Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1928 Please

After Lin Xuefei was drunk, he talked a lot to Zhu Daidong. She told Zhu Daidong why she wanted a registered permanent residence in the capital. As a non-Beijing person, it is too difficult to survive in the capital.

Let's talk about eating first. You must use gas to cook. Outsiders who do not have a "gas notebook" for Beijing residents can only buy "negotiable" gas, and the price is nearly double that of "flat price". Although one can of gas is only more than 20 or 30 yuan, you have to use seven or eight cans in a year. Unconsciously, you spend more than 100 yuan more than the people in the capital.

Don't underestimate such a small thing as "gas". In 1993, the "Economic Blue News" of China Youth Daily published the appeal of Jiang, a postdoctoral student who came back from the United States, "I dare not want a duty-free car, I just want a gas book." Even the doctor studying in the United States is worried about this "gas capital".

Besides, when taking the bus, people in the capital can have a monthly ticket when they go out to take the bus, enjoy government subsidies, and also have a monthly ticket when taking the subway. The Beijing bus company had earlier stipulated that people without capital household registration could not buy a monthly bus ticket. Monthly park tickets in some places also need to be issued with the resident ID card of the people of the capital.

There is also consumer discrimination. For example, in the octagonal area of the capital, the Beijing Power Supply Bureau currently charges this for domestic electricity consumption: households in the capital charge .4 yuan per liter of electricity, and foreign renters charge .82 yuan per liter per liter. Even the garbage charging standards are different. At the beginning of this year, the capital announced the garbage charging standards, stipulating that people from other places who come to Beijing should charge two yuan per person per month. Remember, it is per person per month! Residents in Beijing charge three yuan per household per month. How many people are there in one household? Although it is only dozens or hundreds of yuan a year, it will make people feel discriminated against.

Even mobile companies have a "rule". Foreigners cannot enter the network when buying GSM mobile phones in Beijing. They must have a Beijing resident ID card as a guarantee to enter the network.


Not only do migrant workers in the capital have a lot of troubles, but many "white-collar workers" in foreign companies have a lot of troubles because they do not have a registered permanent residence in Beijing. Without a household registration, you can't apply for a passport or visa in the capital, and you must go back to your place of origin to apply for it. If the passbook is lost, although it can be lost, it is impossible to take out the money in it. It must be accompanied by the residents of the capital and show their ID cards to do so. Who has calculated such an account? In terms of life, how much do outsiders spend more than the residents of the capital?

In addition, there are inequalities in personal restrictions, employment restrictions, children's education...

Of course, the capital also has a household registration system, but the threshold is so high that even successful private enterprises like Niu Zijin can only be afraid. If you want to apply for a permanent residence in a major city, the enterprise will pay more than 800,000 yuan per year for three consecutive years, or the total tax payment in the past three years will reach 3 million yuan. At the same time, the municipal personnel among the employees of the enterprise have remained at more than 100 or more than 90% of the total number of employees for three consecutive years.

If you want to apply for a registered permanent residence in the suburbs of the capital and counties outside the main urban areas, the enterprise must pay more than 400,000 yuan per year for three consecutive years or the total tax payment for the past three years must reach 1.5 million yuan. At the same time, the municipal personnel among the employees of the enterprise must be more than 50 or more than

"Isn't it more difficult to get a green card in the United States than to get a green card in the United States?" Zhu Daidong said in surprise that he never thought that it would be so difficult to get a household registration in the capital. He suddenly thought of Jiao Sui. Now he is also very strict in the management of household registration. After all, Jiao Sui has more and more benefits. But if you compare it with the capital, it's simply a little witch.

"Who said no? We have also found other ways to associate with high-tech enterprises in the capital, or other accounts that can solve the household registration, but that is mainly for college students who have just graduated." Lin Xuefei said with a wry smile that if they are newly graduated college students, they can solve it with a cost of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, but now, I'm afraid that two times ten may not solve the problem.

"Xue Fei, I know that you actually love Zijin very much, and Zijin also loves you very much. You stop outside the marriage hall because of a household registration. Do you think this is good? I will help you solve the problem of household registration, even if it is a wedding gift for you. Zhu Daidong smiled and gave birth.

"You..., don't joke, we'll take it." Lin Xuefei also drank a little too high. He narrowed his eyes and said with a smile. She learned from Niu Zijin that Zhu Daidong was just an ordinary teacher. How could he solve his household registration problem? Does he really have such great ability to be a teacher?

Zhu Daidong easily did not promise, but he made a promise that even if there were many difficulties, he would find a way to solve it. Although Lin Xuefei didn't take his words seriously, he was thinking about how to do it. With his relationship with Ouyang Fei and Chu Mingtang, no matter who he comes forward with, he can easily solve the problem.

However, Zhu Daidong did not want to disturb them easily. In the view of Niu Zijin and Lin Xuefei, the household registration problem is a roadblock on their marriage. However, in Zhu Daidong's opinion, it was a bit of a big deal to let Ouyang Fei or Chu Mingtang solve their household registration problem. How can they use a cow knife to kill chickens? Even if they don't think so, Zhu Daidong is a little embarrassed.

