Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1800 Straight up and out

In the evening, Fei Xuyu went to the Jiao Sui Hotel where Zhang Qingyuan lived. The inspection team arranged to stay there. Fei Xuyu made an appointment with Zhang Qingyuan in the restaurant. By the time he arrived, Zhang Qingyuan was already waiting for him. Zhang Qingyuan has a Chinese-character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his eyes are vivid, giving people a loyal and honest image. But in Fei Xuyu's opinion, it is more like awe-inspiring justice.

"Skip, Director Zhang, I'm sorry, I'm late." Fei Xuyu stretched out his hand from afar, held Zhang Qingyuan enthusiastically, and said with a smile. Although Zhang Qingyuan is only a deputy department-level cadre, there is still a certain gap with him. If it hadn't been for Zhang Qingyuan, who was also the head of the inspection team this time, the other party wanted to invite him to dinner, but he couldn't have invited him.

"It doesn't matter, Mayor Fei, please." Of course, Zhang Qingyuan won't let him say.

" Director Zhang, find a box." Fei Xuyu said with a smile, but he couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. No matter who he takes the initiative to apologize, the other party should always be humble. He said "It doesn't matter" directly. If you don't know Zhang Qingyuan's temper, I'm afraid he will have left at this time.

"No, let's eat here." Zhang Qingyuan pointed to the hall and said.

Since Fei Xuyu arrived at the municipal government, he really hasn't eaten in the restaurant hall of Jiao Sui Hotel, but for the sake of Zhang Qingyuan, he can only give in this time. When Zhang Qingyuan ordered the dishes, he only ordered three dishes and one soup, all of which were home-cooked dishes. Most importantly, he stated that he could not drink, which made Fei Xuyu helpless, and it became a real working meal.

"Mayor Fei, go to the room for a while." After dinner, Zhang Qingyuan invited him. The reason why he insisted on eating in the hall was actually meaningful. He didn't want to have anything to do with Fei Xuyu before the investigation was unconclusive.

In fact, Zhang Qingyuan rarely eats with local party and government leaders. With his bad temper, few people in the provincial bureau need to work with him. Especially after he served as a leading cadre, as long as he has an assignment, either someone else will go or he will lead him, and he will rarely be subdued. As long as he leads the team and refuses the invitation to the local leaders, there are few people like Fei Xuyu who want to have a meal with him. To put it in a bad way, no matter where he goes, he is treated like a plague.

Fei Yihong Baba rushed over. Naturally, he didn't really have a meal with Zhang Qingyuan, and when Zhang Qingyuan was eating, he didn't say a word, so he could only be in a hurry. Because Zhang Qingyuan was the leader of the inspection team, he arranged a separate suite. Zhang Qingyuan did not refuse such an arrangement.

"Mayor Fei, what kind of tea do you drink?" Zhang Qingyuan took the cup to the cabinet, looked at the ten kinds of high-end tea, and asked.

"Longjing, let's go." Fei Xuyu casually said that the tea here can't be bought casually in the market. Jiao Sui Hotel is a designated hospitality unit of the municipal party committee and the municipal government. Even now, there are many rooms that are not open to the public, such as the room where Zhang Qingyuan lives now.

"Mayor Fei, lead the direct drinking water to the guest room, and you are still the first." Zhang Qingyuan put the cup on the direct water dispenser on the wall, pressed the hot water switch, and said.

When Zhang Qingyuan first arrived at the room, he found that there was a different place here. There was no thermos or a kettle with boiling water in the room. Later, he found that there was such a direct drinking water dispenser on the wall, which could drink both cold water and hot water directly. Later, he specially consulted the waiter of the hotel and learned that this was a direct drinking water project carried out by Jiao Sui City. And in most families, there is also direct drinking water now.

Of course, Jiao Sui also retains ordinary tap water, but after hearing that, all the tap water in Jiao Sui will become direct drinking water, that is to say, as long as the faucet is turned on, you can drink clean drinking water.

"This was proposed by Secretary Daidong. It has not fully covered the urban area yet, and it will not be done until the first half of next year. Only in the year after next will all the counties and cities under our city be connected with tap water and direct drinking water. Fei Xuyu said that he had different opinions on the establishment of the water group at the beginning.

Now every household in the urban area can use a few tons of water for free, and the water group is a newly established department. How can the finance guarantee such a large investment? However, after the establishment of the Water Group, although financial investment is still needed, with the Water Group's several projects, especially preparing to produce its own pure water, the finances of the Water Group have been greatly eased.

"It didn't take long for me to get to Jiao Sui, but I often hear the name of Secretary Daidong. I also heard that from January, all buses in Jiao Sui City will be free, including the towns and villages below? Zhang Qingyuan said that although he refused Zhu Daidong's invitation, he had heard Zhu Daidong's name several times in less than a day. Moreover, Jiao Sui's cadres or the masses were full of respect when talking about Zhu Daidong, which surprised him.

