Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1826 Each has his own thoughts

There are small changes in the previous chapter. Two thousand has become three thousand. Friends who have subscribed in advance can read it again.

Zhu Daidong is still depressed. Why hasn't the water chief reported the situation of the Junsha Village case to him? The original problem is here. Seeing that Zhu Daidong did not know, Yang Shiguang immediately reported to him the details of Kang Jinsheng's investigation of the Junsha Village case. Of course, when reporting, Yang Suguang also mentioned the practical difficulties faced by the Public Security Bureau of Shuichang City, such as the leakage of secrets. If Junsha Village had not received the news in advance and arranged personnel to escape overnight, I'm afraid that the case would have been closed long ago.

"Secretary Zhu, why don't I go to Shuichang City?" Yang Shuguang saw that Zhu Daidong's face was as calm as water, and he could not see his joy and anger at all. He was uneasy and said softly.

"If Kang Jinsheng can't even take down such a case, what else can he do as the director of the public security bureau?" Zhu Daidong glanced at Yang Shiguang and said coldly. This is the internal affairs of Shuichang City, and it is not a particularly serious case. Let the municipal bureau intervene. What does it look like? At that time, when Meng Yulong wanted to report the case to the municipal bureau, he stopped him. The case happened in Shuichang City. If the higher public security organ is asked to solve the case, I'm afraid Shuichang City will not be good-looking. If it's a very complicated and serious case, that's all. Such a case is handed over to Kang Jinsheng. In fact, it smells like killing chickens with a ox knife.

"Secretary Zhu, in fact, Kang Jinsheng can't be completely blamed for this matter. After all, he has only been in office for a long time and does not understand the political situation in Shuichang City. If someone hadn't leaked the secret this time, it wouldn't have caused the current situation. Yang Shiguang said, in the final analysis, it was because Kang Jinsheng's political awareness was not high, otherwise, ten Junsha villages would also be taken down.

Zhu Daidong listened quietly. Yang Shuguang's words made him have some tinnitus. It seems that Yang Shuguang did not tell the truth. The case of Junsha Village is actually not complicated. There are Meng Yulong and himself as witness, as well as the physical evidence in Meng Yulong's hand, and Kang Jinsheng also went to the outside of Junsha Village to investigate in person. How can such a situation happen?

"Have you found the person who leaked the secret?" Zhu Daidong asked.

"It seems to have something to do with Lu Wencheng, the secretary of Junsha Village." Yang Sheguang hesitated for a moment and said.

"Does Lu Wencheng have any background?" Zhu Daidong asked in a low voice that the case was questioned by himself. Even if Lu Wencheng had a big background, he should not let him succeed, right?

"You don't need to say, the case of Junsha Village, no matter who is involved, what should be arrested, what should be judged, what should be killed!" Zhu Daidong said seriously that when he saw Yang Shiguang's hesitation, he knew that Lu Wencheng was probably related to which major leader of Shuichang City, and it might even be related to the leaders of the city.

"I will tell Kang Jinsheng." When Yang Shuguang spoke, the corners of his mouth gently raised up, but soon calmed down.

"You don't think I don't know what you're thinking. Kang Jinsheng's wishful thinking is too well. Tell him that after the case is solved, write an in-depth inspection and hand it in immediately." Zhu Daidong glanced at Yang Shiguang and said with a smile.

"Secretary Zhu's eyes are like a torch, and he really can't hide anything from you." Yang Shiguang was stared at by Zhu Daidong's eyes and said with a smile.

Perhaps Kang Jinsheng waited for Zhu Daidong's attitude. On the afternoon of the day Yang Shuguang reported the case on his behalf, Kang Jinsheng took action. The first is to control Lu Wencheng. When Lu Wencheng learned that it was a person from the Economic Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, a trace of contempt and mockery flashed in his eyes. But when he found out that it was Kang Jinsheng, the director of the Public Security Bureau, who led the team, he began to panic a little. But he thinks that all the traces have been disposed of. As the saying goes, thieves take the stolen, catch the traitors, and the public security bureau can't do anything to me without evidence, right?

After bringing Lu Wencheng, Kang Jinsheng did not immediately arrange an interrogation. The first interrogation was the village head Lu Haijun. Although the Lu Haijun arrived in the provincial capital, it was easy for the public security bureau to find him. Looking at the Lu navy passing in front of him "inadvertently", Lu Wencheng was stunned.

Lu Wencheng's eyes naturally fell into Kang Jinsheng's eyes. He knew that the time was ripe to interrogate Lu Wencheng. Lu Wencheng can do anything in Junsha Village, but when he goes to the interrogation room of the Public Security Bureau, he can't resist all kinds of interrogations by violent organs. Especially when Lu Wencheng learned about the matter of Junsha Village, Secretary Zhu of the Municipal Party Committee had already questioned and gave instructions that no matter who was involved, he should investigate it to the end, his psychological defense line quickly collapsed.

The question that Kang Jinsheng is most interested in is, as a small village secretary, where did his news come from? You should know that many people in the city don't know about Junsha Village, not to talk about the towns below. Lu Wencheng told Kang Jinsheng that the reason why he knew the news in advance was mainly because of his wife Jiang Min. Although Jiang Min is just an ordinary rural woman, she is the relative of Jiang Rong, the mayor of Shuichang City. Most importantly, Jiang Min's mother happened to be working as a nanny at the mayor's house.

