Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1722 coveted

Zhu Daidong gave Huo Dingping a total of six detoxification pills, but after Huo Dingping used two, the toxins in his body were basically drained. However, Huo Dingping took it all in accordance with the principle of more and better. In fact, since he took detoxification pills for the first time in Zhu Daidong's office, he has never taken drugs again.

Since Huo Dingping was addicted to drugs, he only needed to smoke once a week, and then became 30% once a day, and now he needs to smoke twice a day. A week ago, he went to Zhu Daidong's office and wanted to smoke it first. But that afternoon, he was so nervous that he forgot about it, so he became addicted to drugs in front of Zhu Daidong.

In fact, when Huo Dingping woke up the next day, he was very ashamed. After all, he had a drug addiction in front of Zhu Daidong, which was a very embarrassing thing. Unexpectedly, Zhu Daidong not only did not blame him at all, but also gave him detoxification pills. When he took it for the first time, he thought it was just a coincidence, but after a week, he finally believed that the detoxification pills Zhu Daidong gave him were a real panacea.

In the past, Huo Dingping might have barely been able to do it without taking drugs for more than ten hours, but it was unimaginable for him not to touch drugs for a week. Huo Dingping believes that his drug rehabilitation operation has been very successful, and at least he has achieved phased results.

"Secretary Zhu, I would like to report to you on the list of members of the Water Group." Huo Dingping said that he and Zhu Daidong have established a new relationship because of detox pills. This relationship is not like the relationship between Huo Dingping and Fei Xuyu. Although there are no restrictions, it is more solid.

" OK, come here." Zhu Daidong said that Huo Dingping's situation in the past few days is getting better and better day by day, and his attitude towards himself is also becoming more and more respectful day by day. This made Zhu Daidong very gratified. There was no need to start from the outside to solve Fei Xuyu's Iron Triangle Group.

At the request of Zhu Daidong, Jiao Sui Water Group was newly established on the basis of the original Jiao Sui Water Supply Company, Urban Water Supply Company, Jiao County Water Supply Company, Shuichang City Water Supply Company, Yushan Water Supply Company, Jiao Sui Water Supply Company and other companies in the city. A wholly state-owned corporate enterprise led by the Municipal Construction Bureau, led by the Drainage Management Office and the Municipal Water Supply Company. It is directly directed and regulated by the municipal government, and is responsible for the city's water diversion, water supply, sewage treatment and water reuse and other water-related affairs.

"Secretary Zhu, regarding the chairman of the Water Group, we now have three candidates. Wang Yanhui of the municipal water supply company, Shi Yiyong of the Drainage Management Office of the Construction Bureau, and Minghe of the Education Bureau. Huo Dingping said that Guan Minghe is the cadre he added to the assessment privately. Zhu Daidong and Luo Meilan are college classmates, and the whole Jiao Sui City is well known. Huo Dingping is a person who repays kindness. He no longer wants to have anything to do with Fei Xuyu. Naturally, he can only think about it from Zhu Daidong's point of view.

"Gun Minghe? He is a cadre of the Education Bureau. Is he qualified for the work of the Water Group? Zhu Daidong frowned slightly and said. He has personally reviewed Guan Minghe's files and has been working in the education system, and has no water-related work experience at all.

"It's man-made. No one is born to be a leader." Huo Dingping smiled and said. China's leading cadres are easy to be. As long as they don't make political mistakes, there will be basically no problems. Of course, if you want to make achievements, you must be knowledgeable and courageous.

"Gun Minghe will no longer think about it. Please introduce the other two comrades." Zhu Daidong said that Shi Yiyong and Wang Yanhui are both related to water affairs. Let them serve as the new head of the water group, at least they will not do the affairs of lay leaders.

No matter where it is, it is always the personnel arrangement that affects everyone's nerves. As soon as Zhu Daidong made a plan to set up a water group, it soon became the focus of the whole city. The members of the leadership team of the new water group have touched the hearts of countless people. As a wholly state-owned enterprise and a deputy department-level unit under the direct leadership of the municipal government, many people naturally cove on it.

And the most nervous ones are naturally Shi Yiyong and Wang Yanhui as the parties. They are now all section-level cadres. Once they can take charge of the water group, it is not only a matter of promotion, but also a matter of being able to control the city's water affairs. For them, it is a new starting point for their career.

After learning that he was already the object of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Wang Yanhui immediately visited the director of the Construction Bureau. Without the recommendation of the Director of Construction, it is impossible for him, the city's water company, to enter the vision of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee. But Wang Yanhui also knows whether he can serve as the chairman of the Water Group, and the Construction Bureau has no say. The Water Group was proposed by Secretary Zhu. If you can't get Secretary Zhu's approval, I'm afraid it won't work hard.

But to Wang Yanhui's frustration, he contacted Xi Wenxuan several times to report the work of the city's water company to Secretary Zhu, but he did not get consent. As the secretary of Jiao Sui's municipal party committee, Zhu Daidong has to see a lot of people every day. How can he get a small section-level cadre? But what Wang Yanhui didn't expect was that he contacted Xi Wenxuan several times, but there was no result, but Fei Xuyu's secretary took the initiative to call him. Fei Xuyu wanted to listen to the work report of the water company, which made him overjoyed.

"Mayor Fei." Wang Yanhui half leaned into Fei Xuyu's office and said humbly. It is naturally a great honor to be received by Fei Xuyu. Although Fei Xuyu is fighting fiercely with Zhu Daidong now, and I heard that Fei Xuyu seems to be at a disadvantage, what does the high-level fight in the city have to do with himself? As long as Fei Xuyu supports himself, Zhu Daidong may not give in.

"Xiao Wang is here. Come and sit down." Fei Xuyu waved his hand and said with a smile. The recent situation in the city has made him very depressed. It is said that the water group is under the direct leadership of the municipal government, and the person in charge must be nominated by the municipal government. However, Zhu Daidong asked the organization department to inspect the cadres, and what made him even more sad was that Huo Dingping completely followed Zhu Daidong's instructions.

Although Huo Dingping also asked for his own opinions in advance when selecting candidates, he was not very satisfied with the candidates provided by the Organization Department. Needless to say, Guan Minghe said that the reason why Huo Dingping put him on the inspection list was obviously to flatter Zhu Daidong. When did Huo Dingping become so slippery? And Shi Yiyong also made Fei Xuyu very angry. It's not that he has a preced opinion about Shi Yiyong, but because of Shi Yiyong's family background, he and Shi Lirong, Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, are cousins. Although Shi Lirong has never recognized her relatives in such a matter, she is not sure that Zhu Daidong will give Shi Lirong face. RS