Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1931 Accident

From the next day, Zhu Daidong will go to a hotel next to No. 10 Road, Fuxing Road every afternoon and book a room there from 2:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. every day. Zhu Daidong can not only know Tian Lin's work every day, but also know everything that happens to the Ministry of Railways.

Half a month later, Tian Lin received several report letters. Although they were anonymous, the facts were clear and the evidence was conclusive, especially some details, which were so clear that it was jaw-dropping.

"Brother Tian, your Commission for Discipline Inspection should have done something, right?" Naturally, Zhu Daidong could not tell Tian Lin that those report letters were from him. Although Tian Lin sincerely asked him to make suggestions, he paid attention to some things. After all, Tian Lin is now a deputy ministerial-level cadre.

"Yes, Minister Wang hopes that the style and discipline of the department can take another step." Tian Lin said that, especially the report letter received two days ago, if the department does not take measures, I'm afraid it will be sent to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. In that case, the department will be passive.

"I hope Brother Tian can get a good start." Zhu Daidong said with a smile that although he had sent several report letters, the main purpose was still focused on Peng Houming, deputy director of the Transportation Bureau. If Tian Lin can take down Peng Houming, his job will be completely opened.

"Dai Dong, this is some information from the Transportation Bureau. Can you help me see if there is any problem?" Tian Lin took out a thick pile of information and said. Although he introduced the information of the Transportation Bureau to Zhu Daidong, it was mainly focused on Peng Houming.

"Good." Zhu Daidong received the information and just flipped it over. He concluded that it was Peng Houming's material. "Brother Tian, are you going to investigate this person this time?"

"We have received the report, and he has a lot of questions." Tian Lin said in a low voice. Although the contents of the report letter have only happened recently, he believes that as long as there is an in-depth investigation, it will definitely be uprooted.

The next day, Zhu Daidong called Tian Lin. He told Tian Lin with great certainty that there must be something wrong with the person on this information. Brother Tian. This man is from the Transportation Bureau, right? Do I know him?"

"Don't ask so much. I may be busy during this period. I'll tell you in detail after checking these cases." Tian Lin said that since he had made a decision to investigate Peng Houming and others, he naturally could no longer be distracted. He even decided to live in the unit during this period so that he could keep abreast of the latest situation.

The agency has no secrets. As the deputy director of the Transportation Bureau, Peng Houming needs to often report to the leaders of the department. And there has been a rumor for a long time, and Tian Lin will attack the Transportation Bureau after taking office. Peng Houming was naturally careful and walked on thin ice in the office, for fear of becoming someone else's scapegoat if he was not careful.

Peng Houming naturally knew that his buttocks were not clean, but he always believed that as long as he did not make a head bird, the organization would not do anything to himself. Although he is not a discipline inspection cadre. But he is very clear about the corruption and bribery of some people in the ministry, according to his current level. It can't even rank in the top ten in the department. How can it be filed by the Commission for Discipline Inspection?

But the truth is so cruel that when he heard the news, he almost didn't believe his ears. But then the comrades of the Commission for Discipline Inspection talked to him, which made his mood suddenly fall to the bottom. Of course, no matter who it is. The organizational investigation was strongly denied at the beginning, but the people of the Commission for Discipline Inspection obviously had his real evidence. The other party threw out questions one by one, and each question was enough to make him severely punished. When he answered every question. They are all scared.

Peng Houming never thought that the Commission for Discipline Inspection had even mastered what had just happened. A few days ago, he just met with a person in the timber business and promised to approve some car skins for others. Today, the Commission for Discipline Inspection not only knew about this, but also knew the number of car skins. Chu. As for the tens of thousands of yuan that man gave him, he naturally can't hide it from the staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. This made Peng Houming suddenly shudder. If the Commission for Discipline Inspection knew his situation in such detail, it would be useless for him to quibble.

Peng Houming went to the home of Vice Minister Niu Jiefang that night and cried to him and admitted the problems found by the Commission for Discipline Inspection. He not only handed over the money received to the organization, but also left a password box in Niu Jiefang's home. Niu Jiefang has been appointed as the party secretary of the Ministry of Railways in September last year. According to the practice of the Ministry of Railways, after Wang Zhihuan arrives next year, he will be the best choice to take over as minister. If he can express his attitude on Peng Houming's issue, he may be able to let Peng Houming escape.

"Comrade Peng Houming, you forgot something in my house." After waiting for Peng Houming to leave, Niu Jiefang talked to him on the phone and said seriously.

"Minister Niu, you made a mistake. How can I forget something in your house?" Peng Houming asked knowingly that he knew Niu Jiefang's character. If he wanted to pass the test this time, he had to be willing to spend his blood. It was a box full of RMB. He could not mention Niu Jiefang's family in one breath.