"Yes, our city has added 1,800 new buses this year, and by next year, it will increase to 2,500. And according to the city's plan, from next year, the city's compulsory education will be free of charge, the school will also provide free breakfast and lunch, and teachers' salaries will be subsidized. Director Zhang, you can see that our city's fiscal revenue has exceeded 2 billion this year, but our city's fiscal revenue will continue to be tight next year. Fei Xuyu sighed and said.

At the beginning of these livelihood projects proposed by Zhu Daidong, he expressed his clear opposition. But now Zhu Daidong's situation is better than his, and he can only accept it under Zhu Daidong's insistent behavior. When these livelihood projects were really implemented, Fei Xuyu finally found that the happiness of the people was more important than financial difficulties. The last time he had a discussion with some democrats, they were quite satisfied with the measures of the municipal party committee and the municipal government this year, which was unimaginable in the past.

"Mayor Fei, it seems that you are very confident in the development of Jiao Sui?" Zhang Qingyuan said that although he only worked for a few hours today, he had basically been working on the statistical front for a long time. The economic data reported by Jiao Sui this year can be said to be the most accurate of all prefectures and cities in the province. Some conventional water was squeezed out. In the afternoon, when he talked to Su Qianfeng, the director of Jiao Sui City Statistics Bureau, he obviously felt it.

"Of course, under the leadership of Secretary Zhu, our city will enter a period of rapid development. The economic growth rate and GDP will remain at a high level every year. In the future, our city will realize free medical care, free education and free public transportation for all. I believe that it will not take long for our city to cross the primary stage of socialism. Fei Xuyu said confidently.

"Jiao Sui City can achieve such achievements, naturally, it is inseparable from the correct leadership of Secretary Zhu and Mayor Fei, but no matter what, it has two sides." Zhang Qingyuan knew that Zhu Daidong was transferred from Gunan Province. Now Zhu Daidong's practice in Jiao Sui is the same as that of Mu Chuan. If Jiao Sui's fiscal revenue can catch up with Mu Chuan, he believes that Jiao Sui will be better than Mu Chuan in the future.

"I don't know what Director Zhang means?" Fei Xuyu was surprised that Jiao Sui only turned into a prefecture-level city this year. If Jiao Sui's GDP ranks at the end of the province this year, no one will jump out. But if Jiao Sui breaks someone else's **, I'm afraid someone will be jealous.

Someone once said that when you are superior to most people, others will envy you. But if you are only a few people superior, these people will be jealous of you, but if you are only superior to one person, this person will hate you.

"In the afternoon, Comrade Liu Suifeng from Yang City called me." Zhang Qingyuan is really straightforward. He is now on the side of Jiao Sui in his heart, so he doesn't want Jiao Sui's good situation to be destroyed.

"Willow with the wind?" Fei Xuyu was shocked. Liu Suifeng is not an ordinary person. He is the current secretary of the municipal party committee of the city. After Jiao Sui was approved by the State Council to establish a prefecture-level city this year, Shuichang City was also separated from the city. This year, the GDP of Jiao Sui exceeded 30 billion yuan, which is likely to exceed the city

"Yes, in the province's GDP ranking this year, Jiao Sui should be in the tenth place, and the city is at the bottom." As the director of the Provincial Bureau of Statistics, Zhang Qingyuan is naturally very clear about these data.

"I don't know how Director Liu replied to Comrade Liu Suifeng?" Fei Xuyu asked, if it were someone else, he would definitely not ask such a question, but for Zhang Qingyuan, if he didn't say it directly, I'm afraid he would answer the wrong question.

"I have always told the truth. Although no formal conclusion has been reached yet, from the perspective of the work of the inspection team this year, the data reported by Jiao Sui City should be relatively accurate." Zhang Qingyuan said that he didn't care that Liu Suifeng was the secretary of the municipal party committee, and as far as he knew, the data in the city was relatively large. At present, the total GDP difference between the two cities is only more than 200 million, which is why Liu Suifeng specially called him.

If Zhang Qingyuan can get stuck on Jiao Sui's data, then the penultimate in the province is Jiao Sui. As long as the city can keep the penultimate position this year, there will be plenty of time to surpass Jiao Sui next year.

"Det Director Zhang Yingming, you should also know that Secretary Dai Dong has given Su Qianfeng a serious warning within the party for the matter of pouring water into the data of the Bureau of Statistics. In addition, the municipal government will also give him an administrative record. I can assure you that there will never be any more water in the statistical work of Jiao Sui City in the future. Fei Xuyu said that although he felt that such punishment was a little strict, only in this way could the work of the Bureau of Statistics operate normally.

"Mayor Fei, it seems that I can go back to the provincial capital in advance." Zhang Qingyuan said that he had only been focusing on statistical work, but after listening to Fei Xuyu's introduction today, he knew that Zhu Daidong's plan to focus on was ambitious. If Jiao Sui can really do this, then Jiao Sui will become the most popular city in the province in the future. RS