Mistake into officialdom

Chapter 1971 Confirm

The robbery, murder and attack on the police occurred in Chishui City, Hunan Province. With the passage of time, the impact has become greater and greater. In particular, the people of Hunan Province and Gunan Province are now more and more aware of this case, and the panic caused by the people is getting bigger and bigger. The department has given instructions that the case must be solved as soon as possible!

Yang Shiguang did not think that the four suspects arrested by Jiao Sui this time would be run over by Hunan Province. After all, Hunan Province and Gunan Province have dispatched tens of thousands of police officers. No matter how stupid the criminals are, they will not come to the city, will they? However, Yang Xiguang still reported to Zhu Daidong as soon as possible. Zhu Daidong instructed to interrogate quickly.

An hour later, Zhu Daidong called Yang Shuguang to inquire about the latest progress of the case. Yang's forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat. After the four people arrived at the public security bureau, they insisted that they were looking for work. Their ID cards are real, carry things with them, and there are no contraband. It's just that the people involved in the interrogation feel that they have a special smell and should be carried behind their backs.

"Well, I'll come over." Zhu Daidong said that relying on the interrogation methods of the Public Security Bureau, although it is very professional, it is not enough to make progress in a moment. And he only needs to listen to it, and he can immediately judge whether these people came from Hunan Province.

The interrogation room of the Public Security Bureau has that kind of transparent glass, which can not only observe the status of the people under trial at any time, but also record the interrogation. At the same time, the control room here can also contact the interrogation room at any time. If you find a problem, you can correct it immediately.

"Try the four of them in turn, and focus on asking them about the case in Hunan Province." Zhu Daidong looked at it for a while. Say it. Now tens of thousands of police forces in Gunan Province and Hunan Province have been moved, and North Hunan Province has also begun to strengthen public security recently. The Ministry of Public Security has sent a notice to Xiangbei Province to build another 1,000-kilometer encirclement with Hunan Province as the center, so that criminals must not escape.

Although Zhu Daidong rarely dictates to the handling of cases by the Public Security Bureau, as long as he gives instructions, it must be reasonable. Yang Shiguang immediately conveyed Zhu Daidong's instructions and let the four suspects take turns to come in for interrogation. At each interrogation, in addition to re-asking their names, gender, home addresses and other routine questions. The point is to ask what they have done in Hunan Province? Everyone's answer is the same. They haven't been to Hunan Province at all this year, and it's impossible to do anything in Hunan Province.

"These four people have problems, especially the one named Hong Fuqiang, who should be their leader." Zhu Daidong came to a conclusion based on his own judgment. After saying that, he smiled again: "Of course, this is just my personal opinion. There is no scientific basis, it's just a feeling.

"Zhu [Book] Remember the golden eyes of fire, the criminals must have nothing to hide in front of you." Yang Shuguang flattered him casually. No matter whether Zhu Daidong said it was correct or not, it was always right to follow his instructions first.

"You ask the interrogator to ask again. Are they the group of people who robbed, killed and attacked the police in Hunan Province? In order to determine his own judgment, Zhu Daidong asked them to ask another question.

When hearing this question, the heartbeat of the four people suddenly accelerated a lot, but the psychological quality of Hong Fuqiang was very good, compared with the other three. His heartbeat basically remained the same. Now Zhu Daidong had a bottom of his mind. In addition to letting the Public Security Bureau continue to interrogate them intermittently. Yang Shiguang was asked to report to the provincial department in the name of Jiao Sui City Public Security Bureau. Jiao Sui arrested four suspects in the robbery and murder case in Xiang Province.

"Yang Xiguang, you're not mistaken, can you say that casually." After receiving the report, Zhu Zhixi was very surprised. When Zhu Daidong came back from the capital, he specifically reported to him to strengthen public security in the province, but he rejected it. However, I didn't expect that after only a few days, the Ministry of Public Security deployed it uniformly and let Xiangbei Province join the scope of deployment.

Now Jiao Sui reported again, saying that he had caught the criminal suspect, and naturally he didn't believe it. If these criminals are so easy to catch, can they still escape the blockade of Hunan Province and Gunan Province? Even if they really escaped to Jiao Sui, there must be no fw. Maybe they have been let go by Jiao Sui long ago. If Jiao Sui deliberately disrupts the detection of the case in order to make contributions, not only can't afford such a responsibility, but even he, the provincial political and legal committee [book] and director of the public security department, can't afford it.

"Bamboo [Book], I absolutely dare not fool around on such a question. I dare to guarantee with the principle of party spirit that the perpetrators of the robbery, murder and assault of the police in Hunan Province have been arrested in our coke. Yang Shuguang said that he was not because he was full of confidence, but because of Zhu Daidong. Even if Zhu Daidong really made a mistake, the responsibility should be borne by him. This is the obligation of Zhu Daidong's most trusted subordinate.

"Okay, I'll report to the task force right away and ask them to send someone to confirm." Naturally, Zhu Zhixi also hopes that the criminal can really be arrested in northern Hunan Province. As a member of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee and the director of the Public Security Department, he is also very face-saving.