This problem can also be easily solved by Feng Huanlan, director of Muchuan's Beijing Office or Lin Peng, director of Jiao Sui's Beijing Office. But Zhu Daidong is also a little hesitant. This is his own private business. After pretending to help himself, he will owe a favor. Zhu Daidong can owe any kind of debt, but he doesn't want to owe human debt. Such debt is the most difficult to repay.

"Xue Fei, you've drunk a lot. That's all for today. I'll take you back." Zhu Daidong stood up and went outside to settle the bill. After Lin Xuefei saw it, although he was already drunk, he had to grab the invoice and return the money to Zhu Daidong.

After sending Lin Xuefei to the community she rented with Niu Zijin, Zhu Daidong called Niu Zijin, "Zijin, haven't you finished your work yet?" Zhu Daidong asked with a smile, and he suddenly heard a familiar voice. The last time he went to fish for Goslin, he met Shang Jianfeng, the deputy director of the Yang family police station.

"I'll take a while. Have you finished eating?" Niu Zijin can be regarded as a successful businessman. He is in front of law enforcement officers, but he can only be classified as ordinary people. He picked up his mobile phone and immediately ran out of the box to answer the phone.

When he received the phone call in the afternoon, he was very happy, but when he arrived here, he knew that he didn't want to invite himself to dinner at all. It was just that they didn't pay the bill for dinner and called him to pay the bill. Except for a policeman who worked as an insider, everyone else met for the first time. After these people arrived, they only talked to themselves and put him aside.

"Yes, I have sent Xue Fei back. She is a little drunk. Please come back early to take care of her." Zhu Daidong said.

"Okay, Daidong, I'm sorry. I'll contact you tomorrow." Niu Zijin said, sometimes he also thought, just go back to his hometown for development. He now has a fortune of hundreds of millions. If he goes back to his hometown for development, it can also be regarded as a successful person to return to his hometown to invest.

"Well, I'll contact you tomorrow. I'll go first." Zhu Daidong has thought of a suitable candidate. It's better not to tell Niu Zijin for the time being before solving the problem.

"Dai Dong, why haven't you come yet?" As soon as Zhu Daidong left the community, he received a phone call from Gosling. Zhu Daidong said that he would go to the Chang'an Club, but so far, he has not seen his shadow.

"Are you still there? Well, I'm coming now. By the way, Lao Gao, did you have the phone number of Deputy Director Shang of the Yangjia Police Station last time? Zhu Daidong asked that Shang Jianfeng wanted to exchange phone calls with him last time, but Zhu Daidong did not answer the question.

"Yes, why, are you going to fish for people again?" Gosling said with a smile that he didn't know what was wrong with Shang Jianfeng at that time. He was completely different. When he left the police station, he took the initiative to give him the phone and told him that if there was anything to do in the future, he could come to him at any time.

"If you want to do something with him, you can send it to my mobile phone." Zhu Daidong said that although Shang Jianfeng was next to Niu Zijin, it was difficult for him to call Niu Zijin.

Niu Zijin was very strange to see a strange phone number. Although he didn't know who the phone number was, he still knew it very well. He wanted to hang up, but after a moment's hesitation, he answered the phone.

"Hello, who is it?" There was a sense of majesty and self-confidence in Shang Jianfeng's voice.

"Are you still the director? I'm Zhu Daidong from the Central Party School. Didn't you bother me?" Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"Zhu Daidong?" Shang Jianfeng's mind suddenly changed his mind and suddenly thought of the young man who drove the special car of Director Ouyang Fei that night. Although he didn't know what his identity was, being able to study at the Central Party School itself explained the problem. Hello, hello, I'm fine, please tell me.

When Niu Zijin heard the name "Zhu Daidong", he was suddenly excited all over his body. Isn't it such a coincidence? A voice in his heart told him, no, no, no, Zhu Daidong is just an ordinary teacher, just the same name as Zhu Daidong mentioned by Deputy Director Shang.

"Shang, I don't know when you are free. I want to ask you something." Zhu Daidong said with a smile.

"Akay, I'm free tonight." Shang Jianfeng immediately said that although there are still programs in the evening, it is not comparable to any program to have a good relationship with Zhu Daidong.

"Well, I'll be at the Chang'an Club in the evening. If you have time, come over." Zhu Daidong said lightly.

"All right, Chang'an Club, I'll come over later." Shang Jianfeng hurriedly said that he didn't know what Zhu Daidong wanted to ask him, but with the relationship between Zhu Daidong and Ouyang Fei, no matter what he wanted to do, he had to do his best.

Niu Zijin would like to ask Shang Jianfeng, is Zhu Daidong in his mouth his classmate? Although the voice in his heart told him that Zhu Daidong was not Zhu Daidong, if he didn't ask, he would always be unsteady. But Shang Jianfeng didn't give him this opportunity. As soon as he hung up the phone, he left immediately. RS