Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1771 Best Candidate

When Gong Wendao of Jiao County learned that Shuichang City was already operating the traditional Chinese medicine planting base, he found that his awareness was still too low.

Pharmaceutical factories need limited raw materials every year. Since Shuichang City has a share of the soup, it means that there is one less meat in the coke-sui bowl.

"Comrade Xiao Lingfeng, has the plan of the traditional Chinese medicine planting base in our county been reviewed by the city?" Gong Wen called Xiao Lingfeng to his office and asked.

"I have communicated with Comrade Shi Feng, and the city also intends to put the Chinese medicine base in our county.

Secretary Gong, is there something wrong? Xiao Lingfeng asked that he was mainly responsible for the agricultural economy in the county. This year, he was still very satisfied with his work. Under his leadership, the whole county was dominated by Changgang Township Mushroom Industrial Park, which pushed the county's characteristic economy to a new **.

Especially after taking the line of Changlongda, the shiitake mushrooms in Jiao County have rushed abroad and gone to the world.

This year, the main foreign exchange-generating task of Jiao Sui will also be undertaken by shiitake mushrooms. This year, the province's foreign exchange-generating task for Jiao Sui's city is 12 million US dollars, while the city has only given Jiao Sui only 1.5 million US dollars.

In the second half of this year, the export of shiitake mushrooms alone has reached an output value of 6 million US dollars, which greatly exceeds the tasks assigned by the city.

"You may not know that Shuichang City is also preparing to build a traditional Chinese medicine planting base, and all the traditional Chinese medicine is given to the municipal pharmaceutical factory."

Gong asked leisurely.

"What? Secretary Gong, I'm going to the city right away.

Xiao Lingfeng said that the last time Zeng Songru went to the city to inspect the work, he accompanied him in the city. During this period, he proposed to Zhu Daidong to engage in the cultivation of traditional Chinese medicine in Jiao Sui.

Later, after Shi Feng was transferred to the pharmaceutical factory as the director of the factory, he specially reported his work to Zhu Daidong, specifically talking about the Jiao Sui traditional Chinese medicine base, and he also reached his intention with Shi Feng.

Why did you suddenly let Shuichang City get involved?

"Good, Comrade Xiao Lingfeng, the traditional Chinese medicine planting base plays a pivotal role in the economic development of our county. I won't say anything superfluous. You have to take this task as a political task, and you must complete it."

Gong asked and said solemnly.

"Secretary of the Palace, please rest assured.

I will do my best to complete the task resolutely.

Xiao Lingfeng firmly said that the county has long discussed the importance of the traditional Chinese medicine planting base, not to mention the economic interests, which is of great political significance.

The county's work must be carried out around the city. The detoxification pills produced by the pharmaceutical factory are the formula provided by Zhu Daidong. Even if the pharmaceutical factory does not make a penny in the future, the traditional Chinese medicine planting base will also support Secretary Zhu's work.

Xiao Lingfeng quickly rushed to the city, and he contacted Shi Feng on the way.

After the car entered the city, it went straight to the city's pharmaceutical factory.

The gate of the pharmaceutical factory is tall and powerful, and there is a horizontal ridge on the two large stone pillars, but it is in disrepair and a little gray, as if telling someone about the glory of the past.

The pharmaceutical factory has a two-story office building. There are not many rooms, but they are all-equipped.

The house on the east side of the second floor is the former factory director's office, which is now used by Shi Feng.

Maybe I heard the sound of the car below.

Shi Feng walked out of the office and stretched out his head outside the corridor. Seeing that it was really a small car, no matter who was inside, he ran down.

"Welcome County Magistrate Xiao to visit and guide the work."

Shi Feng stretched out his doubles from afar and said enthusiastically.

Now he has long forgotten his identity as the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee.

I didn't even take the deputy department-level cadres seriously.

Today, Shi Feng only thinks about one thing. He is the director of the municipal pharmaceutical factory. He wants to take these more than 200 people out of the siege together, so that everyone can get rich as soon as possible.

"Shi...Factory director, you are my old leader.

Isn't this shabby for me?

Xiao Lingfeng smiled awkwardly. Shi Feng originally presided over the daily work of the Municipal Party Committee. Even if he served as Zeng Songru's secretary, Shi Feng was also his immediate boss.

"The past made him drift away with the wind. All I know is that he is the factory director here now."

Shi Feng said faintly that although he was downgraded by two levels, he worked harder in the pharmaceutical factory.

It turned out that when I was in the municipal party committee, although I had a high position of weight, I had to inject drugs every day. After each injection, although I was like a god, I was depressed after that.

After arriving at the pharmaceutical factory, without the fetters of drugs, his enthusiasm for work has soared, and his life is much fuller.

"Stone factory director, this time I'm mainly here for the traditional Chinese medicine planting base in Jiao County."

Xiao Lingfeng said bluntly that since Shi Feng had such an awareness, he did not have such a big ideological burden.

"No problem. The Jiao County Government mainly wants to help us solve the problem of raw material supply. We are grateful that it's too late. Let's talk about it in the office."

Shi Feng said happily that Shuichang City had intended to engage in a traditional Chinese medicine planting base before, but now looking at Xiao Lingfeng's meaning, it seems that he has to take it down.

Pharmaceutical factories suddenly have two raw material supply bases. After next year, at least there is no need to worry about the supply of raw materials.