After learning the result, Kang Jinsheng felt that he was too cautious. After the suspect in Junsha Village ran away, he thought it was the result of a tip-off from a leader in the city. Although he is the head of the public security bureau, he is not ranked high in the city. So when investigating the case, it is natural to cringe. He neither wants to be exploited nor involved in the political struggle in the city.

As soon as Lu Wencheng was arrested, Jiang Min was restless at home. She knew very well what Lu Wencheng had done in the village. His family is not only the largest casino in the village, but also Lu Wencheng, as the village secretary, who also charges management fees for other casinos in the village. And these expenses, of course, have fallen into their own pockets. For so many years, because of the special relationship between their family and Mayor Jiang, the leaders of the town and the city are very polite to Lu Wencheng. Junsha Village Casino is very famous, and even some people in the city will come to play a few games on weekends.

But this time, the Public Security Bureau seems to be serious. After Lu Wencheng was taken away, she immediately went to the town police station to inquire about the news, but the director, who turned out to have a good relationship, was very worried this time. After she left the police station, the director chased her out and told her that the police station had not intervened in the case at all and asked her to find the relationship immediately, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Fortunately, this time, it is only the economic investigation brigade of the municipal bureau, which did not disturb the city. If you find a relationship now, it may not be too late. Otherwise, it won't be as simple as sentencing!"

Seeing the worries in the director's eyes, Jiang Min was both moved and worried. But what she didn't know was that the director's worry was not because of Lu Wencheng, but because of himself. If the case of Junsha Village is investigated and dealt with, he, the director of the police station, will be to blame.

The director suggested that she go to Shuichang City immediately. Jiang Min did not hesitate and immediately took the shuttle bus to the city. The main reason why Lu Wencheng can occupy the village secretary of Junsha Village is still with her. Because she is from the same family as Mayor Jiang Rong, and there are no five clothes between them. The five servers are relatively different, and most importantly, her mother is still working as a nanny at Jiang Rong's house. With this relationship, she can often take the opportunity to visit her mother to visit Jiang Rong.

This time, the city wants to fight against Junsha Village, which is what Jiang Min's mother told her. Otherwise, with Lu Wencheng's character, how can he always occupy the position of the village secretary? As soon as she arrived at Jiang Rong's house, Jiang Min immediately cried to her mother. Of course, she would not mention the real situation to her mother. She only said that the public security bureau suddenly took Lu Wencheng away for no reason. The way she cried naturally made her mother feel uncomfortable.

Although Jiang's mother is only Jiang Rong's nanny, she is a seven-grade official of the prime minister's family, and her nanny is Jiang Rong's relative, so she still has a certain ability to do things in the city. Although she is also a woman from the countryside, she has seen some people in Jiang Rong's family over the years and soon calmed down.

"I heard from Jiang Rong that the gambling phenomenon in Junsha Village is very serious, and many people in the village sell counterfeit money. Did Wencheng participate in it?" Jiang's mother asked.

"There are indeed people selling counterfeit money in the village, but Wen Cheng often warns them that this kind of illegal thing should not be done. A few days ago, a meeting was held. Now all the people selling counterfeit money in the village have run out. As for Wen Cheng, I can assure you that he is absolutely not involved in this matter." Jiang Min said solemnly that Lu Wencheng did not participate in the sale of counterfeit money. After all, this matter was too blatant, so she secretly changed the concept and was not noticed by her mother.

"As long as Wencheng is not involved, it will be fine. You go back first. I'll find an opportunity to talk to Jiang Rong about this matter." Jiang's mother said that Jiang Rong respected her very much and always called her sister-in-law, and Jiang Rong didn't let her call the mayor, as long as she called her name directly.

"Mom, Wencheng was caught in. If there is no result, I can't stand it even more when I go back." Jiang Min doesn't want to leave. As long as Mayor Jiang can make a phone call, Lu Wencheng will be fine. If I go back at this time, I don't know when Mayor Jiang will pay attention to this matter.

"If you can't stand it, you have to go back." Jiang's mother said that although Jiang Rong respects her very much, she can't take an inch, and she still has to do her best to be a nanny.

"Mom..." Jiang Min pouted and said dissatisfiedly.

But at this time, the sound of opening the door suddenly came from the door. Jiang Min looked back and Jiang Rong, dressed in professional clothes, came in. She also saw Jiang Min and nodded to her with a smile: "Jiang Min, here we are."

"Hon, Mayor Jiang." Jiang Min quickly wiped her tears and stood up and said.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Jiang Rong's keen eyes saw Jiang Minhong's eyes, looked at Jiang's mother, and asked.

"Actually, it's okay. Her husband was arrested by the public security bureau and asked me to cry." Jiang's mother said calmly. She knew that such a thing must not be proposed to Jiang Rong on the initiative, otherwise it would only be counterproductive. Now Jiang Rong has asked by the way that as long as he goes on, he can naturally lead to Lu Wencheng's matter. RS