the county party committee, Gong Wendao naturally wanted to accompany Zhu Daidong. For Gong Wendao, accompanying Zhu Daidong's inspection was his most important job. On the county government side, Zhu Daidong only named Xiao Lingfeng, and other county government leaders, including Pang Tiande, returned to work at Zhu Daidong's request. As for the leaders of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, there is naturally no need to accompany Zhu Daidong to inspect.

Such an arrangement is not unexpected. Xiao Lingfeng just came down from the city. It is said that it was arranged by Zhu Daidong himself. This time, the name was accompanied by Xiao Lingfeng, which also had a political purpose. Xiao Lingfeng has been working in the office. When he was Zeng Songru's secretary, he seemed to know the situation at the grassroots level very well. But when he really came into contact with grassroots work, he found that there was really a great distance between reality and imagination. If it hadn't been for the brand of Zhu Daidong on his body now, I'm afraid that his work as the executive deputy county magistrate is really not easy to carry out.

Jiao County is rich in resources and is the largest county in the province. It is also a large grain-producing county, a large pig county and a famous hometown of shiitake mushrooms and Huilan. It is well-known at home and abroad for its special agricultural products such as edible fungi, nectarines, honey dates, tea, orchids, The forest resources are abundant, the forest coverage rate is 50%, and the accumulation of living standing trees is nearly 10 million cubic meters, accounting for about one-twentieth of the province. It is rich in mineral resources, including more than 40 kinds of minerals such as gold, iron, barite and potassium feldspar, among which barite reserves are the largest in the province and the quality is the highest in the country.

Zhu Daidong arrived at the office of the Jiao County Party Committee at 8:10, including listening to Gong Wendao's report and his speech. The whole meeting was less than an hour. This kind of efficiency makes Jiao County a little uncomfortable. The original arrangement was to go to the hotel for dinner immediately after the report meeting. But it's only nine o'clock now. If you go to the hotel at this time, wouldn't it be obvious that Zhu Daidong would be scolded? In fact, it's not a bad thing to be reprimanded by the leader, but if you are reprimanded for being incomiliating, it's a little bad.

Seeing that Zhu Daidong had taken the lead in leaving the conference room, Gong Wendao immediately discussed with Pang Tiande urgently and arranged the afternoon schedule in the morning. Moreover, the reception banquet at noon cannot be held in accordance with the order, and can only be postponed to the evening. Fortunately, it's still early, and everything can be arranged.

"Secretary Zhu, shall we go to the Public Security Bureau first?" Gong Wendao took a few steps to chase Zhu Daidong's side and asked in a low voice.

"Let's go to the development zone first." Zhu Daidong said that although he had named the public security bureau, it did not mean that he would put this matter first. This time he came down to inspect the work, mainly to have an intuitive understanding of the situation of Jiao County and Shuichang City. Although he has a general understanding of the situation of Jiao Sui City before, it is only based on documents and his own private research. The positive inspection will sometimes be very official, but Zhu Daidong can also learn a lot of information that cannot be understood in other ways.

In the Jiaoxian Economic Development Zone, Zhu Daidong mainly inspected the textile industrial park, plastic weaving industrial park and auto parts industrial park. These industrial parks are still doing well, and they are also the key industries that Jiao County is preparing to develop. However, after reading them, Zhu Daidong's eyebrows have not been relaxed, which makes Gong Wendao very uneasy.

"Comrade Gong Wendao, I remember there is a mushroom industrial park in Jiao County, right?" Zhu Daidong asked casually after leaving the auto parts industrial park. These industrial parks are also in urban areas, and Zhu Daidong has also inspected them. Naturally, the scale of Jiao County cannot be compared with that of urban areas. No matter how good it is, it can't make Jiao County's economy better. RS