However, when Zhu Zhixi contacted Chu Mingtang, he said that he found the suspect in the suspected robbery, murder and assault case in Xiang Province in Jiao Sui, and asked them to send someone to verify the specific situation. Chu Mingtang was worried about the case. When he heard that the criminal was arrested in Jiao Sui City, he was naturally overjoyed. If it is somewhere else, maybe he will send others, but Zhu Daidong of Jiao Sui City is there, and he must check it in person.

"Daidong, the criminal in Hunan Province was arrested in Jiao Sui?" When Chu Mingtang was still on the way, he called Zhu Daidong. During this period, the task force also received a lot of clues, but every time they returned with great pleasure.

"Yes, there are a total of four criminals in Hunan Province, right? One of them is called Hong Fuqiang, who should be the main culprit. Zhu Daidong said that he is more authoritative than criminal investigation experts in this regard. Although Hong Fuqiang's group may not have confessed now, as long as he is willing to work hard, he will definitely let them speak. He just told the result. As for the process, it needs to be understood by the Public Security Bureau.

"So confident?" Chu Mingtang said with a smile. Zhu Daidong also said the name of the main criminal, which seemed full of confidence, which made the stone in his heart begin to fall.

"I dare not draw conclusions about other things, but please rest assured, Brother Chu, I will never let you down." Zhu Daidong said.

"Since you are so confident, I will let the people of the task force come over." Chu Mingtang said that he originally just wanted to determine whether Hong Fuqiang was the group of criminals. Since Zhu Daidong was so sure, it was natural to shift the focus of his work.

"There is no problem at all. Now that the criminal has reached Jiao Sui, it is useless for the task force to put it in Xiang Province." Zhu Daidong said that for so many years, his ears have never lied to him. It's different this time. Through a few questions, he can confirm that Hong Fuqiang's group are criminals in Hunan Province, but it will take a few days or even longer for Yang Fuguang to get the evidence and confession.

Chu Mingtang trusts Zhu Daidong very much. Since Zhu Daidong is so sure, he naturally wants to help Zhu Daidong win face. At the same time, he also wanted to know how this group of criminals escaped the blockade. However, when Chu Mingtang called the task force, he got the head of the task force, and Zhang Zheng's opposition from the Political and Legal Committee of Hunan Province. The case happened in Hunan Province, and the police in Hunan Province have also done a lot of work. Even if the criminal was not arrested in Hunan Province, he felt that the offender must be brought back to Hunan Province for interrogation.

"Zhang [Book]", although Jiao Sui is very sure, it has not been confirmed by the task force. If the perpetrator is brought back, it will waste a lot of manpower and material resources. Most importantly, we must hurry up. Chu Mingtang reminded that the task force is now located in Chishui City, and from Chishui City to Jiao Sui City, even if the car does not rest, it will take two days and one night, and it will take four days to go back and forth.

"The offender can go to Jiao Sui for interrogation, but the final trial must be in Hunan Province." Zhang Zheng took a step back. He also knew that the ministry and the province were keeping a close eye on the case. Now there are only a few days before the final deadline to solve the case. It can be said that if Jiao Sui fails to catch the criminal this time and the face of the task force is pale, he, the leader of the task force, will also be criticized

"I believe there is no problem with this." Chu Mingtang said that this case has little to do with Jiao Sui, and the perpetrator is very important to Hunan Province. He believes that Zhu Daidong will have such a consciousness. Besides, if you can't work by yourself, there will be Yan Pengfei. Zhu Daidong can't embarrass his father-in-law.

In order to be in a hurry, Mengmingtang did not take a bus. He took a plane directly to Huawu City in Hunan Province, and then took six or seven hours from Huawu Airport to Jiao Sui. After receiving the phone call from Zhu Zhixi, Chu Mingtang immediately set out, but when he arrived at Jiao Sui, it was already dark. Originally, the Public Security Department of North Hunan Province was to send a car to Chu Mingtang, but Chu Mingtang asked the Public Security Department of North Hunan to go to Jiao Sui to guide Jiao Sui to handle the case immediately. As for him, he would find a way to get to Jiao Sui by himself.

But how could Zhu Zhixi let Chu Mingtang go to Jiao Sui alone? Although Chu Mingtang repeatedly told him, he still sent a car to wait for Chu Mingtang at the airport. When Chu Mingtang went to Xiangbei Province, no matter how he received it, others would pick him up as a political and legal commissar [book] and the director of the public security department. Although Chu Mingtang proposed not to send a car, he really wanted to let Chu Mingtang go alone. When he was talked about in the future, Zhu Zhixi's face was pale.

Chu Mingtang had nothing but to thank Zhu Zhixi for his arrangement, but after he got on the bus, he immediately asked the driver to go directly to Jiao Sui. On the way, Zhu Daidong and Zhu Zhixi both talked to him on the phone, but Chu Mingtang did not tell them the specific time to Jiao Sui, and also told the driver not to disclose his whereabouts. He wanted to see the security situation of Jiao Sui through his own perception.

PS: The ranking these days is getting lower and lower day by day. I'm very anxious. Urgently ask for a monthly ticket! ( To be continued