But as long as he can pass this barrier, Peng Houming is willing to pay no matter how much the price is. He also knows that Niu will definitely serve as a minister after liberation. At that time, he will have the power to take over the power, and there is still hope for him as a deputy director to become a regular. So no matter how big the investment is now, it will not suffer losses.

"Isn't that box yours?" Niu Jiefang asked lightly.

"Minister Niu, you made a mistake. That's not mine." Peng Houming said with a smile.

"You comrade, do you want me to make a mistake? Go to the office tomorrow and take the box back!" Niu Jiefang said firmly.

"Minister Niu, I can't take it if it's not mine." Peng Houming said in a hurry.

But Niu Jiefang insisted on this, and Peng Houming was suddenly uncertain. The next morning, as soon as he arrived at the office, he received a phone call from Secretary Niu Jiefang and asked him to go to Minister Niu's office. As soon as Peng Houming entered the office, he saw his password box at the door. He was pale at that time. If this line was broken, he would be doomed this time.

"Comrade Hou Ming, I asked you to come here mainly to listen to the recent work of the Transportation Bureau. In addition, please take your things back." Niu Jiefang looked at Peng Houming and said lightly.

"Minister Niu..." Peng Houming sat tremblingly in the chair opposite Niu Jiefang and briefly reported his work, but he introduced more about his achievements over the years. He has made great efforts and sacrifices for the Party.

"Comrade Hou Ming, I didn't know enough about your situation before, and there was a lack of communication between us. It seems that we need to communicate more in the future. The Commission for Discipline Inspection is not only responsible for the organization, but also responsible for you. As long as the comrades who can stand the test are good comrades. Niu Jiefang said slowly.

"I believe in the organization, and I also hope that the organization can give me a fair and just result." The more Peng Houming listened, the brighter his eyes became. Then he noticed that Niu Jiefang had changed his name from "Comrade Peng Houming" to "Comrade Houming". Although there is only one word difference, the meaning is completely different.

After Peng Houming left, he carried the suitcase in his hand. Fortunately, he had been mentally prepared for a long time, otherwise he would make a fool of himself. After hurried back to his office with the box, Peng Houming couldn't wait to open it, and the inside was really empty. Although the RMB in it is missing, Peng Houming is a little at a loss of excitement. If he can't do it this time, he will get good luck because of misfortune, and his work and career will have a bumper harvest.

Originally, the Commission for Discipline Inspection would talk to Peng Houming in the morning, which was scheduled yesterday, but Peng Houming sat in the office in the morning without receiving any notice. In the morning, Tian Lin received a notice from Niu Jiefang and asked him to report on the recent work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Niu Jiefangming clearly expressed his attitude to the Commission for Discipline Inspection's investigation of the comrades in the department because of only a few report letters. The Commission for Discipline Inspection can't listen to the wind or rain. It is easy to investigate a comrade, but the harm and impact caused to that comrade is irreparable.

If the situation is investigated and verified, it will be fine, but the Commission for Discipline Inspection obviously does not believe in his comrades. Niu Jiefang also talked about Peng Houming's situation. He pointed out to Tian Lin that Peng Houming is a good comrade with strong party spirit, politics, considering the overall situation, discipline, vigorous, and forbidden. He also read the report letter, and the situation mentioned above is nonsense. It is said that Peng Houming accepted bribes, but Comrade Peng Houming only took money for work, and collected money only to reassure the other party, and then handed the money to the organization.

Niu Jiefang's voice was fierce, which made Tian Lin speechless. He really had no conclusive evidence, so he decided to investigate Peng Houming. However, judging from yesterday's investigation, Peng Houming must have a problem. Niu Jiefang interrupted Tian Lin's words and said that Comrade Peng Houming's situation would not be investigated for the time being if there was no other evidence. As for other cases, the Commission for Discipline Inspection can continue to investigate.

This time, the Commission for Discipline Inspection investigated a total of six people, among which Peng Houming's position is the most important and the highest level. If Peng Houming's case is over, how can the Commission for Discipline Inspection trust others? How does Tian Lin work? Don't talk about building prestige. It's good not to be the laughing stock of the ministry.

"Dai Dong, do you have time for a drink in the evening?" Tian Lin has never been criticized by the leader in front of him. Niu Jiefang is the secretary of the party group, and the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection is indeed carried out under his leadership. Knowing that Peng Houming had a problem, he couldn't investigate, which made Tian Lin feel very depressed.

"Brother Tian, I'm afraid I can't do it at night. Will you treat me to a celebration wine?" Zhu Daidong smiled and said that he followed Peng Houming to Niu Jiefang's home last night. At this time, Tian Lin called. Obviously, things had changed, but he really didn't have time to accompany Tian Lin at night. ( To be continued...) RT