The two used to be in the same unit, and they had communicated before. Now Xiao Lingfeng will talk about this matter again, and soon Shi Feng officially signed a contract with him.

As long as the soil quality and hydrological of Jiao County meet the requirements, the cultivation of Chinese medicinal materials can be officially started next month.

"Ling Feng, Secretary Zhu value the confidentiality of the planting base very much. Didn't your county formulate the relevant confidentiality system?" Shi Feng said that in fact, the soil conditions in Jiao County are very good. There are hills and mountainous areas everywhere, and it is born to be a treasure house of traditional Chinese medicine.

But if the planting base is miscarried because the confidentiality system is not done well, it will be a pity.

"Stone factory director, you have done research in Furong County in person, and you have to help us with advice in this regard."

Xiao Lingfeng took out a copy of the confidentiality code of the traditional Chinese medicine planting base he had booked from his bag.

"I don't dare to make a plan. Let's pick up the omissions."

Shi Feng took the secret code and said modestly.

Although he and Xiao Lingfeng are both deputy department-level cadres, Xiao Lingfeng's deputy department-level not only has a much greater future than him, but also the current power is unmatched by the director of his pharmaceutical factory.

Shi Feng did not hide his secrets, and he even took out the confidentiality system of Shuichang City for Xiao Lingfeng's reference.

Of course, Shi Feng also clearly told Xiao Lingfeng that the confidentiality system of Jiao County will also be used as a reference for Shuichang City.

"Ling Feng, Secretary Zhu attaches great importance to the confidentiality of the planting base. When he was the secretary of the county party committee in Furong County, he once asked a deputy secretary of the county party committee to serve as the director of the confidentiality bureau, and the confidentiality bureau was also separated from the county party committee office separately."

Shi Feng said that Zhu Daidong attaches great importance to the confidentiality of the planting base, which also shows that he attaches great importance to pharmaceutical factories.

"Stone factory director, I don't think it's enough for Jiao County and Shuichang City to communicate with each other. The city should take the lead and the two sides work together to formulate this confidentiality system."

After listening to Shi Feng's words, Xiao Lingfeng's heart moved and suddenly blurted out.

"I think this proposal is very feasible."

Shi Feng said happily that it seems that young people's brains are alive, and he has never thought of this problem.

As soon as Xiao Lingfeng left, Shi Feng went to the Municipal Party Committee to report this problem to Zhu Daidong.

After listening to Shi Feng's report, Zhu Daidong pondered for a long time, and he also agreed with Shi Feng's suggestions.

But Zhu Daidong also put forward a point of view: "It is not enough for Shuichang City to do it together with Jiao County. Your pharmaceutical factory should also be added. I think the department of the pharmaceutical factory that will be operated immediately is the factory security department.

The specifications of the security department of your factory can be higher, but the task is relatively heavy. If there is any problem in the future, I will be the first to take the head of the security department.

"No problem. The security department of our factory is a team with combat effectiveness and cohesion. I believe they will unswervingly complete the tasks assigned by the city."

Shi Feng said firmly.

"Comrade Shi Feng, I'm going to criticize you. The pharmaceutical factory is about to close down, and the factory's security department is alive. Where does the combat effectiveness and cohesion come from?" Zhu Daidong said with a little dissatisfaction that Shi Feng's starting point may be good. He wanted to quickly let the defense department form combat effectiveness after the promise, but he lost his attitude of seeking truth from facts.

"I didn't expect Secretary Zhu to know so much about the situation of the pharmaceutical factory. I will review it."

Shi Feng was blushed by Zhu Daidong's words. He didn't expect Zhu Daidong to know such a small thing at all.

"Comrade Shi Feng, you are an old comrade and a tested party member. I hope that the pharmaceutical factory can create glory again under your leadership."

Zhu Daidong said.

"Secretary Zhu, in fact, I'm afraid that you will worry. From today on, I will eat and live in the factory, and I believe that state-owned enterprises can't do those joint ventures!" Shi Feng gritted his teeth and said that now domestic state-owned pharmaceutical enterprises are basically at a loss, and only those joint ventures or even private enterprises can make profits.

"I'm glad that you have such a determination. After the confidentiality system is formulated, you can come and get the formula and strive to put detox pills on the market as soon as possible."

Zhu Daidong has no tinnitus this time. He is still very happy that Shi Feng can make such a resolution. After all, Shi Feng is more than 50 years old and will retire in a few years.

No matter how hard he works now, I'm afraid he will make wedding clothes for others in the future. He has such an awareness that he is worthy of an old party member.

"Secretary Zhu, I plan to set up a branch factory in Jiao County and Shuichang City. The militarized management of these two factories is dedicated to the preliminary work, and the current workshop will only do canning in the future."

Shi Feng said that he has consulted relevant experts. Products such as detoxification pills cannot directly make traditional Chinese medicine pills like Zhu Daidong, and should use capsules.

"I don't interfere in the specific operation, I only look at the results.

But the head of the security section of your factory, I can provide you with a choice, that is, Comrade Peng Jun, the former head of the security section, who was laid off a few years ago.

Zhu Daidong said that he is familiar with all the workers in the pharmaceutical factory. Thinking of the security department, Peng Jun may be the best person for the pharmaceutical factory to hold this position.

(To be continued.


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